/* * Copyright 2014-2015 Olivier Houchard. * Copyright 2012-2015 Samy Al Bahra. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <ck_cc.h> #include <ck_rhs.h> #include <ck_limits.h> #include <ck_md.h> #include <ck_pr.h> #include <ck_stdint.h> #include <ck_stdbool.h> #include <ck_string.h> #include "ck_internal.h" #ifndef CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_SHIFT #define CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_SHIFT 3ULL #endif /* CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_SHIFT */ #define CK_RHS_PROBE_L1 (1 << CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_SHIFT) #define CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_MASK (CK_RHS_PROBE_L1 - 1) #ifndef CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_DEFAULT #define CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_DEFAULT CK_MD_CACHELINE #endif #define CK_RHS_VMA_MASK ((uintptr_t)((1ULL << CK_MD_VMA_BITS) - 1)) #define CK_RHS_VMA(x) \ ((void *)((uintptr_t)(x) & CK_RHS_VMA_MASK)) #define CK_RHS_EMPTY NULL #define CK_RHS_G (1024) #define CK_RHS_G_MASK (CK_RHS_G - 1) #if defined(CK_F_PR_LOAD_8) && defined(CK_F_PR_STORE_8) #define CK_RHS_WORD uint8_t #define CK_RHS_WORD_MAX UINT8_MAX #define CK_RHS_STORE(x, y) ck_pr_store_8(x, y) #define CK_RHS_LOAD(x) ck_pr_load_8(x) #elif defined(CK_F_PR_LOAD_16) && defined(CK_F_PR_STORE_16) #define CK_RHS_WORD uint16_t #define CK_RHS_WORD_MAX UINT16_MAX #define CK_RHS_STORE(x, y) ck_pr_store_16(x, y) #define CK_RHS_LOAD(x) ck_pr_load_16(x) #elif defined(CK_F_PR_LOAD_32) && defined(CK_F_PR_STORE_32) #define CK_RHS_WORD uint32_t #define CK_RHS_WORD_MAX UINT32_MAX #define CK_RHS_STORE(x, y) ck_pr_store_32(x, y) #define CK_RHS_LOAD(x) ck_pr_load_32(x) #else #error "ck_rhs is not supported on your platform." #endif #define CK_RHS_MAX_WANTED 0xffff enum ck_rhs_probe_behavior { CK_RHS_PROBE = 0, /* Default behavior. */ CK_RHS_PROBE_RH, /* Short-circuit if RH slot found. */ CK_RHS_PROBE_INSERT, /* Short-circuit on probe bound if tombstone found. */ CK_RHS_PROBE_ROBIN_HOOD,/* Look for the first slot available for the entry we are about to replace, only used to internally implement Robin Hood */ CK_RHS_PROBE_NO_RH, /* Don't do the RH dance */ }; struct ck_rhs_entry_desc { unsigned int probes; unsigned short wanted; CK_RHS_WORD probe_bound; bool in_rh; const void *entry; } CK_CC_ALIGN(16); struct ck_rhs_no_entry_desc { unsigned int probes; unsigned short wanted; CK_RHS_WORD probe_bound; bool in_rh; } CK_CC_ALIGN(8); typedef long ck_rhs_probe_cb_t(struct ck_rhs *hs, struct ck_rhs_map *map, unsigned long *n_probes, long *priority, unsigned long h, const void *key, const void **object, unsigned long probe_limit, enum ck_rhs_probe_behavior behavior); struct ck_rhs_map { unsigned int generation[CK_RHS_G]; unsigned int probe_maximum; unsigned long mask; unsigned long step; unsigned int probe_limit; unsigned long n_entries; unsigned long capacity; unsigned long size; unsigned long max_entries; char offset_mask; union { struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *descs; struct ck_rhs_no_entry { const void **entries; struct ck_rhs_no_entry_desc *descs; } no_entries; } entries; bool read_mostly; ck_rhs_probe_cb_t *probe_func; }; static CK_CC_INLINE const void * ck_rhs_entry(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (map->read_mostly) return (map->entries.no_entries.entries[offset]); else return (map->entries.descs[offset].entry); } static CK_CC_INLINE const void ** ck_rhs_entry_addr(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (map->read_mostly) return (&map->entries.no_entries.entries[offset]); else return (&map->entries.descs[offset].entry); } static CK_CC_INLINE struct ck_rhs_entry_desc * ck_rhs_desc(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) return ((struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *)(void *)&map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset]); else return (&map->entries.descs[offset]); } static CK_CC_INLINE void ck_rhs_wanted_inc(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset].wanted++; else map->entries.descs[offset].wanted++; } static CK_CC_INLINE unsigned int ck_rhs_probes(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) return (map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset].probes); else return (map->entries.descs[offset].probes); } static CK_CC_INLINE void ck_rhs_set_probes(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset, unsigned int value) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset].probes = value; else map->entries.descs[offset].probes = value; } static CK_CC_INLINE CK_RHS_WORD ck_rhs_probe_bound(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) return (map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset].probe_bound); else return (map->entries.descs[offset].probe_bound); } static CK_CC_INLINE CK_RHS_WORD * ck_rhs_probe_bound_addr(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) return (&map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset].probe_bound); else return (&map->entries.descs[offset].probe_bound); } static CK_CC_INLINE bool ck_rhs_in_rh(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) return (map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset].in_rh); else return (map->entries.descs[offset].in_rh); } static CK_CC_INLINE void ck_rhs_set_rh(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset].in_rh = true; else map->entries.descs[offset].in_rh = true; } static CK_CC_INLINE void ck_rhs_unset_rh(struct ck_rhs_map *map, long offset) { if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(map->read_mostly)) map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset].in_rh = false; else map->entries.descs[offset].in_rh = false; } #define CK_RHS_DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR 50 static ck_rhs_probe_cb_t ck_rhs_map_probe; static ck_rhs_probe_cb_t ck_rhs_map_probe_rm; bool ck_rhs_set_load_factor(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned int load_factor) { struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; if (load_factor == 0 || load_factor > 100) return false; hs->load_factor = load_factor; map->max_entries = (map->capacity * (unsigned long)hs->load_factor) / 100; while (map->n_entries > map->max_entries) { if (ck_rhs_grow(hs, map->capacity << 1) == false) return false; map = hs->map; } return true; } void ck_rhs_iterator_init(struct ck_rhs_iterator *iterator) { iterator->cursor = NULL; iterator->offset = 0; return; } bool ck_rhs_next(struct ck_rhs *hs, struct ck_rhs_iterator *i, void **key) { struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; void *value; if (i->offset >= map->capacity) return false; do { value = CK_CC_DECONST_PTR(ck_rhs_entry(map, i->offset)); if (value != CK_RHS_EMPTY) { #ifdef CK_RHS_PP if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) value = CK_RHS_VMA(value); #endif i->offset++; *key = value; return true; } } while (++i->offset < map->capacity); return false; } void ck_rhs_stat(struct ck_rhs *hs, struct ck_rhs_stat *st) { struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; st->n_entries = map->n_entries; st->probe_maximum = map->probe_maximum; return; } unsigned long ck_rhs_count(struct ck_rhs *hs) { return hs->map->n_entries; } static void ck_rhs_map_destroy(struct ck_malloc *m, struct ck_rhs_map *map, bool defer) { m->free(map, map->size, defer); return; } void ck_rhs_destroy(struct ck_rhs *hs) { ck_rhs_map_destroy(hs->m, hs->map, false); return; } static struct ck_rhs_map * ck_rhs_map_create(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long entries) { struct ck_rhs_map *map; unsigned long size, n_entries, limit; n_entries = ck_internal_power_2(entries); if (n_entries < CK_RHS_PROBE_L1) n_entries = CK_RHS_PROBE_L1; if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_READ_MOSTLY) size = sizeof(struct ck_rhs_map) + (sizeof(void *) * n_entries + sizeof(struct ck_rhs_no_entry_desc) * n_entries + 2 * CK_MD_CACHELINE - 1); else size = sizeof(struct ck_rhs_map) + (sizeof(struct ck_rhs_entry_desc) * n_entries + CK_MD_CACHELINE - 1); map = hs->m->malloc(size); if (map == NULL) return NULL; map->read_mostly = !!(hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_READ_MOSTLY); map->size = size; /* We should probably use a more intelligent heuristic for default probe length. */ limit = ck_internal_max(n_entries >> (CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_SHIFT + 2), CK_RHS_PROBE_L1_DEFAULT); if (limit > UINT_MAX) limit = UINT_MAX; map->probe_limit = (unsigned int)limit; map->probe_maximum = 0; map->capacity = n_entries; map->step = ck_internal_bsf(n_entries); map->mask = n_entries - 1; map->n_entries = 0; map->max_entries = (map->capacity * (unsigned long)hs->load_factor) / 100; /* Align map allocation to cache line. */ if (map->read_mostly) { map->entries.no_entries.entries = (void *)(((uintptr_t)&map[1] + CK_MD_CACHELINE - 1) & ~(CK_MD_CACHELINE - 1)); map->entries.no_entries.descs = (void *)(((uintptr_t)map->entries.no_entries.entries + (sizeof(void *) * n_entries) + CK_MD_CACHELINE - 1) &~ (CK_MD_CACHELINE - 1)); memset(map->entries.no_entries.entries, 0, sizeof(void *) * n_entries); memset(map->entries.no_entries.descs, 0, sizeof(struct ck_rhs_no_entry_desc) * n_entries); map->offset_mask = (CK_MD_CACHELINE / sizeof(void *)) - 1; map->probe_func = ck_rhs_map_probe_rm; } else { map->entries.descs = (void *)(((uintptr_t)&map[1] + CK_MD_CACHELINE - 1) & ~(CK_MD_CACHELINE - 1)); memset(map->entries.descs, 0, sizeof(struct ck_rhs_entry_desc) * n_entries); map->offset_mask = (CK_MD_CACHELINE / sizeof(struct ck_rhs_entry_desc)) - 1; map->probe_func = ck_rhs_map_probe; } memset(map->generation, 0, sizeof map->generation); /* Commit entries purge with respect to map publication. */ ck_pr_fence_store(); return map; } bool ck_rhs_reset_size(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long capacity) { struct ck_rhs_map *map, *previous; previous = hs->map; map = ck_rhs_map_create(hs, capacity); if (map == NULL) return false; ck_pr_store_ptr(&hs->map, map); ck_rhs_map_destroy(hs->m, previous, true); return true; } bool ck_rhs_reset(struct ck_rhs *hs) { struct ck_rhs_map *previous; previous = hs->map; return ck_rhs_reset_size(hs, previous->capacity); } static inline unsigned long ck_rhs_map_probe_next(struct ck_rhs_map *map, unsigned long offset, unsigned long probes) { if (probes & map->offset_mask) { offset = (offset &~ map->offset_mask) + ((offset + 1) & map->offset_mask); return offset; } else return (offset + probes) & map->mask; } static inline unsigned long ck_rhs_map_probe_prev(struct ck_rhs_map *map, unsigned long offset, unsigned long probes) { if (probes & map->offset_mask) { offset = (offset &~ map->offset_mask) + ((offset - 1) & map->offset_mask); return offset; } else return ((offset - probes) & map->mask); } static inline void ck_rhs_map_bound_set(struct ck_rhs_map *m, unsigned long h, unsigned long n_probes) { unsigned long offset = h & m->mask; struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc; if (n_probes > m->probe_maximum) ck_pr_store_uint(&m->probe_maximum, n_probes); if (!(m->read_mostly)) { desc = &m->entries.descs[offset]; if (desc->probe_bound < n_probes) { if (n_probes > CK_RHS_WORD_MAX) n_probes = CK_RHS_WORD_MAX; CK_RHS_STORE(&desc->probe_bound, n_probes); ck_pr_fence_store(); } } return; } static inline unsigned int ck_rhs_map_bound_get(struct ck_rhs_map *m, unsigned long h) { unsigned long offset = h & m->mask; unsigned int r = CK_RHS_WORD_MAX; if (m->read_mostly) r = ck_pr_load_uint(&m->probe_maximum); else { r = CK_RHS_LOAD(&m->entries.descs[offset].probe_bound); if (r == CK_RHS_WORD_MAX) r = ck_pr_load_uint(&m->probe_maximum); } return r; } bool ck_rhs_grow(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long capacity) { struct ck_rhs_map *map, *update; const void *previous, *prev_saved; unsigned long k, offset, probes; restart: map = hs->map; if (map->capacity > capacity) return false; update = ck_rhs_map_create(hs, capacity); if (update == NULL) return false; for (k = 0; k < map->capacity; k++) { unsigned long h; prev_saved = previous = ck_rhs_entry(map, k); if (previous == CK_RHS_EMPTY) continue; #ifdef CK_RHS_PP if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) previous = CK_RHS_VMA(previous); #endif h = hs->hf(previous, hs->seed); offset = h & update->mask; probes = 0; for (;;) { const void **cursor = ck_rhs_entry_addr(update, offset); if (probes++ == update->probe_limit) { /* * We have hit the probe limit, map needs to be even larger. */ ck_rhs_map_destroy(hs->m, update, false); capacity <<= 1; goto restart; } if (CK_CC_LIKELY(*cursor == CK_RHS_EMPTY)) { *cursor = prev_saved; update->n_entries++; ck_rhs_set_probes(update, offset, probes); ck_rhs_map_bound_set(update, h, probes); break; } else if (ck_rhs_probes(update, offset) < probes) { const void *tmp = prev_saved; unsigned int old_probes; prev_saved = previous = *cursor; #ifdef CK_RHS_PP if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) previous = CK_RHS_VMA(previous); #endif *cursor = tmp; ck_rhs_map_bound_set(update, h, probes); h = hs->hf(previous, hs->seed); old_probes = ck_rhs_probes(update, offset); ck_rhs_set_probes(update, offset, probes); probes = old_probes - 1; continue; } ck_rhs_wanted_inc(update, offset); offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(update, offset, probes); } } ck_pr_fence_store(); ck_pr_store_ptr(&hs->map, update); ck_rhs_map_destroy(hs->m, map, true); return true; } bool ck_rhs_rebuild(struct ck_rhs *hs) { return ck_rhs_grow(hs, hs->map->capacity); } static long ck_rhs_map_probe_rm(struct ck_rhs *hs, struct ck_rhs_map *map, unsigned long *n_probes, long *priority, unsigned long h, const void *key, const void **object, unsigned long probe_limit, enum ck_rhs_probe_behavior behavior) { const void *k; const void *compare; long pr = -1; unsigned long offset, probes, opl; #ifdef CK_RHS_PP /* If we are storing object pointers, then we may leverage pointer packing. */ unsigned long hv = 0; if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) { hv = (h >> 25) & CK_RHS_KEY_MASK; compare = CK_RHS_VMA(key); } else { compare = key; } #else compare = key; #endif *object = NULL; if (behavior != CK_RHS_PROBE_ROBIN_HOOD) { probes = 0; offset = h & map->mask; } else { /* Restart from the bucket we were previously in */ probes = *n_probes; offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, *priority, probes); } opl = probe_limit; for (;;) { if (probes++ == probe_limit) { if (probe_limit == opl || pr != -1) { k = CK_RHS_EMPTY; goto leave; } /* * If no eligible slot has been found yet, continue probe * sequence with original probe limit. */ probe_limit = opl; } k = ck_pr_load_ptr(&map->entries.no_entries.entries[offset]); if (k == CK_RHS_EMPTY) goto leave; if (behavior != CK_RHS_PROBE_NO_RH) { struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc = (void *)&map->entries.no_entries.descs[offset]; if (pr == -1 && desc->in_rh == false && desc->probes < probes) { pr = offset; *n_probes = probes; if (behavior == CK_RHS_PROBE_RH || behavior == CK_RHS_PROBE_ROBIN_HOOD) { k = CK_RHS_EMPTY; goto leave; } } } if (behavior != CK_RHS_PROBE_ROBIN_HOOD) { #ifdef CK_RHS_PP if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) { if (((uintptr_t)k >> CK_MD_VMA_BITS) != hv) { offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probes); continue; } k = CK_RHS_VMA(k); } #endif if (k == compare) goto leave; if (hs->compare == NULL) { offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probes); continue; } if (hs->compare(k, key) == true) goto leave; } offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probes); } leave: if (probes > probe_limit) { offset = -1; } else { *object = k; } if (pr == -1) *n_probes = probes; *priority = pr; return offset; } static long ck_rhs_map_probe(struct ck_rhs *hs, struct ck_rhs_map *map, unsigned long *n_probes, long *priority, unsigned long h, const void *key, const void **object, unsigned long probe_limit, enum ck_rhs_probe_behavior behavior) { const void *k; const void *compare; long pr = -1; unsigned long offset, probes, opl; #ifdef CK_RHS_PP /* If we are storing object pointers, then we may leverage pointer packing. */ unsigned long hv = 0; if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) { hv = (h >> 25) & CK_RHS_KEY_MASK; compare = CK_RHS_VMA(key); } else { compare = key; } #else compare = key; #endif *object = NULL; if (behavior != CK_RHS_PROBE_ROBIN_HOOD) { probes = 0; offset = h & map->mask; } else { /* Restart from the bucket we were previously in */ probes = *n_probes; offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, *priority, probes); } opl = probe_limit; if (behavior == CK_RHS_PROBE_INSERT) probe_limit = ck_rhs_map_bound_get(map, h); for (;;) { if (probes++ == probe_limit) { if (probe_limit == opl || pr != -1) { k = CK_RHS_EMPTY; goto leave; } /* * If no eligible slot has been found yet, continue probe * sequence with original probe limit. */ probe_limit = opl; } k = ck_pr_load_ptr(&map->entries.descs[offset].entry); if (k == CK_RHS_EMPTY) goto leave; if ((behavior != CK_RHS_PROBE_NO_RH)) { struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc = &map->entries.descs[offset]; if (pr == -1 && desc->in_rh == false && desc->probes < probes) { pr = offset; *n_probes = probes; if (behavior == CK_RHS_PROBE_RH || behavior == CK_RHS_PROBE_ROBIN_HOOD) { k = CK_RHS_EMPTY; goto leave; } } } if (behavior != CK_RHS_PROBE_ROBIN_HOOD) { #ifdef CK_RHS_PP if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) { if (((uintptr_t)k >> CK_MD_VMA_BITS) != hv) { offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probes); continue; } k = CK_RHS_VMA(k); } #endif if (k == compare) goto leave; if (hs->compare == NULL) { offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probes); continue; } if (hs->compare(k, key) == true) goto leave; } offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probes); } leave: if (probes > probe_limit) { offset = -1; } else { *object = k; } if (pr == -1) *n_probes = probes; *priority = pr; return offset; } static inline const void * ck_rhs_marshal(unsigned int mode, const void *key, unsigned long h) { #ifdef CK_RHS_PP const void *insert; if (mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) { insert = (void *)((uintptr_t)CK_RHS_VMA(key) | ((h >> 25) << CK_MD_VMA_BITS)); } else { insert = key; } return insert; #else (void)mode; (void)h; return key; #endif } bool ck_rhs_gc(struct ck_rhs *hs) { unsigned long i; struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; unsigned int max_probes = 0; for (i = 0; i < map->capacity; i++) { if (ck_rhs_probes(map, i) > max_probes) max_probes = ck_rhs_probes(map, i); } map->probe_maximum = max_probes; return true; } static void ck_rhs_add_wanted(struct ck_rhs *hs, long end_offset, long old_slot, unsigned long h) { struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; long offset; unsigned int probes = 1; bool found_slot = false; struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc; offset = h & map->mask; if (old_slot == -1) found_slot = true; while (offset != end_offset) { if (offset == old_slot) found_slot = true; if (found_slot) { desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, offset); if (desc->wanted < CK_RHS_MAX_WANTED) desc->wanted++; } offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probes); probes++; } } static unsigned long ck_rhs_remove_wanted(struct ck_rhs *hs, long offset, long limit) { struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; int probes = ck_rhs_probes(map, offset); bool do_remove = true; struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc; while (probes > 1) { probes--; offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_prev(map, offset, probes); if (offset == limit) do_remove = false; if (do_remove) { desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, offset); if (desc->wanted != CK_RHS_MAX_WANTED) desc->wanted--; } } return offset; } static long ck_rhs_get_first_offset(struct ck_rhs_map *map, unsigned long offset, unsigned int probes) { while (probes > (unsigned long)map->offset_mask + 1) { offset -= ((probes - 1) &~ map->offset_mask); offset &= map->mask; offset = (offset &~ map->offset_mask) + ((offset - map->offset_mask) & map->offset_mask); probes -= map->offset_mask + 1; } return ((offset &~ map->offset_mask) + ((offset - (probes - 1)) & map->offset_mask)); } #define CK_RHS_MAX_RH 512 static int ck_rhs_put_robin_hood(struct ck_rhs *hs, long orig_slot, struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc) { long slot, first; const void *object, *insert; unsigned long n_probes; struct ck_rhs_map *map; unsigned long h = 0; long prev; void *key; long prevs[CK_RHS_MAX_RH]; unsigned int prevs_nb = 0; unsigned int i; map = hs->map; first = orig_slot; n_probes = desc->probes; restart: key = CK_CC_DECONST_PTR(ck_rhs_entry(map, first)); insert = key; #ifdef CK_RHS_PP if (hs->mode & CK_RHS_MODE_OBJECT) key = CK_RHS_VMA(key); #endif orig_slot = first; ck_rhs_set_rh(map, orig_slot); slot = map->probe_func(hs, map, &n_probes, &first, h, key, &object, map->probe_limit, prevs_nb == CK_RHS_MAX_RH ? CK_RHS_PROBE_NO_RH : CK_RHS_PROBE_ROBIN_HOOD); if (slot == -1 && first == -1) { if (ck_rhs_grow(hs, map->capacity << 1) == false) { desc->in_rh = false; for (i = 0; i < prevs_nb; i++) ck_rhs_unset_rh(map, prevs[i]); return -1; } return 1; } if (first != -1) { desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, first); int old_probes = desc->probes; desc->probes = n_probes; h = ck_rhs_get_first_offset(map, first, n_probes); ck_rhs_map_bound_set(map, h, n_probes); prev = orig_slot; prevs[prevs_nb++] = prev; n_probes = old_probes; goto restart; } else { /* An empty slot was found. */ h = ck_rhs_get_first_offset(map, slot, n_probes); ck_rhs_map_bound_set(map, h, n_probes); ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, slot), insert); ck_pr_inc_uint(&map->generation[h & CK_RHS_G_MASK]); ck_pr_fence_atomic_store(); ck_rhs_set_probes(map, slot, n_probes); desc->in_rh = 0; ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, slot, orig_slot, h); } while (prevs_nb > 0) { prev = prevs[--prevs_nb]; ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, orig_slot), ck_rhs_entry(map, prev)); h = ck_rhs_get_first_offset(map, orig_slot, desc->probes); ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, orig_slot, prev, h); ck_pr_inc_uint(&map->generation[h & CK_RHS_G_MASK]); ck_pr_fence_atomic_store(); orig_slot = prev; desc->in_rh = false; desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, orig_slot); } return 0; } static void ck_rhs_do_backward_shift_delete(struct ck_rhs *hs, long slot) { struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc, *new_desc = NULL; unsigned long h; desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, slot); h = ck_rhs_remove_wanted(hs, slot, -1); while (desc->wanted > 0) { unsigned long offset = 0, tmp_offset; unsigned long wanted_probes = 1; unsigned int probe = 0; unsigned int max_probes; /* Find a successor */ while (wanted_probes < map->probe_maximum) { probe = wanted_probes; offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, slot, probe); while (probe < map->probe_maximum) { new_desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, offset); if (new_desc->probes == probe + 1) break; probe++; offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probe); } if (probe < map->probe_maximum) break; wanted_probes++; } if (!(wanted_probes < map->probe_maximum)) { desc->wanted = 0; break; } desc->probes = wanted_probes; h = ck_rhs_remove_wanted(hs, offset, slot); ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, slot), ck_rhs_entry(map, offset)); ck_pr_inc_uint(&map->generation[h & CK_RHS_G_MASK]); ck_pr_fence_atomic_store(); if (wanted_probes < CK_RHS_WORD_MAX) { struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *hdesc = ck_rhs_desc(map, h); if (hdesc->wanted == 1) CK_RHS_STORE(&hdesc->probe_bound, wanted_probes); else if (hdesc->probe_bound == CK_RHS_WORD_MAX || hdesc->probe_bound == new_desc->probes) { probe++; if (hdesc->probe_bound == CK_RHS_WORD_MAX) max_probes = map->probe_maximum; else { max_probes = hdesc->probe_bound; max_probes--; } tmp_offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, offset, probe); while (probe < max_probes) { if (h == (unsigned long)ck_rhs_get_first_offset(map, tmp_offset, probe)) break; probe++; tmp_offset = ck_rhs_map_probe_next(map, tmp_offset, probe); } if (probe == max_probes) CK_RHS_STORE(&hdesc->probe_bound, wanted_probes); } } if (desc->wanted < CK_RHS_MAX_WANTED) desc->wanted--; slot = offset; desc = new_desc; } ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, slot), CK_RHS_EMPTY); if ((desc->probes - 1) < CK_RHS_WORD_MAX) CK_RHS_STORE(ck_rhs_probe_bound_addr(map, h), desc->probes - 1); desc->probes = 0; } bool ck_rhs_fas(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long h, const void *key, void **previous) { long slot, first; const void *object; const void *insert; unsigned long n_probes; struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc, *desc2; *previous = NULL; restart: slot = map->probe_func(hs, map, &n_probes, &first, h, key, &object, ck_rhs_map_bound_get(map, h), CK_RHS_PROBE); /* Replacement semantics presume existence. */ if (object == NULL) return false; insert = ck_rhs_marshal(hs->mode, key, h); if (first != -1) { int ret; desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, slot); desc2 = ck_rhs_desc(map, first); desc->in_rh = true; ret = ck_rhs_put_robin_hood(hs, first, desc2); desc->in_rh = false; if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(ret == 1)) goto restart; else if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(ret != 0)) return false; ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, first), insert); ck_pr_inc_uint(&map->generation[h & CK_RHS_G_MASK]); ck_pr_fence_atomic_store(); desc2->probes = n_probes; ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, first, -1, h); ck_rhs_do_backward_shift_delete(hs, slot); } else { ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, slot), insert); ck_rhs_set_probes(map, slot, n_probes); } *previous = CK_CC_DECONST_PTR(object); return true; } /* * An apply function takes two arguments. The first argument is a pointer to a * pre-existing object. The second argument is a pointer to the fifth argument * passed to ck_hs_apply. If a non-NULL pointer is passed to the first argument * and the return value of the apply function is NULL, then the pre-existing * value is deleted. If the return pointer is the same as the one passed to the * apply function then no changes are made to the hash table. If the first * argument is non-NULL and the return pointer is different than that passed to * the apply function, then the pre-existing value is replaced. For * replacement, it is required that the value itself is identical to the * previous value. */ bool ck_rhs_apply(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long h, const void *key, ck_rhs_apply_fn_t *fn, void *cl) { const void *insert; const void *object, *delta = false; unsigned long n_probes; long slot, first; struct ck_rhs_map *map; bool delta_set = false; restart: map = hs->map; slot = map->probe_func(hs, map, &n_probes, &first, h, key, &object, map->probe_limit, CK_RHS_PROBE_INSERT); if (slot == -1 && first == -1) { if (ck_rhs_grow(hs, map->capacity << 1) == false) return false; goto restart; } if (!delta_set) { delta = fn(CK_CC_DECONST_PTR(object), cl); delta_set = true; } if (delta == NULL) { /* * The apply function has requested deletion. If the object doesn't exist, * then exit early. */ if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(object == NULL)) return true; /* Otherwise, delete it. */ ck_rhs_do_backward_shift_delete(hs, slot); return true; } /* The apply function has not requested hash set modification so exit early. */ if (delta == object) return true; /* A modification or insertion has been requested. */ ck_rhs_map_bound_set(map, h, n_probes); insert = ck_rhs_marshal(hs->mode, delta, h); if (first != -1) { /* * This follows the same semantics as ck_hs_set, please refer to that * function for documentation. */ struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc = NULL, *desc2; if (slot != -1) { desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, slot); desc->in_rh = true; } desc2 = ck_rhs_desc(map, first); int ret = ck_rhs_put_robin_hood(hs, first, desc2); if (slot != -1) desc->in_rh = false; if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(ret == 1)) goto restart; if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(ret == -1)) return false; /* If an earlier bucket was found, then store entry there. */ ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, first), insert); desc2->probes = n_probes; /* * If a duplicate key was found, then delete it after * signaling concurrent probes to restart. Optionally, * it is possible to install tombstone after grace * period if we can guarantee earlier position of * duplicate key. */ ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, first, -1, h); if (object != NULL) { ck_pr_inc_uint(&map->generation[h & CK_RHS_G_MASK]); ck_pr_fence_atomic_store(); ck_rhs_do_backward_shift_delete(hs, slot); } } else { /* * If we are storing into same slot, then atomic store is sufficient * for replacement. */ ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, slot), insert); ck_rhs_set_probes(map, slot, n_probes); if (object == NULL) ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, slot, -1, h); } if (object == NULL) { map->n_entries++; if ((map->n_entries ) > map->max_entries) ck_rhs_grow(hs, map->capacity << 1); } return true; } bool ck_rhs_set(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long h, const void *key, void **previous) { long slot, first; const void *object; const void *insert; unsigned long n_probes; struct ck_rhs_map *map; *previous = NULL; restart: map = hs->map; slot = map->probe_func(hs, map, &n_probes, &first, h, key, &object, map->probe_limit, CK_RHS_PROBE_INSERT); if (slot == -1 && first == -1) { if (ck_rhs_grow(hs, map->capacity << 1) == false) return false; goto restart; } ck_rhs_map_bound_set(map, h, n_probes); insert = ck_rhs_marshal(hs->mode, key, h); if (first != -1) { struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc = NULL, *desc2; if (slot != -1) { desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, slot); desc->in_rh = true; } desc2 = ck_rhs_desc(map, first); int ret = ck_rhs_put_robin_hood(hs, first, desc2); if (slot != -1) desc->in_rh = false; if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(ret == 1)) goto restart; if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(ret == -1)) return false; /* If an earlier bucket was found, then store entry there. */ ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, first), insert); desc2->probes = n_probes; /* * If a duplicate key was found, then delete it after * signaling concurrent probes to restart. Optionally, * it is possible to install tombstone after grace * period if we can guarantee earlier position of * duplicate key. */ ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, first, -1, h); if (object != NULL) { ck_pr_inc_uint(&map->generation[h & CK_RHS_G_MASK]); ck_pr_fence_atomic_store(); ck_rhs_do_backward_shift_delete(hs, slot); } } else { /* * If we are storing into same slot, then atomic store is sufficient * for replacement. */ ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, slot), insert); ck_rhs_set_probes(map, slot, n_probes); if (object == NULL) ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, slot, -1, h); } if (object == NULL) { map->n_entries++; if ((map->n_entries ) > map->max_entries) ck_rhs_grow(hs, map->capacity << 1); } *previous = CK_CC_DECONST_PTR(object); return true; } static bool ck_rhs_put_internal(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long h, const void *key, enum ck_rhs_probe_behavior behavior) { long slot, first; const void *object; const void *insert; unsigned long n_probes; struct ck_rhs_map *map; restart: map = hs->map; slot = map->probe_func(hs, map, &n_probes, &first, h, key, &object, map->probe_limit, behavior); if (slot == -1 && first == -1) { if (ck_rhs_grow(hs, map->capacity << 1) == false) return false; goto restart; } /* Fail operation if a match was found. */ if (object != NULL) return false; ck_rhs_map_bound_set(map, h, n_probes); insert = ck_rhs_marshal(hs->mode, key, h); if (first != -1) { struct ck_rhs_entry_desc *desc = ck_rhs_desc(map, first); int ret = ck_rhs_put_robin_hood(hs, first, desc); if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(ret == 1)) return ck_rhs_put_internal(hs, h, key, behavior); else if (CK_CC_UNLIKELY(ret == -1)) return false; /* Insert key into first bucket in probe sequence. */ ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, first), insert); desc->probes = n_probes; ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, first, -1, h); } else { /* An empty slot was found. */ ck_pr_store_ptr(ck_rhs_entry_addr(map, slot), insert); ck_rhs_set_probes(map, slot, n_probes); ck_rhs_add_wanted(hs, slot, -1, h); } map->n_entries++; if ((map->n_entries ) > map->max_entries) ck_rhs_grow(hs, map->capacity << 1); return true; } bool ck_rhs_put(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long h, const void *key) { return ck_rhs_put_internal(hs, h, key, CK_RHS_PROBE_INSERT); } bool ck_rhs_put_unique(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long h, const void *key) { return ck_rhs_put_internal(hs, h, key, CK_RHS_PROBE_RH); } void * ck_rhs_get(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long h, const void *key) { long first; const void *object; struct ck_rhs_map *map; unsigned long n_probes; unsigned int g, g_p, probe; unsigned int *generation; do { map = ck_pr_load_ptr(&hs->map); generation = &map->generation[h & CK_RHS_G_MASK]; g = ck_pr_load_uint(generation); probe = ck_rhs_map_bound_get(map, h); ck_pr_fence_load(); first = -1; map->probe_func(hs, map, &n_probes, &first, h, key, &object, probe, CK_RHS_PROBE_NO_RH); ck_pr_fence_load(); g_p = ck_pr_load_uint(generation); } while (g != g_p); return CK_CC_DECONST_PTR(object); } void * ck_rhs_remove(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned long h, const void *key) { long slot, first; const void *object; struct ck_rhs_map *map = hs->map; unsigned long n_probes; slot = map->probe_func(hs, map, &n_probes, &first, h, key, &object, ck_rhs_map_bound_get(map, h), CK_RHS_PROBE_NO_RH); if (object == NULL) return NULL; map->n_entries--; ck_rhs_do_backward_shift_delete(hs, slot); return CK_CC_DECONST_PTR(object); } bool ck_rhs_move(struct ck_rhs *hs, struct ck_rhs *source, ck_rhs_hash_cb_t *hf, ck_rhs_compare_cb_t *compare, struct ck_malloc *m) { if (m == NULL || m->malloc == NULL || m->free == NULL || hf == NULL) return false; hs->mode = source->mode; hs->seed = source->seed; hs->map = source->map; hs->load_factor = source->load_factor; hs->m = m; hs->hf = hf; hs->compare = compare; return true; } bool ck_rhs_init(struct ck_rhs *hs, unsigned int mode, ck_rhs_hash_cb_t *hf, ck_rhs_compare_cb_t *compare, struct ck_malloc *m, unsigned long n_entries, unsigned long seed) { if (m == NULL || m->malloc == NULL || m->free == NULL || hf == NULL) return false; hs->m = m; hs->mode = mode; hs->seed = seed; hs->hf = hf; hs->compare = compare; hs->load_factor = CK_RHS_DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR; hs->map = ck_rhs_map_create(hs, n_entries); return hs->map != NULL; }