-- -- Copyright (c) 2015 Pedro Souza -- All rights reserved. -- -- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions -- are met: -- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright -- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the -- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. -- -- THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND -- ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE -- IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE -- ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE -- FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL -- DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS -- OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) -- HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT -- LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY -- OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF -- SUCH DAMAGE. -- -- $FreeBSD$ -- local config = {}; local modules = {}; function config.setKey(k, n, v) if (modules[k] == nil) then modules[k] = {}; end modules[k][n] = v; end function config.lsModules() print("== Listing modules"); for k, v in pairs(modules) do print(k, v.load); end print("== List of modules ended"); end local pattern_table = { [1] = { str = "^%s*(#.*)", process = function(k, v) end }, -- module_load="value" [2] = { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_load%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) if (modules[k] == nil) then modules[k] = {}; end modules[k].load = v:upper(); end }, -- module_name="value" [3] = { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_name%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) config.setKey(k, "name", v); end }, -- module_type="value" [4] = { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_type%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) config.setKey(k, "type", v); end }, -- module_flags="value" [5] = { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_flags%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) config.setKey(k, "flags", v); end }, -- module_before="value" [6] = { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_before%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) config.setKey(k, "before", v); end }, -- module_after="value" [7] = { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_after%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) config.setKey(k, "after", v); end }, -- module_error="value" [8] = { str = "^%s*([%w_]+)_error%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) config.setKey(k, "error", v); end }, -- exec="command" [9] = { str = "^%s*exec%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) if (loader.perform(k) ~= 0) then print("Failed to exec '" .. k .. "'"); end end }, -- env_var="value" [10] = { str = "^%s*([%w%p]+)%s*=%s*\"([%w%s%p]-)\"%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) if (loader.setenv(k, v) ~= 0) then print("Failed to set '" .. k .. "' with value: " .. v .. ""); end end }, -- env_var=num [11] = { str = "^%s*([%w%p]+)%s*=%s*(%d+)%s*(.*)", process = function(k, v) if (loader.setenv(k, v) ~= 0) then print("Failed to set '" .. k .. "' with value: " .. v .. ""); end end } }; function config.isValidComment(c) if (c ~= nil) then local s = c:match("^%s*#.*"); if (s == nil) then s = c:match("^%s*$"); end if (s == nil) then return false; end end return true; end function config.loadmod(mod, silent) local status = true; for k, v in pairs(mod) do if (v.load == "YES") then local str = "load "; if (v.flags ~= nil) then str = str .. v.flags .. " "; end if (v.type ~= nil) then str = str .. "-t " .. v.type .. " "; end if (v.name ~= nil) then str = str .. v.name; else str = str .. k; end if (v.before ~= nil) then if (loader.perform(v.before) ~= 0) then if (not silent) then print("Failed to execute '" .. v.before .. "' before loading '".. k .. "'"); end status = false; end end if (loader.perform(str) ~= 0) then if (not silent) then print("Failed to execute '" .. str .. "'"); end if (v.error ~= nil) then loader.perform(v.error); end status = false; end if (v.after ~= nil) then if (loader.perform(v.after) ~= 0) then if (not silent) then print("Failed to execute '" .. v.after .. "' after loading '" .. k .. "'"); end status = false; end end else --if not silent then print("Skiping module '".. k .. "'"); end end end return status; end function config.parse(name, silent) local f = io.open(name); if (f == nil) then if (not silent) then print("Failed to open config: '" .. name .. "'"); end return false; end local text; local r; text, r = io.read(f); if (text == nil) then if (not silent) then print("Failed to read config: '" .. name .. "'"); end return false; end local n = 1; local status = true; for line in text:gmatch("([^\n]+)") do if (line:match("^%s*$") == nil) then local found = false; for i, val in ipairs(pattern_table) do local k, v, c = line:match(val.str); if (k ~= nil) then found = true; if (config.isValidComment(c)) then val.process(k, v); else print("Malformed line (" .. n .. "):\n\t'" .. line .. "'"); status = false; end break; end end if (found == false) then print("Malformed line (" .. n .. "):\n\t'" .. line .. "'"); status = false; end end n = n + 1; end return status; end -- other_kernel is optionally the name of a kernel to load, if not the default -- or autoloaded default from the module_path function config.loadkernel(other_kernel) local flags = loader.getenv("kernel_options") or ""; local kernel = other_kernel or loader.getenv("kernel"); local try_load = function (names) for name in names:gmatch("([^;]+)%s*;?") do r = loader.perform("load " .. flags .. " " .. name); if (r == 0) then return name; end end return nil; end local load_bootfile = function() local bootfile = loader.getenv("bootfile"); -- append default kernel name if (bootfile == nil) then bootfile = "kernel"; else bootfile = bootfile .. ";kernel"; end return try_load(bootfile); end -- kernel not set, try load from default module_path if (kernel == nil) then local res = load_bootfile(); if (res ~= nil) then return true; else print("No kernel set, failed to load from module_path"); return false; end else -- Use our cached module_path, so we don't end up with multiple -- automatically added kernel paths to our final module_path local module_path = config.module_path; local res = nil; if (other_kernel ~= nil) then kernel = other_kernel; end -- first try load kernel with module_path = /boot/${kernel} -- then try load with module_path=${kernel} local paths = {"/boot/" .. kernel, kernel}; for k,v in pairs(paths) do loader.setenv("module_path", v); res = load_bootfile(); -- succeeded, add path to module_path if (res ~= nil) then if (module_path ~= nil) then loader.setenv("module_path", v .. ";" .. module_path); end return true; end end -- failed to load with ${kernel} as a directory -- try as a file res = try_load(kernel); if (res ~= nil) then return true; else print("Failed to load kernel '" .. kernel .. "'"); return false; end end end function config.load(file) if (not file) then file = "/boot/defaults/loader.conf"; end if (not config.parse(file)) then -- print("Failed to parse configuration: '" .. file .. "'"); end local f = loader.getenv("loader_conf_files"); if (f ~= nil) then for name in f:gmatch("([%w%p]+)%s*") do if (not config.parse(name)) then -- print("Failed to parse configuration: '" .. -- name .. "'"); end end end -- Cache the provided module_path at load time for later use config.module_path = loader.getenv("module_path"); print("Loading kernel..."); config.loadkernel(); print("Loading configured modules..."); if (not config.loadmod(modules)) then print("Could not load one or more modules!"); end end function config.reload(kernel) local kernel_loaded = false; -- unload all modules print("Unloading modules..."); loader.perform("unload"); if (kernel ~= nil) then print("Trying to load '" .. kernel .. "'") kernel_loaded = config.loadkernel(kernel); if (kernel_loaded) then print("Kernel '" .. kernel .. "' loaded!"); end end -- failed to load kernel or it is nil -- then load default if (not kernel_loaded) then print("Loading default kernel..."); config.loadkernel(); end -- load modules config.loadmod(modules); end return config