\ Copyright (c) 2012 Devin Teske <dteske@FreeBSD.org> \ All rights reserved. \ \ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without \ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions \ are met: \ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright \ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright \ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the \ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \ \ THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND \ ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE \ IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE \ ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE \ FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL \ DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS \ OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) \ HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT \ LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY \ OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF \ SUCH DAMAGE. \ marker task-menusets.4th vocabulary menusets-infrastructure only forth also menusets-infrastructure definitions variable menuset_use_name create menuset_affixbuf 255 allot create menuset_x 1 allot create menuset_y 1 allot : menuset-loadvar ( -- ) \ menuset_use_name is true or false \ $type should be set to one of: \ menu toggled ansi \ $var should be set to one of: \ caption command keycode text ... \ $affix is either prefix (menuset_use_name is true) \ or infix (menuset_use_name is false) s" set cmdbuf='set ${type}_${var}=\$'" evaluate s" cmdbuf" getenv swap drop ( -- u1 ) \ get string length menuset_use_name @ true = if s" set cmdbuf=${cmdbuf}${affix}${type}_${var}" ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) else s" set cmdbuf=${cmdbuf}${type}set${affix}_${var}" ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) then evaluate ( u1 c-addr2 u2 -- u1 ) s" cmdbuf" getenv ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) rot 2 pick 2 pick over + -rot + tuck - ( u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 ) \ Generate a string representing rvalue inheritance var getenv dup -1 = if ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 -1 ) \ NOT set -- clean up the stack drop ( c-addr2 u2 -1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) 2drop ( c-addr2 u2 -- ) else ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 ) \ SET -- execute cmdbuf (c-addr2/u2) to inherit value 2drop ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) evaluate ( c-addr2 u2 -- ) then s" cmdbuf" unsetenv ; : menuset-unloadvar ( -- ) \ menuset_use_name is true or false \ $type should be set to one of: \ menu toggled ansi \ $var should be set to one of: \ caption command keycode text ... \ $affix is either prefix (menuset_use_name is true) \ or infix (menuset_use_name is false) menuset_use_name @ true = if s" set buf=${affix}${type}_${var}" else s" set buf=${type}set${affix}_${var}" then evaluate s" buf" getenv unsetenv s" buf" unsetenv ; : menuset-loadmenuvar ( -- ) s" set type=menu" evaluate menuset-loadvar ; : menuset-unloadmenuvar ( -- ) s" set type=menu" evaluate menuset-unloadvar ; : menuset-loadxvar ( -- ) \ menuset_use_name is true or false \ $type should be set to one of: \ menu toggled ansi \ $var should be set to one of: \ caption command keycode text ... \ $x is "1" through "8" \ $affix is either prefix (menuset_use_name is true) \ or infix (menuset_use_name is false) s" set cmdbuf='set ${type}_${var}[${x}]=\$'" evaluate s" cmdbuf" getenv swap drop ( -- u1 ) \ get string length menuset_use_name @ true = if s" set cmdbuf=${cmdbuf}${affix}${type}_${var}[${x}]" ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) else s" set cmdbuf=${cmdbuf}${type}set${affix}_${var}[${x}]" ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) then evaluate ( u1 c-addr2 u2 -- u1 ) s" cmdbuf" getenv ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) rot 2 pick 2 pick over + -rot + tuck - ( u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 ) \ Generate a string representing rvalue inheritance var getenv dup -1 = if ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 -1 ) \ NOT set -- clean up the stack drop ( c-addr2 u2 -1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) 2drop ( c-addr2 u2 -- ) else ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 ) \ SET -- execute cmdbuf (c-addr2/u2) to inherit value 2drop ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) evaluate ( c-addr2 u2 -- ) then s" cmdbuf" unsetenv ; : menuset-unloadxvar ( -- ) \ menuset_use_name is true or false \ $type should be set to one of: \ menu toggled ansi \ $var should be set to one of: \ caption command keycode text ... \ $x is "1" through "8" \ $affix is either prefix (menuset_use_name is true) \ or infix (menuset_use_name is false) menuset_use_name @ true = if s" set buf=${affix}${type}_${var}[${x}]" else s" set buf=${type}set${affix}_${var}[${x}]" then evaluate s" buf" getenv unsetenv s" buf" unsetenv ; : menuset-loadansixvar ( -- ) s" set type=ansi" evaluate menuset-loadxvar ; : menuset-unloadansixvar ( -- ) s" set type=ansi" evaluate menuset-unloadxvar ; : menuset-loadmenuxvar ( -- ) s" set type=menu" evaluate menuset-loadxvar ; : menuset-unloadmenuxvar ( -- ) s" set type=menu" evaluate menuset-unloadxvar ; : menuset-loadtoggledxvar ( -- ) s" set type=toggled" evaluate menuset-loadxvar ; : menuset-unloadtoggledxvar ( -- ) s" set type=toggled" evaluate menuset-unloadxvar ; : menuset-loadxyvar ( -- ) \ menuset_use_name is true or false \ $type should be set to one of: \ menu toggled ansi \ $var should be set to one of: \ caption command keycode text ... \ $x is "1" through "8" \ $y is "0" through "9" \ $affix is either prefix (menuset_use_name is true) \ or infix (menuset_use_name is false) s" set cmdbuf='set ${type}_${var}[${x}][${y}]=\$'" evaluate s" cmdbuf" getenv swap drop ( -- u1 ) \ get string length menuset_use_name @ true = if s" set cmdbuf=${cmdbuf}${affix}${type}_${var}[${x}][${y}]" ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) else s" set cmdbuf=${cmdbuf}${type}set${affix}_${var}[${x}][${y}]" ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) then evaluate ( u1 c-addr2 u2 -- u1 ) s" cmdbuf" getenv ( u1 -- u1 c-addr2 u2 ) rot 2 pick 2 pick over + -rot + tuck - ( u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 ) \ Generate a string representing rvalue inheritance var getenv dup -1 = if ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 -1 ) \ NOT set -- clean up the stack drop ( c-addr2 u2 -1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) 2drop ( c-addr2 u2 -- ) else ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 ) \ SET -- execute cmdbuf (c-addr2/u2) to inherit value 2drop ( c-addr2 u2 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) evaluate ( c-addr2 u2 -- ) then s" cmdbuf" unsetenv ; : menuset-unloadxyvar ( -- ) \ menuset_use_name is true or false \ $type should be set to one of: \ menu toggled ansi \ $var should be set to one of: \ caption command keycode text ... \ $x is "1" through "8" \ $y is "0" through "9" \ $affix is either prefix (menuset_use_name is true) \ or infix (menuset_use_name is false) menuset_use_name @ true = if s" set buf=${affix}${type}_${var}[${x}][${y}]" else s" set buf=${type}set${affix}_${var}[${x}][${y}]" then evaluate s" buf" getenv unsetenv s" buf" unsetenv ; : menuset-loadansixyvar ( -- ) s" set type=ansi" evaluate menuset-loadxyvar ; : menuset-unloadansixyvar ( -- ) s" set type=ansi" evaluate menuset-unloadxyvar ; : menuset-loadmenuxyvar ( -- ) s" set type=menu" evaluate menuset-loadxyvar ; : menuset-unloadmenuxyvar ( -- ) s" set type=menu" evaluate menuset-unloadxyvar ; : menuset-setnum-namevar ( N -- C-Addr/U ) s" menuset_nameNNNNN" ( n -- n c-addr1 u1 ) \ variable basename drop 12 ( n c-addr1 u1 -- n c-addr1 12 ) \ remove "NNNNN" rot ( n c-addr1 12 -- c-addr1 12 n ) \ move number on top \ convert to string s>d <# #s #> ( c-addr1 12 n -- c-addr1 12 c-addr2 u2 ) \ Combine strings begin ( using u2 in c-addr2/u2 pair as countdown to zero ) over ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- continued below ) ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c-addr2 ) \ copy src-addr c@ ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c-addr2 -- continued below ) ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c ) \ get next src-addr byte 4 pick 4 pick ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c -- continued below ) ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c c-addr1 u1 ) \ get destination c-addr1/u1 pair + ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c c-addr1 u1 -- cont. below ) ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c c-addr3 ) \ combine dest-c-addr to get dest-addr for byte c! ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c c-addr3 -- continued below ) ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 ) \ store the current src-addr byte into dest-addr 2swap 1+ 2swap \ increment u1 in destination c-addr1/u1 pair swap 1+ swap \ increment c-addr2 in source c-addr2/u2 pair 1- \ decrement u2 in the source c-addr2/u2 pair dup 0= \ time to break? until 2drop ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr1 u1 ) \ drop temporary number-format conversion c-addr2/u2 ; : menuset-checksetnum ( N -- ) \ \ adjust input to be both positive and no-higher than 65535 \ abs dup 65535 > if drop 65535 then ( n -- n ) \ \ The next few blocks will determine if we should use the default \ methodology (referencing the original numeric stack-input), or if- \ instead $menuset_name{N} has been defined wherein we would then \ use the value thereof as the prefix to every menu variable. \ false menuset_use_name ! \ assume name is not set menuset-setnum-namevar \ \ We now have a string that is the assembled variable name to check \ for... $menuset_name{N}. Let's check for it. \ 2dup ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr1 u1 c-addr1 u1 ) \ save a copy getenv dup -1 <> if ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 ) \ The variable is set. Let's clean up the stack leaving only \ its value for later use. true menuset_use_name ! 2swap 2drop ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr2 u2 ) \ drop assembled variable name, leave the value else ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr1 u1 -1 ) \ no such variable \ The variable is not set. Let's clean up the stack leaving the \ string [portion] representing the original numeric input. drop ( c-addr1 u1 -1 -- c-addr1 u1 ) \ drop -1 result 12 - swap 12 + swap ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 ) \ truncate to original numeric stack-input then \ \ Now, depending on whether $menuset_name{N} has been set, we have \ either the value thereof to be used as a prefix to all menu_* \ variables or we have a string representing the numeric stack-input \ to be used as a "set{N}" infix to the same menu_* variables. \ \ For example, if the stack-input is 1 and menuset_name1 is NOT set \ the following variables will be referenced: \ ansiset1_caption[x] -> ansi_caption[x] \ ansiset1_caption[x][y] -> ansi_caption[x][y] \ menuset1_acpi -> menu_acpi \ menuset1_caption[x] -> menu_caption[x] \ menuset1_caption[x][y] -> menu_caption[x][y] \ menuset1_command[x] -> menu_command[x] \ menuset1_init -> ``evaluated'' \ menuset1_init[x] -> menu_init[x] \ menuset1_kernel -> menu_kernel \ menuset1_keycode[x] -> menu_keycode[x] \ menuset1_options -> menu_options \ menuset1_optionstext -> menu_optionstext \ menuset1_reboot -> menu_reboot \ toggledset1_ansi[x] -> toggled_ansi[x] \ toggledset1_text[x] -> toggled_text[x] \ otherwise, the following variables are referenced (where {name} \ represents the value of $menuset_name1 (given 1 as stack-input): \ {name}ansi_caption[x] -> ansi_caption[x] \ {name}ansi_caption[x][y] -> ansi_caption[x][y] \ {name}menu_acpi -> menu_acpi \ {name}menu_caption[x] -> menu_caption[x] \ {name}menu_caption[x][y] -> menu_caption[x][y] \ {name}menu_command[x] -> menu_command[x] \ {name}menu_init -> ``evaluated'' \ {name}menu_init[x] -> menu_init[x] \ {name}menu_kernel -> menu_kernel \ {name}menu_keycode[x] -> menu_keycode[x] \ {name}menu_options -> menu_options \ {name}menu_optionstext -> menu_optionstext \ {name}menu_reboot -> menu_reboot \ {name}toggled_ansi[x] -> toggled_ansi[x] \ {name}toggled_text[x] -> toggled_text[x] \ \ Note that menuset{N}_init and {name}menu_init are the initializers \ for the entire menu (for wholly dynamic menus) opposed to the per- \ menuitem initializers (with [x] afterward). The whole-menu init \ routine is evaluated and not passed down to $menu_init (which \ would result in double evaluation). By doing this, the initializer \ can initialize the menuset before we transfer it to active-duty. \ \ \ Copy our affixation (prefix or infix depending on menuset_use_name) \ to our buffer so that we can safely use the s-quote (s") buf again. \ menuset_affixbuf 0 2swap ( c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr1 0 c-addr2 u2 ) begin ( using u2 in c-addr2/u2 pair as countdown to zero ) over ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c-addr2 ) c@ ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c ) 4 pick 4 pick ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c -- continued below ) ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c c-addr1 u1 ) + ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c c-addr1 u1 -- continued below ) ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c c-addr3 ) c! ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 c c-addr3 -- continued below ) ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 ) 2swap 1+ 2swap \ increment affixbuf byte position/count swap 1+ swap \ increment strbuf pointer (source c-addr2) 1- \ decrement strbuf byte count (source u2) dup 0= \ time to break? until 2drop ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr1 u1 ) \ drop strbuf c-addr2/u2 \ \ Create a variable for referencing our affix data (prefix or infix \ depending on menuset_use_name as described above). This variable will \ be temporary and only used to simplify cmdbuf assembly. \ s" affix" setenv ( c-addr1 u1 -- ) ; : menuset-cleanup ( -- ) s" type" unsetenv s" var" unsetenv s" x" unsetenv s" y" unsetenv s" affix" unsetenv ; only forth definitions also menusets-infrastructure : menuset-loadsetnum ( N -- ) menuset-checksetnum ( n -- ) \ \ From here out, we use temporary environment variables to make \ dealing with variable-length strings easier. \ \ menuset_use_name is true or false \ $affix should be used appropriately w/respect to menuset_use_name \ \ ... menu_init ... s" set var=init" evaluate menuset-loadmenuvar \ If menu_init was set by the above, evaluate it here-and-now \ so that the remaining variables are influenced by its actions s" menu_init" 2dup getenv dup -1 <> if 2swap unsetenv \ don't want later menu-create to re-call this evaluate else drop 2drop ( n c-addr u -1 -- n ) then [char] 1 ( -- x ) \ Loop range ASCII '1' (49) to '8' (56) begin dup menuset_x tuck c! 1 s" x" setenv \ set loop iterator and $x s" set var=caption" evaluate \ ... menu_caption[x] ... menuset-loadmenuxvar \ ... ansi_caption[x] ... menuset-loadansixvar [char] 0 ( x -- x y ) \ Inner Loop ASCII '1' (48) to '9' (57) begin dup menuset_y tuck c! 1 s" y" setenv \ set inner loop iterator and $y \ ... menu_caption[x][y] ... menuset-loadmenuxyvar \ ... ansi_caption[x][y] ... menuset-loadansixyvar 1+ dup 57 > ( x y -- y' 0|-1 ) \ increment and test until drop ( x y -- x ) \ ... menu_command[x] ... s" set var=command" evaluate menuset-loadmenuxvar \ ... menu_init[x] ... s" set var=init" evaluate menuset-loadmenuxvar \ ... menu_keycode[x] ... s" set var=keycode" evaluate menuset-loadmenuxvar \ ... toggled_text[x] ... s" set var=text" evaluate menuset-loadtoggledxvar \ ... toggled_ansi[x] ... s" set var=ansi" evaluate menuset-loadtoggledxvar 1+ dup 56 > ( x -- x' 0|-1 ) \ increment iterator \ continue if less than 57 until drop ( x -- ) \ loop iterator \ ... menu_reboot ... s" set var=reboot" evaluate menuset-loadmenuvar \ ... menu_acpi ... s" set var=acpi" evaluate menuset-loadmenuvar \ ... menu_kernel ... s" set var=kernel" evaluate menuset-loadmenuvar \ ... menu_options ... s" set var=options" evaluate menuset-loadmenuvar \ ... menu_optionstext ... s" set var=optionstext" evaluate menuset-loadmenuvar menuset-cleanup ; : menusets-unset ( -- ) s" menuset_initial" unsetenv 1 begin dup menuset-checksetnum ( n n -- n ) dup menuset-setnum-namevar ( n n -- n ) unsetenv \ If the current menuset does not populate the first menuitem, \ we stop completely. menuset_use_name @ true = if s" set buf=${affix}menu_caption[1]" else s" set buf=menuset${affix}_caption[1]" then evaluate s" buf" getenv getenv -1 = if drop ( n -- ) s" buf" unsetenv menuset-cleanup exit else drop ( n c-addr2 -- n ) \ unused then [char] 1 ( n -- n x ) \ Loop range ASCII '1' (49) to '8' (56) begin dup menuset_x tuck c! 1 s" x" setenv \ set $x to x s" set var=caption" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuxvar menuset-unloadmenuxvar menuset-unloadansixvar [char] 0 ( n x -- n x y ) \ Inner loop '0' to '9' begin dup menuset_y tuck c! 1 s" y" setenv \ sets $y to y menuset-unloadmenuxyvar menuset-unloadansixyvar 1+ dup 57 > ( n x y -- n x y' 0|-1 ) until drop ( n x y -- n x ) s" set var=command" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuxvar s" set var=init" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuxvar s" set var=keycode" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuxvar s" set var=text" evaluate menuset-unloadtoggledxvar s" set var=ansi" evaluate menuset-unloadtoggledxvar 1+ dup 56 > ( x -- x' 0|-1 ) \ increment and test until drop ( n x -- n ) \ loop iterator s" set var=acpi" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuvar s" set var=init" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuvar s" set var=kernel" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuvar s" set var=options" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuvar s" set var=optionstext" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuvar s" set var=reboot" evaluate menuset-unloadmenuvar 1+ dup 65535 > ( n -- n' 0|-1 ) \ increment and test until drop ( n' -- ) \ loop iterator s" buf" unsetenv menuset-cleanup ; only forth definitions : menuset-loadinitial ( -- ) s" menuset_initial" getenv dup -1 <> if ?number 0<> if menuset-loadsetnum then else drop \ cruft then ;