\ Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Devin Teske <dteske@FreeBSD.org> \ All rights reserved. \ \ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without \ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions \ are met: \ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright \ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. \ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright \ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the \ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. \ \ THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND \ ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE \ IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE \ ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE \ FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL \ DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS \ OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) \ HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT \ LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY \ OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF \ SUCH DAMAGE. \ marker task-menu-commands.4th include /boot/menusets.4th only forth definitions variable kernel_state variable root_state 0 kernel_state ! 0 root_state ! also menu-namespace also menu-command-helpers \ \ Boot \ : init_boot ( N -- N ) dup s" boot_single" getenv -1 <> if drop ( n n c-addr -- n n ) \ unused toggle_menuitem ( n n -- n n ) s" set menu_keycode[N]=115" \ base command to execute else s" set menu_keycode[N]=98" \ base command to execute then 17 +c! \ replace 'N' with ASCII numeral evaluate ; \ \ Alternate Boot \ : init_altboot ( N -- N ) dup s" boot_single" getenv -1 <> if drop ( n c-addr -- n ) \ unused toggle_menuitem ( n -- n ) s" set menu_keycode[N]=109" \ base command to execute else s" set menu_keycode[N]=115" \ base command to execute then 17 +c! \ replace 'N' with ASCII numeral evaluate ; : altboot ( N -- NOTREACHED ) s" boot_single" 2dup getenv -1 <> if drop ( c-addr/u c-addr -- c-addr/u ) \ unused unsetenv ( c-addr/u -- ) else 2drop ( c-addr/u -- ) \ unused s" set boot_single=YES" evaluate then 0 boot ( state -- ) ; \ \ ACPI \ : acpi_enable ( -- ) s" set acpi_load=YES" evaluate \ XXX deprecated but harmless s" set hint.acpi.0.disabled=0" evaluate s" loader.acpi_disabled_by_user" unsetenv ; : acpi_disable ( -- ) s" acpi_load" unsetenv \ XXX deprecated but harmless s" set hint.acpi.0.disabled=1" evaluate s" set loader.acpi_disabled_by_user=1" evaluate ; : toggle_acpi ( N -- N TRUE ) \ Make changes effective _before_ calling menu-redraw acpienabled? if acpi_disable else acpi_enable then menu-redraw TRUE \ loop menu again ; \ \ Safe Mode \ : safemode_enabled? ( -- flag ) s" kern.smp.disabled" getenv -1 <> dup if swap drop ( c-addr flag -- flag ) then ; : safemode_enable ( -- ) s" set kern.smp.disabled=1" evaluate s" set hw.ata.ata_dma=0" evaluate s" set hw.ata.atapi_dma=0" evaluate s" set kern.eventtimer.periodic=1" evaluate s" set kern.geom.part.check_integrity=0" evaluate s" set boot_safe=YES" evaluate ; : safemode_disable ( -- ) s" kern.smp.disabled" unsetenv s" hw.ata.ata_dma" unsetenv s" hw.ata.atapi_dma" unsetenv s" kern.eventtimer.periodic" unsetenv s" kern.geom.part.check_integrity" unsetenv s" boot_safe" unsetenv ; : init_safemode ( N -- N ) safemode_enabled? if toggle_menuitem ( n -- n ) then ; : toggle_safemode ( N -- N TRUE ) toggle_menuitem \ Now we're going to make the change effective dup toggle_stateN @ 0= if safemode_disable else safemode_enable then menu-redraw TRUE \ loop menu again ; \ \ Single User Mode \ : singleuser_enabled? ( -- flag ) s" boot_single" getenv -1 <> dup if swap drop ( c-addr flag -- flag ) then ; : singleuser_enable ( -- ) s" set boot_single=YES" evaluate ; : singleuser_disable ( -- ) s" boot_single" unsetenv ; : init_singleuser ( N -- N ) singleuser_enabled? if toggle_menuitem ( n -- n ) then ; : toggle_singleuser ( N -- N TRUE ) toggle_menuitem menu-redraw \ Now we're going to make the change effective dup toggle_stateN @ 0= if singleuser_disable else singleuser_enable then TRUE \ loop menu again ; \ \ Verbose Boot \ : verbose_enabled? ( -- flag ) s" boot_verbose" getenv -1 <> dup if swap drop ( c-addr flag -- flag ) then ; : verbose_enable ( -- ) s" set boot_verbose=YES" evaluate ; : verbose_disable ( -- ) s" boot_verbose" unsetenv ; : init_verbose ( N -- N ) verbose_enabled? if toggle_menuitem ( n -- n ) then ; : toggle_verbose ( N -- N TRUE ) toggle_menuitem menu-redraw \ Now we're going to make the change effective dup toggle_stateN @ 0= if verbose_disable else verbose_enable then TRUE \ loop menu again ; \ \ Escape to Prompt \ : goto_prompt ( N -- N FALSE ) s" set autoboot_delay=NO" evaluate cr ." To get back to the menu, type `menu' and press ENTER" cr ." or type `boot' and press ENTER to start FreeBSD." cr cr FALSE \ exit the menu ; \ \ Cyclestate (used by kernel/root below) \ : init_cyclestate ( N K -- N ) over cycle_stateN ( n k -- n k addr ) begin tuck @ ( n k addr -- n addr k c ) over <> ( n addr k c -- n addr k 0|-1 ) while rot ( n addr k -- addr k n ) cycle_menuitem swap rot ( addr k n -- n k addr ) repeat 2drop ( n k addr -- n ) ; \ \ Kernel \ : init_kernel ( N -- N ) kernel_state @ ( n -- n k ) init_cyclestate ( n k -- n ) ; : activate_kernel ( N -- N ) dup cycle_stateN @ ( n -- n n2 ) dup kernel_state ! ( n n2 -- n n2 ) \ copy for re-initialization 48 + ( n n2 -- n n2' ) \ kernel_state to ASCII num s" set kernel=${kernel_prefix}${kernel[N]}${kernel_suffix}" 36 +c! ( n n2 c-addr/u -- n c-addr/u ) \ 'N' to ASCII num evaluate ( n c-addr/u -- n ) \ sets $kernel to full kernel-path ; : cycle_kernel ( N -- N TRUE ) cycle_menuitem \ cycle cycle_stateN to next value activate_kernel \ apply current cycle_stateN menu-redraw \ redraw menu TRUE \ loop menu again ; \ \ Root \ : init_root ( N -- N ) root_state @ ( n -- n k ) init_cyclestate ( n k -- n ) ; : activate_root ( N -- N ) dup cycle_stateN @ ( n -- n n2 ) dup root_state ! ( n n2 -- n n2 ) \ copy for re-initialization 48 + ( n n2 -- n n2' ) \ root_state to ASCII num s" set root=${root_prefix}${root[N]}${root_suffix}" 30 +c! ( n n2 c-addr/u -- n c-addr/u ) \ 'N' to ASCII num evaluate ( n c-addr/u -- n ) \ sets $root to full kernel-path ; : cycle_root ( N -- N TRUE ) cycle_menuitem \ cycle cycle_stateN to next value activate_root \ apply current cycle_stateN menu-redraw \ redraw menu TRUE \ loop menu again ; \ \ Menusets \ : goto_menu ( N M -- N TRUE ) menu-unset menuset-loadsetnum ( n m -- n ) menu-redraw TRUE \ Loop menu again ; \ \ Defaults \ : set_default_boot_options ( N -- N TRUE ) acpi_enable safemode_disable singleuser_disable verbose_disable 2 goto_menu ; \ \ Set boot environment defaults \ : init_bootenv ( -- ) s" set menu_caption[1]=${bemenu_current}${vfs.root.mountfrom}" evaluate s" set ansi_caption[1]=${beansi_current}${vfs.root.mountfrom}" evaluate s" set menu_caption[2]=${bemenu_bootfs}${zfs_be_active}" evaluate s" set ansi_caption[2]=${beansi_bootfs}${zfs_be_active}" evaluate s" set menu_caption[3]=${bemenu_page}${zfs_be_currpage}${bemenu_pageof}${zfs_be_pages}" evaluate s" set ansi_caption[3]=${beansi_page}${zfs_be_currpage}${bemenu_pageof}${zfs_be_pages}" evaluate ; \ \ Redraw the entire screen. A long BE name can corrupt the menu \ : be_draw_screen clear \ Clear the screen (in screen.4th) print_version \ print version string (bottom-right; see version.4th) draw-beastie \ Draw FreeBSD logo at right (in beastie.4th) draw-brand \ Draw brand.4th logo at top (in brand.4th) menu-init \ Initialize menu and draw bounding box (in menu.4th) ; \ \ Select a boot environment \ : set_bootenv ( N -- N TRUE ) dup s" set vfs.root.mountfrom=${bootenv_root[E]}" 38 +c! evaluate s" set currdev=${vfs.root.mountfrom}:" evaluate s" unload" evaluate free-module-options s" /boot/defaults/loader.conf" read-conf s" /boot/loader.conf" read-conf s" /boot/loader.conf.local" read-conf init_bootenv be_draw_screen menu-redraw TRUE ; \ \ Switch to the next page of boot environments \ : set_be_page ( N -- N TRUE ) s" zfs_be_currpage" getenv dup -1 = if drop s" 1" else 0 s>d 2swap >number ( ud caddr/u -- ud' caddr'/u' ) \ convert string to numbers 2drop \ drop the string 1 um/mod ( ud u1 -- u2 u3 ) \ convert double ud' to single u3' and remainder u2 swap drop ( ud2 u3 -- u3 ) \ drop the remainder u2 1+ \ increment the page number s>d <# #s #> \ convert back to a string then s" zfs_be_currpage" setenv s" reloadbe" evaluate 3 goto_menu ; only forth definitions