# Tfdt Dfdt manipulation commands

	fdt <subcommand> <arguments>

	Facilities for loading and manipulating device tree data.

# Tfdt Saddr Dload fdt from an address in memory

	fdt addr <address>

	Copies compiled device tree from a particular location
	in memory.

# Tfdt Salias DXXX

	fdt alias <address>

	Not Yet Implemented

# Tfdt Scd DSelect a particular node for future commands

	fdt cd <path>

	Changes the current node to the node specified by the path.
	Path elements are separated by '/'; a leading '/' represents
	the root node.

# Tfdt Sheader DDump the header of the compiled device tree

	fdt header

	Dumps DTB size, format and other key values.

# Tfdt Sls DList subnodes of the current node

	fdt ls <path>

	Lists the nodes under the specified path.
	If no path is specified, lists nodes under the current path.

# Tfdt Smknode DCreate a new node in the device tree

	fdt mknode <name>

	Creates a new node with the specified name.

# Tfdt Smkprop DAdd a new property to the current node

	fdt mkprop <name> <value> ...

	Creates a new property with the specified name and values.
	Multiple values can be specified and will be concatenated.

# Tfdt Smres DXXX

	fdt mres

	Dumps the list of reserved memory regions.

# Tfdt Sprop DDump value of a particular property

	fdt prop <name> <value> ...

	If value is specified, set the given property to the indicated value.
	Otherwise, print the value of the property.

# Tfdt Spwd DPrint path to current node in device tree

	fdt pwd

	Print path to the current node in the device tree.
	The current node can be changed with "fdt cd".

# Tfdt Srm DRemove node or property from device tree

	fdt rm <name>

	The named node or property will be removed from the device tree.
