# $FreeBSD$ # Setup variables for the linker. # # LINKER_TYPE is the major type of linker. Currently binutils and lld support # automatic detection. # # LINKER_VERSION is a numeric constant equal to: # major * 10000 + minor * 100 + tiny # It too can be overridden on the command line. # # This file may be included multiple times, but only has effect the first time. # .if !target(____) ____: _ld_version!= ${LD} --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1 || echo none .if ${_ld_version} == "none" .error Unable to determine linker type from LD=${LD} .endif .if ${_ld_version:[1..2]} == "GNU ld" LINKER_TYPE= binutils _v= ${_ld_version:[3]} .elif ${_ld_version:[1]} == "LLD" LINKER_TYPE= lld _v= ${_ld_version:[2]} .else .error Unknown linker from LD=${LD}: ${_ld_version} .endif LINKER_VERSION!=echo "${_v:M[1-9].[0-9]*}" | awk -F. '{print $$1 * 10000 + $$2 * 100 + $$3;}' .endif # !target(____)