# The include file <bsd.init.mk> includes <bsd.opts.mk>, # ../Makefile.inc and <bsd.own.mk>; this is used at the # top of all <bsd.*.mk> files that actually "build something". # bsd.opts.mk is included early so Makefile.inc can use the # MK_FOO variables. .if !target(__<bsd.init.mk>__) __<bsd.init.mk>__: .include <bsd.opts.mk> .-include "local.init.mk" # This is also done in bsd.obj.mk .if defined(NO_OBJ) && ${.OBJDIR} != ${.CURDIR} .OBJDIR: ${.CURDIR} .endif .if exists(${.CURDIR}/../Makefile.inc) .include "${.CURDIR}/../Makefile.inc" .endif .include <bsd.own.mk> .MAIN: all # This is used in bsd.{dep,lib,prog}.mk as ${OBJS_SRCS_FILTER:ts:} # Some makefiles may want T as well to avoid nested objdirs. OBJS_SRCS_FILTER+= R # Handle INSTALL_AS_USER here to maximize the chance that # it has final authority over fooOWN and fooGRP. .if ${MK_INSTALL_AS_USER} != "no" .if !defined(_uid) _uid!= id -u .export _uid .endif .if ${_uid} != 0 .if !defined(_gid) _gid!= id -g .export _gid .endif .for x in BIN CONF DOC DTB INFO KMOD LIB MAN NLS SHARE $xOWN= ${_uid} $xGRP= ${_gid} .endfor .endif .endif # Some targets need to know when something may build. This is used to # optimize targets that are only needed when building something, such as # (not) reading in depend files. For DIRDEPS_BUILD, it will only calculate # the dependency graph at .MAKE.LEVEL==0, so nothing should be built there. # Skip "build" logic if: # - DIRDEPS_BUILD at MAKELEVEL 0 # - make -V is used without an override # - make install is used without other targets. This is to avoid breaking # things like 'make all install' or 'make foo install'. # - non-build targets are called .if ${MK_DIRDEPS_BUILD} == "yes" && ${.MAKE.LEVEL} == 0 # targets that are ok at level 0 DIRDEPS_BUILD_LEVEL0_TARGETS += clean* destroy* M_ListToSkip?= O:u:S,^,N,:ts: .if ${.TARGETS:Uall:${DIRDEPS_BUILD_LEVEL0_TARGETS:${M_ListToSkip}}} != "" _SKIP_BUILD= not building at level 0 .endif .elif !empty(.MAKEFLAGS:M-V${_V_DO_BUILD}) || \ ${.TARGETS:M*install*} == ${.TARGETS} || \ ${.TARGETS:Mclean*} == ${.TARGETS} || \ ${.TARGETS:M*clean} == ${.TARGETS} || \ ${.TARGETS:Mdestroy*} == ${.TARGETS} || \ ${.TARGETS:Mobj} == ${.TARGETS} || \ make(analyze) || make(print-dir) # Skip building, but don't show a warning. _SKIP_BUILD= .endif .if ${MK_DIRDEPS_BUILD} == "yes" && ${.MAKE.LEVEL} > 0 && !empty(_SKIP_BUILD) .warning ${_SKIP_BUILD} .endif beforebuild: .PHONY .NOTMAIN .if !defined(_SKIP_BUILD) all: beforebuild .WAIT .endif .if ${MK_META_MODE} == "yes" .if !exists(/dev/filemon) && \ ${UPDATE_DEPENDFILE:Uyes:tl} != "no" && !defined(NO_FILEMON) && \ !make(test-system-*) && !make(showconfig) && !make(print-dir) && \ ${.MAKEFLAGS:M-V} == "" .warning The filemon module (/dev/filemon) is not loaded. .warning META_MODE is less useful for incremental builds without filemon. .warning 'kldload filemon' or pass -DNO_FILEMON to suppress this warning. .endif .endif # ${MK_META_MODE} == "yes" .endif # !target(__<bsd.init.mk>__)