.\" .\" Copyright (C) 2001 Chad David <davidc@acns.ab.ca>. All rights reserved. .\" Copyright (c) 2021 The FreeBSD Foundation .\" .\" Portions of this documentation were written by Mark Johnston under .\" sponsorship from the FreeBSD Foundation. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer as .\" the first lines of this file unmodified other than the possible .\" addition of one or more copyright notices. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice(s), this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) ``AS IS'' AND ANY .\" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED .\" WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE .\" DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY .\" DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES .\" (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR .\" SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER .\" CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH .\" DAMAGE. .\" .Dd November 11, 2021 .Dt VM_PAGE_ALLOC 9 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm vm_page_alloc .Nd "allocate a page of memory" .Sh SYNOPSIS .In sys/param.h .In vm/vm.h .In vm/vm_page.h .Ft vm_page_t .Fn vm_page_alloc "vm_object_t object" "vm_pindex_t pindex" "int req" .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_after .Fa "vm_object_t object" .Fa "vm_pindex_t pindex" .Fa "int req" .Fa "vm_page_t mpred" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_contig .Fa "vm_object_t object" .Fa "vm_pindex_t pindex" .Fa "int req" .Fa "u_long npages" .Fa "vm_paddr_t low" .Fa "vm_paddr_t high" .Fa "u_long alignment" .Fa "vm_paddr_t boundary" .Fa "vm_memattr_t memattr" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_contig_domain .Fa "vm_object_t object" .Fa "vm_pindex_t pindex" .Fa "int req" .Fa "u_long npages" .Fa "vm_paddr_t low" .Fa "vm_paddr_t high" .Fa "u_long alignment" .Fa "vm_paddr_t boundary" .Fa "vm_memattr_t memattr" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_domain .Fa "vm_object_t object" .Fa "vm_pindex_t pindex" .Fa "int domain" .Fa "int req" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_domain_after .Fa "vm_object_t object" .Fa "vm_pindex_t pindex" .Fa "int domain" .Fa "int req" .Fa "vm_page_t mpred" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_freelist .Fa "int freelist" .Fa "int req" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_freelist_domain .Fa "int domain" .Fa "int freelist" .Fa "int req" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_noobj .Fa "int req" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_noobj_contig .Fa "int req" .Fa "u_long npages" .Fa "vm_paddr_t low" .Fa "vm_paddr_t high" .Fa "u_long alignment" .Fa "vm_paddr_t boundary" .Fa "vm_memattr_t memattr" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_noobj_contig_domain .Fa "int domain" .Fa "int req" .Fa "u_long npages" .Fa "vm_paddr_t low" .Fa "vm_paddr_t high" .Fa "u_long alignment" .Fa "vm_paddr_t boundary" .Fa "vm_memattr_t memattr" .Fc .Ft vm_page_t .Fo vm_page_alloc_noobj_domain .Fa "int domain" .Fa "int req" .Fc .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Fn vm_page_alloc family of functions allocate one or more pages of physical memory. Most kernel code should not call these functions directly but should instead use a kernel memory allocator such as .Xr malloc 9 or .Xr uma 9 , or should use a higher-level interface to the page cache, such as .Xr vm_page_grab 9 . .Pp All of the functions take a .Fa req parameter which encodes the allocation priority and optional modifier flags, described below. The functions whose names do not include .Dq noobj additionally insert the pages starting at index .Fa pindex in the VM object .Fa object . The object must be write-locked and not have a page already resident at the specified index. The functions whose names include .Dq domain support NUMA-aware allocation by returning pages from the .Xr numa 4 domain specified by .Fa domain . .Pp The .Fn vm_page_alloc_after and .Fn vm_page_alloc_domain_after functions behave identically to .Fn vm_page_alloc and .Fn vm_page_alloc_domain , respectively, except that they take an additional parameter .Fa mpred which must be the page resident in .Fa object with largest index smaller than .Fa pindex , or .Dv NULL if no such page exists. These functions exist to optimize the common case of loops that allocate multiple pages at successive indices within an object. .Pp The .Fn vm_page_alloc_contig and .Fn vm_page_alloc_noobj_contig functions and their NUMA-aware variants allocate a physically contiguous run of .Fa npages pages which satisfies the specified constraints. The .Fa low and .Fa high parameters specify a physical address range from which the run is to be allocated. The .Fa alignment parameter specifies the requested alignment of the first page in the run and must be a power of two. If the .Fa boundary parameter is non-zero, the pages constituting the run will not cross a physical address that is a multiple of the parameter value, which must be a power of two. If .Fa memattr is not equal to .Dv VM_MEMATTR_DEFAULT , then mappings of the returned pages created by, e.g., .Xr pmap_enter 9 or .Xr pmap_qenter 9 , will carry the machine-dependent encoding of the memory attribute. Additionally, the direct mapping of the page, if any, will be updated to reflect the requested memory attribute. .Pp The .Fn vm_page_alloc_freelist and .Fn vm_page_alloc_freelist_domain functions behave identically to .Fn vm_page_alloc_noobj and .Fn vm_page_alloc_noobj_domain , respectively, except that a successful allocation will return a page from the specified physical memory freelist. These functions are not intended for use outside of the virtual memory subsystem and exist only to support the requirements of certain platforms. .Sh REQUEST FLAGS All page allocator functions accept a .Fa req parameter that governs certain aspects of the function's behavior. .Pp The .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITOK , .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL , and .Dv VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT flags specify the behavior of the allocator if free pages could not be immediately allocated. The .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITOK flag can only be used with the .Dq noobj variants. If .Dv VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT is specified, then the allocator gives up and returns .Dv NULL . .Dv VM_ALLOC_NOWAIT is specified implicitly if none of the flags are present in the request. If either .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITOK or .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL is specified, the allocator will put the calling thread to sleep until sufficient free pages become available. At this point, if .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL is specified the allocator will return .Dv NULL , and if .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITOK is specified the allocator will retry the allocation. After a failed .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITFAIL allocation returns, the VM object, if any, will have been unlocked while the thread was sleeping. In this case the VM object write lock will be re-acquired before the function call returns. .Pp .Fa req also encodes the allocation request priority. By default the page(s) are allocated with no special treatment. If the number of available free pages is below a certain watermark, the allocation will fail or the allocating thread will sleep, depending on the specified wait flag. The watermark is computed at boot time and corresponds to a small (less than one percent) fraction of the system's total physical memory. To allocate memory more aggressively, one of following flags may be specified. .Bl -tag -width ".Dv VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT" .It Dv VM_ALLOC_SYSTEM The page can be allocated if the free page count is above the interrupt reserved water mark. This flag should be used only when the system really needs the page. .It Dv VM_ALLOC_INTERRUPT The allocation will fail only if zero free pages are available. This flag should be used only if the consequences of an allocation failure are worse than leaving the system without free memory. For example, this flag is used when allocating kernel page table pages, where allocation failures trigger a kernel panic. .El .Pp The following optional flags can further modify allocator behavior: .Bl -tag -width ".Dv VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY" .It Dv VM_ALLOC_SBUSY The returned page will be shared-busy. This flag may only be specified when allocating pages in a VM object. .It Dv VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY The returned page will not be busy. This flag is implicit when allocating pages without a VM object. When allocating pages in a VM object, and neither .Dv VM_ALLOC_SBUSY nor .Dv VM_ALLOC_NOBUSY are specified, the returned pages will be exclusively busied. .It Dv VM_ALLOC_NODUMP The returned page will not be included in any kernel core dumps regardless of whether or not it is mapped in to KVA. .It Dv VM_ALLOC_WIRED The returned page will be wired. .It Dv VM_ALLOC_ZERO If this flag is specified, the .Dq noobj variants will return zeroed pages. The other allocator interfaces ignore this flag. .It Dv VM_ALLOC_NORECLAIM If this flag is specified and the request can not be immediately satisfied, the allocator will not attempt to break superpage reservations to satisfy the allocation. This may be useful when the overhead of scanning the reservation queue outweighs the cost of a failed allocation. This flag may be used only with the .Dq contig variants, and must not be specified in combination with .Dv VM_ALLOC_WAITOK . .It Dv VM_ALLOC_COUNT(n) Hint that at least .Fa n pages will be allocated by the caller in the near future. .Fa n must be no larger than 65535. If the system is short of free pages, this hint may cause the kernel to reclaim memory more aggressively than it would otherwise. .El .Sh RETURN VALUES If the allocation was successful, a pointer to the .Vt struct vm_page corresponding to the allocated page is returned. If the allocation request specified multiple pages, the returned pointer points to an array of .Vt struct vm_page constituting the run. Upon failure, .Dv NULL is returned. Regardless of whether the allocation succeeds or fails, the VM object .Fa object will be write-locked upon return. .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr numa 4 , .Xr malloc 9 , .Xr uma 9 , .Xr vm_page_grab 9 , .Xr vm_page_sbusy 9 .Sh AUTHORS This manual page was written by .An Chad David Aq Mt davidc@acns.ab.ca .