.\" $OpenBSD: rtwn.4,v 1.2 2015/07/09 11:28:53 stsp Exp $ .\" .\" Copyright (c) 2010 Damien Bergamini <damien.bergamini@free.fr> .\" Copyright (c) 2015 Stefan Sperling <stsp@openbsd.org> .\" Copyright (c) 2016 Andriy Voskoboinyk <avos@freebsd.org> .\" .\" Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any .\" purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above .\" copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. .\" .\" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES .\" WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF .\" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR .\" ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES .\" WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN .\" ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF .\" OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd January 2, 2019 .Dt RTWN 4 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm rtwn .Nd Realtek IEEE 802.11 wireless network driver .Sh SYNOPSIS .Cd "options RTWN_DEBUG" .Cd "options RTWN_WITHOUT_UCODE" .Pp To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file: .Bd -ragged -offset indent .Cd "device rtwn" .Cd "device rtwnfw" .Cd "device rtwn_usb" .Cd "device rtwn_pci" .Cd "device wlan" .Cd "device firmware" .Ed .Pp Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place following lines in .Xr loader.conf 5 : .Bd -literal -offset indent if_rtwn_pci_load="YES" if_rtwn_usb_load="YES" .Ed .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm driver provides support for wireless network devices based on the Realtek RTL8192C, RTL8188E, RTL8192E, RTL8812A and RTL8821A programming APIs. These APIs are used by a wide variety of chips; most chips with USB and some with PCI interface are supported. .Pp To enable use for PCI/PCIe systems, see the rtwn_pci(4) driver; for USB devices, use the rtwn_usb(4) driver. .Pp The driver supports .Cm station , .Cm adhoc , .Cm hostap and .Cm monitor mode operation. There are no limitations for number of .Cm monitor mode virtual interfaces; in addition to any other virtual interface one .Cm station interface can be added (Note: RTL8821AU supports two non-monitor mode interfaces at the same time). .Pp All chips have hardware support for WEP, AES-CCM and TKIP encryption. .Pp The .Nm driver can be configured at runtime with .Xr ifconfig 8 . .Sh FILES .Bl -tag -width ".Pa /usr/share/doc/legal/realtek.LICENSE" -compact .It Pa /usr/share/doc/legal/realtek.LICENSE .Nm firmware license .El .Pp The driver (if not compiled with .Cd options RTWN_WITHOUT_UCODE ) may use following firmware files, which are loaded when an interface is brought up: .Bl -tag -width Ds -offset indent -compact .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8188eefw.ko .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8188eufw.ko .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8192cfwE_B.ko .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8192cfwE.ko .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8192cfwT.ko .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8192cfwU.ko .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8192eufw.ko .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8812aufw.ko .It Pa /boot/kernel/rtwn-rtl8821aufw.ko .El .Sh EXAMPLES Join an existing BSS network (i.e., connect to an access point): .Bd -literal -offset indent ifconfig wlan create wlandev rtwn0 inet \e netmask 0xffffff00 .Ed .Pp Join a specific BSS network with network name .Dq Li my_net : .Pp .Dl "ifconfig wlan create wlandev rtwn0 ssid my_net up" .Pp Join a specific BSS network with 64-bit WEP encryption: .Bd -literal -offset indent ifconfig wlan create wlandev rtwn0 ssid my_net \e wepmode on wepkey 0x1234567890 weptxkey 1 up .Ed .Pp Create an IBSS network with 128-bit WEP encryption on the channel 4: .Bd -literal -offset indent ifconfig wlan create wlandev rtwn0 wlanmode adhoc ssid my_net \e wepmode on wepkey 0x01020304050607080910111213 weptxkey 1 \e channel 4 .Ed .Pp Join/create an 802.11b IBSS network with network name .Dq Li my_net : .Bd -literal -offset indent ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev rtwn0 wlanmode adhoc ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask 0xffffff00 ssid my_net \e mode 11b .Ed .Pp Create a host-based access point: .Bd -literal -offset indent ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev rtwn0 wlanmode hostap ifconfig wlan0 inet netmask 0xffffff00 ssid my_ap .Ed .Sh LOADER TUNABLES Tunables can be set at the .Xr loader 8 prompt before booting the kernel or stored in .Xr loader.conf 5 . .Bl -tag -width indent .It Va dev.rtwn.%d.hwcrypto This tunable controls how key slots are assigned: .br 0 - disable h/w crypto support. Features that require access to frame contents (e.g., TCP/UDP/IP Rx checksum validation) will not work; .br 1 - use h/w crypto support for pairwise keys only; .br 2 - use h/w crypto support for all keys; may not work for multi-vap configurations. .br By default it is set to 1. .It Va dev.rtwn.%d.ratectl This tunable switches between rate control implementations: .br 0 - no rate control; .br 1 - driver sends 'tx complete' reports to net80211; algorithm is controlled via net80211; .br 2 - firmware-based rate control. .br By default it is set to 1; however driver may choose another algorithm in case if it is not implemented .br Currently selected algorithm is reported via .Em Va dev.rtwn.%d.ratectl_selected read-only OID. .It Va dev.rtwn.%d.rx_buf_size (USB only) Controls size of temporary Rx buffer; smaller buffer size may increase number of interrupts. .El .Sh DIAGNOSTICS .Bl -diag .It "rtwn%d: could not read efuse byte at address 0x%x" .It "rtwn%d: %s: cannot read rom, error %d" There was an error while reading ROM; device attach will be aborted. This should not happen. .It "rtwn%d: failed loadfirmware of file %s" For some reason, the driver was unable to read the microcode file from the filesystem. The file might be missing or corrupted. The driver will disable firmware-dependent features. .It "rtwn%d: wrong firmware size (%zu)" .It "rtwn%d: %s: failed to upload firmware %s (error %d)" .It "rtwn%d: timeout waiting for firmware readiness" Firmware upload failed; the file might be corrupted. The driver will disable firmware-dependent features. This should not happen. .It "rtwn%d: device timeout" A frame dispatched to the hardware for transmission did not complete in time. The driver will reset the hardware. This should not happen. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr intro 4 , .Xr netintro 4 , .Xr rtwn_pci 4 , .Xr rtwn_usb 4 , .Xr rtwnfw 4 , .Xr wlan 4 , .Xr wlan_amrr 4 , .Xr wlan_ccmp 4 , .Xr wlan_tkip 4 , .Xr wlan_wep 4 , .Xr wlan_xauth 4 , .Xr hostapd 8 , .Xr ifconfig 8 , .Xr wpa_supplicant 8 .Sh HISTORY The .Cm urtwn driver first appeared in .Ox 4.9 and .Fx 10.0 ; the .Nm driver first appeared in .Ox 5.8 . .Sh AUTHORS The .Nm driver was initially written by .An -nosplit .An Stefan Sperling Aq Mt stsp@openbsd.org and ported by .An Kevin Lo Aq Mt kevlo@freebsd.org . It was based on the .Cm urtwn driver written by .An Damien Bergamini Aq Mt damien.bergamini@free.fr . .Sh BUGS The .Nm driver currently does not implement firmware-based rate control.