.\" $FreeBSD$
.\" Written by Tom Rhodes
.\" This file is public domain
.Dd August 8, 2004
.Dt IDA 4
.Nm ida
.Nd Compaq Intelligent Drive Array Controllers
To compile this driver into the kernel,
place the following lines in your
kernel configuration file:
.Bd -ragged -offset indent
.Cd "device scbus"
.Cd "device ida"
Alternatively, to load the driver as a
module at boot time, place the following line in
.Xr loader.conf 5 :
.Bd -literal -offset indent
The Compaq Intelligent Drive Array (IDA) technology is used to
distribute data across an array of hard drives.
It unites these hard drives into one or more high-performance logical drives.
The drive array is managed by an array controller.
These controllers have the ability to provide fault tolerance for the connected
drives and optionally provide write cache for the logical drives.
It is also possible for an application to access the SCSI bus subsystem
directly by using the pass-through interface.
The following controllers are supported by the
.Bl -bullet -compact
Compaq SMART Array 221
Compaq Integrated SMART Array Controller
Compaq SMART Array 4200
Compaq SMART Array 4250ES
Compaq SMART 3200 Controller
Compaq SMART 3100ES Controller
Compaq SMART-2/DH Controller
Compaq SMART-2/SL Controller
Compaq SMART-2/P Controller
Compaq SMART-2/E Controller
Compaq SMART Controller
Extreme caution should be exercised when using the pass-through interface.
It is possible to interfere with normal system I/O and cause hangs if
pass-through is used to an active device.
Pass-through should only be used to a device that is otherwise quiescent.
.Xr cam 4 ,
.Xr pass 4 ,
.Xr xpt 4 ,
.Xr camcontrol 8
.An -nosplit
driver was written by
.An Jonathan Lemon Aq jlemon@FreeBSD.org
.An Matthew N. Dodd Aq mdodd@FreeBSD.org .
This manual page was written by
.An Tom Rhodes Aq trhodes@FreeBSD.org .