# $OpenBSD: faq-example3,v 1.4 2006/10/07 04:48:01 mcbride Exp $

# Company Network
# http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/queueing.html#example2

# enable queueing on the external interface to queue packets going out
# to the Internet. use the cbq scheduler so that the bandwidth use of
# each queue can be controlled. the max outgoing bandwidth is 1.5Mbps.

altq on fxp0 cbq bandwidth 1.5Mb queue { std_ext, www_ext, boss_ext }

# define the parameters for the child queues.
# std_ext        - the standard queue. also the default queue for
#                  outgoing traffic on fxp0.
# www_ext        - container queue for WWW server queues. limit to
#                  500Kbps.
#   www_ext_http - http traffic from the WWW server; higher priority.
#   www_ext_misc - all non-http traffic from the WWW server.
# boss_ext       - traffic coming from the boss's computer.

queue std_ext        bandwidth 500Kb cbq(default borrow)
queue www_ext        bandwidth 500Kb { www_ext_http, www_ext_misc }
  queue www_ext_http bandwidth 50% priority 3 cbq(red borrow)
  queue www_ext_misc bandwidth 50% priority 1 cbq(borrow)
queue boss_ext       bandwidth 500Kb priority 3 cbq(borrow)

# enable queueing on the internal interface to control traffic coming
# from the Internet or the DMZ. use the cbq scheduler to control the
# bandwidth of each queue. bandwidth on this interface is set to the
# maximum. traffic coming from the DMZ will be able to use all of this
# bandwidth while traffic coming from the Internet will be limited to
# 1.0Mbps (because 0.5Mbps (500Kbps) is being allocated to fxp1).

altq on dc0 cbq bandwidth 100% queue { net_int, www_int }

# define the parameters for the child queues.
# net_int    - container queue for traffic from the Internet. bandwidth
#              is 1.0Mbps.
#   std_int  - the standard queue. also the default queue for outgoing
#              traffic on dc0.
#   it_int   - traffic to the IT Dept network; reserve them 500Kbps.
#   boss_int - traffic to the boss's PC; assign a higher priority.
# www_int    - traffic from the WWW server in the DMZ; full speed.

queue net_int    bandwidth 1.0Mb { std_int, it_int, boss_int }
  queue std_int  bandwidth 250Kb cbq(default borrow)
  queue it_int   bandwidth 500Kb cbq(borrow)
  queue boss_int bandwidth 250Kb priority 3 cbq(borrow)
queue www_int    bandwidth 99Mb cbq(red borrow)

# enable queueing on the DMZ interface to control traffic destined for
# the WWW server. cbq will be used on this interface since detailed
# control of bandwidth is necessary. bandwidth on this interface is set
# to the maximum. traffic from the internal network will be able to use
# all of this bandwidth while traffic from the Internet will be limited
# to 500Kbps.

altq on fxp1 cbq bandwidth 100% queue { internal_dmz, net_dmz }

# define the parameters for the child queues.
# internal_dmz   - traffic from the internal network.
# net_dmz        - container queue for traffic from the Internet.
#   net_dmz_http - http traffic; higher priority.
#   net_dmz_misc - all non-http traffic. this is also the default queue.

queue internal_dmz   bandwidth 99Mb cbq(borrow)
queue net_dmz        bandwidth 500Kb { net_dmz_http, net_dmz_misc }
  queue net_dmz_http bandwidth 50% priority 3 cbq(red borrow)
  queue net_dmz_misc bandwidth 50% priority 1 cbq(default borrow)

# ... in the filtering section of pf.conf ...

main_net  = ""
it_net    = ""
int_nets  = "{, }"
dmz_net   = ""

boss      = ""
wwwserv   = ""

# default deny
block on { fxp0, fxp1, dc0 } all

# filter rules for fxp0 inbound
pass in on fxp0 proto tcp from any to $wwwserv port { 21, \
        > 49151 } queue www_ext_misc
pass in on fxp0 proto tcp from any to $wwwserv port 80 \
        queue www_ext_http

# filter rules for fxp0 outbound
pass out on fxp0 from $int_nets to any
pass out on fxp0 from $boss to any queue boss_ext

# filter rules for dc0 inbound
pass in on dc0 from $int_nets to any
pass in on dc0 from $it_net to any queue it_int
pass in on dc0 from $boss to any queue boss_int
pass in on dc0 proto tcp from $int_nets to $wwwserv port { 21, 80, \
        > 49151 } queue www_int

# filter rules for dc0 outbound
pass out on dc0 from dc0 to $int_nets

# filter rules for fxp1 inbound
pass in on fxp1 proto { tcp, udp } from $wwwserv to any port 53

# filter rules for fxp1 outbound
pass out on fxp1 proto tcp from any to $wwwserv port { 21, \
        > 49151 } queue net_dmz_misc
pass out on fxp1 proto tcp from any to $wwwserv port 80 queue net_dmz_http
pass out on fxp1 proto tcp from $int_nets to $wwwserv port { 80, \
        21, > 49151 } queue internal_dmz