
# PROVIDE: ftp-proxy
# KEYWORD: shutdown

. /etc/rc.subr

desc="Internet File Transfer Protocol proxy daemon"

load_rc_config $name

# manage_pid argument
#	Create or remove a pidfile manually, for daemons that can't be bothered
#	to do it themselves. Takes one argument, which is the argument provided
#	to the rc script. The pidfile will be named /var/run/<$name>.pid,
#	unless $pidfile is defined.
#	The method used to determine the pid is rather hacky; grep ps output to
#	find '$procname|$command', then grep for ${name}_flags. If at all
#	possible, use another method if at all possible, to avoid that dirty-
#	code feeling.
manage_pid() {
	local search_string ps_pid
	case $1 in
			cmd_string=`basename ${procname:-${command}}`
			eval flag_string=\"\$${name}_flags\"
			# Determine the pid.
			ps_pid=`ps ax -o pid= -o command= | grep $cmd_string | grep -e "$flag_string" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'`
			# Write the pidfile depending on $pidfile status.
			echo $ps_pid > ${pidfile:-"/var/run/$name.pid"}
	       		rm $pidfile

# Allow ftp-proxy to start up in two different ways. The typical behavior
# is to start up one instance of ftp-proxy by setting ftpproxy_enable and
# ftpproxy_flags. The alternate behavior allows multiple instances of ftp-
# proxy to be started, allowing different types of proxy behavior. To use the
# new behavior, a list of instances must be defined, and a list of flags for
# each instance. For example, if we want to start two instances of ftp-proxy,
# foo and bar, we would set the following vars.
#	ftpproxy_enable="YES"
#	ftpproxy_instances="foo bar"
#	ftpproxy_foo="<arguments for foo>"
#	ftpproxy_bar="<arguments for bar>"
# Starting more than one ftp-proxy?
if [ "$ftpproxy_instances" ] && [ -n "${ftpproxy_instances}" ]; then
	# Iterate through instance list.
	for i in $ftpproxy_instances; do
		#eval ftpproxy_${i}_flags=\$ftpproxy_${i}
		#eval name=ftpproxy_${i}
		# Set flags for this instance.
		eval ftpproxy_flags=\$ftpproxy_${i}
		# Define a unique pid file name.
		run_rc_command "$1"
		manage_pid $1
	# Traditional single-instance behavior
	run_rc_command "$1"