/*- * Copyright (c) 2018 Enji Cooper. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include <sys/cdefs.h> __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$"); #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <err.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <paths.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <atf-c.h> const char DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN[] = "The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There's only one moment for you to live.\n"; #define SOURCE_FILE "source" #define DESTINATION_FILE "dest" #define PORTRANGE_FIRST "net.inet.ip.portrange.first" #define PORTRANGE_LAST "net.inet.ip.portrange.last" static int portrange_first, portrange_last; static int get_int_via_sysctlbyname(const char *oidname) { size_t oldlen; int int_value; oldlen = sizeof(int_value); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(sysctlbyname(oidname, &int_value, &oldlen, NULL, 0), 0, "sysctlbyname(%s, ...) failed: %s", oidname, strerror(errno)); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(sizeof(int_value), oldlen, "sanity check failed"); return (int_value); } static int generate_random_port(int seed) { int random_port; printf("Generating a random port with seed=%d\n", seed); if (portrange_first == 0) { portrange_first = get_int_via_sysctlbyname(PORTRANGE_FIRST); printf("Port range lower bound: %d\n", portrange_first); } if (portrange_last == 0) { portrange_last = get_int_via_sysctlbyname(PORTRANGE_LAST); printf("Port range upper bound: %d\n", portrange_last); } srand((unsigned)seed); random_port = rand() % (portrange_last - portrange_first) + portrange_first; printf("Random port generated: %d\n", random_port); return (random_port); } static void resolve_localhost(struct addrinfo **res, int domain, int type, int port) { const char *host; char *serv; struct addrinfo hints; int error; switch (domain) { case AF_INET: host = ""; break; case AF_INET6: host = "::1"; break; default: atf_tc_fail("unhandled domain: %d", domain); } ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(asprintf(&serv, "%d", port) >= 0, "asprintf failed: %s", strerror(errno)); memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = domain; hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG|AI_NUMERICSERV|AI_NUMERICHOST; hints.ai_socktype = type; error = getaddrinfo(host, serv, &hints, res); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "getaddrinfo failed: %s", gai_strerror(error)); free(serv); } static int make_socket(int domain, int type, int protocol) { int sock; sock = socket(domain, type, protocol); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(sock != -1, "socket(%d, %d, 0) failed: %s", domain, type, strerror(errno)); return (sock); } static int setup_client(int domain, int type, int port) { struct addrinfo *res; char host[NI_MAXHOST+1]; int error, sock; resolve_localhost(&res, domain, type, port); error = getnameinfo( (const struct sockaddr*)res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, host, nitems(host) - 1, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "getnameinfo failed: %s", gai_strerror(error)); printf( "Will try to connect to host='%s', address_family=%d, " "socket_type=%d\n", host, res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype); /* Avoid a double print when forked by flushing. */ fflush(stdout); sock = make_socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); error = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr*)res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); freeaddrinfo(res); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "connect failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return (sock); } /* * XXX: use linear probing to find a free port and eliminate `port` argument as * a [const] int (it will need to be a pointer so it can be passed back out of * the function and can influence which port `setup_client(..)` connects on. */ static int setup_server(int domain, int type, int port) { struct addrinfo *res; char host[NI_MAXHOST+1]; int error, sock; resolve_localhost(&res, domain, type, port); sock = make_socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); error = getnameinfo( (const struct sockaddr*)res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen, host, nitems(host) - 1, NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "getnameinfo failed: %s", gai_strerror(error)); printf( "Will try to bind socket to host='%s', address_family=%d, " "socket_type=%d\n", host, res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype); /* Avoid a double print when forked by flushing. */ fflush(stdout); error = bind(sock, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); freeaddrinfo(res); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "bind failed: %s", strerror(errno)); error = listen(sock, 1); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "listen failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return (sock); } /* * This function is a helper routine for taking data being sent by `sendfile` via * `server_sock`, and pushing the received stream out to a file, denoted by * `dest_filename`. */ static void server_cat(const char *dest_filename, int server_sock, size_t len) { char *buffer, *buf_window_ptr; int recv_sock; size_t buffer_size; ssize_t received_bytes, recv_ret; /* * Ensure that there isn't excess data sent across the wire by * capturing 10 extra bytes (plus 1 for nul). */ buffer_size = len + 10 + 1; buffer = calloc(buffer_size, sizeof(char)); if (buffer == NULL) err(1, "malloc failed"); recv_sock = accept(server_sock, NULL, 0); if (recv_sock == -1) err(1, "accept failed"); buf_window_ptr = buffer; received_bytes = 0; do { recv_ret = recv(recv_sock, buf_window_ptr, buffer_size - received_bytes, 0); if (recv_ret <= 0) break; buf_window_ptr += recv_ret; received_bytes += recv_ret; } while (received_bytes < buffer_size); atf_utils_create_file(dest_filename, "%s", buffer); (void)close(recv_sock); (void)close(server_sock); free(buffer); if (received_bytes != len) errx(1, "received unexpected data: %zd != %zd", received_bytes, len); } static int setup_tcp_server(int domain, int port) { return (setup_server(domain, SOCK_STREAM, port)); } static int setup_tcp_client(int domain, int port) { return (setup_client(domain, SOCK_STREAM, port)); } static off_t file_size_from_fd(int fd) { struct stat st; ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(0, fstat(fd, &st), "fstat failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return (st.st_size); } /* * NB: `nbytes` == 0 has special connotations given the sendfile(2) API * contract. In short, "send the whole file" (paraphrased). */ static void verify_source_and_dest(const char* dest_filename, int src_fd, off_t offset, size_t nbytes) { char *dest_pointer, *src_pointer; off_t dest_file_size, src_file_size; size_t length; int dest_fd; atf_utils_cat_file(dest_filename, "dest_file: "); dest_fd = open(dest_filename, O_RDONLY); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(dest_fd != -1, "open failed"); dest_file_size = file_size_from_fd(dest_fd); src_file_size = file_size_from_fd(src_fd); /* * Per sendfile(2), "send the whole file" (paraphrased). This means * that we need to grab the file size, as passing in length = 0 with * mmap(2) will result in a failure with EINVAL (length = 0 is invalid). */ length = (nbytes == 0) ? (size_t)(src_file_size - offset) : nbytes; ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(dest_file_size, length, "number of bytes written out to %s (%ju) doesn't match the " "expected number of bytes (%zu)", dest_filename, dest_file_size, length); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(0, lseek(src_fd, offset, SEEK_SET), "lseek failed: %s", strerror(errno)); dest_pointer = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, dest_fd, 0); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(dest_pointer != MAP_FAILED, "mmap failed: %s", strerror(errno)); printf("Will mmap in the source file from offset=%jd to length=%zu\n", offset, length); src_pointer = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, src_fd, offset); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(src_pointer != MAP_FAILED, "mmap failed: %s", strerror(errno)); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(0, memcmp(src_pointer, dest_pointer, length), "Contents of source and destination do not match. '%s' != '%s'", src_pointer, dest_pointer); (void)munmap(src_pointer, length); (void)munmap(dest_pointer, length); (void)close(dest_fd); } static void fd_positive_file_test(int domain) { off_t offset; size_t nbytes, pattern_size; int client_sock, error, fd, port, server_sock; pid_t server_pid; pattern_size = strlen(DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); atf_utils_create_file(SOURCE_FILE, "%s", DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_RDONLY); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); server_pid = atf_utils_fork(); if (server_pid == 0) { (void)close(client_sock); server_cat(DESTINATION_FILE, server_sock, pattern_size); _exit(0); } else (void)close(server_sock); nbytes = 0; offset = 0; error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, offset, nbytes, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(0, error, "sendfile failed: %s", strerror(errno)); (void)close(client_sock); atf_utils_wait(server_pid, 0, "", ""); verify_source_and_dest(DESTINATION_FILE, fd, offset, nbytes); (void)close(fd); } ATF_TC(fd_positive_file_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(fd_positive_file_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify regular file as file descriptor support (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(fd_positive_file_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); fd_positive_file_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(fd_positive_file_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(fd_positive_file_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify regular file as file descriptor support (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(fd_positive_file_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); fd_positive_file_test(AF_INET6); } static void fd_positive_shm_test(int domain) { char *shm_pointer; off_t offset; size_t nbytes, pattern_size; pid_t server_pid; int client_sock, error, fd, port, server_sock; pattern_size = strlen(DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); printf("pattern size: %zu\n", pattern_size); fd = shm_open(SHM_ANON, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "shm_open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(0, ftruncate(fd, pattern_size), "ftruncate failed: %s", strerror(errno)); shm_pointer = mmap(NULL, pattern_size, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(shm_pointer != MAP_FAILED, "mmap failed: %s", strerror(errno)); memcpy(shm_pointer, DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN, pattern_size); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(0, memcmp(shm_pointer, DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN, pattern_size), "memcmp showed data mismatch: '%s' != '%s'", DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN, shm_pointer); port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); server_pid = atf_utils_fork(); if (server_pid == 0) { (void)close(client_sock); server_cat(DESTINATION_FILE, server_sock, pattern_size); _exit(0); } else (void)close(server_sock); nbytes = 0; offset = 0; error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, offset, nbytes, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_EQ_MSG(0, error, "sendfile failed: %s", strerror(errno)); (void)close(client_sock); atf_utils_wait(server_pid, 0, "", ""); verify_source_and_dest(DESTINATION_FILE, fd, offset, nbytes); (void)munmap(shm_pointer, sizeof(DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN)); (void)close(fd); } ATF_TC(fd_positive_shm_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(fd_positive_shm_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify shared memory as file descriptor support (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(fd_positive_shm_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); fd_positive_shm_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(fd_positive_shm_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(fd_positive_shm_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify shared memory as file descriptor support (IPv6))"); } ATF_TC_BODY(fd_positive_shm_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); fd_positive_shm_test(AF_INET6); } static void fd_negative_bad_fd_test(int domain) { int client_sock, error, fd, port, server_sock; port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); fd = -1; error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(EBADF, error == -1); (void)close(client_sock); (void)close(server_sock); } ATF_TC(fd_negative_bad_fd_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(fd_negative_bad_fd_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify bad file descriptor returns EBADF (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(fd_negative_bad_fd_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); fd_negative_bad_fd_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(fd_negative_bad_fd_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(fd_negative_bad_fd_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify bad file descriptor returns EBADF (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(fd_negative_bad_fd_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); fd_negative_bad_fd_test(AF_INET6); } static void flags_test(int domain) { off_t offset; size_t nbytes, pattern_size; int client_sock, error, fd, i, port, server_sock; pid_t server_pid; int16_t number_pages = 10; pattern_size = strlen(DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); struct testcase { int16_t readahead_pages, flags; } testcases[] = { /* This is covered in `:fd_positive_file` */ #if 0 { .readahead_pages = 0, .flags = 0 }, #endif { .readahead_pages = 0, .flags = SF_NOCACHE }, #ifdef SF_USER_READAHEAD { .readahead_pages = 0, .flags = SF_NOCACHE|SF_USER_READAHEAD }, { .readahead_pages = 0, .flags = SF_USER_READAHEAD }, #endif { .readahead_pages = number_pages, .flags = 0 }, { .readahead_pages = number_pages, .flags = SF_NOCACHE }, #ifdef SF_USER_READAHEAD { .readahead_pages = number_pages, .flags = SF_NOCACHE|SF_USER_READAHEAD }, #endif { .readahead_pages = number_pages, .flags = SF_NOCACHE }, { .readahead_pages = number_pages, .flags = SF_NODISKIO } }; atf_utils_create_file(SOURCE_FILE, "%s", DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); for (i = 0; i < nitems(testcases); i++) { fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_RDONLY); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); port = generate_random_port(i * __LINE__ + domain); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); server_pid = atf_utils_fork(); if (server_pid == 0) { (void)close(client_sock); server_cat(DESTINATION_FILE, server_sock, pattern_size); _exit(0); } else (void)close(server_sock); nbytes = 0; offset = 0; error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, offset, nbytes, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(testcases[i].readahead_pages, testcases[i].flags)); ATF_CHECK_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "sendfile testcase #%d failed: %s", i, strerror(errno)); (void)close(client_sock); atf_utils_wait(server_pid, 0, "", ""); verify_source_and_dest(DESTINATION_FILE, fd, offset, nbytes); (void)close(fd); } } ATF_TC(flags_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(flags_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify flags functionality (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(flags_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); flags_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(flags_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(flags_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify flags functionality (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(flags_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); flags_test(AF_INET6); } static void hdtr_positive_test(int domain) { struct iovec headers[1], trailers[1]; struct testcase { bool include_headers, include_trailers; } testcases[] = { /* This is covered in `:fd_positive_file` */ #if 0 { .include_headers = false, .include_trailers = false }, #endif { .include_headers = true, .include_trailers = false }, { .include_headers = false, .include_trailers = true }, { .include_headers = true, .include_trailers = true } }; off_t offset; size_t nbytes; int client_sock, error, fd, fd2, i, port, rc, server_sock; pid_t server_pid; headers[0].iov_base = "This is a header"; headers[0].iov_len = strlen(headers[0].iov_base); trailers[0].iov_base = "This is a trailer"; trailers[0].iov_len = strlen(trailers[0].iov_base); offset = 0; nbytes = 0; for (i = 0; i < nitems(testcases); i++) { struct sf_hdtr hdtr; char *pattern; if (testcases[i].include_headers) { hdtr.headers = headers; hdtr.hdr_cnt = nitems(headers); } else { hdtr.headers = NULL; hdtr.hdr_cnt = 0; } if (testcases[i].include_trailers) { hdtr.trailers = trailers; hdtr.trl_cnt = nitems(trailers); } else { hdtr.trailers = NULL; hdtr.trl_cnt = 0; } port = generate_random_port(i * __LINE__ + domain); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); rc = asprintf(&pattern, "%s%s%s", testcases[i].include_headers ? (char *)headers[0].iov_base : "", DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN, testcases[i].include_trailers ? (char *)trailers[0].iov_base : ""); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(rc != -1, "asprintf failed: %s", strerror(errno)); atf_utils_create_file(SOURCE_FILE ".full", "%s", pattern); atf_utils_create_file(SOURCE_FILE, "%s", DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_RDONLY); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); fd2 = open(SOURCE_FILE ".full", O_RDONLY); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd2 != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); server_pid = atf_utils_fork(); if (server_pid == 0) { (void)close(client_sock); server_cat(DESTINATION_FILE, server_sock, strlen(pattern)); _exit(0); } else (void)close(server_sock); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, offset, nbytes, &hdtr, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_CHECK_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "sendfile testcase #%d failed: %s", i, strerror(errno)); (void)close(client_sock); atf_utils_wait(server_pid, 0, "", ""); verify_source_and_dest(DESTINATION_FILE, fd2, offset, nbytes); (void)close(fd); (void)close(fd2); free(pattern); pattern = NULL; } } ATF_TC(hdtr_positive_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(hdtr_positive_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify positive hdtr functionality (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(hdtr_positive_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); hdtr_positive_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(hdtr_positive_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(hdtr_positive_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify positive hdtr functionality (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(hdtr_positive_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); hdtr_positive_test(AF_INET); } static void hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_test(int domain) { int client_sock, error, fd, port, server_sock; struct sf_hdtr *hdtr1, hdtr2, hdtr3; port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); hdtr1 = (struct sf_hdtr*)-1; memset(&hdtr2, 0, sizeof(hdtr2)); hdtr2.hdr_cnt = 1; hdtr2.headers = (struct iovec*)-1; memset(&hdtr3, 0, sizeof(hdtr3)); hdtr3.trl_cnt = 1; hdtr3.trailers = (struct iovec*)-1; fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, hdtr1, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_CHECK_ERRNO(EFAULT, error == -1); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, &hdtr2, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_CHECK_ERRNO(EFAULT, error == -1); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, &hdtr3, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_CHECK_ERRNO(EFAULT, error == -1); (void)close(fd); (void)close(client_sock); (void)close(server_sock); } ATF_TC(hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that bad pointers for hdtr storage result in EFAULT (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that bad pointers for hdtr storage result in EFAULT (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_test(AF_INET6); } static void offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_test(int domain) { int client_sock, error, fd, port, server_sock; port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, -1, 0, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(EINVAL, error == -1); (void)close(fd); (void)close(client_sock); (void)close(server_sock); } ATF_TC(offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that a negative offset results in EINVAL (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that a negative offset results in EINVAL (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_test(AF_INET6); } static void sbytes_positive_test(int domain) { size_t pattern_size = strlen(DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); off_t sbytes; int client_sock, error, fd, port, server_sock; port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); atf_utils_create_file(SOURCE_FILE, "%s", DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_RDONLY); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, NULL, &sbytes, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_CHECK_EQ_MSG(error, 0, "sendfile failed: %s", strerror(errno)); (void)close(fd); (void)close(client_sock); (void)close(server_sock); ATF_CHECK_EQ_MSG(pattern_size, sbytes, "the value returned by sbytes does not match the expected pattern " "size"); } ATF_TC(sbytes_positive_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(sbytes_positive_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify positive `sbytes` functionality (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(sbytes_positive_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); sbytes_positive_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(sbytes_positive_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(sbytes_positive_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify positive `sbytes` functionality (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(sbytes_positive_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); sbytes_positive_test(AF_INET6); } static void sbytes_negative_test(int domain) { off_t *sbytes_p = (off_t*)-1; int client_sock, error, fd, port, server_sock; port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); server_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); client_sock = setup_tcp_client(domain, port); atf_utils_create_file(SOURCE_FILE, "%s", DETERMINISTIC_PATTERN); fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_RDONLY); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); atf_tc_expect_fail( "bug 232210: EFAULT assert fails because copyout(9) call is not checked"); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, NULL, sbytes_p, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(EFAULT, error == -1); (void)close(fd); (void)close(client_sock); (void)close(server_sock); } ATF_TC(sbytes_negative_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(sbytes_negative_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify negative `sbytes` functionality (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(sbytes_negative_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); sbytes_negative_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(sbytes_negative_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(sbytes_negative_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify negative `sbytes` functionality (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(sbytes_negative_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); sbytes_negative_test(AF_INET6); } static void s_negative_not_connected_socket_test(int domain) { int client_sock, error, fd, port; port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); client_sock = setup_tcp_server(domain, port); fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(ENOTCONN, error == -1); (void)close(fd); (void)close(client_sock); } ATF_TC(s_negative_not_connected_socket_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(s_negative_not_connected_socket_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that a non-connected SOCK_STREAM socket results in ENOTCONN (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(s_negative_not_connected_socket_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); s_negative_not_connected_socket_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(s_negative_not_connected_socket_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(s_negative_not_connected_socket_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that a non-connected SOCK_STREAM socket results in ENOTCONN (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(s_negative_not_connected_socket_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); s_negative_not_connected_socket_test(AF_INET6); } ATF_TC(s_negative_not_descriptor); ATF_TC_HEAD(s_negative_not_descriptor, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that an invalid file descriptor, e.g., -1, fails with EBADF"); } ATF_TC_BODY(s_negative_not_descriptor, tc) { int client_sock, error, fd; if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); client_sock = -1; fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(EBADF, error == -1); (void)close(fd); } ATF_TC(s_negative_not_socket_file_descriptor); ATF_TC_HEAD(s_negative_not_socket_file_descriptor, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that a non-socket file descriptor fails with ENOTSOCK"); } ATF_TC_BODY(s_negative_not_socket_file_descriptor, tc) { int client_sock, error, fd; if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); client_sock = open(_PATH_DEVNULL, O_WRONLY); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(client_sock != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(ENOTSOCK, error == -1); (void)close(fd); (void)close(client_sock); } static void s_negative_udp_socket_test(int domain) { int client_sock, error, fd, port; port = generate_random_port(__LINE__ + domain); client_sock = setup_client(domain, SOCK_DGRAM, port); fd = open(SOURCE_FILE, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0600); ATF_REQUIRE_MSG(fd != -1, "open failed: %s", strerror(errno)); error = sendfile(fd, client_sock, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, SF_FLAGS(0, 0)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(EINVAL, error == -1); (void)close(fd); (void)close(client_sock); } ATF_TC(s_negative_udp_socket_v4); ATF_TC_HEAD(s_negative_udp_socket_v4, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that a non-SOCK_STREAM type socket results in EINVAL (IPv4)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(s_negative_udp_socket_v4, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); s_negative_udp_socket_test(AF_INET); } ATF_TC(s_negative_udp_socket_v6); ATF_TC_HEAD(s_negative_udp_socket_v6, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "Verify that a non-SOCK_STREAM type socket results in EINVAL (IPv6)"); } ATF_TC_BODY(s_negative_udp_socket_v6, tc) { if (atf_tc_get_config_var_as_bool_wd(tc, "qemu", false)) atf_tc_skip("Sendfile(4) unimplemented. https://github.com/qemu-bsd-user/qemu-bsd-user/issues/25"); s_negative_udp_socket_test(AF_INET6); } ATF_TP_ADD_TCS(tp) { ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, fd_positive_file_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, fd_positive_file_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, fd_positive_shm_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, fd_positive_shm_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, fd_negative_bad_fd_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, fd_negative_bad_fd_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, flags_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, flags_v6); /* * TODO: the negative case for SF_NODISKIO (returns EBUSY if file in * use) is not covered yet. * * Need to lock a file in a subprocess in write mode, then try and * send the data in read mode with sendfile. * * This should work with FFS/UFS, but there are no guarantees about * other filesystem implementations of sendfile(2), e.g., ZFS. */ ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, hdtr_positive_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, hdtr_positive_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, hdtr_negative_bad_pointers_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, offset_negative_value_less_than_zero_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, sbytes_positive_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, sbytes_positive_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, sbytes_negative_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, sbytes_negative_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, s_negative_not_connected_socket_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, s_negative_not_connected_socket_v6); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, s_negative_not_descriptor); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, s_negative_not_socket_file_descriptor); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, s_negative_udp_socket_v4); ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, s_negative_udp_socket_v6); return (atf_no_error()); }