.\" Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Pawel Jakub Dawidek <pjd@FreeBSD.org> .\" All rights reserved. .\" .\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without .\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions .\" are met: .\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. .\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright .\" notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the .\" documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. .\" .\" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND .\" ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE .\" IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE .\" ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE .\" FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL .\" DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS .\" OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) .\" HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT .\" LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY .\" OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF .\" SUCH DAMAGE. .\" .\" $FreeBSD$ .\" .Dd March 12, 2017 .Dt GLABEL 8 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm glabel .Nd "disk labelization control utility" .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm .Cm create .Op Fl v .Ar name .Ar dev .Nm .Cm destroy .Op Fl fv .Ar name ... .Nm .Cm label .Op Fl v .Ar name .Ar dev .Nm .Cm stop .Op Fl fv .Ar name ... .Nm .Cm clear .Op Fl v .Ar dev ... .Nm .Cm dump .Ar dev ... .Nm .Cm refresh .Ar dev ... .Nm .Cm list .Nm .Cm status .Nm .Cm load .Nm .Cm unload .Sh DESCRIPTION The .Nm utility is used for GEOM provider labelization. A label can be set up on a GEOM provider in two ways: .Dq manual or .Dq automatic . When using the .Dq manual method, no metadata are stored on the devices, so a label has to be configured by hand every time it is needed. The .Dq automatic method uses on-disk metadata to store the label and detect it automatically in the future. .Pp This GEOM class also provides volume label detection for file systems. Those labels cannot be set with .Nm , but must be set with the appropriate file system utility, e.g.\& for UFS the file system label is set with .Xr tunefs 8 . Currently supported file systems are: .Pp .Bl -bullet -offset indent -compact .It UFS1 volume names (directory .Pa /dev/ufs/ ) . .It UFS2 volume names (directory .Pa /dev/ufs/ ) . .It UFS1 file system IDs (directory .Pa /dev/ufsid/ ) . .It UFS2 file system IDs (directory .Pa /dev/ufsid/ ) . .It MSDOSFS (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32) (directory .Pa /dev/msdosfs/ ) . .It CD ISO9660 (directory .Pa /dev/iso9660/ ) . .It EXT2FS (directory .Pa /dev/ext2fs/ ) . .It REISERFS (directory .Pa /dev/reiserfs/ ) . .It NTFS (directory .Pa /dev/ntfs/ ) . .El .Pp Support for partition metadata is implemented for: .Pp .Bl -bullet -offset indent -compact .It GPT labels (directory .Pa /dev/gpt/ ) . .It GPT UUIDs (directory .Pa /dev/gptid/ ) . .El .Pp Generic disk ID strings are exported as labels in the format .Pa /dev/diskid/GEOM_CLASS-ident e.g. .Pa /dev/diskid/DISK-6QG3Z026 . .Pp Generic labels created and managed solely by .Xr glabel 8 are created in the .Pa /dev/label/ directory. .Pp Note that for all label types, nested GEOM classes will cause additional device nodes to be created, with context-specific data appended to their names. E.g. for every node like .Pa /dev/label/bigdisk there will be additional entries for any partitions which the device contains, like .Pa /dev/label/bigdiskp1 and .Pa /dev/label/bigdiskp1a . .Pp The first argument to .Nm indicates an action to be performed: .Bl -tag -width ".Cm destroy" .It Cm create Create temporary label .Ar name for the given provider. This is the .Dq manual method. The kernel module .Pa geom_label.ko will be loaded if it is not loaded already. .It Cm label Set up a label .Ar name for the given provider. This is the .Dq automatic method, where metadata is stored in a provider's last sector. The kernel module .Pa geom_label.ko will be loaded if it is not loaded already. .It Cm stop Turn off the given label by its .Ar name . This command does not touch on-disk metadata! .It Cm destroy Same as .Cm stop . .It Cm clear Clear metadata on the given devices. .It Cm dump Dump metadata stored on the given devices. .It Cm refresh Refresh / rediscover metadata from the given devices. .It Cm list See .Xr geom 8 . .It Cm status See .Xr geom 8 . .It Cm load See .Xr geom 8 . .It Cm unload See .Xr geom 8 . .El .Pp Additional options: .Bl -tag -width indent .It Fl f Force the removal of the specified labels. .It Fl v Be more verbose. .El .Sh SYSCTL VARIABLES The following .Xr sysctl 8 variables can be used to control the behavior of the .Nm LABEL GEOM class. The default value is shown next to each variable. .Bl -tag -width indent .It Va kern.geom.label.debug : No 0 Debug level of the .Nm LABEL GEOM class. This can be set to a number between 0 and 2 inclusive. If set to 0 minimal debug information is printed, and if set to 2 the maximum amount of debug information is printed. .El .Bl -tag -width indent .It Va kern.geom.label.*.enable : No 1 Most .Nm LABEL providers implement a .Xr sysctl 8 flag and a tunable variable named in the above format. This flag controls if the label provider will be active, tasting devices and creating label nodes in the .Xr devfs 5 tree. It is sometimes desirable to disable certain label types if they conflict with other classes in complex GEOM topologies. .El .Sh EXIT STATUS Exit status is 0 on success, and 1 if the command fails. .Sh EXAMPLES The following example shows how to set up a label for disk .Dq Li da2 , create a file system on it, and mount it: .Bd -literal -offset indent glabel label -v usr /dev/da2 newfs /dev/label/usr mount /dev/label/usr /usr [...] umount /usr glabel stop usr glabel unload .Ed .Pp The next example shows how to set up a label for a UFS file system: .Bd -literal -offset indent tunefs -L data /dev/da4s1a mount /dev/ufs/data /mnt/data .Ed .Sh SEE ALSO .Xr geom 4 , .Xr loader.conf 5 , .Xr geom 8 , .Xr mount 8 , .Xr newfs 8 , .Xr sysctl 8 , .Xr tunefs 8 , .Xr umount 8 .Sh HISTORY The .Nm utility appeared in .Fx 5.3 . .Sh AUTHORS .An Pawel Jakub Dawidek Aq Mt pjd@FreeBSD.org