%/* % * Sun RPC is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and is provided for % * unrestricted use provided that this legend is included on all tape % * media and as a part of the software program in whole or part. Users % * may copy or modify Sun RPC without charge, but are not authorized % * to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or % * program developed by the user. % * % * SUN RPC IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE % * WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR % * PURPOSE, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. % * % * Sun RPC is provided with no support and without any obligation on the % * part of Sun Microsystems, Inc. to assist in its use, correction, % * modification or enhancement. % * % * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE % * INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY SUN RPC % * OR ANY PART THEREOF. % * % * In no event will Sun Microsystems, Inc. be liable for any lost revenue % * or profits or other special, indirect and consequential damages, even if % * Sun has been advised of the possibility of such damages. % * % * Sun Microsystems, Inc. % * 2550 Garcia Avenue % * Mountain View, California 94043 % */ %/* % * Copyright (c) 1984,1989 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. % */ %/* from pmap_prot.x */ #ifdef RPC_HDR % %#ifndef _KERNEL % #endif /* * Port Mapper Protocol Specification (in RPC Language) * derived from RFC 1057 */ %/* % * Protocol for the local binder service, or pmap. % * % * Copyright (C) 1984, Sun Microsystems, Inc. % * % * The following procedures are supported by the protocol: % * % * PMAPPROC_NULL() returns () % * takes nothing, returns nothing % * % * PMAPPROC_SET(struct pmap) returns (bool_t) % * TRUE is success, FALSE is failure. Registers the tuple % * [prog, vers, prot, port]. % * % * PMAPPROC_UNSET(struct pmap) returns (bool_t) % * TRUE is success, FALSE is failure. Un-registers pair % * [prog, vers]. prot and port are ignored. % * % * PMAPPROC_GETPORT(struct pmap) returns (long unsigned). % * 0 is failure. Otherwise returns the port number where the pair % * [prog, vers] is registered. It may lie! % * % * PMAPPROC_DUMP() RETURNS (struct pmaplist_ptr) % * % * PMAPPROC_CALLIT(unsigned, unsigned, unsigned, string<>) % * RETURNS (port, string<>); % * usage: encapsulatedresults = PMAPPROC_CALLIT(prog, vers, proc, % * encapsulatedargs); % * Calls the procedure on the local machine. If it is not registered, % * this procedure is quite; ie it does not return error information!!! % * This procedure only is supported on rpc/udp and calls via % * rpc/udp. This routine only passes null authentication parameters. % * This file has no interface to xdr routines for PMAPPROC_CALLIT. % * % * The service supports remote procedure calls on udp/ip or tcp/ip socket 111. % */ % const PMAPPORT = 111; /* portmapper port number */ % % %/* % * A mapping of (program, version, protocol) to port number % */ struct pmap { unsigned long pm_prog; unsigned long pm_vers; unsigned long pm_prot; unsigned long pm_port; }; #ifdef RPC_HDR % %typedef pmap PMAP; % #endif % %/* % * Supported values for the "prot" field % */ % const PMAP_IPPROTO_TCP = 6; /* protocol number for TCP/IP */ const PMAP_IPPROTO_UDP = 17; /* protocol number for UDP/IP */ % % %/* % * A list of mappings % * % * Below are two definitions for the pmaplist structure. This is done because % * xdr_pmaplist() is specified to take a struct pmaplist **, rather than a % * struct pmaplist * that rpcgen would produce. One version of the pmaplist % * structure (actually called pm__list) is used with rpcgen, and the other is % * defined only in the header file for compatibility with the specified % * interface. % */ struct pm__list { pmap pml_map; struct pm__list *pml_next; }; typedef pm__list *pmaplist_ptr; /* results of PMAPPROC_DUMP */ #ifdef RPC_HDR % %typedef struct pm__list pmaplist; %typedef struct pm__list PMAPLIST; % %#ifndef __cplusplus %struct pmaplist { % PMAP pml_map; % struct pmaplist *pml_next; %}; %#endif % %#ifdef __cplusplus %extern "C" { %#endif %extern bool_t xdr_pmaplist(XDR *, pmaplist**); %#ifdef __cplusplus %} %#endif % #endif % %/* % * Arguments to callit % */ struct rmtcallargs { unsigned long prog; unsigned long vers; unsigned long proc; opaque args<>; }; #ifdef RPC_HDR % %/* % * Client-side only representation of rmtcallargs structure. % * % * The routine that XDRs the rmtcallargs structure must deal with the % * opaque arguments in the "args" structure. xdr_rmtcall_args() needs to be % * passed the XDR routine that knows the args' structure. This routine % * doesn't need to go over-the-wire (and it wouldn't make sense anyway) since % * the application being called knows the args structure already. So we use a % * different "XDR" structure on the client side, p_rmtcallargs, which includes % * the args' XDR routine. % */ %struct p_rmtcallargs { % u_long prog; % u_long vers; % u_long proc; % struct { % u_int args_len; % char *args_val; % } args; % xdrproc_t xdr_args; /* encodes args */ %}; % #endif /* def RPC_HDR */ % % %/* % * Results of callit % */ struct rmtcallres { unsigned long port; opaque res<>; }; #ifdef RPC_HDR % %/* % * Client-side only representation of rmtcallres structure. % */ %struct p_rmtcallres { % u_long port; % struct { % u_int res_len; % char *res_val; % } res; % xdrproc_t xdr_res; /* decodes res */ %}; % #endif /* def RPC_HDR */ /* * Port mapper procedures */ program PMAPPROG { version PMAPVERS { void PMAPPROC_NULL(void) = 0; bool PMAPPROC_SET(pmap) = 1; bool PMAPPROC_UNSET(pmap) = 2; unsigned long PMAPPROC_GETPORT(pmap) = 3; pmaplist_ptr PMAPPROC_DUMP(void) = 4; rmtcallres PMAPPROC_CALLIT(rmtcallargs) = 5; } = 2; } = 100000; % #ifdef RPC_HDR %#define PMAPVERS_PROTO ((u_long)2) %#define PMAPVERS_ORIG ((u_long)1) % %#else /* ndef _KERNEL */ % %#include <rpc/pmap_rmt.h> % %#ifdef __cplusplus %extern "C" { %#endif % %#define PMAPPORT 111 % %struct pmap { % long unsigned pm_prog; % long unsigned pm_vers; % long unsigned pm_prot; % long unsigned pm_port; %}; %typedef struct pmap PMAP; %extern bool_t xdr_pmap (XDR *, struct pmap *); % %struct pmaplist { % struct pmap pml_map; % struct pmaplist *pml_next; %}; %typedef struct pmaplist PMAPLIST; %typedef struct pmaplist *pmaplist_ptr; % % %#ifdef __cplusplus %} %#endif % %#endif /* ndef _KERNEL */ #endif