 * Copyright 2018-2021 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License 2.0 (the "License").  You may not use
 * this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
 * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at
 * https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html

 * Options are shared by apps (see apps.h) and the test system
 * (see test/testutil.h').
 * In order to remove the dependency between apps and options, the following
 * shared fields have been moved into this file.


 * On some platforms, it's important to distinguish between text and binary
 * files.  On some, there might even be specific file formats for different
 * contents.  The FORMAT_xxx macros are meant to express an intent with the
 * file being read or created.
# define B_FORMAT_TEXT   0x8000
# define FORMAT_UNDEF    0
# define FORMAT_TEXT    (1 | B_FORMAT_TEXT)     /* Generic text */
# define FORMAT_BINARY   2                      /* Generic binary */
# define FORMAT_BASE64  (3 | B_FORMAT_TEXT)     /* Base64 */
# define FORMAT_ASN1     4                      /* ASN.1/DER */
# define FORMAT_PEM     (5 | B_FORMAT_TEXT)
# define FORMAT_PKCS12   6
# define FORMAT_ENGINE   8                      /* Not really a file format */
# define FORMAT_PEMRSA  (9 | B_FORMAT_TEXT)     /* PEM RSAPublicKey format */
# define FORMAT_ASN1RSA  10                     /* DER RSAPublicKey format */
# define FORMAT_MSBLOB   11                     /* MS Key blob format */
# define FORMAT_PVK      12                     /* MS PVK file format */
# define FORMAT_HTTP     13                     /* Download using HTTP */
# define FORMAT_NSS      14                     /* NSS keylog format */

int FMT_istext(int format);

#endif /* OSSL_APPS_FMT_H_ */