#	$OpenBSD: stderr-after-eof.sh,v 1.3 2017/04/30 23:34:55 djm Exp $
#	Placed in the Public Domain.

tid="stderr data after eof"

# setup data
rm -f ${DATA} ${COPY}
cp /dev/null ${DATA}
for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
	(date;echo $i) | md5 >> ${DATA}

${SSH} -F $OBJ/ssh_proxy otherhost \
	exec sh -c \'"exec > /dev/null; sleep 2; cat ${DATA} 1>&2 $s"\' \
	2> ${COPY}
if [ $r -ne 0 ]; then
	fail "ssh failed with exit code $r"
egrep 'Disconnecting: Received extended_data after EOF' ${COPY} &&
	fail "ext data received after eof"
cmp ${DATA} ${COPY}	|| fail "stderr corrupt"

rm -f ${DATA} ${COPY}