#!/bin/sh # configure_args=" --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh --with-pam --with-ssl-dir=/usr --without-tcp-wrappers --with-libedit --with-ssl-engine --without-xauth " set -e openssh=$(dirname $(realpath $0)) cd $openssh # Run autotools before we drop LOCALBASE out of PATH (cd $openssh && libtoolize --copy && autoheader && autoconf) # Ensure we use the correct toolchain and clean our environment export CC=$(echo ".include <bsd.lib.mk>" | make -f /dev/stdin -VCC) export CPP=$(echo ".include <bsd.lib.mk>" | make -f /dev/stdin -VCPP) unset CFLAGS CPPFLAGS LDFLAGS LD_LIBRARY_PATH LIBS export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin # Generate config.h with krb5 and stash it sh configure $configure_args --with-kerberos5=/usr mv config.log config.log.kerberos5 mv config.h config.h.kerberos5 # Generate config.h with built-in security key support # # We install libcbor and libfido2 as PRIVATELIB, so the headers are not # available for configure - add their paths via CFLAGS as a slight hack. # configure.ac is also patched to specify -lprivatecbor and -lprivatefido2 # rather than -lcbor and -lfido2. export CFLAGS="-I$openssh/../../contrib/libcbor/src -I$openssh/../../contrib/libfido2/src" sh configure $configure_args --with-security-key-builtin unset CFLAGS mv config.log config.log.sk-builtin mv config.h config.h.sk-builtin # Generate config.h without krb5 or SK support sh configure $configure_args --without-kerberos5 --without-security-key-builtin # Extract the difference diff -u config.h.kerberos5 config.h | sed -n '/^-#define/s/^-//p' | grep -Ff /dev/stdin config.h.kerberos5 > krb5_config.h # Extract the difference - SK diff -u config.h.sk-builtin config.h | sed -n '/^-#define/s/^-//p' | grep -Ff /dev/stdin config.h.sk-builtin > sk_config.h