project('libecc', 'c', meson_version: '>=1.1.0', version: run_command('dunamai', 'from', 'git', '--style', 'semver', '--dirty', check: true).stdout().strip(), default_options: ['c_std=gnu11', 'default_library=static', 'warning_level=3' ], license: 'BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-or-later', license_files: [ 'LICENSE' ], ) top_dir = meson.current_source_dir() # dunamai is used for version sync with gconf (in the same way poetry-dynamic-versioning does) pymod = import('python') py3 = pymod.find_installation('python3', modules: ['dunamai']) # about libecc # below file listings should be moved in successive small '' file in each subdir, that # only contains the file listing, replacing them with a lonely 'subdir('src/xxx') instead. ecc_inc = include_directories('include') subdir('include/libecc') # module declaration, each module files listing is declare in its own directory subdir('src/utils') subdir('src/nn') subdir('src/fp') subdir('src/curves') subdir('src/hash') subdir('src/sig') subdir('src/ecdh') subdir('src/external_deps') # detect if an external rand source implementation is passed use_external_rand_opt = get_option('use_external_rand') if use_external_rand_opt rand_src = files(get_option('with_rand_source')) else rand_src = files() endif # detect if an external print source implementation is passed use_external_print_opt = get_option('use_external_print') if use_external_print_opt print_src = files(get_option('with_print_source')) else print_src = files() endif # detect if an external time source implementation is passed use_external_time_opt = get_option('use_external_time') if use_external_time_opt time_src = files(get_option('with_time_source')) else time_src = files() endif # globally used build args, TODO: to make configurable build_args = [ '-fno-builtin', '-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2', '-fstack-protector-strong', '-DUSE_WARN_UNUSED_RET', '-ffreestanding' ] # About configurable options, based on makefiles # 1. build-relative options first # info compilers arguments (such as m32/m64 should be cross-file related. # just using a different cross-file (event for m32 on m64 arch for e.g. is enough # to change the behavior with_wordsize_opt = get_option('with_wordsize') if with_wordsize_opt == '16' build_args += '-DWORDSIZE=16' elif with_wordsize_opt == '32' build_args += '-DWORDSIZE=32' elif with_wordsize_opt == '64' build_args += '-DWORDSIZE=64' endif with_stdlib_opt = get_option('with_stdlib') if with_stdlib_opt build_args += '-DWITH_STDLIB' endif with_debug_opt = get_option('with_debug') if with_debug_opt build_args += '-DDEBUG' endif use_cryptofuzz_opt = get_option('use_cryptofuzz') if use_cryptofuzz_opt build_args += '-DUSE_CRYPTOFUZZ' endif assert_print_opt = get_option('assert_print') if assert_print_opt build_args += '-DUSE_ASSERT_PRINT' endif no_warn_unused_ret_opt = get_option('no_warn_unused_ret') if not no_warn_unused_ret_opt build_args += '-DUSE_WARN_UNUSED_RET' endif # 2. security relative options with_sig_blinding_opt = get_option('with_sig_blinding') if with_sig_blinding_opt build_args += '-DUSE_SIG_BLINDING' endif with_complete_formulas_opt = get_option('with_complete_formulas') if with_complete_formulas_opt build_args += '-DNO_USE_COMPLETE_FORMULAS' endif with_double_add_opt = get_option('with_double_add') if with_double_add_opt == 'true' build_args += '-DUSE_DOUBLE_ADD_ALWAYS' elif with_double_add_opt == 'false' build_args += '-DUSE_MONTY_LADDER' endif with_monty_ladder_opt = get_option('with_monty_ladder') if with_monty_ladder_opt == 'true' build_args += '-DUSE_MONTY_LADDER' elif with_monty_ladder_opt == 'false' build_args += '-DUSE_DOUBLE_ADD_ALWAYS' endif assert(not (with_double_add_opt == 'true' and with_monty_ladder_opt == 'true'), 'with_double_add and with_monty_ladder are incompatible options!') # 3. crypto engines relative options. It is possible to fully disable all # engines and manually select which one must be built with_override_ecc_config_opt = get_option('with_override_ecc_config') if with_override_ecc_config_opt build_args += '-DWITH_LIBECC_CONFIG_OVERRIDE' endif if with_override_ecc_config_opt # Handle the asked curves with_curves_opt = get_option('with_curves') assert(with_curves_opt.length() != 0, 'You have selected a libecc configuration override with no curve: please select at least one proper curve!') foreach curve : with_curves_opt build_args += '-DWITH_CURVE_'+curve.to_upper() endforeach # Handle the asked hashes with_hashes_opt = get_option('with_hashes') assert(with_hashes_opt.length() != 0, 'You have selected a libecc configuration override with no hash: please select at least one proper hash!') foreach hash : with_hashes_opt build_args += '-DWITH_HASH_'+hash.to_upper() endforeach # Handle the asked algorithms with_algs_opt = get_option('with_algs') assert(with_algs_opt.length() != 0, 'You have selected a libecc configuration override with no algorithm: please select at least one proper algorithm!') foreach alg : with_algs_opt build_args += '-DWITH_'+alg.to_upper() endforeach endif # Small stack handling with_small_stack_opt = get_option('with_small_stack') if with_small_stack_opt build_args += '-DUSE_SMALL_STACK' endif assert(not (with_small_stack_opt and with_sig_eddsa25519_opt), 'Small stack and EdDSA are incompatible options!') assert(not (with_small_stack_opt and with_sig_eddsa448_opt), 'Small stack and EdDSA are incompatible options!') assert(not (with_small_stack_opt and with_x25519_opt), 'Small stack and X25519 are incompatible options!') assert(not (with_small_stack_opt and with_x448_opt), 'Small stack and X448 are incompatible options!') # libecc libraries declaration. For each library, the library itself and the # corresponding dependency object (includedir and library to link with) is # also declared # # INFO: defaulting to static lib only (see project declaration). # to build both static and dynamic library, use -Ddefault_library=both option # libarith_lib = library('arith', sources: [ fp_mod_src, nn_mod_src, rand_src, print_src, time_src, utils_arith_src, ], include_directories: ecc_inc, install : true, c_args: build_args, ) libarith_dep = declare_dependency( link_with: libarith_lib, include_directories: ecc_inc, ) libec_lib = library('ecc', sources: [ curves_mod_src, utils_ec_src, fp_mod_src, nn_mod_src, rand_src, print_src, time_src, utils_arith_src ], include_directories: ecc_inc, install : true, c_args: build_args, ) libec_dep = declare_dependency( link_with: libec_lib, include_directories: ecc_inc, ) libsign_lib = library('sign', sources: [ hash_mod_src, sig_mod_src, key_mod_src, utils_sign_src, ecdh_mod_src, curves_mod_src, utils_ec_src, fp_mod_src, nn_mod_src, rand_src, print_src, time_src, utils_arith_src ], include_directories: ecc_inc, install : true, c_args: build_args, ) libsign_dep = declare_dependency( link_with: libsign_lib, include_directories: ecc_inc, ) # in order to build native tools that depends on libsign library, we should # check if the nominal library built has been made native or cross. If # cross, another build must be made natively for native tooling if meson.is_cross_build() native_libsign_lib = library('sign_native', sources: [ hash_mod_src, sig_mod_src, key_mod_src, utils_sign_src, ecdh_mod_src, curves_mod_src, utils_ec_src, fp_mod_src, nn_mod_src, rand_src, print_src, time_src, utils_arith_src ], include_directories: ecc_inc, install : false, c_args: build_args, native: true, ) native_libsign_dep = declare_dependency( link_with: native_libsign_lib, include_directories: ecc_inc, ) else native_libsign_lib = libsign_lib native_libsign_dep = libsign_dep endif # About tests, see src/tests/ Enabled with -Dwith_tests=true with_tests_opt = get_option('with_tests') if with_tests_opt subdir('src/tests') endif