/* * DPP functionality shared between hostapd and wpa_supplicant * Copyright (c) 2017, Qualcomm Atheros, Inc. * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, The Linux Foundation * * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. * See README for more details. */ #include "utils/includes.h" #include "utils/common.h" #include "utils/base64.h" #include "utils/json.h" #include "common/ieee802_11_common.h" #include "common/wpa_ctrl.h" #include "common/gas.h" #include "eap_common/eap_defs.h" #include "crypto/crypto.h" #include "crypto/random.h" #include "crypto/aes.h" #include "crypto/aes_siv.h" #include "drivers/driver.h" #include "dpp.h" #include "dpp_i.h" static const char * dpp_netrole_str(enum dpp_netrole netrole); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS #ifdef CONFIG_DPP2 int dpp_version_override = 2; #else int dpp_version_override = 1; #endif enum dpp_test_behavior dpp_test = DPP_TEST_DISABLED; #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ void dpp_auth_fail(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const char *txt) { wpa_msg(auth->msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_FAIL "%s", txt); } struct wpabuf * dpp_alloc_msg(enum dpp_public_action_frame_type type, size_t len) { struct wpabuf *msg; msg = wpabuf_alloc(8 + len); if (!msg) return NULL; wpabuf_put_u8(msg, WLAN_ACTION_PUBLIC); wpabuf_put_u8(msg, WLAN_PA_VENDOR_SPECIFIC); wpabuf_put_be24(msg, OUI_WFA); wpabuf_put_u8(msg, DPP_OUI_TYPE); wpabuf_put_u8(msg, 1); /* Crypto Suite */ wpabuf_put_u8(msg, type); return msg; } const u8 * dpp_get_attr(const u8 *buf, size_t len, u16 req_id, u16 *ret_len) { u16 id, alen; const u8 *pos = buf, *end = buf + len; while (end - pos >= 4) { id = WPA_GET_LE16(pos); pos += 2; alen = WPA_GET_LE16(pos); pos += 2; if (alen > end - pos) return NULL; if (id == req_id) { *ret_len = alen; return pos; } pos += alen; } return NULL; } static const u8 * dpp_get_attr_next(const u8 *prev, const u8 *buf, size_t len, u16 req_id, u16 *ret_len) { u16 id, alen; const u8 *pos, *end = buf + len; if (!prev) pos = buf; else pos = prev + WPA_GET_LE16(prev - 2); while (end - pos >= 4) { id = WPA_GET_LE16(pos); pos += 2; alen = WPA_GET_LE16(pos); pos += 2; if (alen > end - pos) return NULL; if (id == req_id) { *ret_len = alen; return pos; } pos += alen; } return NULL; } int dpp_check_attrs(const u8 *buf, size_t len) { const u8 *pos, *end; int wrapped_data = 0; pos = buf; end = buf + len; while (end - pos >= 4) { u16 id, alen; id = WPA_GET_LE16(pos); pos += 2; alen = WPA_GET_LE16(pos); pos += 2; wpa_printf(MSG_MSGDUMP, "DPP: Attribute ID %04x len %u", id, alen); if (alen > end - pos) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Truncated message - not enough room for the attribute - dropped"); return -1; } if (wrapped_data) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: An unexpected attribute included after the Wrapped Data attribute"); return -1; } if (id == DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA) wrapped_data = 1; pos += alen; } if (end != pos) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unexpected octets (%d) after the last attribute", (int) (end - pos)); return -1; } return 0; } void dpp_bootstrap_info_free(struct dpp_bootstrap_info *info) { if (!info) return; os_free(info->uri); os_free(info->info); os_free(info->chan); os_free(info->pk); crypto_ec_key_deinit(info->pubkey); str_clear_free(info->configurator_params); os_free(info); } const char * dpp_bootstrap_type_txt(enum dpp_bootstrap_type type) { switch (type) { case DPP_BOOTSTRAP_QR_CODE: return "QRCODE"; case DPP_BOOTSTRAP_PKEX: return "PKEX"; case DPP_BOOTSTRAP_NFC_URI: return "NFC-URI"; } return "??"; } static int dpp_uri_valid_info(const char *info) { while (*info) { unsigned char val = *info++; if (val < 0x20 || val > 0x7e || val == 0x3b) return 0; } return 1; } static int dpp_clone_uri(struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi, const char *uri) { bi->uri = os_strdup(uri); return bi->uri ? 0 : -1; } int dpp_parse_uri_chan_list(struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi, const char *chan_list) { const char *pos = chan_list, *pos2; int opclass = -1, channel, freq; while (pos && *pos && *pos != ';') { pos2 = pos; while (*pos2 >= '0' && *pos2 <= '9') pos2++; if (*pos2 == '/') { opclass = atoi(pos); pos = pos2 + 1; } if (opclass <= 0) goto fail; channel = atoi(pos); if (channel <= 0) goto fail; while (*pos >= '0' && *pos <= '9') pos++; freq = ieee80211_chan_to_freq(NULL, opclass, channel); wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: URI channel-list: opclass=%d channel=%d ==> freq=%d", opclass, channel, freq); bi->channels_listed = true; if (freq < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Ignore unknown URI channel-list channel (opclass=%d channel=%d)", opclass, channel); } else if (bi->num_freq == DPP_BOOTSTRAP_MAX_FREQ) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Too many channels in URI channel-list - ignore list"); bi->num_freq = 0; break; } else { bi->freq[bi->num_freq++] = freq; } if (*pos == ';' || *pos == '\0') break; if (*pos != ',') goto fail; pos++; } return 0; fail: wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Invalid URI channel-list"); return -1; } int dpp_parse_uri_mac(struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi, const char *mac) { if (!mac) return 0; if (hwaddr_aton2(mac, bi->mac_addr) < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Invalid URI mac"); return -1; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: URI mac: " MACSTR, MAC2STR(bi->mac_addr)); return 0; } int dpp_parse_uri_info(struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi, const char *info) { const char *end; if (!info) return 0; end = os_strchr(info, ';'); if (!end) end = info + os_strlen(info); bi->info = os_malloc(end - info + 1); if (!bi->info) return -1; os_memcpy(bi->info, info, end - info); bi->info[end - info] = '\0'; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: URI(information): %s", bi->info); if (!dpp_uri_valid_info(bi->info)) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Invalid URI information payload"); return -1; } return 0; } int dpp_parse_uri_version(struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi, const char *version) { #ifdef CONFIG_DPP2 if (!version || DPP_VERSION < 2) return 0; if (*version == '1') bi->version = 1; else if (*version == '2') bi->version = 2; else wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unknown URI version"); wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: URI version: %d", bi->version); #endif /* CONFIG_DPP2 */ return 0; } static int dpp_parse_uri_pk(struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi, const char *info) { u8 *data; size_t data_len; int res; const char *end; end = os_strchr(info, ';'); if (!end) return -1; data = base64_decode(info, end - info, &data_len); if (!data) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Invalid base64 encoding on URI public-key"); return -1; } wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Base64 decoded URI public-key", data, data_len); res = dpp_get_subject_public_key(bi, data, data_len); os_free(data); return res; } static struct dpp_bootstrap_info * dpp_parse_uri(const char *uri) { const char *pos = uri; const char *end; const char *chan_list = NULL, *mac = NULL, *info = NULL, *pk = NULL; const char *version = NULL; struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi; wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: URI", uri, os_strlen(uri)); if (os_strncmp(pos, "DPP:", 4) != 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: Not a DPP URI"); return NULL; } pos += 4; for (;;) { end = os_strchr(pos, ';'); if (!end) break; if (end == pos) { /* Handle terminating ";;" and ignore unexpected ";" * for parsing robustness. */ pos++; continue; } if (pos[0] == 'C' && pos[1] == ':' && !chan_list) chan_list = pos + 2; else if (pos[0] == 'M' && pos[1] == ':' && !mac) mac = pos + 2; else if (pos[0] == 'I' && pos[1] == ':' && !info) info = pos + 2; else if (pos[0] == 'K' && pos[1] == ':' && !pk) pk = pos + 2; else if (pos[0] == 'V' && pos[1] == ':' && !version) version = pos + 2; else wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Ignore unrecognized URI parameter", pos, end - pos); pos = end + 1; } if (!pk) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: URI missing public-key"); return NULL; } bi = os_zalloc(sizeof(*bi)); if (!bi) return NULL; if (dpp_clone_uri(bi, uri) < 0 || dpp_parse_uri_chan_list(bi, chan_list) < 0 || dpp_parse_uri_mac(bi, mac) < 0 || dpp_parse_uri_info(bi, info) < 0 || dpp_parse_uri_version(bi, version) < 0 || dpp_parse_uri_pk(bi, pk) < 0) { dpp_bootstrap_info_free(bi); bi = NULL; } return bi; } void dpp_build_attr_status(struct wpabuf *msg, enum dpp_status_error status) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Status %d", status); wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_STATUS); wpabuf_put_le16(msg, 1); wpabuf_put_u8(msg, status); } void dpp_build_attr_r_bootstrap_key_hash(struct wpabuf *msg, const u8 *hash) { if (hash) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: R-Bootstrap Key Hash"); wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_R_BOOTSTRAP_KEY_HASH); wpabuf_put_le16(msg, SHA256_MAC_LEN); wpabuf_put_data(msg, hash, SHA256_MAC_LEN); } } static int dpp_channel_ok_init(struct hostapd_hw_modes *own_modes, u16 num_modes, unsigned int freq) { u16 m; int c, flag; if (!own_modes || !num_modes) return 1; for (m = 0; m < num_modes; m++) { for (c = 0; c < own_modes[m].num_channels; c++) { if ((unsigned int) own_modes[m].channels[c].freq != freq) continue; flag = own_modes[m].channels[c].flag; if (!(flag & (HOSTAPD_CHAN_DISABLED | HOSTAPD_CHAN_NO_IR | HOSTAPD_CHAN_RADAR))) return 1; } } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Peer channel %u MHz not supported", freq); return 0; } static int freq_included(const unsigned int freqs[], unsigned int num, unsigned int freq) { while (num > 0) { if (freqs[--num] == freq) return 1; } return 0; } static void freq_to_start(unsigned int freqs[], unsigned int num, unsigned int freq) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (freqs[i] == freq) break; } if (i == 0 || i >= num) return; os_memmove(&freqs[1], &freqs[0], i * sizeof(freqs[0])); freqs[0] = freq; } static int dpp_channel_intersect(struct dpp_authentication *auth, struct hostapd_hw_modes *own_modes, u16 num_modes) { struct dpp_bootstrap_info *peer_bi = auth->peer_bi; unsigned int i, freq; for (i = 0; i < peer_bi->num_freq; i++) { freq = peer_bi->freq[i]; if (freq_included(auth->freq, auth->num_freq, freq)) continue; if (dpp_channel_ok_init(own_modes, num_modes, freq)) auth->freq[auth->num_freq++] = freq; } if (!auth->num_freq) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: No available channels for initiating DPP Authentication"); return -1; } auth->curr_freq = auth->freq[0]; return 0; } static int dpp_channel_local_list(struct dpp_authentication *auth, struct hostapd_hw_modes *own_modes, u16 num_modes) { u16 m; int c, flag; unsigned int freq; auth->num_freq = 0; if (!own_modes || !num_modes) { auth->freq[0] = 2412; auth->freq[1] = 2437; auth->freq[2] = 2462; auth->num_freq = 3; return 0; } for (m = 0; m < num_modes; m++) { for (c = 0; c < own_modes[m].num_channels; c++) { freq = own_modes[m].channels[c].freq; flag = own_modes[m].channels[c].flag; if (flag & (HOSTAPD_CHAN_DISABLED | HOSTAPD_CHAN_NO_IR | HOSTAPD_CHAN_RADAR)) continue; if (freq_included(auth->freq, auth->num_freq, freq)) continue; auth->freq[auth->num_freq++] = freq; if (auth->num_freq == DPP_BOOTSTRAP_MAX_FREQ) { m = num_modes; break; } } } return auth->num_freq == 0 ? -1 : 0; } int dpp_prepare_channel_list(struct dpp_authentication *auth, unsigned int neg_freq, struct hostapd_hw_modes *own_modes, u16 num_modes) { int res; char freqs[DPP_BOOTSTRAP_MAX_FREQ * 6 + 10], *pos, *end; unsigned int i; if (!own_modes) { if (!neg_freq) return -1; auth->num_freq = 1; auth->freq[0] = neg_freq; auth->curr_freq = neg_freq; return 0; } if (auth->peer_bi->num_freq > 0) res = dpp_channel_intersect(auth, own_modes, num_modes); else res = dpp_channel_local_list(auth, own_modes, num_modes); if (res < 0) return res; /* Prioritize 2.4 GHz channels 6, 1, 11 (in this order) to hit the most * likely channels first. */ freq_to_start(auth->freq, auth->num_freq, 2462); freq_to_start(auth->freq, auth->num_freq, 2412); freq_to_start(auth->freq, auth->num_freq, 2437); auth->freq_idx = 0; auth->curr_freq = auth->freq[0]; pos = freqs; end = pos + sizeof(freqs); for (i = 0; i < auth->num_freq; i++) { res = os_snprintf(pos, end - pos, " %u", auth->freq[i]); if (os_snprintf_error(end - pos, res)) break; pos += res; } *pos = '\0'; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Possible frequencies for initiating:%s", freqs); return 0; } int dpp_gen_uri(struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi) { char macstr[ETH_ALEN * 2 + 10]; size_t len; len = 4; /* "DPP:" */ if (bi->chan) len += 3 + os_strlen(bi->chan); /* C:...; */ if (is_zero_ether_addr(bi->mac_addr)) macstr[0] = '\0'; else os_snprintf(macstr, sizeof(macstr), "M:" COMPACT_MACSTR ";", MAC2STR(bi->mac_addr)); len += os_strlen(macstr); /* M:...; */ if (bi->info) len += 3 + os_strlen(bi->info); /* I:...; */ #ifdef CONFIG_DPP2 len += 4; /* V:2; */ #endif /* CONFIG_DPP2 */ len += 4 + os_strlen(bi->pk); /* K:...;; */ os_free(bi->uri); bi->uri = os_malloc(len + 1); if (!bi->uri) return -1; os_snprintf(bi->uri, len + 1, "DPP:%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sK:%s;;", bi->chan ? "C:" : "", bi->chan ? bi->chan : "", bi->chan ? ";" : "", macstr, bi->info ? "I:" : "", bi->info ? bi->info : "", bi->info ? ";" : "", DPP_VERSION == 2 ? "V:2;" : "", bi->pk); return 0; } struct dpp_authentication * dpp_alloc_auth(struct dpp_global *dpp, void *msg_ctx) { struct dpp_authentication *auth; auth = os_zalloc(sizeof(*auth)); if (!auth) return NULL; auth->global = dpp; auth->msg_ctx = msg_ctx; auth->conf_resp_status = 255; return auth; } static struct wpabuf * dpp_build_conf_req_attr(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const char *json) { size_t nonce_len; size_t json_len, clear_len; struct wpabuf *clear = NULL, *msg = NULL; u8 *wrapped; size_t attr_len; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Build configuration request"); nonce_len = auth->curve->nonce_len; if (random_get_bytes(auth->e_nonce, nonce_len)) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "DPP: Failed to generate E-nonce"); goto fail; } wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: E-nonce", auth->e_nonce, nonce_len); json_len = os_strlen(json); wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: configRequest JSON", json, json_len); /* { E-nonce, configAttrib }ke */ clear_len = 4 + nonce_len + 4 + json_len; clear = wpabuf_alloc(clear_len); attr_len = 4 + clear_len + AES_BLOCK_SIZE; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_AFTER_WRAPPED_DATA_CONF_REQ) attr_len += 5; #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ msg = wpabuf_alloc(attr_len); if (!clear || !msg) goto fail; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_E_NONCE_CONF_REQ) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no E-nonce"); goto skip_e_nonce; } if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_INVALID_E_NONCE_CONF_REQ) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - invalid E-nonce"); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_ENROLLEE_NONCE); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, nonce_len - 1); wpabuf_put_data(clear, auth->e_nonce, nonce_len - 1); goto skip_e_nonce; } if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_WRAPPED_DATA_CONF_REQ) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Wrapped Data"); goto skip_wrapped_data; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ /* E-nonce */ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_ENROLLEE_NONCE); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, nonce_len); wpabuf_put_data(clear, auth->e_nonce, nonce_len); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS skip_e_nonce: if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_CONFIG_ATTR_OBJ_CONF_REQ) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no configAttrib"); goto skip_conf_attr_obj; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ /* configAttrib */ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_CONFIG_ATTR_OBJ); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, json_len); wpabuf_put_data(clear, json, json_len); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS skip_conf_attr_obj: #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA); wpabuf_put_le16(msg, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE); wrapped = wpabuf_put(msg, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE); /* No AES-SIV AD */ wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV cleartext", clear); if (aes_siv_encrypt(auth->ke, auth->curve->hash_len, wpabuf_head(clear), wpabuf_len(clear), 0, NULL, NULL, wrapped) < 0) goto fail; wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV ciphertext", wrapped, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_AFTER_WRAPPED_DATA_CONF_REQ) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - attr after Wrapped Data"); dpp_build_attr_status(msg, DPP_STATUS_OK); } skip_wrapped_data: #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Configuration Request frame attributes", msg); wpabuf_free(clear); return msg; fail: wpabuf_free(clear); wpabuf_free(msg); return NULL; } void dpp_write_adv_proto(struct wpabuf *buf) { /* Advertisement Protocol IE */ wpabuf_put_u8(buf, WLAN_EID_ADV_PROTO); wpabuf_put_u8(buf, 8); /* Length */ wpabuf_put_u8(buf, 0x7f); wpabuf_put_u8(buf, WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC); wpabuf_put_u8(buf, 5); wpabuf_put_be24(buf, OUI_WFA); wpabuf_put_u8(buf, DPP_OUI_TYPE); wpabuf_put_u8(buf, 0x01); } void dpp_write_gas_query(struct wpabuf *buf, struct wpabuf *query) { /* GAS Query */ wpabuf_put_le16(buf, wpabuf_len(query)); wpabuf_put_buf(buf, query); } struct wpabuf * dpp_build_conf_req(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const char *json) { struct wpabuf *buf, *conf_req; conf_req = dpp_build_conf_req_attr(auth, json); if (!conf_req) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No configuration request data available"); return NULL; } buf = gas_build_initial_req(0, 10 + 2 + wpabuf_len(conf_req)); if (!buf) { wpabuf_free(conf_req); return NULL; } dpp_write_adv_proto(buf); dpp_write_gas_query(buf, conf_req); wpabuf_free(conf_req); wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_MSGDUMP, "DPP: GAS Config Request", buf); return buf; } struct wpabuf * dpp_build_conf_req_helper(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const char *name, enum dpp_netrole netrole, const char *mud_url, int *opclasses) { size_t len, name_len; const char *tech = "infra"; const char *dpp_name; struct wpabuf *buf, *json; char *csr = NULL; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_INVALID_CONFIG_ATTR_OBJ_CONF_REQ) { static const char *bogus_tech = "knfra"; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - invalid Config Attr"); tech = bogus_tech; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ dpp_name = name ? name : "Test"; name_len = os_strlen(dpp_name); len = 100 + name_len * 6 + 1 + int_array_len(opclasses) * 4; if (mud_url && mud_url[0]) len += 10 + os_strlen(mud_url); #ifdef CONFIG_DPP2 if (auth->csr) { size_t csr_len; csr = base64_encode_no_lf(wpabuf_head(auth->csr), wpabuf_len(auth->csr), &csr_len); if (!csr) return NULL; len += 30 + csr_len; } #endif /* CONFIG_DPP2 */ json = wpabuf_alloc(len); if (!json) return NULL; json_start_object(json, NULL); if (json_add_string_escape(json, "name", dpp_name, name_len) < 0) { wpabuf_free(json); return NULL; } json_value_sep(json); json_add_string(json, "wi-fi_tech", tech); json_value_sep(json); json_add_string(json, "netRole", dpp_netrole_str(netrole)); if (mud_url && mud_url[0]) { json_value_sep(json); json_add_string(json, "mudurl", mud_url); } if (opclasses) { int i; json_value_sep(json); json_start_array(json, "bandSupport"); for (i = 0; opclasses[i]; i++) wpabuf_printf(json, "%s%u", i ? "," : "", opclasses[i]); json_end_array(json); } if (csr) { json_value_sep(json); json_add_string(json, "pkcs10", csr); } json_end_object(json); buf = dpp_build_conf_req(auth, wpabuf_head(json)); wpabuf_free(json); os_free(csr); return buf; } static int bin_str_eq(const char *val, size_t len, const char *cmp) { return os_strlen(cmp) == len && os_memcmp(val, cmp, len) == 0; } struct dpp_configuration * dpp_configuration_alloc(const char *type) { struct dpp_configuration *conf; const char *end; size_t len; conf = os_zalloc(sizeof(*conf)); if (!conf) goto fail; end = os_strchr(type, ' '); if (end) len = end - type; else len = os_strlen(type); if (bin_str_eq(type, len, "psk")) conf->akm = DPP_AKM_PSK; else if (bin_str_eq(type, len, "sae")) conf->akm = DPP_AKM_SAE; else if (bin_str_eq(type, len, "psk-sae") || bin_str_eq(type, len, "psk+sae")) conf->akm = DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE; else if (bin_str_eq(type, len, "sae-dpp") || bin_str_eq(type, len, "dpp+sae")) conf->akm = DPP_AKM_SAE_DPP; else if (bin_str_eq(type, len, "psk-sae-dpp") || bin_str_eq(type, len, "dpp+psk+sae")) conf->akm = DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE_DPP; else if (bin_str_eq(type, len, "dpp")) conf->akm = DPP_AKM_DPP; else if (bin_str_eq(type, len, "dot1x")) conf->akm = DPP_AKM_DOT1X; else goto fail; return conf; fail: dpp_configuration_free(conf); return NULL; } int dpp_akm_psk(enum dpp_akm akm) { return akm == DPP_AKM_PSK || akm == DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE || akm == DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE_DPP; } int dpp_akm_sae(enum dpp_akm akm) { return akm == DPP_AKM_SAE || akm == DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE || akm == DPP_AKM_SAE_DPP || akm == DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE_DPP; } int dpp_akm_legacy(enum dpp_akm akm) { return akm == DPP_AKM_PSK || akm == DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE || akm == DPP_AKM_SAE; } int dpp_akm_dpp(enum dpp_akm akm) { return akm == DPP_AKM_DPP || akm == DPP_AKM_SAE_DPP || akm == DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE_DPP; } int dpp_akm_ver2(enum dpp_akm akm) { return akm == DPP_AKM_SAE_DPP || akm == DPP_AKM_PSK_SAE_DPP; } int dpp_configuration_valid(const struct dpp_configuration *conf) { if (conf->ssid_len == 0) return 0; if (dpp_akm_psk(conf->akm) && !conf->passphrase && !conf->psk_set) return 0; if (dpp_akm_sae(conf->akm) && !conf->passphrase) return 0; return 1; } void dpp_configuration_free(struct dpp_configuration *conf) { if (!conf) return; str_clear_free(conf->passphrase); os_free(conf->group_id); os_free(conf->csrattrs); bin_clear_free(conf, sizeof(*conf)); } static int dpp_configuration_parse_helper(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const char *cmd, int idx) { const char *pos, *end; struct dpp_configuration *conf_sta = NULL, *conf_ap = NULL; struct dpp_configuration *conf = NULL; size_t len; pos = os_strstr(cmd, " conf=sta-"); if (pos) { conf_sta = dpp_configuration_alloc(pos + 10); if (!conf_sta) goto fail; conf_sta->netrole = DPP_NETROLE_STA; conf = conf_sta; } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " conf=ap-"); if (pos) { conf_ap = dpp_configuration_alloc(pos + 9); if (!conf_ap) goto fail; conf_ap->netrole = DPP_NETROLE_AP; conf = conf_ap; } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " conf=configurator"); if (pos) auth->provision_configurator = 1; if (!conf) return 0; pos = os_strstr(cmd, " ssid="); if (pos) { pos += 6; end = os_strchr(pos, ' '); conf->ssid_len = end ? (size_t) (end - pos) : os_strlen(pos); conf->ssid_len /= 2; if (conf->ssid_len > sizeof(conf->ssid) || hexstr2bin(pos, conf->ssid, conf->ssid_len) < 0) goto fail; } else { #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS /* use a default SSID for legacy testing reasons */ os_memcpy(conf->ssid, "test", 4); conf->ssid_len = 4; #else /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ goto fail; #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " ssid_charset="); if (pos) { if (conf_ap) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: ssid64 option (ssid_charset param) not allowed for AP enrollee"); goto fail; } conf->ssid_charset = atoi(pos + 14); } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " pass="); if (pos) { size_t pass_len; pos += 6; end = os_strchr(pos, ' '); pass_len = end ? (size_t) (end - pos) : os_strlen(pos); pass_len /= 2; if (pass_len > 63 || pass_len < 8) goto fail; conf->passphrase = os_zalloc(pass_len + 1); if (!conf->passphrase || hexstr2bin(pos, (u8 *) conf->passphrase, pass_len) < 0) goto fail; } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " psk="); if (pos) { pos += 5; if (hexstr2bin(pos, conf->psk, PMK_LEN) < 0) goto fail; conf->psk_set = 1; } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " group_id="); if (pos) { size_t group_id_len; pos += 10; end = os_strchr(pos, ' '); group_id_len = end ? (size_t) (end - pos) : os_strlen(pos); conf->group_id = os_malloc(group_id_len + 1); if (!conf->group_id) goto fail; os_memcpy(conf->group_id, pos, group_id_len); conf->group_id[group_id_len] = '\0'; } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " expiry="); if (pos) { long int val; pos += 8; val = strtol(pos, NULL, 0); if (val <= 0) goto fail; conf->netaccesskey_expiry = val; } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " csrattrs="); if (pos) { pos += 10; end = os_strchr(pos, ' '); len = end ? (size_t) (end - pos) : os_strlen(pos); conf->csrattrs = os_zalloc(len + 1); if (!conf->csrattrs) goto fail; os_memcpy(conf->csrattrs, pos, len); } if (!dpp_configuration_valid(conf)) goto fail; if (idx == 0) { auth->conf_sta = conf_sta; auth->conf_ap = conf_ap; } else if (idx == 1) { auth->conf2_sta = conf_sta; auth->conf2_ap = conf_ap; } else { goto fail; } return 0; fail: dpp_configuration_free(conf_sta); dpp_configuration_free(conf_ap); return -1; } static int dpp_configuration_parse(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const char *cmd) { const char *pos; char *tmp; size_t len; int res; pos = os_strstr(cmd, " @CONF-OBJ-SEP@ "); if (!pos) return dpp_configuration_parse_helper(auth, cmd, 0); len = pos - cmd; tmp = os_malloc(len + 1); if (!tmp) goto fail; os_memcpy(tmp, cmd, len); tmp[len] = '\0'; res = dpp_configuration_parse_helper(auth, cmd, 0); str_clear_free(tmp); if (res) goto fail; res = dpp_configuration_parse_helper(auth, cmd + len, 1); if (res) goto fail; return 0; fail: dpp_configuration_free(auth->conf_sta); dpp_configuration_free(auth->conf2_sta); dpp_configuration_free(auth->conf_ap); dpp_configuration_free(auth->conf2_ap); return -1; } static struct dpp_configurator * dpp_configurator_get_id(struct dpp_global *dpp, unsigned int id) { struct dpp_configurator *conf; if (!dpp) return NULL; dl_list_for_each(conf, &dpp->configurator, struct dpp_configurator, list) { if (conf->id == id) return conf; } return NULL; } int dpp_set_configurator(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const char *cmd) { const char *pos; char *tmp = NULL; int ret = -1; if (!cmd || auth->configurator_set) return 0; auth->configurator_set = 1; if (cmd[0] != ' ') { size_t len; len = os_strlen(cmd); tmp = os_malloc(len + 2); if (!tmp) goto fail; tmp[0] = ' '; os_memcpy(tmp + 1, cmd, len + 1); cmd = tmp; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Set configurator parameters: %s", cmd); pos = os_strstr(cmd, " configurator="); if (!auth->conf && pos) { pos += 14; auth->conf = dpp_configurator_get_id(auth->global, atoi(pos)); if (!auth->conf) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: Could not find the specified configurator"); goto fail; } } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " conn_status="); if (pos) { pos += 13; auth->send_conn_status = atoi(pos); } pos = os_strstr(cmd, " akm_use_selector="); if (pos) { pos += 18; auth->akm_use_selector = atoi(pos); } if (dpp_configuration_parse(auth, cmd) < 0) { wpa_msg(auth->msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, "DPP: Failed to set configurator parameters"); goto fail; } ret = 0; fail: os_free(tmp); return ret; } void dpp_auth_deinit(struct dpp_authentication *auth) { unsigned int i; if (!auth) return; dpp_configuration_free(auth->conf_ap); dpp_configuration_free(auth->conf2_ap); dpp_configuration_free(auth->conf_sta); dpp_configuration_free(auth->conf2_sta); crypto_ec_key_deinit(auth->own_protocol_key); crypto_ec_key_deinit(auth->peer_protocol_key); crypto_ec_key_deinit(auth->reconfig_old_protocol_key); wpabuf_free(auth->req_msg); wpabuf_free(auth->resp_msg); wpabuf_free(auth->conf_req); wpabuf_free(auth->reconfig_req_msg); wpabuf_free(auth->reconfig_resp_msg); for (i = 0; i < auth->num_conf_obj; i++) { struct dpp_config_obj *conf = &auth->conf_obj[i]; os_free(conf->connector); wpabuf_free(conf->c_sign_key); wpabuf_free(conf->certbag); wpabuf_free(conf->certs); wpabuf_free(conf->cacert); os_free(conf->server_name); wpabuf_free(conf->pp_key); } #ifdef CONFIG_DPP2 dpp_free_asymmetric_key(auth->conf_key_pkg); os_free(auth->csrattrs); wpabuf_free(auth->csr); wpabuf_free(auth->priv_key); wpabuf_free(auth->cacert); wpabuf_free(auth->certbag); os_free(auth->trusted_eap_server_name); wpabuf_free(auth->conf_resp_tcp); #endif /* CONFIG_DPP2 */ wpabuf_free(auth->net_access_key); dpp_bootstrap_info_free(auth->tmp_own_bi); if (auth->tmp_peer_bi) { dl_list_del(&auth->tmp_peer_bi->list); dpp_bootstrap_info_free(auth->tmp_peer_bi); } #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS os_free(auth->config_obj_override); os_free(auth->discovery_override); os_free(auth->groups_override); #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ bin_clear_free(auth, sizeof(*auth)); } static struct wpabuf * dpp_build_conf_start(struct dpp_authentication *auth, struct dpp_configuration *conf, size_t tailroom) { struct wpabuf *buf; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (auth->discovery_override) tailroom += os_strlen(auth->discovery_override); #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ buf = wpabuf_alloc(200 + tailroom); if (!buf) return NULL; json_start_object(buf, NULL); json_add_string(buf, "wi-fi_tech", "infra"); json_value_sep(buf); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (auth->discovery_override) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: TESTING - discovery override: '%s'", auth->discovery_override); wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\"discovery\":"); wpabuf_put_str(buf, auth->discovery_override); json_value_sep(buf); return buf; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ json_start_object(buf, "discovery"); if (((!conf->ssid_charset || auth->peer_version < 2) && json_add_string_escape(buf, "ssid", conf->ssid, conf->ssid_len) < 0) || ((conf->ssid_charset && auth->peer_version >= 2) && json_add_base64url(buf, "ssid64", conf->ssid, conf->ssid_len) < 0)) { wpabuf_free(buf); return NULL; } if (conf->ssid_charset > 0) { json_value_sep(buf); json_add_int(buf, "ssid_charset", conf->ssid_charset); } json_end_object(buf); json_value_sep(buf); return buf; } int dpp_build_jwk(struct wpabuf *buf, const char *name, struct crypto_ec_key *key, const char *kid, const struct dpp_curve_params *curve) { struct wpabuf *pub; const u8 *pos; int ret = -1; pub = crypto_ec_key_get_pubkey_point(key, 0); if (!pub) goto fail; json_start_object(buf, name); json_add_string(buf, "kty", "EC"); json_value_sep(buf); json_add_string(buf, "crv", curve->jwk_crv); json_value_sep(buf); pos = wpabuf_head(pub); if (json_add_base64url(buf, "x", pos, curve->prime_len) < 0) goto fail; json_value_sep(buf); pos += curve->prime_len; if (json_add_base64url(buf, "y", pos, curve->prime_len) < 0) goto fail; if (kid) { json_value_sep(buf); json_add_string(buf, "kid", kid); } json_end_object(buf); ret = 0; fail: wpabuf_free(pub); return ret; } static void dpp_build_legacy_cred_params(struct wpabuf *buf, struct dpp_configuration *conf) { if (conf->passphrase && os_strlen(conf->passphrase) < 64) { json_add_string_escape(buf, "pass", conf->passphrase, os_strlen(conf->passphrase)); } else if (conf->psk_set) { char psk[2 * sizeof(conf->psk) + 1]; wpa_snprintf_hex(psk, sizeof(psk), conf->psk, sizeof(conf->psk)); json_add_string(buf, "psk_hex", psk); forced_memzero(psk, sizeof(psk)); } } static const char * dpp_netrole_str(enum dpp_netrole netrole) { switch (netrole) { case DPP_NETROLE_STA: return "sta"; case DPP_NETROLE_AP: return "ap"; case DPP_NETROLE_CONFIGURATOR: return "configurator"; default: return "??"; } } static struct wpabuf * dpp_build_conf_obj_dpp(struct dpp_authentication *auth, struct dpp_configuration *conf) { struct wpabuf *buf = NULL; char *signed_conn = NULL; size_t tailroom; const struct dpp_curve_params *curve; struct wpabuf *dppcon = NULL; size_t extra_len = 1000; int incl_legacy; enum dpp_akm akm; const char *akm_str; if (!auth->conf) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: No configurator specified - cannot generate DPP config object"); goto fail; } curve = auth->conf->curve; akm = conf->akm; if (dpp_akm_ver2(akm) && auth->peer_version < 2) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Convert DPP+legacy credential to DPP-only for peer that does not support version 2"); akm = DPP_AKM_DPP; } #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (auth->groups_override) extra_len += os_strlen(auth->groups_override); #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ if (conf->group_id) extra_len += os_strlen(conf->group_id); /* Connector (JSON dppCon object) */ dppcon = wpabuf_alloc(extra_len + 2 * auth->curve->prime_len * 4 / 3); if (!dppcon) goto fail; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (auth->groups_override) { wpabuf_put_u8(dppcon, '{'); if (auth->groups_override) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: TESTING - groups override: '%s'", auth->groups_override); wpabuf_put_str(dppcon, "\"groups\":"); wpabuf_put_str(dppcon, auth->groups_override); json_value_sep(dppcon); } goto skip_groups; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ json_start_object(dppcon, NULL); json_start_array(dppcon, "groups"); json_start_object(dppcon, NULL); json_add_string(dppcon, "groupId", conf->group_id ? conf->group_id : "*"); json_value_sep(dppcon); json_add_string(dppcon, "netRole", dpp_netrole_str(conf->netrole)); json_end_object(dppcon); json_end_array(dppcon); json_value_sep(dppcon); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS skip_groups: #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ if (!auth->peer_protocol_key || dpp_build_jwk(dppcon, "netAccessKey", auth->peer_protocol_key, NULL, auth->curve) < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Failed to build netAccessKey JWK"); goto fail; } if (conf->netaccesskey_expiry) { struct os_tm tm; char expiry[30]; if (os_gmtime(conf->netaccesskey_expiry, &tm) < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Failed to generate expiry string"); goto fail; } os_snprintf(expiry, sizeof(expiry), "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02uZ", tm.year, tm.month, tm.day, tm.hour, tm.min, tm.sec); json_value_sep(dppcon); json_add_string(dppcon, "expiry", expiry); } json_end_object(dppcon); wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: dppCon: %s", (const char *) wpabuf_head(dppcon)); signed_conn = dpp_sign_connector(auth->conf, dppcon); if (!signed_conn) goto fail; incl_legacy = dpp_akm_psk(akm) || dpp_akm_sae(akm); tailroom = 1000; tailroom += 2 * curve->prime_len * 4 / 3 + os_strlen(auth->conf->kid); tailroom += os_strlen(signed_conn); if (incl_legacy) tailroom += 1000; if (akm == DPP_AKM_DOT1X) { if (auth->certbag) tailroom += 2 * wpabuf_len(auth->certbag); if (auth->cacert) tailroom += 2 * wpabuf_len(auth->cacert); if (auth->trusted_eap_server_name) tailroom += os_strlen(auth->trusted_eap_server_name); tailroom += 1000; } buf = dpp_build_conf_start(auth, conf, tailroom); if (!buf) goto fail; if (auth->akm_use_selector && dpp_akm_ver2(akm)) akm_str = dpp_akm_selector_str(akm); else akm_str = dpp_akm_str(akm); json_start_object(buf, "cred"); json_add_string(buf, "akm", akm_str); json_value_sep(buf); if (incl_legacy) { dpp_build_legacy_cred_params(buf, conf); json_value_sep(buf); } if (akm == DPP_AKM_DOT1X) { json_start_object(buf, "entCreds"); if (!auth->certbag) goto fail; json_add_base64(buf, "certBag", wpabuf_head(auth->certbag), wpabuf_len(auth->certbag)); if (auth->cacert) { json_value_sep(buf); json_add_base64(buf, "caCert", wpabuf_head(auth->cacert), wpabuf_len(auth->cacert)); } if (auth->trusted_eap_server_name) { json_value_sep(buf); json_add_string(buf, "trustedEapServerName", auth->trusted_eap_server_name); } json_value_sep(buf); json_start_array(buf, "eapMethods"); wpabuf_printf(buf, "%d", EAP_TYPE_TLS); json_end_array(buf); json_end_object(buf); json_value_sep(buf); } wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\"signedConnector\":\""); wpabuf_put_str(buf, signed_conn); wpabuf_put_str(buf, "\""); json_value_sep(buf); if (dpp_build_jwk(buf, "csign", auth->conf->csign, auth->conf->kid, curve) < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Failed to build csign JWK"); goto fail; } #ifdef CONFIG_DPP2 if (auth->peer_version >= 2 && auth->conf->pp_key) { json_value_sep(buf); if (dpp_build_jwk(buf, "ppKey", auth->conf->pp_key, NULL, curve) < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Failed to build ppKey JWK"); goto fail; } } #endif /* CONFIG_DPP2 */ json_end_object(buf); json_end_object(buf); wpa_hexdump_ascii_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Configuration Object", wpabuf_head(buf), wpabuf_len(buf)); out: os_free(signed_conn); wpabuf_free(dppcon); return buf; fail: wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Failed to build configuration object"); wpabuf_free(buf); buf = NULL; goto out; } static struct wpabuf * dpp_build_conf_obj_legacy(struct dpp_authentication *auth, struct dpp_configuration *conf) { struct wpabuf *buf; const char *akm_str; buf = dpp_build_conf_start(auth, conf, 1000); if (!buf) return NULL; if (auth->akm_use_selector && dpp_akm_ver2(conf->akm)) akm_str = dpp_akm_selector_str(conf->akm); else akm_str = dpp_akm_str(conf->akm); json_start_object(buf, "cred"); json_add_string(buf, "akm", akm_str); json_value_sep(buf); dpp_build_legacy_cred_params(buf, conf); json_end_object(buf); json_end_object(buf); wpa_hexdump_ascii_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Configuration Object (legacy)", wpabuf_head(buf), wpabuf_len(buf)); return buf; } static struct wpabuf * dpp_build_conf_obj(struct dpp_authentication *auth, enum dpp_netrole netrole, int idx, bool cert_req) { struct dpp_configuration *conf = NULL; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (auth->config_obj_override) { if (idx != 0) return NULL; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Testing - Config Object override"); return wpabuf_alloc_copy(auth->config_obj_override, os_strlen(auth->config_obj_override)); } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ if (idx == 0) { if (netrole == DPP_NETROLE_STA) conf = auth->conf_sta; else if (netrole == DPP_NETROLE_AP) conf = auth->conf_ap; } else if (idx == 1) { if (netrole == DPP_NETROLE_STA) conf = auth->conf2_sta; else if (netrole == DPP_NETROLE_AP) conf = auth->conf2_ap; } if (!conf) { if (idx == 0) wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No configuration available for Enrollee(%s) - reject configuration request", dpp_netrole_str(netrole)); return NULL; } if (conf->akm == DPP_AKM_DOT1X) { if (!auth->conf) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No Configurator data available"); return NULL; } if (!cert_req && !auth->certbag) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No certificate data available for dot1x configuration"); return NULL; } return dpp_build_conf_obj_dpp(auth, conf); } if (dpp_akm_dpp(conf->akm) || (auth->peer_version >= 2 && auth->conf)) return dpp_build_conf_obj_dpp(auth, conf); return dpp_build_conf_obj_legacy(auth, conf); } struct wpabuf * dpp_build_conf_resp(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const u8 *e_nonce, u16 e_nonce_len, enum dpp_netrole netrole, bool cert_req) { struct wpabuf *conf = NULL, *conf2 = NULL, *env_data = NULL; size_t clear_len, attr_len; struct wpabuf *clear = NULL, *msg = NULL; u8 *wrapped; const u8 *addr[1]; size_t len[1]; enum dpp_status_error status; if (auth->force_conf_resp_status != DPP_STATUS_OK) { status = auth->force_conf_resp_status; goto forced_status; } if (netrole == DPP_NETROLE_CONFIGURATOR) { #ifdef CONFIG_DPP2 env_data = dpp_build_enveloped_data(auth); #endif /* CONFIG_DPP2 */ } else { conf = dpp_build_conf_obj(auth, netrole, 0, cert_req); if (conf) { wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: configurationObject JSON", wpabuf_head(conf), wpabuf_len(conf)); conf2 = dpp_build_conf_obj(auth, netrole, 1, cert_req); } } if (conf || env_data) status = DPP_STATUS_OK; else if (!cert_req && netrole == DPP_NETROLE_STA && auth->conf_sta && auth->conf_sta->akm == DPP_AKM_DOT1X && !auth->waiting_csr) status = DPP_STATUS_CSR_NEEDED; else status = DPP_STATUS_CONFIGURE_FAILURE; forced_status: auth->conf_resp_status = status; /* { E-nonce, configurationObject[, sendConnStatus]}ke */ clear_len = 4 + e_nonce_len; if (conf) clear_len += 4 + wpabuf_len(conf); if (conf2) clear_len += 4 + wpabuf_len(conf2); if (env_data) clear_len += 4 + wpabuf_len(env_data); if (auth->peer_version >= 2 && auth->send_conn_status && netrole == DPP_NETROLE_STA) clear_len += 4; if (status == DPP_STATUS_CSR_NEEDED && auth->conf_sta && auth->conf_sta->csrattrs) clear_len += 4 + os_strlen(auth->conf_sta->csrattrs); clear = wpabuf_alloc(clear_len); attr_len = 4 + 1 + 4 + clear_len + AES_BLOCK_SIZE; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_AFTER_WRAPPED_DATA_CONF_RESP) attr_len += 5; #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ msg = wpabuf_alloc(attr_len); if (!clear || !msg) goto fail; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_E_NONCE_CONF_RESP) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no E-nonce"); goto skip_e_nonce; } if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_E_NONCE_MISMATCH_CONF_RESP) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - E-nonce mismatch"); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_ENROLLEE_NONCE); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, e_nonce_len); wpabuf_put_data(clear, e_nonce, e_nonce_len - 1); wpabuf_put_u8(clear, e_nonce[e_nonce_len - 1] ^ 0x01); goto skip_e_nonce; } if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_WRAPPED_DATA_CONF_RESP) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - no Wrapped Data"); goto skip_wrapped_data; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ /* E-nonce */ wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_ENROLLEE_NONCE); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, e_nonce_len); wpabuf_put_data(clear, e_nonce, e_nonce_len); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS skip_e_nonce: if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_CONFIG_OBJ_CONF_RESP) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - Config Object"); goto skip_config_obj; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ if (conf) { wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_CONFIG_OBJ); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, wpabuf_len(conf)); wpabuf_put_buf(clear, conf); } if (auth->peer_version >= 2 && conf2) { wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_CONFIG_OBJ); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, wpabuf_len(conf2)); wpabuf_put_buf(clear, conf2); } else if (conf2) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Second Config Object available, but peer does not support more than one"); } if (env_data) { wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_ENVELOPED_DATA); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, wpabuf_len(env_data)); wpabuf_put_buf(clear, env_data); } if (auth->peer_version >= 2 && auth->send_conn_status && netrole == DPP_NETROLE_STA && status == DPP_STATUS_OK) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: sendConnStatus"); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_SEND_CONN_STATUS); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, 0); } if (status == DPP_STATUS_CSR_NEEDED && auth->conf_sta && auth->conf_sta->csrattrs) { auth->waiting_csr = true; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: CSR Attributes Request"); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, DPP_ATTR_CSR_ATTR_REQ); wpabuf_put_le16(clear, os_strlen(auth->conf_sta->csrattrs)); wpabuf_put_str(clear, auth->conf_sta->csrattrs); } #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS skip_config_obj: if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_NO_STATUS_CONF_RESP) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - Status"); goto skip_status; } if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_INVALID_STATUS_CONF_RESP) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - invalid Status"); status = 255; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ /* DPP Status */ dpp_build_attr_status(msg, status); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS skip_status: #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ addr[0] = wpabuf_head(msg); len[0] = wpabuf_len(msg); wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DDP: AES-SIV AD", addr[0], len[0]); wpabuf_put_le16(msg, DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA); wpabuf_put_le16(msg, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE); wrapped = wpabuf_put(msg, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE); wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV cleartext", clear); if (aes_siv_encrypt(auth->ke, auth->curve->hash_len, wpabuf_head(clear), wpabuf_len(clear), 1, addr, len, wrapped) < 0) goto fail; wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV ciphertext", wrapped, wpabuf_len(clear) + AES_BLOCK_SIZE); #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_AFTER_WRAPPED_DATA_CONF_RESP) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - attr after Wrapped Data"); dpp_build_attr_status(msg, DPP_STATUS_OK); } skip_wrapped_data: #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Configuration Response attributes", msg); out: wpabuf_clear_free(conf); wpabuf_clear_free(conf2); wpabuf_clear_free(env_data); wpabuf_clear_free(clear); return msg; fail: wpabuf_free(msg); msg = NULL; goto out; } struct wpabuf * dpp_conf_req_rx(struct dpp_authentication *auth, const u8 *attr_start, size_t attr_len) { const u8 *wrapped_data, *e_nonce, *config_attr; u16 wrapped_data_len, e_nonce_len, config_attr_len; u8 *unwrapped = NULL; size_t unwrapped_len = 0; struct wpabuf *resp = NULL; struct json_token *root = NULL, *token; enum dpp_netrole netrole; struct wpabuf *cert_req = NULL; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS if (dpp_test == DPP_TEST_STOP_AT_CONF_REQ) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "DPP: TESTING - stop at Config Request"); return NULL; } #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ if (dpp_check_attrs(attr_start, attr_len) < 0) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "Invalid attribute in config request"); return NULL; } wrapped_data = dpp_get_attr(attr_start, attr_len, DPP_ATTR_WRAPPED_DATA, &wrapped_data_len); if (!wrapped_data || wrapped_data_len < AES_BLOCK_SIZE) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "Missing or invalid required Wrapped Data attribute"); return NULL; } wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV ciphertext", wrapped_data, wrapped_data_len); unwrapped_len = wrapped_data_len - AES_BLOCK_SIZE; unwrapped = os_malloc(unwrapped_len); if (!unwrapped) return NULL; if (aes_siv_decrypt(auth->ke, auth->curve->hash_len, wrapped_data, wrapped_data_len, 0, NULL, NULL, unwrapped) < 0) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "AES-SIV decryption failed"); goto fail; } wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: AES-SIV cleartext", unwrapped, unwrapped_len); if (dpp_check_attrs(unwrapped, unwrapped_len) < 0) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "Invalid attribute in unwrapped data"); goto fail; } e_nonce = dpp_get_attr(unwrapped, unwrapped_len, DPP_ATTR_ENROLLEE_NONCE, &e_nonce_len); if (!e_nonce || e_nonce_len != auth->curve->nonce_len) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "Missing or invalid Enrollee Nonce attribute"); goto fail; } wpa_hexdump(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Enrollee Nonce", e_nonce, e_nonce_len); os_memcpy(auth->e_nonce, e_nonce, e_nonce_len); config_attr = dpp_get_attr(unwrapped, unwrapped_len, DPP_ATTR_CONFIG_ATTR_OBJ, &config_attr_len); if (!config_attr) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "Missing or invalid Config Attributes attribute"); goto fail; } wpa_hexdump_ascii(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Config Attributes", config_attr, config_attr_len); root = json_parse((const char *) config_attr, config_attr_len); if (!root) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "Could not parse Config Attributes"); goto fail; } token = json_get_member(root, "name"); if (!token || token->type != JSON_STRING) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "No Config Attributes - name"); goto fail; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Enrollee name = '%s'", token->string); token = json_get_member(root, "wi-fi_tech"); if (!token || token->type != JSON_STRING) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "No Config Attributes - wi-fi_tech"); goto fail; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: wi-fi_tech = '%s'", token->string); if (os_strcmp(token->string, "infra") != 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unsupported wi-fi_tech '%s'", token->string); dpp_auth_fail(auth, "Unsupported wi-fi_tech"); goto fail; } token = json_get_member(root, "netRole"); if (!token || token->type != JSON_STRING) { dpp_auth_fail(auth, "No Config Attributes - netRole"); goto fail; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: netRole = '%s'", token->string); if (os_strcmp(token->string, "sta") == 0) { netrole = DPP_NETROLE_STA; } else if (os_strcmp(token->string, "ap") == 0) { netrole = DPP_NETROLE_AP; } else if (os_strcmp(token->string, "configurator") == 0) { netrole = DPP_NETROLE_CONFIGURATOR; } else { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unsupported netRole '%s'", token->string); dpp_auth_fail(auth, "Unsupported netRole"); goto fail; } auth->e_netrole = netrole; token = json_get_member(root, "mudurl"); if (token && token->type == JSON_STRING) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: mudurl = '%s'", token->string); wpa_msg(auth->msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_MUD_URL "%s", token->string); } token = json_get_member(root, "bandSupport"); if (token && token->type == JSON_ARRAY) { int *opclass = NULL; char txt[200], *pos, *end; int i, res; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: bandSupport"); token = token->child; while (token) { if (token->type != JSON_NUMBER) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Invalid bandSupport array member type"); } else { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Supported global operating class: %d", token->number); int_array_add_unique(&opclass, token->number); } token = token->sibling; } txt[0] = '\0'; pos = txt; end = txt + sizeof(txt); for (i = 0; opclass && opclass[i]; i++) { res = os_snprintf(pos, end - pos, "%s%d", pos == txt ? "" : ",", opclass[i]); if (os_snprintf_error(end - pos, res)) { *pos = '\0'; break; } pos += res; } os_free(opclass); wpa_msg(auth->msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_BAND_SUPPORT "%s", txt); } #ifdef CONFIG_DPP2 cert_req = json_get_member_base64(root, "pkcs10"); if (cert_req) { char *txt; int id; wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: CertificateRequest", cert_req); if (dpp_validate_csr(auth, cert_req) < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: CSR is not valid"); auth->force_conf_resp_status = DPP_STATUS_CSR_BAD; goto cont; } if (auth->peer_bi) { id = auth->peer_bi->id; } else if (auth->tmp_peer_bi) { id = auth->tmp_peer_bi->id; } else { struct dpp_bootstrap_info *bi; bi = os_zalloc(sizeof(*bi)); if (!bi) goto fail; bi->id = dpp_next_id(auth->global); dl_list_add(&auth->global->bootstrap, &bi->list); auth->tmp_peer_bi = bi; id = bi->id; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: CSR is valid - forward to CA/RA"); txt = base64_encode_no_lf(wpabuf_head(cert_req), wpabuf_len(cert_req), NULL); if (!txt) goto fail; wpa_msg(auth->msg_ctx, MSG_INFO, DPP_EVENT_CSR "peer=%d csr=%s", id, txt); os_free(txt); auth->waiting_csr = false; auth->waiting_cert = true; goto fail; } cont: #endif /* CONFIG_DPP2 */ resp = dpp_build_conf_resp(auth, e_nonce, e_nonce_len, netrole, cert_req); fail: wpabuf_free(cert_req); json_free(root); os_free(unwrapped); return resp; } static int dpp_parse_cred_legacy(struct dpp_config_obj *conf, struct json_token *cred) { struct json_token *pass, *psk_hex; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Legacy akm=psk credential"); pass = json_get_member(cred, "pass"); psk_hex = json_get_member(cred, "psk_hex"); if (pass && pass->type == JSON_STRING) { size_t len = os_strlen(pass->string); wpa_hexdump_ascii_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Legacy passphrase", pass->string, len); if (len < 8 || len > 63) return -1; os_strlcpy(conf->passphrase, pass->string, sizeof(conf->passphrase)); } else if (psk_hex && psk_hex->type == JSON_STRING) { if (dpp_akm_sae(conf->akm) && !dpp_akm_psk(conf->akm)) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unexpected psk_hex with akm=sae"); return -1; } if (os_strlen(psk_hex->string) != PMK_LEN * 2 || hexstr2bin(psk_hex->string, conf->psk, PMK_LEN) < 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Invalid psk_hex encoding"); return -1; } wpa_hexdump_key(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Legacy PSK", conf->psk, PMK_LEN); conf->psk_set = 1; } else { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No pass or psk_hex strings found"); return -1; } if (dpp_akm_sae(conf->akm) && !conf->passphrase[0]) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No pass for sae found"); return -1; } return 0; } struct crypto_ec_key * dpp_parse_jwk(struct json_token *jwk, const struct dpp_curve_params **key_curve) { struct json_token *token; const struct dpp_curve_params *curve; struct wpabuf *x = NULL, *y = NULL; struct crypto_ec_key *key = NULL; token = json_get_member(jwk, "kty"); if (!token || token->type != JSON_STRING) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No kty in JWK"); goto fail; } if (os_strcmp(token->string, "EC") != 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unexpected JWK kty '%s'", token->string); goto fail; } token = json_get_member(jwk, "crv"); if (!token || token->type != JSON_STRING) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No crv in JWK"); goto fail; } curve = dpp_get_curve_jwk_crv(token->string); if (!curve) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unsupported JWK crv '%s'", token->string); goto fail; } x = json_get_member_base64url(jwk, "x"); if (!x) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No x in JWK"); goto fail; } wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: JWK x", x); if (wpabuf_len(x) != curve->prime_len) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unexpected JWK x length %u (expected %u for curve %s)", (unsigned int) wpabuf_len(x), (unsigned int) curve->prime_len, curve->name); goto fail; } y = json_get_member_base64url(jwk, "y"); if (!y) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: No y in JWK"); goto fail; } wpa_hexdump_buf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: JWK y", y); if (wpabuf_len(y) != curve->prime_len) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "DPP: Unexpected JWK y length %u (expected %u for curve %s)", (unsigned int) wpabuf_len(y), (unsigned int) curve->prime_len, curve->name); goto fail; } key = crypto_ec_key_set_pub(curve->ike_group, wpabuf_head(x), wpabuf_head(y), wpabuf_len(x)); if (!key) goto fail; *key_curve = curve; fail: wpabuf_free(x); wpabuf_free(y); return key; } int dpp_key_expired(const char *timestamp, os_time_t *expiry) { struct os_time now; unsigned int year, month, day, hour, min, sec; os_time_t utime; const char *pos; /* ISO 8601 date and time: * T