/* * hostapd / IEEE 802.11n HT * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi> * Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Intel Corporation * * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. * See README for more details. */ #include "utils/includes.h" #include "utils/common.h" #include "utils/eloop.h" #include "common/ieee802_11_defs.h" #include "hostapd.h" #include "ap_config.h" #include "sta_info.h" #include "beacon.h" #include "ieee802_11.h" #include "hw_features.h" #include "ap_drv_ops.h" u8 * hostapd_eid_ht_capabilities(struct hostapd_data *hapd, u8 *eid) { struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities *cap; u8 *pos = eid; if (!hapd->iconf->ieee80211n || !hapd->iface->current_mode || hapd->conf->disable_11n || is_6ghz_op_class(hapd->iconf->op_class)) return eid; *pos++ = WLAN_EID_HT_CAP; *pos++ = sizeof(*cap); cap = (struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities *) pos; os_memset(cap, 0, sizeof(*cap)); cap->ht_capabilities_info = host_to_le16(hapd->iconf->ht_capab); cap->a_mpdu_params = hapd->iface->current_mode->a_mpdu_params; os_memcpy(cap->supported_mcs_set, hapd->iface->current_mode->mcs_set, 16); /* TODO: ht_extended_capabilities (now fully disabled) */ /* TODO: tx_bf_capability_info (now fully disabled) */ /* TODO: asel_capabilities (now fully disabled) */ pos += sizeof(*cap); if (hapd->iconf->obss_interval) { struct ieee80211_obss_scan_parameters *scan_params; *pos++ = WLAN_EID_OVERLAPPING_BSS_SCAN_PARAMS; *pos++ = sizeof(*scan_params); scan_params = (struct ieee80211_obss_scan_parameters *) pos; os_memset(scan_params, 0, sizeof(*scan_params)); scan_params->width_trigger_scan_interval = host_to_le16(hapd->iconf->obss_interval); /* Fill in default values for remaining parameters * (IEEE Std 802.11-2012, and MIB defval) */ scan_params->scan_passive_dwell = host_to_le16(20); scan_params->scan_active_dwell = host_to_le16(10); scan_params->scan_passive_total_per_channel = host_to_le16(200); scan_params->scan_active_total_per_channel = host_to_le16(20); scan_params->channel_transition_delay_factor = host_to_le16(5); scan_params->scan_activity_threshold = host_to_le16(25); pos += sizeof(*scan_params); } return pos; } u8 * hostapd_eid_ht_operation(struct hostapd_data *hapd, u8 *eid) { struct ieee80211_ht_operation *oper; u8 *pos = eid; if (!hapd->iconf->ieee80211n || hapd->conf->disable_11n || is_6ghz_op_class(hapd->iconf->op_class)) return eid; *pos++ = WLAN_EID_HT_OPERATION; *pos++ = sizeof(*oper); oper = (struct ieee80211_ht_operation *) pos; os_memset(oper, 0, sizeof(*oper)); oper->primary_chan = hapd->iconf->channel; oper->operation_mode = host_to_le16(hapd->iface->ht_op_mode); if (hapd->iconf->secondary_channel == 1) oper->ht_param |= HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_SECONDARY_CHNL_ABOVE | HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_STA_CHNL_WIDTH; if (hapd->iconf->secondary_channel == -1) oper->ht_param |= HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_SECONDARY_CHNL_BELOW | HT_INFO_HT_PARAM_STA_CHNL_WIDTH; pos += sizeof(*oper); return pos; } /* op_mode Set to 0 (HT pure) under the following conditions - all STAs in the BSS are 20/40 MHz HT in 20/40 MHz BSS or - all STAs in the BSS are 20 MHz HT in 20 MHz BSS Set to 1 (HT non-member protection) if there may be non-HT STAs in both the primary and the secondary channel Set to 2 if only HT STAs are associated in BSS, however and at least one 20 MHz HT STA is associated Set to 3 (HT mixed mode) when one or more non-HT STAs are associated */ int hostapd_ht_operation_update(struct hostapd_iface *iface) { u16 cur_op_mode, new_op_mode; int op_mode_changes = 0; if (!iface->conf->ieee80211n || iface->conf->ht_op_mode_fixed) return 0; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s current operation mode=0x%X", __func__, iface->ht_op_mode); if (!(iface->ht_op_mode & HT_OPER_OP_MODE_NON_GF_HT_STAS_PRESENT) && iface->num_sta_ht_no_gf) { iface->ht_op_mode |= HT_OPER_OP_MODE_NON_GF_HT_STAS_PRESENT; op_mode_changes++; } else if ((iface->ht_op_mode & HT_OPER_OP_MODE_NON_GF_HT_STAS_PRESENT) && iface->num_sta_ht_no_gf == 0) { iface->ht_op_mode &= ~HT_OPER_OP_MODE_NON_GF_HT_STAS_PRESENT; op_mode_changes++; } if (!(iface->ht_op_mode & HT_OPER_OP_MODE_OBSS_NON_HT_STAS_PRESENT) && (iface->num_sta_no_ht || iface->olbc_ht)) { iface->ht_op_mode |= HT_OPER_OP_MODE_OBSS_NON_HT_STAS_PRESENT; op_mode_changes++; } else if ((iface->ht_op_mode & HT_OPER_OP_MODE_OBSS_NON_HT_STAS_PRESENT) && (iface->num_sta_no_ht == 0 && !iface->olbc_ht)) { iface->ht_op_mode &= ~HT_OPER_OP_MODE_OBSS_NON_HT_STAS_PRESENT; op_mode_changes++; } if (iface->num_sta_no_ht) new_op_mode = HT_PROT_NON_HT_MIXED; else if (iface->conf->secondary_channel && iface->num_sta_ht_20mhz) new_op_mode = HT_PROT_20MHZ_PROTECTION; else if (iface->olbc_ht) new_op_mode = HT_PROT_NONMEMBER_PROTECTION; else new_op_mode = HT_PROT_NO_PROTECTION; cur_op_mode = iface->ht_op_mode & HT_OPER_OP_MODE_HT_PROT_MASK; if (cur_op_mode != new_op_mode) { iface->ht_op_mode &= ~HT_OPER_OP_MODE_HT_PROT_MASK; iface->ht_op_mode |= new_op_mode; op_mode_changes++; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s new operation mode=0x%X changes=%d", __func__, iface->ht_op_mode, op_mode_changes); return op_mode_changes; } static int is_40_allowed(struct hostapd_iface *iface, int channel) { int pri_freq, sec_freq; int affected_start, affected_end; int pri = 2407 + 5 * channel; if (iface->current_mode->mode != HOSTAPD_MODE_IEEE80211G) return 1; pri_freq = hostapd_hw_get_freq(iface->bss[0], iface->conf->channel); if (iface->conf->secondary_channel > 0) sec_freq = pri_freq + 20; else sec_freq = pri_freq - 20; affected_start = (pri_freq + sec_freq) / 2 - 25; affected_end = (pri_freq + sec_freq) / 2 + 25; if ((pri < affected_start || pri > affected_end)) return 1; /* not within affected channel range */ wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "40 MHz affected channel range: [%d,%d] MHz", affected_start, affected_end); wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Neighboring BSS: freq=%d", pri); return 0; } void hostapd_2040_coex_action(struct hostapd_data *hapd, const struct ieee80211_mgmt *mgmt, size_t len) { struct hostapd_iface *iface = hapd->iface; struct ieee80211_2040_bss_coex_ie *bc_ie; struct ieee80211_2040_intol_chan_report *ic_report; int is_ht40_allowed = 1; int i; const u8 *start = (const u8 *) mgmt; const u8 *data = start + IEEE80211_HDRLEN + 2; struct sta_info *sta; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "HT: Received 20/40 BSS Coexistence Management frame from " MACSTR, MAC2STR(mgmt->sa)); hostapd_logger(hapd, mgmt->sa, HOSTAPD_MODULE_IEEE80211, HOSTAPD_LEVEL_DEBUG, "hostapd_public_action - action=%d", mgmt->u.action.u.public_action.action); if (!(iface->conf->ht_capab & HT_CAP_INFO_SUPP_CHANNEL_WIDTH_SET)) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Ignore 20/40 BSS Coexistence Management frame since 40 MHz capability is not enabled"); return; } if (len < IEEE80211_HDRLEN + 2 + sizeof(*bc_ie)) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Ignore too short 20/40 BSS Coexistence Management frame"); return; } /* 20/40 BSS Coexistence element */ bc_ie = (struct ieee80211_2040_bss_coex_ie *) data; if (bc_ie->element_id != WLAN_EID_20_40_BSS_COEXISTENCE || bc_ie->length < 1) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Unexpected IE (%u,%u) in coex report", bc_ie->element_id, bc_ie->length); return; } if (len < IEEE80211_HDRLEN + 2 + 2 + bc_ie->length) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Truncated 20/40 BSS Coexistence element"); return; } data += 2 + bc_ie->length; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "20/40 BSS Coexistence Information field: 0x%x (%s%s%s%s%s%s)", bc_ie->coex_param, (bc_ie->coex_param & BIT(0)) ? "[InfoReq]" : "", (bc_ie->coex_param & BIT(1)) ? "[40MHzIntolerant]" : "", (bc_ie->coex_param & BIT(2)) ? "[20MHzBSSWidthReq]" : "", (bc_ie->coex_param & BIT(3)) ? "[OBSSScanExemptionReq]" : "", (bc_ie->coex_param & BIT(4)) ? "[OBSSScanExemptionGrant]" : "", (bc_ie->coex_param & (BIT(5) | BIT(6) | BIT(7))) ? "[Reserved]" : ""); if (bc_ie->coex_param & WLAN_20_40_BSS_COEX_20MHZ_WIDTH_REQ) { /* Intra-BSS communication prohibiting 20/40 MHz BSS operation */ sta = ap_get_sta(hapd, mgmt->sa); if (!sta || !(sta->flags & WLAN_STA_ASSOC)) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Ignore intra-BSS 20/40 BSS Coexistence Management frame from not-associated STA"); return; } hostapd_logger(hapd, mgmt->sa, HOSTAPD_MODULE_IEEE80211, HOSTAPD_LEVEL_DEBUG, "20 MHz BSS width request bit is set in BSS coexistence information field"); is_ht40_allowed = 0; } if (bc_ie->coex_param & WLAN_20_40_BSS_COEX_40MHZ_INTOL) { /* Inter-BSS communication prohibiting 20/40 MHz BSS operation */ hostapd_logger(hapd, mgmt->sa, HOSTAPD_MODULE_IEEE80211, HOSTAPD_LEVEL_DEBUG, "40 MHz intolerant bit is set in BSS coexistence information field"); is_ht40_allowed = 0; } /* 20/40 BSS Intolerant Channel Report element (zero or more times) */ while (start + len - data >= 3 && data[0] == WLAN_EID_20_40_BSS_INTOLERANT && data[1] >= 1) { u8 ielen = data[1]; if (ielen > start + len - data - 2) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Truncated 20/40 BSS Intolerant Channel Report element"); return; } ic_report = (struct ieee80211_2040_intol_chan_report *) data; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "20/40 BSS Intolerant Channel Report: Operating Class %u", ic_report->op_class); /* Go through the channel report to find any BSS there in the * affected channel range */ for (i = 0; i < ielen - 1; i++) { u8 chan = ic_report->variable[i]; if (chan == iface->conf->channel) continue; /* matching own primary channel */ if (is_40_allowed(iface, chan)) continue; /* not within affected channels */ hostapd_logger(hapd, mgmt->sa, HOSTAPD_MODULE_IEEE80211, HOSTAPD_LEVEL_DEBUG, "20_40_INTOLERANT channel %d reported", chan); is_ht40_allowed = 0; } data += 2 + ielen; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "is_ht40_allowed=%d num_sta_ht40_intolerant=%d", is_ht40_allowed, iface->num_sta_ht40_intolerant); if (!is_ht40_allowed && (iface->drv_flags & WPA_DRIVER_FLAGS_HT_2040_COEX)) { if (iface->conf->secondary_channel) { hostapd_logger(hapd, mgmt->sa, HOSTAPD_MODULE_IEEE80211, HOSTAPD_LEVEL_INFO, "Switching to 20 MHz operation"); iface->conf->secondary_channel = 0; ieee802_11_set_beacons(iface); } if (!iface->num_sta_ht40_intolerant && iface->conf->obss_interval) { unsigned int delay_time; delay_time = OVERLAPPING_BSS_TRANS_DELAY_FACTOR * iface->conf->obss_interval; eloop_cancel_timeout(ap_ht2040_timeout, hapd->iface, NULL); eloop_register_timeout(delay_time, 0, ap_ht2040_timeout, hapd->iface, NULL); wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "Reschedule HT 20/40 timeout to occur in %u seconds", delay_time); } } } u16 copy_sta_ht_capab(struct hostapd_data *hapd, struct sta_info *sta, const u8 *ht_capab) { /* * Disable HT caps for STAs associated to no-HT BSSes, or for stations * that did not specify a valid WMM IE in the (Re)Association Request * frame. */ if (!ht_capab || !(sta->flags & WLAN_STA_WMM) || !hapd->iconf->ieee80211n || hapd->conf->disable_11n) { sta->flags &= ~WLAN_STA_HT; os_free(sta->ht_capabilities); sta->ht_capabilities = NULL; return WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (sta->ht_capabilities == NULL) { sta->ht_capabilities = os_zalloc(sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities)); if (sta->ht_capabilities == NULL) return WLAN_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED_FAILURE; } sta->flags |= WLAN_STA_HT; os_memcpy(sta->ht_capabilities, ht_capab, sizeof(struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities)); return WLAN_STATUS_SUCCESS; } void ht40_intolerant_add(struct hostapd_iface *iface, struct sta_info *sta) { if (iface->current_mode->mode != HOSTAPD_MODE_IEEE80211G) return; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "HT: Forty MHz Intolerant is set by STA " MACSTR " in Association Request", MAC2STR(sta->addr)); if (sta->ht40_intolerant_set) return; sta->ht40_intolerant_set = 1; iface->num_sta_ht40_intolerant++; eloop_cancel_timeout(ap_ht2040_timeout, iface, NULL); if (iface->conf->secondary_channel && (iface->drv_flags & WPA_DRIVER_FLAGS_HT_2040_COEX)) { iface->conf->secondary_channel = 0; ieee802_11_set_beacons(iface); } } void ht40_intolerant_remove(struct hostapd_iface *iface, struct sta_info *sta) { if (!sta->ht40_intolerant_set) return; sta->ht40_intolerant_set = 0; iface->num_sta_ht40_intolerant--; if (iface->num_sta_ht40_intolerant == 0 && (iface->conf->ht_capab & HT_CAP_INFO_SUPP_CHANNEL_WIDTH_SET) && (iface->drv_flags & WPA_DRIVER_FLAGS_HT_2040_COEX)) { unsigned int delay_time = OVERLAPPING_BSS_TRANS_DELAY_FACTOR * iface->conf->obss_interval; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "HT: Start 20->40 MHz transition timer (%d seconds)", delay_time); eloop_cancel_timeout(ap_ht2040_timeout, iface, NULL); eloop_register_timeout(delay_time, 0, ap_ht2040_timeout, iface, NULL); } } static void update_sta_ht(struct hostapd_data *hapd, struct sta_info *sta) { u16 ht_capab; ht_capab = le_to_host16(sta->ht_capabilities->ht_capabilities_info); wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "HT: STA " MACSTR " HT Capabilities Info: " "0x%04x", MAC2STR(sta->addr), ht_capab); if ((ht_capab & HT_CAP_INFO_GREEN_FIELD) == 0) { if (!sta->no_ht_gf_set) { sta->no_ht_gf_set = 1; hapd->iface->num_sta_ht_no_gf++; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s STA " MACSTR " - no greenfield, num " "of non-gf stations %d", __func__, MAC2STR(sta->addr), hapd->iface->num_sta_ht_no_gf); } if ((ht_capab & HT_CAP_INFO_SUPP_CHANNEL_WIDTH_SET) == 0) { if (!sta->ht_20mhz_set) { sta->ht_20mhz_set = 1; hapd->iface->num_sta_ht_20mhz++; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s STA " MACSTR " - 20 MHz HT, num of " "20MHz HT STAs %d", __func__, MAC2STR(sta->addr), hapd->iface->num_sta_ht_20mhz); } if (ht_capab & HT_CAP_INFO_40MHZ_INTOLERANT) ht40_intolerant_add(hapd->iface, sta); } static void update_sta_no_ht(struct hostapd_data *hapd, struct sta_info *sta) { if (!sta->no_ht_set) { sta->no_ht_set = 1; hapd->iface->num_sta_no_ht++; } if (hapd->iconf->ieee80211n) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s STA " MACSTR " - no HT, num of " "non-HT stations %d", __func__, MAC2STR(sta->addr), hapd->iface->num_sta_no_ht); } } int update_ht_state(struct hostapd_data *hapd, struct sta_info *sta) { if ((sta->flags & WLAN_STA_HT) && sta->ht_capabilities) update_sta_ht(hapd, sta); else update_sta_no_ht(hapd, sta); return hostapd_ht_operation_update(hapd->iface); } void hostapd_get_ht_capab(struct hostapd_data *hapd, struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities *ht_cap, struct ieee80211_ht_capabilities *neg_ht_cap) { u16 cap; if (ht_cap == NULL) return; os_memcpy(neg_ht_cap, ht_cap, sizeof(*neg_ht_cap)); cap = le_to_host16(neg_ht_cap->ht_capabilities_info); /* * Mask out HT features we don't support, but don't overwrite * non-symmetric features like STBC and SMPS. Just because * we're not in dynamic SMPS mode the STA might still be. */ cap &= (hapd->iconf->ht_capab | HT_CAP_INFO_RX_STBC_MASK | HT_CAP_INFO_TX_STBC | HT_CAP_INFO_SMPS_MASK); /* * STBC needs to be handled specially * if we don't support RX STBC, mask out TX STBC in the STA's HT caps * if we don't support TX STBC, mask out RX STBC in the STA's HT caps */ if (!(hapd->iconf->ht_capab & HT_CAP_INFO_RX_STBC_MASK)) cap &= ~HT_CAP_INFO_TX_STBC; if (!(hapd->iconf->ht_capab & HT_CAP_INFO_TX_STBC)) cap &= ~HT_CAP_INFO_RX_STBC_MASK; neg_ht_cap->ht_capabilities_info = host_to_le16(cap); } void ap_ht2040_timeout(void *eloop_data, void *user_data) { struct hostapd_iface *iface = eloop_data; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Switching to 40 MHz operation"); iface->conf->secondary_channel = iface->secondary_ch; ieee802_11_set_beacons(iface); }