/* * Authentication server setup * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Jouni Malinen * * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. * See README for more details. */ #include "utils/includes.h" #include "utils/common.h" #include "crypto/crypto.h" #include "crypto/tls.h" #include "eap_server/eap.h" #include "eap_server/eap_sim_db.h" #include "eapol_auth/eapol_auth_sm.h" #include "radius/radius_server.h" #include "hostapd.h" #include "ap_config.h" #include "sta_info.h" #include "authsrv.h" #if defined(EAP_SERVER_SIM) || defined(EAP_SERVER_AKA) #define EAP_SIM_DB #endif /* EAP_SERVER_SIM || EAP_SERVER_AKA */ #ifdef EAP_SIM_DB static int hostapd_sim_db_cb_sta(struct hostapd_data *hapd, struct sta_info *sta, void *ctx) { if (eapol_auth_eap_pending_cb(sta->eapol_sm, ctx) == 0) return 1; return 0; } static void hostapd_sim_db_cb(void *ctx, void *session_ctx) { struct hostapd_data *hapd = ctx; if (ap_for_each_sta(hapd, hostapd_sim_db_cb_sta, session_ctx) == 0) { #ifdef RADIUS_SERVER radius_server_eap_pending_cb(hapd->radius_srv, session_ctx); #endif /* RADIUS_SERVER */ } } #endif /* EAP_SIM_DB */ #ifdef RADIUS_SERVER static int hostapd_radius_get_eap_user(void *ctx, const u8 *identity, size_t identity_len, int phase2, struct eap_user *user) { const struct hostapd_eap_user *eap_user; int i; int rv = -1; eap_user = hostapd_get_eap_user(ctx, identity, identity_len, phase2); if (eap_user == NULL) goto out; if (user == NULL) return 0; os_memset(user, 0, sizeof(*user)); for (i = 0; i < EAP_MAX_METHODS; i++) { user->methods[i].vendor = eap_user->methods[i].vendor; user->methods[i].method = eap_user->methods[i].method; } if (eap_user->password) { user->password = os_memdup(eap_user->password, eap_user->password_len); if (user->password == NULL) goto out; user->password_len = eap_user->password_len; user->password_hash = eap_user->password_hash; if (eap_user->salt && eap_user->salt_len) { user->salt = os_memdup(eap_user->salt, eap_user->salt_len); if (!user->salt) goto out; user->salt_len = eap_user->salt_len; } } user->force_version = eap_user->force_version; user->macacl = eap_user->macacl; user->ttls_auth = eap_user->ttls_auth; user->remediation = eap_user->remediation; user->accept_attr = eap_user->accept_attr; user->t_c_timestamp = eap_user->t_c_timestamp; rv = 0; out: if (rv) wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "%s: Failed to find user", __func__); return rv; } static int hostapd_setup_radius_srv(struct hostapd_data *hapd) { struct radius_server_conf srv; struct hostapd_bss_config *conf = hapd->conf; #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211BE if (!hostapd_mld_is_first_bss(hapd)) { struct hostapd_data *first; wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "MLD: Using RADIUS server of the first BSS"); first = hostapd_mld_get_first_bss(hapd); if (!first) return -1; hapd->radius_srv = first->radius_srv; return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211BE */ os_memset(&srv, 0, sizeof(srv)); srv.client_file = conf->radius_server_clients; srv.auth_port = conf->radius_server_auth_port; srv.acct_port = conf->radius_server_acct_port; srv.conf_ctx = hapd; srv.ipv6 = conf->radius_server_ipv6; srv.get_eap_user = hostapd_radius_get_eap_user; srv.eap_req_id_text = conf->eap_req_id_text; srv.eap_req_id_text_len = conf->eap_req_id_text_len; srv.sqlite_file = conf->eap_user_sqlite; #ifdef CONFIG_RADIUS_TEST srv.dump_msk_file = conf->dump_msk_file; #endif /* CONFIG_RADIUS_TEST */ #ifdef CONFIG_HS20 srv.subscr_remediation_url = conf->subscr_remediation_url; srv.subscr_remediation_method = conf->subscr_remediation_method; srv.hs20_sim_provisioning_url = conf->hs20_sim_provisioning_url; srv.t_c_server_url = conf->t_c_server_url; #endif /* CONFIG_HS20 */ srv.erp_domain = conf->erp_domain; srv.eap_cfg = hapd->eap_cfg; hapd->radius_srv = radius_server_init(&srv); if (hapd->radius_srv == NULL) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "RADIUS server initialization failed."); return -1; } return 0; } #endif /* RADIUS_SERVER */ #ifdef EAP_TLS_FUNCS static void authsrv_tls_event(void *ctx, enum tls_event ev, union tls_event_data *data) { switch (ev) { case TLS_CERT_CHAIN_SUCCESS: wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "authsrv: remote certificate verification success"); break; case TLS_CERT_CHAIN_FAILURE: wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "authsrv: certificate chain failure: reason=%d depth=%d subject='%s' err='%s'", data->cert_fail.reason, data->cert_fail.depth, data->cert_fail.subject, data->cert_fail.reason_txt); break; case TLS_PEER_CERTIFICATE: wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "authsrv: peer certificate: depth=%d serial_num=%s subject=%s", data->peer_cert.depth, data->peer_cert.serial_num ? data->peer_cert.serial_num : "N/A", data->peer_cert.subject); break; case TLS_ALERT: if (data->alert.is_local) wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "authsrv: local TLS alert: %s", data->alert.description); else wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "authsrv: remote TLS alert: %s", data->alert.description); break; case TLS_UNSAFE_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED: /* Not applicable to TLS server */ break; } } #endif /* EAP_TLS_FUNCS */ static struct eap_config * authsrv_eap_config(struct hostapd_data *hapd) { struct eap_config *cfg; cfg = os_zalloc(sizeof(*cfg)); if (!cfg) return NULL; cfg->eap_server = hapd->conf->eap_server; cfg->ssl_ctx = hapd->ssl_ctx; cfg->msg_ctx = hapd->msg_ctx; cfg->eap_sim_db_priv = hapd->eap_sim_db_priv; cfg->tls_session_lifetime = hapd->conf->tls_session_lifetime; cfg->tls_flags = hapd->conf->tls_flags; cfg->max_auth_rounds = hapd->conf->max_auth_rounds; cfg->max_auth_rounds_short = hapd->conf->max_auth_rounds_short; if (hapd->conf->pac_opaque_encr_key) cfg->pac_opaque_encr_key = os_memdup(hapd->conf->pac_opaque_encr_key, 16); if (hapd->conf->eap_fast_a_id) { cfg->eap_fast_a_id = os_memdup(hapd->conf->eap_fast_a_id, hapd->conf->eap_fast_a_id_len); cfg->eap_fast_a_id_len = hapd->conf->eap_fast_a_id_len; } if (hapd->conf->eap_fast_a_id_info) cfg->eap_fast_a_id_info = os_strdup(hapd->conf->eap_fast_a_id_info); cfg->eap_fast_prov = hapd->conf->eap_fast_prov; cfg->pac_key_lifetime = hapd->conf->pac_key_lifetime; cfg->pac_key_refresh_time = hapd->conf->pac_key_refresh_time; cfg->eap_teap_auth = hapd->conf->eap_teap_auth; cfg->eap_teap_pac_no_inner = hapd->conf->eap_teap_pac_no_inner; cfg->eap_teap_separate_result = hapd->conf->eap_teap_separate_result; cfg->eap_teap_id = hapd->conf->eap_teap_id; cfg->eap_teap_method_sequence = hapd->conf->eap_teap_method_sequence; cfg->eap_sim_aka_result_ind = hapd->conf->eap_sim_aka_result_ind; cfg->eap_sim_id = hapd->conf->eap_sim_id; cfg->imsi_privacy_key = hapd->imsi_privacy_key; cfg->eap_sim_aka_fast_reauth_limit = hapd->conf->eap_sim_aka_fast_reauth_limit; cfg->tnc = hapd->conf->tnc; cfg->wps = hapd->wps; cfg->fragment_size = hapd->conf->fragment_size; cfg->pwd_group = hapd->conf->pwd_group; cfg->pbc_in_m1 = hapd->conf->pbc_in_m1; if (hapd->conf->server_id) { cfg->server_id = (u8 *) os_strdup(hapd->conf->server_id); cfg->server_id_len = os_strlen(hapd->conf->server_id); } else { cfg->server_id = (u8 *) os_strdup("hostapd"); cfg->server_id_len = 7; } cfg->erp = hapd->conf->eap_server_erp; #ifdef CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS cfg->skip_prot_success = hapd->conf->eap_skip_prot_success; #endif /* CONFIG_TESTING_OPTIONS */ return cfg; } int authsrv_init(struct hostapd_data *hapd) { #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211BE if (!hostapd_mld_is_first_bss(hapd)) { struct hostapd_data *first; first = hostapd_mld_get_first_bss(hapd); if (!first) return -1; if (!first->eap_cfg) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "MLD: First BSS auth_serv does not exist. Init on its behalf"); if (authsrv_init(first)) return -1; } wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "MLD: Using auth_serv of the first BSS"); #ifdef EAP_TLS_FUNCS hapd->ssl_ctx = first->ssl_ctx; #endif /* EAP_TLS_FUNCS */ hapd->eap_cfg = first->eap_cfg; #ifdef EAP_SIM_DB hapd->eap_sim_db_priv = first->eap_sim_db_priv; #endif /* EAP_SIM_DB */ return 0; } #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211BE */ #ifdef EAP_TLS_FUNCS if (hapd->conf->eap_server && (hapd->conf->ca_cert || hapd->conf->server_cert || hapd->conf->private_key || hapd->conf->dh_file || hapd->conf->server_cert2 || hapd->conf->private_key2)) { struct tls_config conf; struct tls_connection_params params; os_memset(&conf, 0, sizeof(conf)); conf.tls_session_lifetime = hapd->conf->tls_session_lifetime; if (hapd->conf->crl_reload_interval > 0 && hapd->conf->check_crl <= 0) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Cannot enable CRL reload functionality - it depends on check_crl being set"); } else if (hapd->conf->crl_reload_interval > 0) { conf.crl_reload_interval = hapd->conf->crl_reload_interval; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "Enabled CRL reload functionality"); } conf.tls_flags = hapd->conf->tls_flags; conf.event_cb = authsrv_tls_event; conf.cb_ctx = hapd; hapd->ssl_ctx = tls_init(&conf); if (hapd->ssl_ctx == NULL) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Failed to initialize TLS"); authsrv_deinit(hapd); return -1; } os_memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params)); params.ca_cert = hapd->conf->ca_cert; params.client_cert = hapd->conf->server_cert; params.client_cert2 = hapd->conf->server_cert2; params.private_key = hapd->conf->private_key; params.private_key2 = hapd->conf->private_key2; params.private_key_passwd = hapd->conf->private_key_passwd; params.private_key_passwd2 = hapd->conf->private_key_passwd2; params.dh_file = hapd->conf->dh_file; params.openssl_ciphers = hapd->conf->openssl_ciphers; params.openssl_ecdh_curves = hapd->conf->openssl_ecdh_curves; params.ocsp_stapling_response = hapd->conf->ocsp_stapling_response; params.ocsp_stapling_response_multi = hapd->conf->ocsp_stapling_response_multi; params.check_cert_subject = hapd->conf->check_cert_subject; if (tls_global_set_params(hapd->ssl_ctx, ¶ms)) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Failed to set TLS parameters"); authsrv_deinit(hapd); return -1; } if (tls_global_set_verify(hapd->ssl_ctx, hapd->conf->check_crl, hapd->conf->check_crl_strict)) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Failed to enable check_crl"); authsrv_deinit(hapd); return -1; } } #endif /* EAP_TLS_FUNCS */ #ifdef CRYPTO_RSA_OAEP_SHA256 crypto_rsa_key_free(hapd->imsi_privacy_key); hapd->imsi_privacy_key = NULL; if (hapd->conf->imsi_privacy_key) { hapd->imsi_privacy_key = crypto_rsa_key_read( hapd->conf->imsi_privacy_key, true); if (!hapd->imsi_privacy_key) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Failed to read/parse IMSI privacy key %s", hapd->conf->imsi_privacy_key); authsrv_deinit(hapd); return -1; } } #endif /* CRYPTO_RSA_OAEP_SHA256 */ #ifdef EAP_SIM_DB if (hapd->conf->eap_sim_db) { hapd->eap_sim_db_priv = eap_sim_db_init(hapd->conf->eap_sim_db, hapd->conf->eap_sim_db_timeout, hostapd_sim_db_cb, hapd); if (hapd->eap_sim_db_priv == NULL) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Failed to initialize EAP-SIM " "database interface"); authsrv_deinit(hapd); return -1; } } #endif /* EAP_SIM_DB */ hapd->eap_cfg = authsrv_eap_config(hapd); if (!hapd->eap_cfg) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Failed to build EAP server configuration"); authsrv_deinit(hapd); return -1; } #ifdef RADIUS_SERVER if (hapd->conf->radius_server_clients && hostapd_setup_radius_srv(hapd)) return -1; #endif /* RADIUS_SERVER */ return 0; } void authsrv_deinit(struct hostapd_data *hapd) { #ifdef CONFIG_IEEE80211BE if (!hostapd_mld_is_first_bss(hapd)) { wpa_printf(MSG_DEBUG, "MLD: Deinit auth_serv of a non-first BSS"); hapd->radius_srv = NULL; hapd->eap_cfg = NULL; #ifdef EAP_SIM_DB hapd->eap_sim_db_priv = NULL; #endif /* EAP_SIM_DB */ #ifdef EAP_TLS_FUNCS hapd->ssl_ctx = NULL; #endif /* EAP_TLS_FUNCS */ return; } #endif /* CONFIG_IEEE80211BE */ #ifdef RADIUS_SERVER radius_server_deinit(hapd->radius_srv); hapd->radius_srv = NULL; #endif /* RADIUS_SERVER */ #ifdef CRYPTO_RSA_OAEP_SHA256 crypto_rsa_key_free(hapd->imsi_privacy_key); hapd->imsi_privacy_key = NULL; #endif /* CRYPTO_RSA_OAEP_SHA256 */ #ifdef EAP_TLS_FUNCS if (hapd->ssl_ctx) { tls_deinit(hapd->ssl_ctx); hapd->ssl_ctx = NULL; } #endif /* EAP_TLS_FUNCS */ #ifdef EAP_SIM_DB if (hapd->eap_sim_db_priv) { eap_sim_db_deinit(hapd->eap_sim_db_priv); hapd->eap_sim_db_priv = NULL; } #endif /* EAP_SIM_DB */ eap_server_config_free(hapd->eap_cfg); hapd->eap_cfg = NULL; }