// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 OR MIT /* * Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason@zx2c4.com>. All Rights Reserved. */ #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <limits.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <errno.h> #include "config.h" #include "containers.h" #include "ipc.h" #include "encoding.h" #include "ctype.h" #define COMMENT_CHAR '#' static const char *get_value(const char *line, const char *key) { size_t linelen = strlen(line); size_t keylen = strlen(key); if (keylen >= linelen) return NULL; if (strncasecmp(line, key, keylen)) return NULL; return line + keylen; } static inline bool parse_port(uint16_t *port, uint32_t *flags, const char *value) { int ret; struct addrinfo *resolved; struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, .ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM, .ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP, .ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE }; if (!strlen(value)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse empty port\n"); return false; } ret = getaddrinfo(NULL, value, &hints, &resolved); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: `%s'\n", ret == EAI_SYSTEM ? strerror(errno) : gai_strerror(ret), value); return false; } ret = -1; if (resolved->ai_family == AF_INET && resolved->ai_addrlen == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) { *port = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in *)resolved->ai_addr)->sin_port); ret = 0; } else if (resolved->ai_family == AF_INET6 && resolved->ai_addrlen == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6)) { *port = ntohs(((struct sockaddr_in6 *)resolved->ai_addr)->sin6_port); ret = 0; } else fprintf(stderr, "Neither IPv4 nor IPv6 address found: `%s'\n", value); freeaddrinfo(resolved); if (!ret) *flags |= WGDEVICE_HAS_LISTEN_PORT; return ret == 0; } static inline bool parse_fwmark(uint32_t *fwmark, uint32_t *flags, const char *value) { unsigned long ret; char *end; int base = 10; if (!strcasecmp(value, "off")) { *fwmark = 0; *flags |= WGDEVICE_HAS_FWMARK; return true; } if (!char_is_digit(value[0])) goto err; if (strlen(value) > 2 && value[0] == '0' && value[1] == 'x') base = 16; ret = strtoul(value, &end, base); if (*end || ret > UINT32_MAX) goto err; *fwmark = ret; *flags |= WGDEVICE_HAS_FWMARK; return true; err: fprintf(stderr, "Fwmark is neither 0/off nor 0-0xffffffff: `%s'\n", value); return false; } static inline bool parse_key(uint8_t key[static WG_KEY_LEN], const char *value) { if (!key_from_base64(key, value)) { fprintf(stderr, "Key is not the correct length or format: `%s'\n", value); memset(key, 0, WG_KEY_LEN); return false; } return true; } static bool parse_keyfile(uint8_t key[static WG_KEY_LEN], const char *path) { FILE *f; int c; char dst[WG_KEY_LEN_BASE64]; bool ret = false; f = fopen(path, "r"); if (!f) { perror("fopen"); return false; } if (fread(dst, WG_KEY_LEN_BASE64 - 1, 1, f) != 1) { /* If we're at the end and we didn't read anything, we're /dev/null or an empty file. */ if (!ferror(f) && feof(f) && !ftell(f)) { memset(key, 0, WG_KEY_LEN); ret = true; goto out; } fprintf(stderr, "Invalid length key in key file\n"); goto out; } dst[WG_KEY_LEN_BASE64 - 1] = '\0'; while ((c = getc(f)) != EOF) { if (!char_is_space(c)) { fprintf(stderr, "Found trailing character in key file: `%c'\n", c); goto out; } } if (ferror(f) && errno) { perror("getc"); goto out; } ret = parse_key(key, dst); out: fclose(f); return ret; } static inline bool parse_ip(struct wgallowedip *allowedip, const char *value) { allowedip->family = AF_UNSPEC; if (strchr(value, ':')) { if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, value, &allowedip->ip6) == 1) allowedip->family = AF_INET6; } else { if (inet_pton(AF_INET, value, &allowedip->ip4) == 1) allowedip->family = AF_INET; } if (allowedip->family == AF_UNSPEC) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse IP address: `%s'\n", value); return false; } return true; } static inline int parse_dns_retries(void) { unsigned long ret; char *retries = getenv("WG_ENDPOINT_RESOLUTION_RETRIES"), *end; if (!retries) return 15; if (!strcmp(retries, "infinity")) return -1; ret = strtoul(retries, &end, 10); if (*end || ret > INT_MAX) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse WG_ENDPOINT_RESOLUTION_RETRIES: `%s'\n", retries); exit(1); } return (int)ret; } static inline bool parse_endpoint(struct sockaddr *endpoint, const char *value) { char *mutable = strdup(value); char *begin, *end; int ret, retries = parse_dns_retries(); struct addrinfo *resolved; struct addrinfo hints = { .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC, .ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM, .ai_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP }; if (!mutable) { perror("strdup"); return false; } if (!strlen(value)) { free(mutable); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to parse empty endpoint\n"); return false; } if (mutable[0] == '[') { begin = &mutable[1]; end = strchr(mutable, ']'); if (!end) { free(mutable); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find matching brace of endpoint: `%s'\n", value); return false; } *end++ = '\0'; if (*end++ != ':' || !*end) { free(mutable); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find port of endpoint: `%s'\n", value); return false; } } else { begin = mutable; end = strrchr(mutable, ':'); if (!end || !*(end + 1)) { free(mutable); fprintf(stderr, "Unable to find port of endpoint: `%s'\n", value); return false; } *end++ = '\0'; } #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) for (unsigned int timeout = 1000000;; timeout = min(20000000, timeout * 6 / 5)) { ret = getaddrinfo(begin, end, &hints, &resolved); if (!ret) break; /* The set of return codes that are "permanent failures". All other possibilities are potentially transient. * * This is according to https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/NameResolver which states: * "From the perspective of the application that calls getaddrinfo() it perhaps * doesn't matter that much since EAI_FAIL, EAI_NONAME and EAI_NODATA are all * permanent failure codes and the causes are all permanent failures in the * sense that there is no point in retrying later." * * So this is what we do, except FreeBSD removed EAI_NODATA some time ago, so that's conditional. */ if (ret == EAI_NONAME || ret == EAI_FAIL || #ifdef EAI_NODATA ret == EAI_NODATA || #endif (retries >= 0 && !retries--)) { free(mutable); fprintf(stderr, "%s: `%s'\n", ret == EAI_SYSTEM ? strerror(errno) : gai_strerror(ret), value); return false; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: `%s'. Trying again in %.2f seconds...\n", ret == EAI_SYSTEM ? strerror(errno) : gai_strerror(ret), value, timeout / 1000000.0); usleep(timeout); } if ((resolved->ai_family == AF_INET && resolved->ai_addrlen == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) || (resolved->ai_family == AF_INET6 && resolved->ai_addrlen == sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6))) memcpy(endpoint, resolved->ai_addr, resolved->ai_addrlen); else { freeaddrinfo(resolved); free(mutable); fprintf(stderr, "Neither IPv4 nor IPv6 address found: `%s'\n", value); return false; } freeaddrinfo(resolved); free(mutable); return true; } static inline bool parse_persistent_keepalive(uint16_t *interval, uint32_t *flags, const char *value) { unsigned long ret; char *end; if (!strcasecmp(value, "off")) { *interval = 0; *flags |= WGPEER_HAS_PERSISTENT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL; return true; } if (!char_is_digit(value[0])) goto err; ret = strtoul(value, &end, 10); if (*end || ret > 65535) goto err; *interval = (uint16_t)ret; *flags |= WGPEER_HAS_PERSISTENT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL; return true; err: fprintf(stderr, "Persistent keepalive interval is neither 0/off nor 1-65535: `%s'\n", value); return false; } static bool validate_netmask(struct wgallowedip *allowedip) { uint32_t *ip; int last; switch (allowedip->family) { case AF_INET: last = 0; ip = (uint32_t *)&allowedip->ip4; break; case AF_INET6: last = 3; ip = (uint32_t *)&allowedip->ip6; break; default: return true; /* We don't know how to validate it, so say 'okay'. */ } for (int i = last; i >= 0; --i) { uint32_t mask = ~0; if (allowedip->cidr >= 32 * (i + 1)) break; if (allowedip->cidr > 32 * i) mask >>= (allowedip->cidr - 32 * i); if (ntohl(ip[i]) & mask) return false; } return true; } static inline bool parse_allowedips(struct wgpeer *peer, struct wgallowedip **last_allowedip, const char *value) { struct wgallowedip *allowedip = *last_allowedip, *new_allowedip; char *mask, *mutable = strdup(value), *sep, *saved_entry; if (!mutable) { perror("strdup"); return false; } peer->flags |= WGPEER_REPLACE_ALLOWEDIPS; if (!strlen(value)) { free(mutable); return true; } sep = mutable; while ((mask = strsep(&sep, ","))) { unsigned long cidr; char *end, *ip; saved_entry = strdup(mask); ip = strsep(&mask, "/"); new_allowedip = calloc(1, sizeof(*new_allowedip)); if (!new_allowedip) { perror("calloc"); free(saved_entry); free(mutable); return false; } if (!parse_ip(new_allowedip, ip)) { free(new_allowedip); free(saved_entry); free(mutable); return false; } if (mask) { if (!char_is_digit(mask[0])) goto err; cidr = strtoul(mask, &end, 10); if (*end || (cidr > 32 && new_allowedip->family == AF_INET) || (cidr > 128 && new_allowedip->family == AF_INET6)) goto err; } else if (new_allowedip->family == AF_INET) cidr = 32; else if (new_allowedip->family == AF_INET6) cidr = 128; else goto err; new_allowedip->cidr = cidr; if (!validate_netmask(new_allowedip)) fprintf(stderr, "Warning: AllowedIP has nonzero host part: %s/%s\n", ip, mask); if (allowedip) allowedip->next_allowedip = new_allowedip; else peer->first_allowedip = new_allowedip; allowedip = new_allowedip; free(saved_entry); } free(mutable); *last_allowedip = allowedip; return true; err: free(new_allowedip); free(mutable); fprintf(stderr, "AllowedIP is not in the correct format: `%s'\n", saved_entry); free(saved_entry); return false; } static bool process_line(struct config_ctx *ctx, const char *line) { const char *value; bool ret = true; if (!strcasecmp(line, "[Interface]")) { ctx->is_peer_section = false; ctx->is_device_section = true; return true; } if (!strcasecmp(line, "[Peer]")) { struct wgpeer *new_peer = calloc(1, sizeof(struct wgpeer)); if (!new_peer) { perror("calloc"); return false; } ctx->last_allowedip = NULL; if (ctx->last_peer) ctx->last_peer->next_peer = new_peer; else ctx->device->first_peer = new_peer; ctx->last_peer = new_peer; ctx->is_peer_section = true; ctx->is_device_section = false; ctx->last_peer->flags |= WGPEER_REPLACE_ALLOWEDIPS; return true; } #define key_match(key) (value = get_value(line, key "=")) if (ctx->is_device_section) { if (key_match("ListenPort")) ret = parse_port(&ctx->device->listen_port, &ctx->device->flags, value); else if (key_match("FwMark")) ret = parse_fwmark(&ctx->device->fwmark, &ctx->device->flags, value); else if (key_match("PrivateKey")) { ret = parse_key(ctx->device->private_key, value); if (ret) ctx->device->flags |= WGDEVICE_HAS_PRIVATE_KEY; } else goto error; } else if (ctx->is_peer_section) { if (key_match("Endpoint")) ret = parse_endpoint(&ctx->last_peer->endpoint.addr, value); else if (key_match("PublicKey")) { ret = parse_key(ctx->last_peer->public_key, value); if (ret) ctx->last_peer->flags |= WGPEER_HAS_PUBLIC_KEY; } else if (key_match("AllowedIPs")) ret = parse_allowedips(ctx->last_peer, &ctx->last_allowedip, value); else if (key_match("PersistentKeepalive")) ret = parse_persistent_keepalive(&ctx->last_peer->persistent_keepalive_interval, &ctx->last_peer->flags, value); else if (key_match("PresharedKey")) { ret = parse_key(ctx->last_peer->preshared_key, value); if (ret) ctx->last_peer->flags |= WGPEER_HAS_PRESHARED_KEY; } else goto error; } else goto error; return ret; #undef key_match error: fprintf(stderr, "Line unrecognized: `%s'\n", line); return false; } bool config_read_line(struct config_ctx *ctx, const char *input) { size_t len, cleaned_len = 0; char *line, *comment; bool ret = true; /* This is what strchrnul is for, but that isn't portable. */ comment = strchr(input, COMMENT_CHAR); if (comment) len = comment - input; else len = strlen(input); line = calloc(len + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!line) { perror("calloc"); ret = false; goto out; } for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (!char_is_space(input[i])) line[cleaned_len++] = input[i]; } if (!cleaned_len) goto out; ret = process_line(ctx, line); out: free(line); if (!ret) free_wgdevice(ctx->device); return ret; } bool config_read_init(struct config_ctx *ctx, bool append) { memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); ctx->device = calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx->device)); if (!ctx->device) { perror("calloc"); return false; } if (!append) ctx->device->flags |= WGDEVICE_REPLACE_PEERS | WGDEVICE_HAS_PRIVATE_KEY | WGDEVICE_HAS_FWMARK | WGDEVICE_HAS_LISTEN_PORT; return true; } struct wgdevice *config_read_finish(struct config_ctx *ctx) { struct wgpeer *peer; for_each_wgpeer(ctx->device, peer) { if (!(peer->flags & WGPEER_HAS_PUBLIC_KEY)) { fprintf(stderr, "A peer is missing a public key\n"); goto err; } } return ctx->device; err: free_wgdevice(ctx->device); return NULL; } static char *strip_spaces(const char *in) { char *out; size_t t, l, i; t = strlen(in); out = calloc(t + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!out) { perror("calloc"); return NULL; } for (i = 0, l = 0; i < t; ++i) { if (!char_is_space(in[i])) out[l++] = in[i]; } return out; } struct wgdevice *config_read_cmd(const char *argv[], int argc) { struct wgdevice *device = calloc(1, sizeof(*device)); struct wgpeer *peer = NULL; struct wgallowedip *allowedip = NULL; if (!device) { perror("calloc"); return false; } while (argc > 0) { if (!strcmp(argv[0], "listen-port") && argc >= 2 && !peer) { if (!parse_port(&device->listen_port, &device->flags, argv[1])) goto error; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "fwmark") && argc >= 2 && !peer) { if (!parse_fwmark(&device->fwmark, &device->flags, argv[1])) goto error; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "private-key") && argc >= 2 && !peer) { if (!parse_keyfile(device->private_key, argv[1])) goto error; device->flags |= WGDEVICE_HAS_PRIVATE_KEY; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "peer") && argc >= 2) { struct wgpeer *new_peer = calloc(1, sizeof(*new_peer)); allowedip = NULL; if (!new_peer) { perror("calloc"); goto error; } if (peer) peer->next_peer = new_peer; else device->first_peer = new_peer; peer = new_peer; if (!parse_key(peer->public_key, argv[1])) goto error; peer->flags |= WGPEER_HAS_PUBLIC_KEY; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "remove") && argc >= 1 && peer) { peer->flags |= WGPEER_REMOVE_ME; argv += 1; argc -= 1; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "endpoint") && argc >= 2 && peer) { if (!parse_endpoint(&peer->endpoint.addr, argv[1])) goto error; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "allowed-ips") && argc >= 2 && peer) { char *line = strip_spaces(argv[1]); if (!line) goto error; if (!parse_allowedips(peer, &allowedip, line)) { free(line); goto error; } free(line); argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "persistent-keepalive") && argc >= 2 && peer) { if (!parse_persistent_keepalive(&peer->persistent_keepalive_interval, &peer->flags, argv[1])) goto error; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "preshared-key") && argc >= 2 && peer) { if (!parse_keyfile(peer->preshared_key, argv[1])) goto error; peer->flags |= WGPEER_HAS_PRESHARED_KEY; argv += 2; argc -= 2; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: %s\n", argv[0]); goto error; } } return device; error: free_wgdevice(device); return false; }