/* * validator/val_neg.c - validator aggressive negative caching functions. * * Copyright (c) 2008, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * This software is open source. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * * This file contains helper functions for the validator module. * The functions help with aggressive negative caching. * This creates new denials of existence, and proofs for absence of types * from cached NSEC records. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_SSL_H #include <openssl/ssl.h> #define NSEC3_SHA_LEN SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH #else #define NSEC3_SHA_LEN 20 #endif #include "validator/val_neg.h" #include "validator/val_nsec.h" #include "validator/val_nsec3.h" #include "validator/val_utils.h" #include "util/data/dname.h" #include "util/data/msgreply.h" #include "util/log.h" #include "util/net_help.h" #include "util/config_file.h" #include "services/cache/rrset.h" #include "services/cache/dns.h" #include "sldns/rrdef.h" #include "sldns/sbuffer.h" int val_neg_data_compare(const void* a, const void* b) { struct val_neg_data* x = (struct val_neg_data*)a; struct val_neg_data* y = (struct val_neg_data*)b; int m; return dname_canon_lab_cmp(x->name, x->labs, y->name, y->labs, &m); } int val_neg_zone_compare(const void* a, const void* b) { struct val_neg_zone* x = (struct val_neg_zone*)a; struct val_neg_zone* y = (struct val_neg_zone*)b; int m; if(x->dclass != y->dclass) { if(x->dclass < y->dclass) return -1; return 1; } return dname_canon_lab_cmp(x->name, x->labs, y->name, y->labs, &m); } struct val_neg_cache* val_neg_create(struct config_file* cfg, size_t maxiter) { struct val_neg_cache* neg = (struct val_neg_cache*)calloc(1, sizeof(*neg)); if(!neg) { log_err("Could not create neg cache: out of memory"); return NULL; } neg->nsec3_max_iter = maxiter; neg->max = 1024*1024; /* 1 M is thousands of entries */ if(cfg) neg->max = cfg->neg_cache_size; rbtree_init(&neg->tree, &val_neg_zone_compare); lock_basic_init(&neg->lock); lock_protect(&neg->lock, neg, sizeof(*neg)); return neg; } size_t val_neg_get_mem(struct val_neg_cache* neg) { size_t result; lock_basic_lock(&neg->lock); result = sizeof(*neg) + neg->use; lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); return result; } /** clear datas on cache deletion */ static void neg_clear_datas(rbnode_type* n, void* ATTR_UNUSED(arg)) { struct val_neg_data* d = (struct val_neg_data*)n; free(d->name); free(d); } /** clear zones on cache deletion */ static void neg_clear_zones(rbnode_type* n, void* ATTR_UNUSED(arg)) { struct val_neg_zone* z = (struct val_neg_zone*)n; /* delete all the rrset entries in the tree */ traverse_postorder(&z->tree, &neg_clear_datas, NULL); free(z->nsec3_salt); free(z->name); free(z); } void neg_cache_delete(struct val_neg_cache* neg) { if(!neg) return; lock_basic_destroy(&neg->lock); /* delete all the zones in the tree */ traverse_postorder(&neg->tree, &neg_clear_zones, NULL); free(neg); } /** * Put data element at the front of the LRU list. * @param neg: negative cache with LRU start and end. * @param data: this data is fronted. */ static void neg_lru_front(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_data* data) { data->prev = NULL; data->next = neg->first; if(!neg->first) neg->last = data; else neg->first->prev = data; neg->first = data; } /** * Remove data element from LRU list. * @param neg: negative cache with LRU start and end. * @param data: this data is removed from the list. */ static void neg_lru_remove(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_data* data) { if(data->prev) data->prev->next = data->next; else neg->first = data->next; if(data->next) data->next->prev = data->prev; else neg->last = data->prev; } /** * Touch LRU for data element, put it at the start of the LRU list. * @param neg: negative cache with LRU start and end. * @param data: this data is used. */ static void neg_lru_touch(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_data* data) { if(data == neg->first) return; /* nothing to do */ /* remove from current lru position */ neg_lru_remove(neg, data); /* add at front */ neg_lru_front(neg, data); } /** * Delete a zone element from the negative cache. * May delete other zone elements to keep tree coherent, or * only mark the element as 'not in use'. * @param neg: negative cache. * @param z: zone element to delete. */ static void neg_delete_zone(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_zone* z) { struct val_neg_zone* p, *np; if(!z) return; log_assert(z->in_use); log_assert(z->count > 0); z->in_use = 0; /* go up the tree and reduce counts */ p = z; while(p) { log_assert(p->count > 0); p->count --; p = p->parent; } /* remove zones with zero count */ p = z; while(p && p->count == 0) { np = p->parent; (void)rbtree_delete(&neg->tree, &p->node); neg->use -= p->len + sizeof(*p); free(p->nsec3_salt); free(p->name); free(p); p = np; } } void neg_delete_data(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_data* el) { struct val_neg_zone* z; struct val_neg_data* p, *np; if(!el) return; z = el->zone; log_assert(el->in_use); log_assert(el->count > 0); el->in_use = 0; /* remove it from the lru list */ neg_lru_remove(neg, el); log_assert(neg->first != el && neg->last != el); /* go up the tree and reduce counts */ p = el; while(p) { log_assert(p->count > 0); p->count --; p = p->parent; } /* delete 0 count items from tree */ p = el; while(p && p->count == 0) { np = p->parent; (void)rbtree_delete(&z->tree, &p->node); neg->use -= p->len + sizeof(*p); free(p->name); free(p); p = np; } /* check if the zone is now unused */ if(z->tree.count == 0) { neg_delete_zone(neg, z); } } /** * Create more space in negative cache * The oldest elements are deleted until enough space is present. * Empty zones are deleted. * @param neg: negative cache. * @param need: how many bytes are needed. */ static void neg_make_space(struct val_neg_cache* neg, size_t need) { /* delete elements until enough space or its empty */ while(neg->last && neg->max < neg->use + need) { neg_delete_data(neg, neg->last); } } struct val_neg_zone* neg_find_zone(struct val_neg_cache* neg, uint8_t* nm, size_t len, uint16_t dclass) { struct val_neg_zone lookfor; struct val_neg_zone* result; lookfor.node.key = &lookfor; lookfor.name = nm; lookfor.len = len; lookfor.labs = dname_count_labels(lookfor.name); lookfor.dclass = dclass; result = (struct val_neg_zone*) rbtree_search(&neg->tree, lookfor.node.key); return result; } /** * Find the given data * @param zone: negative zone * @param nm: what to look for. * @param len: length of nm * @param labs: labels in nm * @return data or NULL if not found. */ static struct val_neg_data* neg_find_data(struct val_neg_zone* zone, uint8_t* nm, size_t len, int labs) { struct val_neg_data lookfor; struct val_neg_data* result; lookfor.node.key = &lookfor; lookfor.name = nm; lookfor.len = len; lookfor.labs = labs; result = (struct val_neg_data*) rbtree_search(&zone->tree, lookfor.node.key); return result; } /** * Calculate space needed for the data and all its parents * @param rep: NSEC entries. * @return size. */ static size_t calc_data_need(struct reply_info* rep) { uint8_t* d; size_t i, len, res = 0; for(i=rep->an_numrrsets; i<rep->an_numrrsets+rep->ns_numrrsets; i++) { if(ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.type) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC) { d = rep->rrsets[i]->rk.dname; len = rep->rrsets[i]->rk.dname_len; res = sizeof(struct val_neg_data) + len; while(!dname_is_root(d)) { log_assert(len > 1); /* not root label */ dname_remove_label(&d, &len); res += sizeof(struct val_neg_data) + len; } } } return res; } /** * Calculate space needed for zone and all its parents * @param d: name of zone * @param len: length of name * @return size. */ static size_t calc_zone_need(uint8_t* d, size_t len) { size_t res = sizeof(struct val_neg_zone) + len; while(!dname_is_root(d)) { log_assert(len > 1); /* not root label */ dname_remove_label(&d, &len); res += sizeof(struct val_neg_zone) + len; } return res; } /** * Find closest existing parent zone of the given name. * @param neg: negative cache. * @param nm: name to look for * @param nm_len: length of nm * @param labs: labelcount of nm. * @param qclass: class. * @return the zone or NULL if none found. */ static struct val_neg_zone* neg_closest_zone_parent(struct val_neg_cache* neg, uint8_t* nm, size_t nm_len, int labs, uint16_t qclass) { struct val_neg_zone key; struct val_neg_zone* result; rbnode_type* res = NULL; key.node.key = &key; key.name = nm; key.len = nm_len; key.labs = labs; key.dclass = qclass; if(rbtree_find_less_equal(&neg->tree, &key, &res)) { /* exact match */ result = (struct val_neg_zone*)res; } else { /* smaller element (or no element) */ int m; result = (struct val_neg_zone*)res; if(!result || result->dclass != qclass) return NULL; /* count number of labels matched */ (void)dname_lab_cmp(result->name, result->labs, key.name, key.labs, &m); while(result) { /* go up until qname is subdomain of stub */ if(result->labs <= m) break; result = result->parent; } } return result; } /** * Find closest existing parent data for the given name. * @param zone: to look in. * @param nm: name to look for * @param nm_len: length of nm * @param labs: labelcount of nm. * @return the data or NULL if none found. */ static struct val_neg_data* neg_closest_data_parent( struct val_neg_zone* zone, uint8_t* nm, size_t nm_len, int labs) { struct val_neg_data key; struct val_neg_data* result; rbnode_type* res = NULL; key.node.key = &key; key.name = nm; key.len = nm_len; key.labs = labs; if(rbtree_find_less_equal(&zone->tree, &key, &res)) { /* exact match */ result = (struct val_neg_data*)res; } else { /* smaller element (or no element) */ int m; result = (struct val_neg_data*)res; if(!result) return NULL; /* count number of labels matched */ (void)dname_lab_cmp(result->name, result->labs, key.name, key.labs, &m); while(result) { /* go up until qname is subdomain of stub */ if(result->labs <= m) break; result = result->parent; } } return result; } /** * Create a single zone node * @param nm: name for zone (copied) * @param nm_len: length of name * @param labs: labels in name. * @param dclass: class of zone, host order. * @return new zone or NULL on failure */ static struct val_neg_zone* neg_setup_zone_node( uint8_t* nm, size_t nm_len, int labs, uint16_t dclass) { struct val_neg_zone* zone = (struct val_neg_zone*)calloc(1, sizeof(*zone)); if(!zone) { return NULL; } zone->node.key = zone; zone->name = memdup(nm, nm_len); if(!zone->name) { free(zone); return NULL; } zone->len = nm_len; zone->labs = labs; zone->dclass = dclass; rbtree_init(&zone->tree, &val_neg_data_compare); return zone; } /** * Create a linked list of parent zones, starting at longname ending on * the parent (can be NULL, creates to the root). * @param nm: name for lowest in chain * @param nm_len: length of name * @param labs: labels in name. * @param dclass: class of zone. * @param parent: NULL for to root, else so it fits under here. * @return zone; a chain of zones and their parents up to the parent. * or NULL on malloc failure */ static struct val_neg_zone* neg_zone_chain( uint8_t* nm, size_t nm_len, int labs, uint16_t dclass, struct val_neg_zone* parent) { int i; int tolabs = parent?parent->labs:0; struct val_neg_zone* zone, *prev = NULL, *first = NULL; /* create the new subtree, i is labelcount of current creation */ /* this creates a 'first' to z->parent=NULL list of zones */ for(i=labs; i!=tolabs; i--) { /* create new item */ zone = neg_setup_zone_node(nm, nm_len, i, dclass); if(!zone) { /* need to delete other allocations in this routine!*/ struct val_neg_zone* p=first, *np; while(p) { np = p->parent; free(p->name); free(p); p = np; } return NULL; } if(i == labs) { first = zone; } else { prev->parent = zone; } /* prepare for next name */ prev = zone; dname_remove_label(&nm, &nm_len); } return first; } void val_neg_zone_take_inuse(struct val_neg_zone* zone) { if(!zone->in_use) { struct val_neg_zone* p; zone->in_use = 1; /* increase usage count of all parents */ for(p=zone; p; p = p->parent) { p->count++; } } } struct val_neg_zone* neg_create_zone(struct val_neg_cache* neg, uint8_t* nm, size_t nm_len, uint16_t dclass) { struct val_neg_zone* zone; struct val_neg_zone* parent; struct val_neg_zone* p, *np; int labs = dname_count_labels(nm); /* find closest enclosing parent zone that (still) exists */ parent = neg_closest_zone_parent(neg, nm, nm_len, labs, dclass); if(parent && query_dname_compare(parent->name, nm) == 0) return parent; /* already exists, weird */ /* if parent exists, it is in use */ log_assert(!parent || parent->count > 0); zone = neg_zone_chain(nm, nm_len, labs, dclass, parent); if(!zone) { return NULL; } /* insert the list of zones into the tree */ p = zone; while(p) { np = p->parent; /* mem use */ neg->use += sizeof(struct val_neg_zone) + p->len; /* insert in tree */ (void)rbtree_insert(&neg->tree, &p->node); /* last one needs proper parent pointer */ if(np == NULL) p->parent = parent; p = np; } return zone; } /** find zone name of message, returns the SOA record */ static struct ub_packed_rrset_key* reply_find_soa(struct reply_info* rep) { size_t i; for(i=rep->an_numrrsets; i< rep->an_numrrsets+rep->ns_numrrsets; i++){ if(ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.type) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_SOA) return rep->rrsets[i]; } return NULL; } /** see if the reply has NSEC records worthy of caching */ static int reply_has_nsec(struct reply_info* rep) { size_t i; struct packed_rrset_data* d; if(rep->security != sec_status_secure) return 0; for(i=rep->an_numrrsets; i< rep->an_numrrsets+rep->ns_numrrsets; i++){ if(ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.type) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC) { d = (struct packed_rrset_data*)rep->rrsets[i]-> entry.data; if(d->security == sec_status_secure) return 1; } } return 0; } /** * Create single node of data element. * @param nm: name (copied) * @param nm_len: length of name * @param labs: labels in name. * @return element with name nm, or NULL malloc failure. */ static struct val_neg_data* neg_setup_data_node( uint8_t* nm, size_t nm_len, int labs) { struct val_neg_data* el; el = (struct val_neg_data*)calloc(1, sizeof(*el)); if(!el) { return NULL; } el->node.key = el; el->name = memdup(nm, nm_len); if(!el->name) { free(el); return NULL; } el->len = nm_len; el->labs = labs; return el; } /** * Create chain of data element and parents * @param nm: name * @param nm_len: length of name * @param labs: labels in name. * @param parent: up to where to make, if NULL up to root label. * @return lowest element with name nm, or NULL malloc failure. */ static struct val_neg_data* neg_data_chain( uint8_t* nm, size_t nm_len, int labs, struct val_neg_data* parent) { int i; int tolabs = parent?parent->labs:0; struct val_neg_data* el, *first = NULL, *prev = NULL; /* create the new subtree, i is labelcount of current creation */ /* this creates a 'first' to z->parent=NULL list of zones */ for(i=labs; i!=tolabs; i--) { /* create new item */ el = neg_setup_data_node(nm, nm_len, i); if(!el) { /* need to delete other allocations in this routine!*/ struct val_neg_data* p = first, *np; while(p) { np = p->parent; free(p->name); free(p); p = np; } return NULL; } if(i == labs) { first = el; } else { prev->parent = el; } /* prepare for next name */ prev = el; dname_remove_label(&nm, &nm_len); } return first; } /** * Remove NSEC records between start and end points. * By walking the tree, the tree is sorted canonically. * @param neg: negative cache. * @param zone: the zone * @param el: element to start walking at. * @param nsec: the nsec record with the end point */ static void wipeout(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_zone* zone, struct val_neg_data* el, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* nsec) { struct packed_rrset_data* d = (struct packed_rrset_data*)nsec-> entry.data; uint8_t* end; size_t end_len; int end_labs, m; rbnode_type* walk, *next; struct val_neg_data* cur; uint8_t buf[257]; /* get endpoint */ if(!d || d->count == 0 || d->rr_len[0] < 2+1) return; if(ntohs(nsec->rk.type) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC) { end = d->rr_data[0]+2; end_len = dname_valid(end, d->rr_len[0]-2); end_labs = dname_count_labels(end); } else { /* NSEC3 */ if(!nsec3_get_nextowner_b32(nsec, 0, buf, sizeof(buf))) return; end = buf; end_labs = dname_count_size_labels(end, &end_len); } /* sanity check, both owner and end must be below the zone apex */ if(!dname_subdomain_c(el->name, zone->name) || !dname_subdomain_c(end, zone->name)) return; /* detect end of zone NSEC ; wipe until the end of zone */ if(query_dname_compare(end, zone->name) == 0) { end = NULL; } walk = rbtree_next(&el->node); while(walk && walk != RBTREE_NULL) { cur = (struct val_neg_data*)walk; /* sanity check: must be larger than start */ if(dname_canon_lab_cmp(cur->name, cur->labs, el->name, el->labs, &m) <= 0) { /* r == 0 skip original record. */ /* r < 0 too small! */ walk = rbtree_next(walk); continue; } /* stop at endpoint, also data at empty nonterminals must be * removed (no NSECs there) so everything between * start and end */ if(end && dname_canon_lab_cmp(cur->name, cur->labs, end, end_labs, &m) >= 0) { break; } /* this element has to be deleted, but we cannot do it * now, because we are walking the tree still ... */ /* get the next element: */ next = rbtree_next(walk); /* now delete the original element, this may trigger * rbtree rebalances, but really, the next element is * the one we need. * But it may trigger delete of other data and the * entire zone. However, if that happens, this is done * by deleting the *parents* of the element for deletion, * and maybe also the entire zone if it is empty. * But parents are smaller in canonical compare, thus, * if a larger element exists, then it is not a parent, * it cannot get deleted, the zone cannot get empty. * If the next==NULL, then zone can be empty. */ if(cur->in_use) neg_delete_data(neg, cur); walk = next; } } void neg_insert_data(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct val_neg_zone* zone, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* nsec) { struct packed_rrset_data* d; struct val_neg_data* parent; struct val_neg_data* el; uint8_t* nm = nsec->rk.dname; size_t nm_len = nsec->rk.dname_len; int labs = dname_count_labels(nsec->rk.dname); d = (struct packed_rrset_data*)nsec->entry.data; if( !(d->security == sec_status_secure || (d->security == sec_status_unchecked && d->rrsig_count > 0))) return; log_nametypeclass(VERB_ALGO, "negcache rr", nsec->rk.dname, ntohs(nsec->rk.type), ntohs(nsec->rk.rrset_class)); /* find closest enclosing parent data that (still) exists */ parent = neg_closest_data_parent(zone, nm, nm_len, labs); if(parent && query_dname_compare(parent->name, nm) == 0) { /* perfect match already exists */ log_assert(parent->count > 0); el = parent; } else { struct val_neg_data* p, *np; /* create subtree for perfect match */ /* if parent exists, it is in use */ log_assert(!parent || parent->count > 0); el = neg_data_chain(nm, nm_len, labs, parent); if(!el) { log_err("out of memory inserting NSEC negative cache"); return; } el->in_use = 0; /* set on below */ /* insert the list of zones into the tree */ p = el; while(p) { np = p->parent; /* mem use */ neg->use += sizeof(struct val_neg_data) + p->len; /* insert in tree */ p->zone = zone; (void)rbtree_insert(&zone->tree, &p->node); /* last one needs proper parent pointer */ if(np == NULL) p->parent = parent; p = np; } } if(!el->in_use) { struct val_neg_data* p; el->in_use = 1; /* increase usage count of all parents */ for(p=el; p; p = p->parent) { p->count++; } neg_lru_front(neg, el); } else { /* in use, bring to front, lru */ neg_lru_touch(neg, el); } /* if nsec3 store last used parameters */ if(ntohs(nsec->rk.type) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC3) { int h; uint8_t* s; size_t slen, it; if(nsec3_get_params(nsec, 0, &h, &it, &s, &slen) && it <= neg->nsec3_max_iter && (h != zone->nsec3_hash || it != zone->nsec3_iter || slen != zone->nsec3_saltlen || (slen != 0 && zone->nsec3_salt && s && memcmp(zone->nsec3_salt, s, slen) != 0))) { if(slen > 0) { uint8_t* sa = memdup(s, slen); if(sa) { free(zone->nsec3_salt); zone->nsec3_salt = sa; zone->nsec3_saltlen = slen; zone->nsec3_iter = it; zone->nsec3_hash = h; } } else { free(zone->nsec3_salt); zone->nsec3_salt = NULL; zone->nsec3_saltlen = 0; zone->nsec3_iter = it; zone->nsec3_hash = h; } } } /* wipe out the cache items between NSEC start and end */ wipeout(neg, zone, el, nsec); } /** see if the reply has signed NSEC records and return the signer */ static uint8_t* reply_nsec_signer(struct reply_info* rep, size_t* signer_len, uint16_t* dclass) { size_t i; struct packed_rrset_data* d; uint8_t* s; for(i=rep->an_numrrsets; i< rep->an_numrrsets+rep->ns_numrrsets; i++){ if(ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.type) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC || ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.type) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC3) { d = (struct packed_rrset_data*)rep->rrsets[i]-> entry.data; /* return first signer name of first NSEC */ if(d->rrsig_count != 0) { val_find_rrset_signer(rep->rrsets[i], &s, signer_len); if(s && *signer_len) { *dclass = ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]-> rk.rrset_class); return s; } } } } return 0; } void val_neg_addreply(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct reply_info* rep) { size_t i, need; struct ub_packed_rrset_key* soa; uint8_t* dname = NULL; size_t dname_len; uint16_t rrset_class; struct val_neg_zone* zone; /* see if secure nsecs inside */ if(!reply_has_nsec(rep)) return; /* find the zone name in message */ if((soa = reply_find_soa(rep))) { dname = soa->rk.dname; dname_len = soa->rk.dname_len; rrset_class = ntohs(soa->rk.rrset_class); } else { /* No SOA in positive (wildcard) answer. Use signer from the * validated answer RRsets' signature. */ if(!(dname = reply_nsec_signer(rep, &dname_len, &rrset_class))) return; } log_nametypeclass(VERB_ALGO, "negcache insert for zone", dname, LDNS_RR_TYPE_SOA, rrset_class); /* ask for enough space to store all of it */ need = calc_data_need(rep) + calc_zone_need(dname, dname_len); lock_basic_lock(&neg->lock); neg_make_space(neg, need); /* find or create the zone entry */ zone = neg_find_zone(neg, dname, dname_len, rrset_class); if(!zone) { if(!(zone = neg_create_zone(neg, dname, dname_len, rrset_class))) { lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); log_err("out of memory adding negative zone"); return; } } val_neg_zone_take_inuse(zone); /* insert the NSECs */ for(i=rep->an_numrrsets; i< rep->an_numrrsets+rep->ns_numrrsets; i++){ if(ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.type) != LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC) continue; if(!dname_subdomain_c(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.dname, zone->name)) continue; /* insert NSEC into this zone's tree */ neg_insert_data(neg, zone, rep->rrsets[i]); } if(zone->tree.count == 0) { /* remove empty zone if inserts failed */ neg_delete_zone(neg, zone); } lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); } /** * Lookup closest data record. For NSEC denial. * @param zone: zone to look in * @param qname: name to look for. * @param len: length of name * @param labs: labels in name * @param data: data element, exact or smaller or NULL * @return true if exact match. */ static int neg_closest_data(struct val_neg_zone* zone, uint8_t* qname, size_t len, int labs, struct val_neg_data** data) { struct val_neg_data key; rbnode_type* r; key.node.key = &key; key.name = qname; key.len = len; key.labs = labs; if(rbtree_find_less_equal(&zone->tree, &key, &r)) { /* exact match */ *data = (struct val_neg_data*)r; return 1; } else { /* smaller match */ *data = (struct val_neg_data*)r; return 0; } } void val_neg_addreferral(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct reply_info* rep, uint8_t* zone_name) { size_t i, need; uint8_t* signer; size_t signer_len; uint16_t dclass; struct val_neg_zone* zone; /* no SOA in this message, find RRSIG over NSEC's signer name. * note the NSEC records are maybe not validated yet */ signer = reply_nsec_signer(rep, &signer_len, &dclass); if(!signer) return; if(!dname_subdomain_c(signer, zone_name)) { /* the signer is not in the bailiwick, throw it out */ return; } log_nametypeclass(VERB_ALGO, "negcache insert referral ", signer, LDNS_RR_TYPE_NS, dclass); /* ask for enough space to store all of it */ need = calc_data_need(rep) + calc_zone_need(signer, signer_len); lock_basic_lock(&neg->lock); neg_make_space(neg, need); /* find or create the zone entry */ zone = neg_find_zone(neg, signer, signer_len, dclass); if(!zone) { if(!(zone = neg_create_zone(neg, signer, signer_len, dclass))) { lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); log_err("out of memory adding negative zone"); return; } } val_neg_zone_take_inuse(zone); /* insert the NSECs */ for(i=rep->an_numrrsets; i< rep->an_numrrsets+rep->ns_numrrsets; i++){ if(ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.type) != LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC && ntohs(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.type) != LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC3) continue; if(!dname_subdomain_c(rep->rrsets[i]->rk.dname, zone->name)) continue; /* insert NSEC into this zone's tree */ neg_insert_data(neg, zone, rep->rrsets[i]); } if(zone->tree.count == 0) { /* remove empty zone if inserts failed */ neg_delete_zone(neg, zone); } lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); } /** * Check that an NSEC3 rrset does not have a type set. * None of the nsec3s in a hash-collision are allowed to have the type. * (since we do not know which one is the nsec3 looked at, flags, ..., we * ignore the cached item and let it bypass negative caching). * @param k: the nsec3 rrset to check. * @param t: type to check * @return true if no RRs have the type. */ static int nsec3_no_type(struct ub_packed_rrset_key* k, uint16_t t) { int count = (int)((struct packed_rrset_data*)k->entry.data)->count; int i; for(i=0; i<count; i++) if(nsec3_has_type(k, i, t)) return 0; return 1; } /** * See if rrset exists in rrset cache. * If it does, the bit is checked, and if not expired, it is returned * allocated in region. * @param rrset_cache: rrset cache * @param qname: to lookup rrset name * @param qname_len: length of qname. * @param qtype: type of rrset to lookup, host order * @param qclass: class of rrset to lookup, host order * @param flags: flags for rrset to lookup * @param region: where to alloc result * @param checkbit: if true, a bit in the nsec typemap is checked for absence. * @param checktype: which bit to check * @param now: to check ttl against * @return rrset or NULL */ static struct ub_packed_rrset_key* grab_nsec(struct rrset_cache* rrset_cache, uint8_t* qname, size_t qname_len, uint16_t qtype, uint16_t qclass, uint32_t flags, struct regional* region, int checkbit, uint16_t checktype, time_t now) { struct ub_packed_rrset_key* r, *k = rrset_cache_lookup(rrset_cache, qname, qname_len, qtype, qclass, flags, now, 0); struct packed_rrset_data* d; if(!k) return NULL; d = (struct packed_rrset_data*)k->entry.data; if(d->ttl < now) { lock_rw_unlock(&k->entry.lock); return NULL; } /* only secure or unchecked records that have signatures. */ if( ! ( d->security == sec_status_secure || (d->security == sec_status_unchecked && d->rrsig_count > 0) ) ) { lock_rw_unlock(&k->entry.lock); return NULL; } /* check if checktype is absent */ if(checkbit && ( (qtype == LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC && nsec_has_type(k, checktype)) || (qtype == LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC3 && !nsec3_no_type(k, checktype)) )) { lock_rw_unlock(&k->entry.lock); return NULL; } /* looks OK! copy to region and return it */ r = packed_rrset_copy_region(k, region, now); /* if it failed, we return the NULL */ lock_rw_unlock(&k->entry.lock); return r; } /** * Get best NSEC record for qname. Might be matching, covering or totally * useless. * @param neg_cache: neg cache * @param qname: to lookup rrset name * @param qname_len: length of qname. * @param qclass: class of rrset to lookup, host order * @param rrset_cache: rrset cache * @param now: to check ttl against * @param region: where to alloc result * @return rrset or NULL */ static struct ub_packed_rrset_key* neg_find_nsec(struct val_neg_cache* neg_cache, uint8_t* qname, size_t qname_len, uint16_t qclass, struct rrset_cache* rrset_cache, time_t now, struct regional* region) { int labs; uint32_t flags; struct val_neg_zone* zone; struct val_neg_data* data; struct ub_packed_rrset_key* nsec; labs = dname_count_labels(qname); lock_basic_lock(&neg_cache->lock); zone = neg_closest_zone_parent(neg_cache, qname, qname_len, labs, qclass); while(zone && !zone->in_use) zone = zone->parent; if(!zone) { lock_basic_unlock(&neg_cache->lock); return NULL; } /* NSEC only for now */ if(zone->nsec3_hash) { lock_basic_unlock(&neg_cache->lock); return NULL; } /* ignore return value, don't care if it is an exact or smaller match */ (void)neg_closest_data(zone, qname, qname_len, labs, &data); if(!data) { lock_basic_unlock(&neg_cache->lock); return NULL; } /* ENT nodes are not in use, try the previous node. If the previous node * is not in use, we don't have an useful NSEC and give up. */ if(!data->in_use) { data = (struct val_neg_data*)rbtree_previous((rbnode_type*)data); if((rbnode_type*)data == RBTREE_NULL || !data->in_use) { lock_basic_unlock(&neg_cache->lock); return NULL; } } flags = 0; if(query_dname_compare(data->name, zone->name) == 0) flags = PACKED_RRSET_NSEC_AT_APEX; nsec = grab_nsec(rrset_cache, data->name, data->len, LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC, zone->dclass, flags, region, 0, 0, now); lock_basic_unlock(&neg_cache->lock); return nsec; } /** find nsec3 closest encloser in neg cache */ static struct val_neg_data* neg_find_nsec3_ce(struct val_neg_zone* zone, uint8_t* qname, size_t qname_len, int qlabs, sldns_buffer* buf, uint8_t* hashnc, size_t* nclen) { struct val_neg_data* data; uint8_t hashce[NSEC3_SHA_LEN]; uint8_t b32[257]; size_t celen, b32len; *nclen = 0; while(qlabs > 0) { /* hash */ if(!(celen=nsec3_get_hashed(buf, qname, qname_len, zone->nsec3_hash, zone->nsec3_iter, zone->nsec3_salt, zone->nsec3_saltlen, hashce, sizeof(hashce)))) return NULL; if(!(b32len=nsec3_hash_to_b32(hashce, celen, zone->name, zone->len, b32, sizeof(b32)))) return NULL; /* lookup (exact match only) */ data = neg_find_data(zone, b32, b32len, zone->labs+1); if(data && data->in_use) { /* found ce match! */ return data; } *nclen = celen; memmove(hashnc, hashce, celen); dname_remove_label(&qname, &qname_len); qlabs --; } return NULL; } /** check nsec3 parameters on nsec3 rrset with current zone values */ static int neg_params_ok(struct val_neg_zone* zone, struct ub_packed_rrset_key* rrset) { int h; uint8_t* s; size_t slen, it; if(!nsec3_get_params(rrset, 0, &h, &it, &s, &slen)) return 0; return (h == zone->nsec3_hash && it == zone->nsec3_iter && slen == zone->nsec3_saltlen && (slen != 0 && zone->nsec3_salt && s && memcmp(zone->nsec3_salt, s, slen) == 0)); } /** get next closer for nsec3 proof */ static struct ub_packed_rrset_key* neg_nsec3_getnc(struct val_neg_zone* zone, uint8_t* hashnc, size_t nclen, struct rrset_cache* rrset_cache, struct regional* region, time_t now, uint8_t* b32, size_t maxb32) { struct ub_packed_rrset_key* nc_rrset; struct val_neg_data* data; size_t b32len; if(!(b32len=nsec3_hash_to_b32(hashnc, nclen, zone->name, zone->len, b32, maxb32))) return NULL; (void)neg_closest_data(zone, b32, b32len, zone->labs+1, &data); if(!data && zone->tree.count != 0) { /* could be before the first entry ; return the last * entry (possibly the rollover nsec3 at end) */ data = (struct val_neg_data*)rbtree_last(&zone->tree); } while(data && !data->in_use) data = data->parent; if(!data) return NULL; /* got a data element in tree, grab it */ nc_rrset = grab_nsec(rrset_cache, data->name, data->len, LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC3, zone->dclass, 0, region, 0, 0, now); if(!nc_rrset) return NULL; if(!neg_params_ok(zone, nc_rrset)) return NULL; return nc_rrset; } /** neg cache nsec3 proof procedure*/ static struct dns_msg* neg_nsec3_proof_ds(struct val_neg_zone* zone, uint8_t* qname, size_t qname_len, int qlabs, sldns_buffer* buf, struct rrset_cache* rrset_cache, struct regional* region, time_t now, uint8_t* topname) { struct dns_msg* msg; struct val_neg_data* data; uint8_t hashnc[NSEC3_SHA_LEN]; size_t nclen; struct ub_packed_rrset_key* ce_rrset, *nc_rrset; struct nsec3_cached_hash c; uint8_t nc_b32[257]; /* for NSEC3 ; determine the closest encloser for which we * can find an exact match. Remember the hashed lower name, * since that is the one we need a closest match for. * If we find a match straight away, then it becomes NODATA. * Otherwise, NXDOMAIN or if OPTOUT, an insecure delegation. * Also check that parameters are the same on closest encloser * and on closest match. */ if(!zone->nsec3_hash) return NULL; /* not nsec3 zone */ if(!(data=neg_find_nsec3_ce(zone, qname, qname_len, qlabs, buf, hashnc, &nclen))) { return NULL; } /* grab the ce rrset */ ce_rrset = grab_nsec(rrset_cache, data->name, data->len, LDNS_RR_TYPE_NSEC3, zone->dclass, 0, region, 1, LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS, now); if(!ce_rrset) return NULL; if(!neg_params_ok(zone, ce_rrset)) return NULL; if(nclen == 0) { /* exact match, just check the type bits */ /* need: -SOA, -DS, +NS */ if(nsec3_has_type(ce_rrset, 0, LDNS_RR_TYPE_SOA) || nsec3_has_type(ce_rrset, 0, LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS) || !nsec3_has_type(ce_rrset, 0, LDNS_RR_TYPE_NS)) return NULL; if(!(msg = dns_msg_create(qname, qname_len, LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS, zone->dclass, region, 1))) return NULL; /* TTL reduced in grab_nsec */ if(!dns_msg_authadd(msg, region, ce_rrset, 0)) return NULL; return msg; } /* optout is not allowed without knowing the trust-anchor in use, * otherwise the optout could spoof away that anchor */ if(!topname) return NULL; /* if there is no exact match, it must be in an optout span * (an existing DS implies an NSEC3 must exist) */ nc_rrset = neg_nsec3_getnc(zone, hashnc, nclen, rrset_cache, region, now, nc_b32, sizeof(nc_b32)); if(!nc_rrset) return NULL; if(!neg_params_ok(zone, nc_rrset)) return NULL; if(!nsec3_has_optout(nc_rrset, 0)) return NULL; c.hash = hashnc; c.hash_len = nclen; c.b32 = nc_b32+1; c.b32_len = (size_t)nc_b32[0]; if(nsec3_covers(zone->name, &c, nc_rrset, 0, buf)) { /* nc_rrset covers the next closer name. * ce_rrset equals a closer encloser. * nc_rrset is optout. * No need to check wildcard for type DS */ /* capacity=3: ce + nc + soa(if needed) */ if(!(msg = dns_msg_create(qname, qname_len, LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS, zone->dclass, region, 3))) return NULL; /* now=0 because TTL was reduced in grab_nsec */ if(!dns_msg_authadd(msg, region, ce_rrset, 0)) return NULL; if(!dns_msg_authadd(msg, region, nc_rrset, 0)) return NULL; return msg; } return NULL; } /** * Add SOA record for external responses. * @param rrset_cache: to look into. * @param now: current time. * @param region: where to perform the allocation * @param msg: current msg with NSEC. * @param zone: val_neg_zone if we have one. * @return false on lookup or alloc failure. */ static int add_soa(struct rrset_cache* rrset_cache, time_t now, struct regional* region, struct dns_msg* msg, struct val_neg_zone* zone) { struct ub_packed_rrset_key* soa; uint8_t* nm; size_t nmlen; uint16_t dclass; if(zone) { nm = zone->name; nmlen = zone->len; dclass = zone->dclass; } else { /* Assumes the signer is the zone SOA to add */ nm = reply_nsec_signer(msg->rep, &nmlen, &dclass); if(!nm) return 0; } soa = rrset_cache_lookup(rrset_cache, nm, nmlen, LDNS_RR_TYPE_SOA, dclass, PACKED_RRSET_SOA_NEG, now, 0); if(!soa) return 0; if(!dns_msg_authadd(msg, region, soa, now)) { lock_rw_unlock(&soa->entry.lock); return 0; } lock_rw_unlock(&soa->entry.lock); return 1; } struct dns_msg* val_neg_getmsg(struct val_neg_cache* neg, struct query_info* qinfo, struct regional* region, struct rrset_cache* rrset_cache, sldns_buffer* buf, time_t now, int addsoa, uint8_t* topname, struct config_file* cfg) { struct dns_msg* msg; struct ub_packed_rrset_key* nsec; /* qname matching/covering nsec */ struct ub_packed_rrset_key* wcrr; /* wildcard record or nsec */ uint8_t* nodata_wc = NULL; uint8_t* ce = NULL; size_t ce_len; uint8_t wc_ce[LDNS_MAX_DOMAINLEN+3]; struct query_info wc_qinfo; struct ub_packed_rrset_key* cache_wc; struct packed_rrset_data* wcrr_data; int rcode = LDNS_RCODE_NOERROR; uint8_t* zname; size_t zname_len; int zname_labs; struct val_neg_zone* zone; /* only for DS queries when aggressive use of NSEC is disabled */ if(qinfo->qtype != LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS && !cfg->aggressive_nsec) return NULL; log_assert(!topname || dname_subdomain_c(qinfo->qname, topname)); /* Get best available NSEC for qname */ nsec = neg_find_nsec(neg, qinfo->qname, qinfo->qname_len, qinfo->qclass, rrset_cache, now, region); /* Matching NSEC, use to generate No Data answer. Not creating answers * yet for No Data proven using wildcard. */ if(nsec && nsec_proves_nodata(nsec, qinfo, &nodata_wc) && !nodata_wc) { /* do not create nodata answers for qtype ANY, it is a query * type, not an rrtype to disprove. Nameerrors are useful for * qtype ANY, in the else branch. */ if(qinfo->qtype == LDNS_RR_TYPE_ANY) return NULL; if(!(msg = dns_msg_create(qinfo->qname, qinfo->qname_len, qinfo->qtype, qinfo->qclass, region, 2))) return NULL; if(!dns_msg_authadd(msg, region, nsec, 0)) return NULL; if(addsoa && !add_soa(rrset_cache, now, region, msg, NULL)) return NULL; lock_basic_lock(&neg->lock); neg->num_neg_cache_noerror++; lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); return msg; } else if(nsec && val_nsec_proves_name_error(nsec, qinfo->qname)) { if(!(msg = dns_msg_create(qinfo->qname, qinfo->qname_len, qinfo->qtype, qinfo->qclass, region, 3))) return NULL; if(!(ce = nsec_closest_encloser(qinfo->qname, nsec))) return NULL; dname_count_size_labels(ce, &ce_len); /* No extra extra NSEC required if both nameerror qname and * nodata *.ce. are proven already. */ if(!nodata_wc || query_dname_compare(nodata_wc, ce) != 0) { /* Qname proven non existing, get wildcard record for * QTYPE or NSEC covering or matching wildcard. */ /* Num labels in ce is always smaller than in qname, * therefore adding the wildcard label cannot overflow * buffer. */ wc_ce[0] = 1; wc_ce[1] = (uint8_t)'*'; memmove(wc_ce+2, ce, ce_len); wc_qinfo.qname = wc_ce; wc_qinfo.qname_len = ce_len + 2; wc_qinfo.qtype = qinfo->qtype; if((cache_wc = rrset_cache_lookup(rrset_cache, wc_qinfo.qname, wc_qinfo.qname_len, wc_qinfo.qtype, qinfo->qclass, 0/*flags*/, now, 0/*read only*/))) { /* Synthesize wildcard answer */ wcrr_data = (struct packed_rrset_data*)cache_wc->entry.data; if(!(wcrr_data->security == sec_status_secure || (wcrr_data->security == sec_status_unchecked && wcrr_data->rrsig_count > 0))) { lock_rw_unlock(&cache_wc->entry.lock); return NULL; } if(!(wcrr = packed_rrset_copy_region(cache_wc, region, now))) { lock_rw_unlock(&cache_wc->entry.lock); return NULL; }; lock_rw_unlock(&cache_wc->entry.lock); wcrr->rk.dname = qinfo->qname; wcrr->rk.dname_len = qinfo->qname_len; if(!dns_msg_ansadd(msg, region, wcrr, 0)) return NULL; /* No SOA needed for wildcard synthesised * answer. */ addsoa = 0; } else { /* Get wildcard NSEC for possible non existence * proof */ if(!(wcrr = neg_find_nsec(neg, wc_qinfo.qname, wc_qinfo.qname_len, qinfo->qclass, rrset_cache, now, region))) return NULL; nodata_wc = NULL; if(val_nsec_proves_name_error(wcrr, wc_ce)) rcode = LDNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN; else if(!nsec_proves_nodata(wcrr, &wc_qinfo, &nodata_wc) || nodata_wc) /* &nodata_wc shouldn't be set, wc_qinfo * already contains wildcard domain. */ /* NSEC doesn't prove anything for * wildcard. */ return NULL; if(query_dname_compare(wcrr->rk.dname, nsec->rk.dname) != 0) if(!dns_msg_authadd(msg, region, wcrr, 0)) return NULL; } } if(!dns_msg_authadd(msg, region, nsec, 0)) return NULL; if(addsoa && !add_soa(rrset_cache, now, region, msg, NULL)) return NULL; /* Increment statistic counters */ lock_basic_lock(&neg->lock); if(rcode == LDNS_RCODE_NOERROR) neg->num_neg_cache_noerror++; else if(rcode == LDNS_RCODE_NXDOMAIN) neg->num_neg_cache_nxdomain++; lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); FLAGS_SET_RCODE(msg->rep->flags, rcode); return msg; } /* No aggressive use of NSEC3 for now, only proceed for DS types. */ if(qinfo->qtype != LDNS_RR_TYPE_DS){ return NULL; } /* check NSEC3 neg cache for type DS */ /* need to look one zone higher for DS type */ zname = qinfo->qname; zname_len = qinfo->qname_len; dname_remove_label(&zname, &zname_len); zname_labs = dname_count_labels(zname); /* lookup closest zone */ lock_basic_lock(&neg->lock); zone = neg_closest_zone_parent(neg, zname, zname_len, zname_labs, qinfo->qclass); while(zone && !zone->in_use) zone = zone->parent; /* check that the zone is not too high up so that we do not pick data * out of a zone that is above the last-seen key (or trust-anchor). */ if(zone && topname) { if(!dname_subdomain_c(zone->name, topname)) zone = NULL; } if(!zone) { lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); return NULL; } msg = neg_nsec3_proof_ds(zone, qinfo->qname, qinfo->qname_len, zname_labs+1, buf, rrset_cache, region, now, topname); if(msg && addsoa && !add_soa(rrset_cache, now, region, msg, zone)) { lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); return NULL; } lock_basic_unlock(&neg->lock); return msg; }