/* * smallapp/unbound-control.c - remote control utility for unbound. * * Copyright (c) 2008, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * This software is open source. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * * The remote control utility contacts the unbound server over ssl and * sends the command, receives the answer, and displays the result * from the commandline. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_GETOPT_H #include <getopt.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_SSL_H #include <openssl/ssl.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_ERR_H #include <openssl/err.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL_RAND_H #include <openssl/rand.h> #endif #include "util/log.h" #include "util/config_file.h" #include "util/locks.h" #include "util/net_help.h" #include "util/shm_side/shm_main.h" #include "util/timeval_func.h" #include "daemon/stats.h" #include "sldns/wire2str.h" #include "sldns/pkthdr.h" #include "services/rpz.h" #include "services/listen_dnsport.h" #ifdef HAVE_SYS_IPC_H #include "sys/ipc.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SHM_H #include "sys/shm.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H #include <sys/un.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_TARGETCONDITIONALS_H #include <TargetConditionals.h> #endif static void usage(void) ATTR_NORETURN; static void ssl_err(const char* s) ATTR_NORETURN; static void ssl_path_err(const char* s, const char *path) ATTR_NORETURN; /** timeout to wait for connection over stream, in msec */ #define UNBOUND_CONTROL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 5000 /** Give unbound-control usage, and exit (1). */ static void usage(void) { printf("Usage: local-unbound-control [options] command\n"); printf(" Remote control utility for unbound server.\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -c file config file, default is %s\n", CONFIGFILE); printf(" -s ip[@port] server address, if omitted config is used.\n"); printf(" -q quiet (don't print anything if it works ok).\n"); printf(" -h show this usage help.\n"); printf("Commands:\n"); printf(" start start server; runs unbound(8)\n"); printf(" stop stops the server\n"); printf(" reload reloads the server\n"); printf(" (this flushes data, stats, requestlist)\n"); printf(" reload_keep_cache reloads the server but tries to\n"); printf(" keep the RRset and message cache\n"); printf(" if (re)configuration allows for it.\n"); printf(" That means the caches sizes and\n"); printf(" the number of threads must not\n"); printf(" change between reloads.\n"); printf(" stats print statistics\n"); printf(" stats_noreset peek at statistics\n"); #ifdef HAVE_SHMGET printf(" stats_shm print statistics using shm\n"); #endif printf(" status display status of server\n"); printf(" verbosity <number> change logging detail\n"); printf(" log_reopen close and open the logfile\n"); printf(" local_zone <name> <type> add new local zone\n"); printf(" local_zone_remove <name> remove local zone and its contents\n"); printf(" local_data <RR data...> add local data, for example\n"); printf(" local_data www.example.com A\n"); printf(" local_data_remove <name> remove local RR data from name\n"); printf(" local_zones,\n"); printf(" local_zones_remove,\n"); printf(" local_datas,\n"); printf(" local_datas_remove same, but read list from stdin\n"); printf(" (one entry per line).\n"); printf(" dump_cache print cache to stdout\n"); printf(" (not supported in remote unbounds in\n"); printf(" multi-process operation)\n"); printf(" load_cache load cache from stdin\n"); printf(" (not supported in remote unbounds in\n"); printf(" multi-process operation)\n"); printf(" lookup <name> print nameservers for name\n"); printf(" flush [+c] <name> flushes common types for name from cache\n"); printf(" types: A, AAAA, MX, PTR, NS,\n"); printf(" SOA, CNAME, DNAME, SRV, NAPTR\n"); printf(" flush_type [+c] <name> <type> flush name, type from cache\n"); printf(" +c remove from cachedb too\n"); printf(" flush_zone [+c] <name> flush everything at or under name\n"); printf(" from rr and dnssec caches\n"); printf(" flush_bogus [+c] flush all bogus data\n"); printf(" flush_negative [+c] flush all negative data\n"); printf(" flush_stats flush statistics, make zero\n"); printf(" flush_requestlist drop queries that are worked on\n"); printf(" dump_requestlist show what is worked on by first thread\n"); printf(" flush_infra [all | ip] remove ping, edns for one IP or all\n"); printf(" dump_infra show ping and edns entries\n"); printf(" set_option opt: val set option to value, no reload\n"); printf(" get_option opt get option value\n"); printf(" list_stubs list stub-zones and root hints in use\n"); printf(" list_forwards list forward-zones in use\n"); printf(" list_insecure list domain-insecure zones\n"); printf(" list_local_zones list local-zones in use\n"); printf(" list_local_data list local-data RRs in use\n"); printf(" insecure_add zone add domain-insecure zone\n"); printf(" insecure_remove zone remove domain-insecure zone\n"); printf(" forward_add [+it] zone addr.. add forward-zone with servers\n"); printf(" forward_remove [+i] zone remove forward zone\n"); printf(" stub_add [+ipt] zone addr.. add stub-zone with servers\n"); printf(" stub_remove [+i] zone remove stub zone\n"); printf(" +i also do dnssec insecure point\n"); printf(" +p set stub to use priming\n"); printf(" +t set to use tls upstream\n"); printf(" forward [off | addr ...] without arg show forward setup\n"); printf(" or off to turn off root forwarding\n"); printf(" or give list of ip addresses\n"); printf(" ratelimit_list [+a] list ratelimited domains\n"); printf(" ip_ratelimit_list [+a] list ratelimited ip addresses\n"); printf(" +a list all, also not ratelimited\n"); printf(" list_auth_zones list auth zones (includes RPZ zones)\n"); printf(" auth_zone_reload zone reload auth zone (or RPZ zone) from zonefile\n"); printf(" auth_zone_transfer zone transfer auth zone (or RPZ zone) from master\n"); printf(" view_list_local_zones view list local-zones in view\n"); printf(" view_list_local_data view list local-data RRs in view\n"); printf(" view_local_zone view name type add local-zone in view\n"); printf(" view_local_zone_remove view name remove local-zone in view\n"); printf(" view_local_data view RR... add local-data in view\n"); printf(" view_local_datas view add list of local-data to view\n"); printf(" one entry per line read from stdin\n"); printf(" view_local_data_remove view name remove local-data in view\n"); printf(" view_local_datas_remove view remove list of local-data from view\n"); printf(" one entry per line read from stdin\n"); printf(" rpz_enable zone Enable the RPZ zone if it had previously\n"); printf(" been disabled\n"); printf(" rpz_disable zone Disable the RPZ zone\n"); printf(" add_cookie_secret <secret> add (or replace) a new cookie secret <secret>\n"); printf(" drop_cookie_secret drop a staging cookie secret\n"); printf(" activate_cookie_secret make a staging cookie secret active\n"); printf(" print_cookie_secrets show all cookie secrets with their status\n"); printf("Version %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); printf("BSD licensed, see LICENSE in source package for details.\n"); printf("Report bugs to %s\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); exit(1); } #ifdef HAVE_SHMGET /** what to put on statistics lines between var and value, ": " or "=" */ #define SQ "=" /** print unsigned long stats value */ #define PR_UL_NM(str, var) printf("%s."str SQ"%lu\n", nm, (unsigned long)(var)); #define PR_UL(str, var) printf(str SQ"%lu\n", (unsigned long)(var)); #define PR_UL_SUB(str, nm, var) printf(str".%s"SQ"%lu\n", nm, (unsigned long)(var)); #define PR_TIMEVAL(str, var) printf(str SQ ARG_LL "d.%6.6d\n", \ (long long)var.tv_sec, (int)var.tv_usec); #define PR_STATSTIME(str, var) printf(str SQ ARG_LL "d.%6.6d\n", \ (long long)var ## _sec, (int)var ## _usec); #define PR_LL(str, var) printf(str SQ ARG_LL"d\n", (long long)(var)); /** print stat block */ static void pr_stats(const char* nm, struct ub_stats_info* s) { struct timeval sumwait, avg; PR_UL_NM("num.queries", s->svr.num_queries); PR_UL_NM("num.queries_ip_ratelimited", s->svr.num_queries_ip_ratelimited); PR_UL_NM("num.queries_cookie_valid", s->svr.num_queries_cookie_valid); PR_UL_NM("num.queries_cookie_client", s->svr.num_queries_cookie_client); PR_UL_NM("num.queries_cookie_invalid", s->svr.num_queries_cookie_invalid); PR_UL_NM("num.cachehits", s->svr.num_queries - s->svr.num_queries_missed_cache); PR_UL_NM("num.cachemiss", s->svr.num_queries_missed_cache); PR_UL_NM("num.prefetch", s->svr.num_queries_prefetch); PR_UL_NM("num.queries_timed_out", s->svr.num_queries_timed_out); PR_UL_NM("query.queue_time_us.max", s->svr.max_query_time_us); PR_UL_NM("num.expired", s->svr.ans_expired); PR_UL_NM("num.recursivereplies", s->mesh_replies_sent); #ifdef USE_DNSCRYPT PR_UL_NM("num.dnscrypt.crypted", s->svr.num_query_dnscrypt_crypted); PR_UL_NM("num.dnscrypt.cert", s->svr.num_query_dnscrypt_cert); PR_UL_NM("num.dnscrypt.cleartext", s->svr.num_query_dnscrypt_cleartext); PR_UL_NM("num.dnscrypt.malformed", s->svr.num_query_dnscrypt_crypted_malformed); #endif /* USE_DNSCRYPT */ printf("%s.requestlist.avg"SQ"%g\n", nm, (s->svr.num_queries_missed_cache+s->svr.num_queries_prefetch)? (double)s->svr.sum_query_list_size/ (double)(s->svr.num_queries_missed_cache+ s->svr.num_queries_prefetch) : 0.0); PR_UL_NM("requestlist.max", s->svr.max_query_list_size); PR_UL_NM("requestlist.overwritten", s->mesh_jostled); PR_UL_NM("requestlist.exceeded", s->mesh_dropped); PR_UL_NM("requestlist.current.all", s->mesh_num_states); PR_UL_NM("requestlist.current.user", s->mesh_num_reply_states); #ifndef S_SPLINT_S sumwait.tv_sec = s->mesh_replies_sum_wait_sec; sumwait.tv_usec = s->mesh_replies_sum_wait_usec; #endif timeval_divide(&avg, &sumwait, s->mesh_replies_sent); printf("%s.", nm); PR_TIMEVAL("recursion.time.avg", avg); printf("%s.recursion.time.median"SQ"%g\n", nm, s->mesh_time_median); PR_UL_NM("tcpusage", s->svr.tcp_accept_usage); } /** print uptime */ static void print_uptime(struct ub_shm_stat_info* shm_stat) { PR_STATSTIME("time.now", shm_stat->time.now); PR_STATSTIME("time.up", shm_stat->time.up); PR_STATSTIME("time.elapsed", shm_stat->time.elapsed); } /** print memory usage */ static void print_mem(struct ub_shm_stat_info* shm_stat, struct ub_stats_info* s) { PR_LL("mem.cache.rrset", shm_stat->mem.rrset); PR_LL("mem.cache.message", shm_stat->mem.msg); PR_LL("mem.mod.iterator", shm_stat->mem.iter); PR_LL("mem.mod.validator", shm_stat->mem.val); PR_LL("mem.mod.respip", shm_stat->mem.respip); #ifdef CLIENT_SUBNET PR_LL("mem.mod.subnet", shm_stat->mem.subnet); #endif #ifdef USE_IPSECMOD PR_LL("mem.mod.ipsecmod", shm_stat->mem.ipsecmod); #endif #ifdef WITH_DYNLIBMODULE PR_LL("mem.mod.dynlib", shm_stat->mem.dynlib); #endif #ifdef USE_DNSCRYPT PR_LL("mem.cache.dnscrypt_shared_secret", shm_stat->mem.dnscrypt_shared_secret); PR_LL("mem.cache.dnscrypt_nonce", shm_stat->mem.dnscrypt_nonce); #endif PR_LL("mem.streamwait", s->svr.mem_stream_wait); PR_LL("mem.http.query_buffer", s->svr.mem_http2_query_buffer); PR_LL("mem.http.response_buffer", s->svr.mem_http2_response_buffer); #ifdef HAVE_NGTCP2 PR_LL("mem.quic", s->svr.mem_quic); #endif } /** print histogram */ static void print_hist(struct ub_stats_info* s) { struct timehist* hist; size_t i; hist = timehist_setup(); if(!hist) fatal_exit("out of memory"); timehist_import(hist, s->svr.hist, NUM_BUCKETS_HIST); for(i=0; i<hist->num; i++) { printf("histogram.%6.6d.%6.6d.to.%6.6d.%6.6d=%lu\n", (int)hist->buckets[i].lower.tv_sec, (int)hist->buckets[i].lower.tv_usec, (int)hist->buckets[i].upper.tv_sec, (int)hist->buckets[i].upper.tv_usec, (unsigned long)hist->buckets[i].count); } timehist_delete(hist); } /** print extended */ static void print_extended(struct ub_stats_info* s, int inhibit_zero) { int i; char nm[16]; /* TYPE */ for(i=0; i<UB_STATS_QTYPE_NUM; i++) { if(inhibit_zero && s->svr.qtype[i] == 0) continue; sldns_wire2str_type_buf((uint16_t)i, nm, sizeof(nm)); PR_UL_SUB("num.query.type", nm, s->svr.qtype[i]); } if(!inhibit_zero || s->svr.qtype_big) { PR_UL("num.query.type.other", s->svr.qtype_big); } /* CLASS */ for(i=0; i<UB_STATS_QCLASS_NUM; i++) { if(inhibit_zero && s->svr.qclass[i] == 0) continue; sldns_wire2str_class_buf((uint16_t)i, nm, sizeof(nm)); PR_UL_SUB("num.query.class", nm, s->svr.qclass[i]); } if(!inhibit_zero || s->svr.qclass_big) { PR_UL("num.query.class.other", s->svr.qclass_big); } /* OPCODE */ for(i=0; i<UB_STATS_OPCODE_NUM; i++) { if(inhibit_zero && s->svr.qopcode[i] == 0) continue; sldns_wire2str_opcode_buf(i, nm, sizeof(nm)); PR_UL_SUB("num.query.opcode", nm, s->svr.qopcode[i]); } /* transport */ PR_UL("num.query.tcp", s->svr.qtcp); PR_UL("num.query.tcpout", s->svr.qtcp_outgoing); PR_UL("num.query.udpout", s->svr.qudp_outgoing); PR_UL("num.query.tls", s->svr.qtls); PR_UL("num.query.tls_resume", s->svr.qtls_resume); PR_UL("num.query.ipv6", s->svr.qipv6); PR_UL("num.query.https", s->svr.qhttps); #ifdef HAVE_NGTCP2 PR_UL("num.query.quic", s->svr.qquic); #endif /* flags */ PR_UL("num.query.flags.QR", s->svr.qbit_QR); PR_UL("num.query.flags.AA", s->svr.qbit_AA); PR_UL("num.query.flags.TC", s->svr.qbit_TC); PR_UL("num.query.flags.RD", s->svr.qbit_RD); PR_UL("num.query.flags.RA", s->svr.qbit_RA); PR_UL("num.query.flags.Z", s->svr.qbit_Z); PR_UL("num.query.flags.AD", s->svr.qbit_AD); PR_UL("num.query.flags.CD", s->svr.qbit_CD); PR_UL("num.query.edns.present", s->svr.qEDNS); PR_UL("num.query.edns.DO", s->svr.qEDNS_DO); /* RCODE */ for(i=0; i<UB_STATS_RCODE_NUM; i++) { /* Always include RCODEs 0-5 */ if(inhibit_zero && i > LDNS_RCODE_REFUSED && s->svr.ans_rcode[i] == 0) continue; sldns_wire2str_rcode_buf(i, nm, sizeof(nm)); PR_UL_SUB("num.answer.rcode", nm, s->svr.ans_rcode[i]); } if(!inhibit_zero || s->svr.ans_rcode_nodata) { PR_UL("num.answer.rcode.nodata", s->svr.ans_rcode_nodata); } /* iteration */ PR_UL("num.query.ratelimited", s->svr.queries_ratelimited); /* validation */ PR_UL("num.answer.secure", s->svr.ans_secure); PR_UL("num.answer.bogus", s->svr.ans_bogus); PR_UL("num.rrset.bogus", s->svr.rrset_bogus); PR_UL("num.query.aggressive.NOERROR", s->svr.num_neg_cache_noerror); PR_UL("num.query.aggressive.NXDOMAIN", s->svr.num_neg_cache_nxdomain); /* threat detection */ PR_UL("unwanted.queries", s->svr.unwanted_queries); PR_UL("unwanted.replies", s->svr.unwanted_replies); /* cache counts */ PR_UL("msg.cache.count", s->svr.msg_cache_count); PR_UL("rrset.cache.count", s->svr.rrset_cache_count); PR_UL("infra.cache.count", s->svr.infra_cache_count); PR_UL("key.cache.count", s->svr.key_cache_count); /* max collisions */ PR_UL("msg.cache.max_collisions", s->svr.msg_cache_max_collisions); PR_UL("rrset.cache.max_collisions", s->svr.rrset_cache_max_collisions); /* applied RPZ actions */ for(i=0; i<UB_STATS_RPZ_ACTION_NUM; i++) { if(i == RPZ_NO_OVERRIDE_ACTION) continue; if(inhibit_zero && s->svr.rpz_action[i] == 0) continue; PR_UL_SUB("num.rpz.action", rpz_action_to_string(i), s->svr.rpz_action[i]); } #ifdef USE_DNSCRYPT PR_UL("dnscrypt_shared_secret.cache.count", s->svr.shared_secret_cache_count); PR_UL("num.query.dnscrypt.shared_secret.cachemiss", s->svr.num_query_dnscrypt_secret_missed_cache); PR_UL("dnscrypt_nonce.cache.count", s->svr.nonce_cache_count); PR_UL("num.query.dnscrypt.replay", s->svr.num_query_dnscrypt_replay); #endif /* USE_DNSCRYPT */ PR_UL("num.query.authzone.up", s->svr.num_query_authzone_up); PR_UL("num.query.authzone.down", s->svr.num_query_authzone_down); #ifdef CLIENT_SUBNET PR_UL("num.query.subnet", s->svr.num_query_subnet); PR_UL("num.query.subnet_cache", s->svr.num_query_subnet_cache); #endif #ifdef USE_CACHEDB PR_UL("num.query.cachedb", s->svr.num_query_cachedb); #endif } /** print statistics out of memory structures */ static void do_stats_shm(struct config_file* cfg, struct ub_stats_info* stats, struct ub_shm_stat_info* shm_stat) { int i; char nm[32]; for(i=0; i<cfg->num_threads; i++) { snprintf(nm, sizeof(nm), "thread%d", i); pr_stats(nm, &stats[i+1]); } pr_stats("total", &stats[0]); print_uptime(shm_stat); if(cfg->stat_extended) { print_mem(shm_stat, &stats[0]); print_hist(stats); print_extended(stats, cfg->stat_inhibit_zero); } } #endif /* HAVE_SHMGET */ /** print statistics from shm memory segment */ static void print_stats_shm(const char* cfgfile, int quiet) { #ifdef HAVE_SHMGET struct config_file* cfg; struct ub_stats_info* stats; struct ub_shm_stat_info* shm_stat; int id_ctl, id_arr; /* read config */ if(!(cfg = config_create())) fatal_exit("out of memory"); if(!config_read(cfg, cfgfile, NULL)) fatal_exit("could not read config file"); /* get shm segments */ id_ctl = shmget(cfg->shm_key, sizeof(int), SHM_R); if(id_ctl == -1) { fatal_exit("shmget(%d): %s", cfg->shm_key, strerror(errno)); } id_arr = shmget(cfg->shm_key+1, sizeof(int), SHM_R); if(id_arr == -1) { fatal_exit("shmget(%d): %s", cfg->shm_key+1, strerror(errno)); } shm_stat = (struct ub_shm_stat_info*)shmat(id_ctl, NULL, SHM_RDONLY); if(shm_stat == (void*)-1) { fatal_exit("shmat(%d): %s", id_ctl, strerror(errno)); } stats = (struct ub_stats_info*)shmat(id_arr, NULL, SHM_RDONLY); if(stats == (void*)-1) { fatal_exit("shmat(%d): %s", id_arr, strerror(errno)); } if(!quiet) { /* print the stats */ do_stats_shm(cfg, stats, shm_stat); } /* shutdown */ shmdt(shm_stat); shmdt(stats); config_delete(cfg); #else (void)cfgfile; (void)quiet; #endif /* HAVE_SHMGET */ } /** exit with ssl error */ static void ssl_err(const char* s) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", s); ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); exit(1); } /** exit with ssl error related to a file path */ static void ssl_path_err(const char* s, const char *path) { unsigned long err; err = ERR_peek_error(); if(ERR_GET_LIB(err) == ERR_LIB_SYS) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n%s: %s\n", s, path, ERR_reason_error_string(err)); exit(1); } else { ssl_err(s); } } /** setup SSL context */ static SSL_CTX* setup_ctx(struct config_file* cfg) { char* s_cert=NULL, *c_key=NULL, *c_cert=NULL; SSL_CTX* ctx; if(!(options_remote_is_address(cfg) && cfg->control_use_cert)) return NULL; s_cert = fname_after_chroot(cfg->server_cert_file, cfg, 1); c_key = fname_after_chroot(cfg->control_key_file, cfg, 1); c_cert = fname_after_chroot(cfg->control_cert_file, cfg, 1); if(!s_cert || !c_key || !c_cert) fatal_exit("out of memory"); ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); if(!ctx) ssl_err("could not allocate SSL_CTX pointer"); #if SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 != 0 if((SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2) & SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2) != SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2) ssl_err("could not set SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2"); #endif if((SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3) & SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3) != SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3) ssl_err("could not set SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3"); #if defined(SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION) /* disable client renegotiation */ if((SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION) & SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION) != SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION) ssl_err("could not set SSL_OP_NO_RENEGOTIATION"); #endif if(!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(ctx,c_cert)) ssl_path_err("Error setting up SSL_CTX client cert", c_cert); if(!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(ctx,c_key,SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) ssl_path_err("Error setting up SSL_CTX client key", c_key); if(!SSL_CTX_check_private_key(ctx)) ssl_err("Error setting up SSL_CTX client key"); if(SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(ctx, s_cert, NULL) != 1) ssl_path_err("Error setting up SSL_CTX verify, server cert", s_cert); SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL); free(s_cert); free(c_key); free(c_cert); return ctx; } /** check connect error */ static void checkconnecterr(int err, const char* svr, struct sockaddr_storage* addr, socklen_t addrlen, int statuscmd, int useport) { #ifndef USE_WINSOCK if(!useport) log_err("connect: %s for %s", strerror(err), svr); else log_err_addr("connect", strerror(err), addr, addrlen); if(err == ECONNREFUSED && statuscmd) { printf("unbound is stopped\n"); exit(3); } #else int wsaerr = err; if(!useport) log_err("connect: %s for %s", wsa_strerror(wsaerr), svr); else log_err_addr("connect", wsa_strerror(wsaerr), addr, addrlen); if(wsaerr == WSAECONNREFUSED && statuscmd) { printf("unbound is stopped\n"); exit(3); } #endif exit(1); } /** contact the server with TCP connect */ static int contact_server(const char* svr, struct config_file* cfg, int statuscmd) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t addrlen; int addrfamily = 0, proto = IPPROTO_TCP; int fd, useport = 1; char** rcif = NULL; int num_rcif = 0; /* use svr or the first config entry */ if(!svr) { if(cfg->control_ifs.first) { struct sockaddr_storage addr2; socklen_t addrlen2; if(extstrtoaddr(cfg->control_ifs.first->str, &addr2, &addrlen2, UNBOUND_DNS_PORT)) { svr = cfg->control_ifs.first->str; } else { if(!resolve_interface_names(NULL, 0, cfg->control_ifs.first, &rcif, &num_rcif)) { fatal_exit("could not resolve interface names"); } if(rcif == NULL || num_rcif == 0) { fatal_exit("no control interfaces"); } svr = rcif[0]; } } else if(cfg->do_ip4) { svr = ""; } else { svr = "::1"; } /* config 0 addr (everything), means ask localhost */ if(strcmp(svr, "") == 0) svr = ""; else if(strcmp(svr, "::0") == 0 || strcmp(svr, "0::0") == 0 || strcmp(svr, "0::") == 0 || strcmp(svr, "::") == 0) svr = "::1"; } if(strchr(svr, '@')) { if(!extstrtoaddr(svr, &addr, &addrlen, UNBOUND_DNS_PORT)) fatal_exit("could not parse IP@port: %s", svr); #ifdef HAVE_SYS_UN_H } else if(svr[0] == '/') { struct sockaddr_un* usock = (struct sockaddr_un *) &addr; usock->sun_family = AF_LOCAL; #ifdef HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_UN_SUN_LEN usock->sun_len = (unsigned)sizeof(usock); #endif (void)strlcpy(usock->sun_path, svr, sizeof(usock->sun_path)); addrlen = (socklen_t)sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); addrfamily = AF_LOCAL; useport = 0; proto = 0; #endif } else { if(!ipstrtoaddr(svr, cfg->control_port, &addr, &addrlen)) fatal_exit("could not parse IP: %s", svr); } if(addrfamily == 0) addrfamily = addr_is_ip6(&addr, addrlen)?PF_INET6:PF_INET; fd = socket(addrfamily, SOCK_STREAM, proto); if(fd == -1) { fatal_exit("socket: %s", sock_strerror(errno)); } fd_set_nonblock(fd); if(connect(fd, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, addrlen) < 0) { #ifndef USE_WINSOCK #ifdef EINPROGRESS if(errno != EINPROGRESS) { checkconnecterr(errno, svr, &addr, addrlen, statuscmd, useport); } #endif #else if(WSAGetLastError() != WSAEINPROGRESS && WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { checkconnecterr(WSAGetLastError(), svr, &addr, addrlen, statuscmd, useport); } #endif } while(1) { fd_set rset, wset, eset; struct timeval tv; FD_ZERO(&rset); FD_SET(FD_SET_T fd, &rset); FD_ZERO(&wset); FD_SET(FD_SET_T fd, &wset); FD_ZERO(&eset); FD_SET(FD_SET_T fd, &eset); tv.tv_sec = UNBOUND_CONTROL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT/1000; tv.tv_usec= (UNBOUND_CONTROL_CONNECT_TIMEOUT%1000)*1000; if(select(fd+1, &rset, &wset, &eset, &tv) == -1) { fatal_exit("select: %s", sock_strerror(errno)); } if(!FD_ISSET(fd, &rset) && !FD_ISSET(fd, &wset) && !FD_ISSET(fd, &eset)) { fatal_exit("timeout: could not connect to server"); } else { /* check nonblocking connect error */ int error = 0; socklen_t len = (socklen_t)sizeof(error); if(getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (void*)&error, &len) < 0) { #ifndef USE_WINSOCK error = errno; /* on solaris errno is error */ #else error = WSAGetLastError(); #endif } if(error != 0) { #ifndef USE_WINSOCK #ifdef EINPROGRESS if(error == EINPROGRESS) continue; /* try again later */ #endif #ifdef EWOULDBLOCK if(error == EWOULDBLOCK) continue; /* try again later */ #endif #else if(error == WSAEINPROGRESS) continue; /* try again later */ if(error == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) continue; /* try again later */ #endif checkconnecterr(error, svr, &addr, addrlen, statuscmd, useport); } } break; } fd_set_block(fd); config_del_strarray(rcif, num_rcif); return fd; } /** setup SSL on the connection */ static SSL* setup_ssl(SSL_CTX* ctx, int fd) { SSL* ssl; X509* x; int r; if(!ctx) return NULL; ssl = SSL_new(ctx); if(!ssl) ssl_err("could not SSL_new"); SSL_set_connect_state(ssl); (void)SSL_set_mode(ssl, (long)SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY); if(!SSL_set_fd(ssl, fd)) ssl_err("could not SSL_set_fd"); while(1) { ERR_clear_error(); if( (r=SSL_do_handshake(ssl)) == 1) break; r = SSL_get_error(ssl, r); if(r != SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ && r != SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE) ssl_err("SSL handshake failed"); /* wants to be called again */ } /* check authenticity of server */ if(SSL_get_verify_result(ssl) != X509_V_OK) ssl_err("SSL verification failed"); #ifdef HAVE_SSL_GET1_PEER_CERTIFICATE x = SSL_get1_peer_certificate(ssl); #else x = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl); #endif if(!x) ssl_err("Server presented no peer certificate"); X509_free(x); return ssl; } /** read from ssl or fd, fatalexit on error, 0 EOF, 1 success */ static int remote_read(SSL* ssl, int fd, char* buf, size_t len) { if(ssl) { int r; ERR_clear_error(); if((r = SSL_read(ssl, buf, (int)len-1)) <= 0) { if(SSL_get_error(ssl, r) == SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN) { /* EOF */ return 0; } ssl_err("could not SSL_read"); } buf[r] = 0; } else { ssize_t rr = recv(fd, buf, len-1, 0); if(rr <= 0) { if(rr == 0) { /* EOF */ return 0; } fatal_exit("could not recv: %s", sock_strerror(errno)); } buf[rr] = 0; } return 1; } /** write to ssl or fd, fatalexit on error */ static void remote_write(SSL* ssl, int fd, const char* buf, size_t len) { if(ssl) { if(SSL_write(ssl, buf, (int)len) <= 0) ssl_err("could not SSL_write"); } else { if(send(fd, buf, len, 0) < (ssize_t)len) { fatal_exit("could not send: %s", sock_strerror(errno)); } } } /** check args, to see if too many args. Because when a file is sent it * would wait for the terminal, and we can check for too many arguments, * eg. user put arguments on the commandline. */ static void check_args_for_listcmd(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc >= 1 && (strcmp(argv[0], "local_zones") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "local_zones_remove") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "local_datas") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "local_datas_remove") == 0) && argc >= 2) { fatal_exit("too many arguments for command '%s', " "content is piped in from stdin", argv[0]); } if(argc >= 1 && (strcmp(argv[0], "view_local_datas") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "view_local_datas_remove") == 0) && argc >= 3) { fatal_exit("too many arguments for command '%s', " "content is piped in from stdin", argv[0]); } } /** send stdin to server */ static void send_file(SSL* ssl, int fd, FILE* in, char* buf, size_t sz) { while(fgets(buf, (int)sz, in)) { remote_write(ssl, fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } } /** send end-of-file marker to server */ static void send_eof(SSL* ssl, int fd) { char e[] = {0x04, 0x0a}; remote_write(ssl, fd, e, sizeof(e)); } /** send command and display result */ static int go_cmd(SSL* ssl, int fd, int quiet, int argc, char* argv[]) { char pre[10]; const char* space=" "; const char* newline="\n"; int was_error = 0, first_line = 1; int i; char buf[1024]; snprintf(pre, sizeof(pre), "UBCT%d ", UNBOUND_CONTROL_VERSION); remote_write(ssl, fd, pre, strlen(pre)); for(i=0; i<argc; i++) { remote_write(ssl, fd, space, strlen(space)); remote_write(ssl, fd, argv[i], strlen(argv[i])); } remote_write(ssl, fd, newline, strlen(newline)); if(argc == 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "load_cache") == 0) { send_file(ssl, fd, stdin, buf, sizeof(buf)); } else if(argc >= 1 && (strcmp(argv[0], "local_zones") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "local_zones_remove") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "local_datas") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "view_local_datas") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "local_datas_remove") == 0 || strcmp(argv[0], "view_local_datas_remove") == 0)) { send_file(ssl, fd, stdin, buf, sizeof(buf)); send_eof(ssl, fd); } while(1) { if(remote_read(ssl, fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == 0) { break; /* EOF */ } if(first_line && strncmp(buf, "error", 5) == 0) { printf("%s", buf); was_error = 1; } else if(!quiet) { printf("%s", buf); } first_line = 0; } return was_error; } /** go ahead and read config, contact server and perform command and display */ static int go(const char* cfgfile, char* svr, int quiet, int argc, char* argv[]) { struct config_file* cfg; int fd, ret; SSL_CTX* ctx; SSL* ssl; /* read config */ if(!(cfg = config_create())) fatal_exit("out of memory"); if(!config_read(cfg, cfgfile, NULL)) fatal_exit("could not read config file"); if(!cfg->remote_control_enable) log_warn("control-enable is 'no' in the config file."); #ifdef UB_ON_WINDOWS w_config_adjust_directory(cfg); #endif ctx = setup_ctx(cfg); /* contact server */ fd = contact_server(svr, cfg, argc>0&&strcmp(argv[0],"status")==0); ssl = setup_ssl(ctx, fd); /* send command */ ret = go_cmd(ssl, fd, quiet, argc, argv); if(ssl) SSL_free(ssl); sock_close(fd); if(ctx) SSL_CTX_free(ctx); config_delete(cfg); return ret; } /** getopt global, in case header files fail to declare it. */ extern int optind; /** getopt global, in case header files fail to declare it. */ extern char* optarg; /** Main routine for unbound-control */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int c, ret; int quiet = 0; const char* cfgfile = CONFIGFILE; char* svr = NULL; #ifdef USE_WINSOCK int r; WSADATA wsa_data; #endif #ifdef USE_THREAD_DEBUG /* stop the file output from unbound-control, overwrites the servers */ extern int check_locking_order; check_locking_order = 0; #endif /* USE_THREAD_DEBUG */ checklock_start(); log_ident_set("unbound-control"); log_init(NULL, 0, NULL); #ifdef USE_WINSOCK /* use registry config file in preference to compiletime location */ if(!(cfgfile=w_lookup_reg_str("Software\\Unbound", "ConfigFile"))) cfgfile = CONFIGFILE; #endif /* parse the options */ while( (c=getopt(argc, argv, "c:s:qh")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'c': cfgfile = optarg; break; case 's': svr = optarg; break; case 'q': quiet = 1; break; case '?': case 'h': default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if(argc == 0) usage(); if(argc >= 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "start")==0) { #if (defined(TARGET_OS_TV) && TARGET_OS_TV) || (defined(TARGET_OS_WATCH) && TARGET_OS_WATCH) fatal_exit("could not exec unbound: %s", strerror(ENOSYS)); #else if(execlp("unbound", "unbound", "-c", cfgfile, (char*)NULL) < 0) { fatal_exit("could not exec unbound: %s", strerror(errno)); } #endif } if(argc >= 1 && strcmp(argv[0], "stats_shm")==0) { print_stats_shm(cfgfile, quiet); return 0; } check_args_for_listcmd(argc, argv); #ifdef USE_WINSOCK if((r = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsa_data)) != 0) fatal_exit("WSAStartup failed: %s", wsa_strerror(r)); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ERR_LOAD_CRYPTO_STRINGS ERR_load_crypto_strings(); #endif #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000 || !defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_INIT_SSL) ERR_load_SSL_strings(); #endif #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000 || !defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_INIT_CRYPTO) # ifndef S_SPLINT_S OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); # endif #else OPENSSL_init_crypto(OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_CIPHERS | OPENSSL_INIT_ADD_ALL_DIGESTS | OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_CRYPTO_STRINGS, NULL); #endif #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000 || !defined(HAVE_OPENSSL_INIT_SSL) (void)SSL_library_init(); #else (void)OPENSSL_init_ssl(OPENSSL_INIT_LOAD_SSL_STRINGS, NULL); #endif if(!RAND_status()) { /* try to seed it */ unsigned char buf[256]; unsigned int seed=(unsigned)time(NULL) ^ (unsigned)getpid(); unsigned int v = seed; size_t i; for(i=0; i<256/sizeof(v); i++) { memmove(buf+i*sizeof(v), &v, sizeof(v)); v = v*seed + (unsigned int)i; } RAND_seed(buf, 256); log_warn("no entropy, seeding openssl PRNG with time\n"); } ret = go(cfgfile, svr, quiet, argc, argv); #ifdef USE_WINSOCK WSACleanup(); #endif checklock_stop(); return ret; }