/* * edns-subnet/subnetmod.c - edns subnet module. Must be called before validator * and iterator. * * Copyright (c) 2013, NLnet Labs. All rights reserved. * * This software is open source. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the NLNET LABS nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * \file * subnet module for unbound. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef CLIENT_SUBNET /* keeps splint happy */ #include "edns-subnet/subnetmod.h" #include "edns-subnet/edns-subnet.h" #include "edns-subnet/addrtree.h" #include "edns-subnet/subnet-whitelist.h" #include "services/mesh.h" #include "services/cache/dns.h" #include "util/module.h" #include "util/regional.h" #include "util/storage/slabhash.h" #include "util/config_file.h" #include "util/data/msgreply.h" #include "sldns/sbuffer.h" #include "sldns/wire2str.h" #include "iterator/iter_utils.h" #ifdef USE_CACHEDB #include "cachedb/cachedb.h" #endif /** externally called */ void subnet_data_delete(void *d, void *ATTR_UNUSED(arg)) { struct subnet_msg_cache_data *r; r = (struct subnet_msg_cache_data*)d; addrtree_delete(r->tree4); addrtree_delete(r->tree6); free(r); } /** externally called */ size_t msg_cache_sizefunc(void *k, void *d) { struct msgreply_entry *q = (struct msgreply_entry*)k; struct subnet_msg_cache_data *r = (struct subnet_msg_cache_data*)d; size_t s = sizeof(struct msgreply_entry) + sizeof(struct subnet_msg_cache_data) + q->key.qname_len + lock_get_mem(&q->entry.lock); s += addrtree_size(r->tree4); s += addrtree_size(r->tree6); return s; } /** new query for ecs module */ static int subnet_new_qstate(struct module_qstate *qstate, int id) { struct subnet_qstate *sq = (struct subnet_qstate*)regional_alloc( qstate->region, sizeof(struct subnet_qstate)); if(!sq) return 0; qstate->minfo[id] = sq; memset(sq, 0, sizeof(*sq)); sq->started_no_cache_store = qstate->no_cache_store; sq->started_no_cache_lookup = qstate->no_cache_lookup; return 1; } /** Add ecs struct to edns list, after parsing it to wire format. */ void subnet_ecs_opt_list_append(struct ecs_data* ecs, struct edns_option** list, struct module_qstate *qstate, struct regional *region) { size_t sn_octs, sn_octs_remainder; sldns_buffer* buf = qstate->env->scratch_buffer; if(ecs->subnet_validdata) { log_assert(ecs->subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4 || ecs->subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP6); log_assert(ecs->subnet_addr_fam != EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4 || ecs->subnet_source_mask <= INET_SIZE*8); log_assert(ecs->subnet_addr_fam != EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP6 || ecs->subnet_source_mask <= INET6_SIZE*8); sn_octs = ecs->subnet_source_mask / 8; sn_octs_remainder = (size_t)((ecs->subnet_source_mask % 8)>0?1:0); log_assert(sn_octs + sn_octs_remainder <= INET6_SIZE); sldns_buffer_clear(buf); sldns_buffer_write_u16(buf, ecs->subnet_addr_fam); sldns_buffer_write_u8(buf, ecs->subnet_source_mask); sldns_buffer_write_u8(buf, ecs->subnet_scope_mask); sldns_buffer_write(buf, ecs->subnet_addr, sn_octs); if(sn_octs_remainder) sldns_buffer_write_u8(buf, ecs->subnet_addr[sn_octs] & ~(0xFF >> (ecs->subnet_source_mask % 8))); sldns_buffer_flip(buf); edns_opt_list_append(list, qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode, sn_octs + sn_octs_remainder + 4, sldns_buffer_begin(buf), region); } } int ecs_whitelist_check(struct query_info* qinfo, uint16_t ATTR_UNUSED(flags), struct module_qstate* qstate, struct sockaddr_storage* addr, socklen_t addrlen, uint8_t* ATTR_UNUSED(zone), size_t ATTR_UNUSED(zonelen), struct regional *region, int id, void* ATTR_UNUSED(cbargs)) { struct subnet_qstate *sq; struct subnet_env *sn_env; if(!(sq=(struct subnet_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id])) return 1; sn_env = (struct subnet_env*)qstate->env->modinfo[id]; /* Cache by default, might be disabled after parsing EDNS option * received from nameserver. */ if(!iter_stub_fwd_no_cache(qstate, &qstate->qinfo, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)) { qstate->no_cache_store = 0; } sq->subnet_sent_no_subnet = 0; if(sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_validdata && ((sq->subnet_downstream && qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_always_forward) || ecs_is_whitelisted(sn_env->whitelist, addr, addrlen, qinfo->qname, qinfo->qname_len, qinfo->qclass))) { /* Address on whitelist or client query contains ECS option, we * want to sent out ECS. Only add option if it is not already * set. */ if(!edns_opt_list_find(qstate->edns_opts_back_out, qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode)) { /* if the client is not wanting an EDNS subnet option, * omit it and store that we omitted it but actually * are doing EDNS subnet to the server. */ if(sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_source_mask == 0) { sq->subnet_sent_no_subnet = 1; sq->subnet_sent = 0; return 1; } subnet_ecs_opt_list_append(&sq->ecs_server_out, &qstate->edns_opts_back_out, qstate, region); } sq->subnet_sent = 1; } else { /* Outgoing ECS option is set, but we don't want to sent it to * this address, remove option. */ if(edns_opt_list_find(qstate->edns_opts_back_out, qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode)) { edns_opt_list_remove(&qstate->edns_opts_back_out, qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode); } sq->subnet_sent = 0; } return 1; } void subnet_markdel(void* key) { struct msgreply_entry *e = (struct msgreply_entry*)key; e->key.qtype = 0; e->key.qclass = 0; } int subnetmod_init(struct module_env *env, int id) { struct subnet_env *sn_env = (struct subnet_env*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct subnet_env)); if(!sn_env) { log_err("malloc failure"); return 0; } alloc_init(&sn_env->alloc, NULL, 0); env->modinfo[id] = (void*)sn_env; /* Warn that serve-expired and prefetch do not work with the subnet * module cache. */ if(env->cfg->serve_expired) log_warn( "subnetcache: serve-expired is set but not working " "for data originating from the subnet module cache."); if(env->cfg->prefetch) log_warn( "subnetcache: prefetch is set but not working " "for data originating from the subnet module cache."); /* Copy msg_cache settings */ sn_env->subnet_msg_cache = slabhash_create(env->cfg->msg_cache_slabs, HASH_DEFAULT_STARTARRAY, env->cfg->msg_cache_size, msg_cache_sizefunc, query_info_compare, query_entry_delete, subnet_data_delete, NULL); slabhash_setmarkdel(sn_env->subnet_msg_cache, &subnet_markdel); if(!sn_env->subnet_msg_cache) { log_err("subnetcache: could not create cache"); free(sn_env); env->modinfo[id] = NULL; return 0; } /* whitelist for edns subnet capable servers */ sn_env->whitelist = ecs_whitelist_create(); if(!sn_env->whitelist || !ecs_whitelist_apply_cfg(sn_env->whitelist, env->cfg)) { log_err("subnetcache: could not create ECS whitelist"); slabhash_delete(sn_env->subnet_msg_cache); free(sn_env); env->modinfo[id] = NULL; return 0; } verbose(VERB_QUERY, "subnetcache: option registered (%d)", env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode); /* Create new mesh state for all queries. */ env->unique_mesh = 1; if(!edns_register_option(env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode, env->cfg->client_subnet_always_forward /* bypass cache */, 1 /* no aggregation */, env)) { log_err("subnetcache: could not register opcode"); ecs_whitelist_delete(sn_env->whitelist); slabhash_delete(sn_env->subnet_msg_cache); free(sn_env); env->modinfo[id] = NULL; return 0; } inplace_cb_register((void*)ecs_whitelist_check, inplace_cb_query, NULL, env, id); inplace_cb_register((void*)ecs_edns_back_parsed, inplace_cb_edns_back_parsed, NULL, env, id); inplace_cb_register((void*)ecs_query_response, inplace_cb_query_response, NULL, env, id); lock_rw_init(&sn_env->biglock); return 1; } void subnetmod_deinit(struct module_env *env, int id) { struct subnet_env *sn_env; if(!env || !env->modinfo[id]) return; sn_env = (struct subnet_env*)env->modinfo[id]; lock_rw_destroy(&sn_env->biglock); inplace_cb_delete(env, inplace_cb_edns_back_parsed, id); inplace_cb_delete(env, inplace_cb_query, id); inplace_cb_delete(env, inplace_cb_query_response, id); ecs_whitelist_delete(sn_env->whitelist); slabhash_delete(sn_env->subnet_msg_cache); alloc_clear(&sn_env->alloc); free(sn_env); env->modinfo[id] = NULL; } /** Tells client that upstream has no/improper support */ static void cp_edns_bad_response(struct ecs_data *target, struct ecs_data *source) { target->subnet_scope_mask = 0; target->subnet_source_mask = source->subnet_source_mask; target->subnet_addr_fam = source->subnet_addr_fam; memcpy(target->subnet_addr, source->subnet_addr, INET6_SIZE); target->subnet_validdata = 1; } static void delfunc(void *envptr, void *elemptr) { struct reply_info *elem = (struct reply_info *)elemptr; struct subnet_env *env = (struct subnet_env *)envptr; reply_info_parsedelete(elem, &env->alloc); } static size_t sizefunc(void *elemptr) { struct reply_info *elem = (struct reply_info *)elemptr; size_t s = sizeof (struct reply_info) - sizeof (struct rrset_ref) + elem->rrset_count * sizeof (struct rrset_ref) + elem->rrset_count * sizeof (struct ub_packed_rrset_key *); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < elem->rrset_count; i++) { struct ub_packed_rrset_key *key = elem->rrsets[i]; struct packed_rrset_data *data = key->entry.data; s += ub_rrset_sizefunc(key, data); } if(elem->reason_bogus_str) s += strlen(elem->reason_bogus_str)+1; return s; } /** * Select tree from cache entry based on edns data. * If for address family not present it will create a new one. * NULL on failure to create. */ static struct addrtree* get_tree(struct subnet_msg_cache_data *data, struct ecs_data *edns, struct subnet_env *env, struct config_file* cfg) { struct addrtree *tree; if (edns->subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4) { if (!data->tree4) data->tree4 = addrtree_create( cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv4, &delfunc, &sizefunc, env, cfg->max_ecs_tree_size_ipv4); tree = data->tree4; } else { if (!data->tree6) data->tree6 = addrtree_create( cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv6, &delfunc, &sizefunc, env, cfg->max_ecs_tree_size_ipv6); tree = data->tree6; } return tree; } static void update_cache(struct module_qstate *qstate, int id) { struct msgreply_entry *mrep_entry; struct addrtree *tree; struct reply_info *rep; struct query_info qinf; struct subnet_env *sne = qstate->env->modinfo[id]; struct subnet_qstate *sq = (struct subnet_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id]; struct slabhash *subnet_msg_cache = sne->subnet_msg_cache; struct ecs_data *edns = &sq->ecs_client_in; size_t i; int only_match_scope_zero, diff_size; /* We already calculated hash upon lookup (lookup_and_reply) if we were * allowed to look in the ECS cache */ hashvalue_type h = qstate->minfo[id] && ((struct subnet_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id])->qinfo_hash_calculated? ((struct subnet_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id])->qinfo_hash : query_info_hash(&qstate->qinfo, qstate->query_flags); /* Step 1, general qinfo lookup */ struct lruhash_entry* lru_entry = slabhash_lookup(subnet_msg_cache, h, &qstate->qinfo, 1); int need_to_insert = (lru_entry == NULL); if (!lru_entry) { void* data = calloc(1, sizeof(struct subnet_msg_cache_data)); if(!data) { log_err("malloc failed"); return; } qinf = qstate->qinfo; qinf.qname = memdup(qstate->qinfo.qname, qstate->qinfo.qname_len); if(!qinf.qname) { free(data); log_err("memdup failed"); return; } mrep_entry = query_info_entrysetup(&qinf, data, h); free(qinf.qname); /* if qname 'consumed', it is set to NULL */ if (!mrep_entry) { free(data); log_err("query_info_entrysetup failed"); return; } lru_entry = &mrep_entry->entry; lock_rw_wrlock(&lru_entry->lock); } /* lru_entry->lock is locked regardless of how we got here, * either from the slabhash_lookup, or above in the new allocated */ /* Step 2, find the correct tree */ if (!(tree = get_tree(lru_entry->data, edns, sne, qstate->env->cfg))) { lock_rw_unlock(&lru_entry->lock); log_err("subnetcache: cache insertion failed"); return; } lock_quick_lock(&sne->alloc.lock); rep = reply_info_copy(qstate->return_msg->rep, &sne->alloc, NULL); lock_quick_unlock(&sne->alloc.lock); if (!rep) { lock_rw_unlock(&lru_entry->lock); log_err("subnetcache: cache insertion failed"); return; } /* store RRsets */ for(i=0; i<rep->rrset_count; i++) { rep->ref[i].key = rep->rrsets[i]; rep->ref[i].id = rep->rrsets[i]->id; } reply_info_set_ttls(rep, *qstate->env->now); reply_info_sortref(rep); rep->flags |= (BIT_RA | BIT_QR); /* fix flags to be sensible for */ rep->flags &= ~(BIT_AA | BIT_CD);/* a reply based on the cache */ if(edns->subnet_source_mask == 0 && edns->subnet_scope_mask == 0) only_match_scope_zero = 1; else only_match_scope_zero = 0; diff_size = (int)tree->size_bytes; addrtree_insert(tree, (addrkey_t*)edns->subnet_addr, edns->subnet_source_mask, sq->max_scope, rep, rep->ttl, *qstate->env->now, only_match_scope_zero); diff_size = (int)tree->size_bytes - diff_size; lock_rw_unlock(&lru_entry->lock); if (need_to_insert) { slabhash_insert(subnet_msg_cache, h, lru_entry, lru_entry->data, NULL); } else { slabhash_update_space_used(subnet_msg_cache, h, NULL, diff_size); } } /** Lookup in cache and reply true iff reply is sent. */ static int lookup_and_reply(struct module_qstate *qstate, int id, struct subnet_qstate *sq, int prefetch) { struct lruhash_entry *e; struct module_env *env = qstate->env; struct subnet_env *sne = (struct subnet_env*)env->modinfo[id]; hashvalue_type h = query_info_hash(&qstate->qinfo, qstate->query_flags); struct subnet_msg_cache_data *data; struct ecs_data *ecs = &sq->ecs_client_in; struct addrtree *tree; struct addrnode *node; uint8_t scope; memset(&sq->ecs_client_out, 0, sizeof(sq->ecs_client_out)); if (sq) { sq->qinfo_hash = h; /* Might be useful on cache miss */ sq->qinfo_hash_calculated = 1; } e = slabhash_lookup(sne->subnet_msg_cache, h, &qstate->qinfo, 1); if (!e) return 0; /* qinfo not in cache */ data = e->data; tree = (ecs->subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4)? data->tree4 : data->tree6; if (!tree) { /* qinfo in cache but not for this family */ lock_rw_unlock(&e->lock); return 0; } node = addrtree_find(tree, (addrkey_t*)ecs->subnet_addr, ecs->subnet_source_mask, *env->now); if (!node) { /* plain old cache miss */ lock_rw_unlock(&e->lock); return 0; } qstate->return_msg = tomsg(NULL, &qstate->qinfo, (struct reply_info *)node->elem, qstate->region, *env->now, 0, env->scratch); scope = (uint8_t)node->scope; lock_rw_unlock(&e->lock); if (!qstate->return_msg) { /* Failed allocation or expired TTL */ return 0; } if (sq->subnet_downstream) { /* relay to interested client */ sq->ecs_client_out.subnet_scope_mask = scope; sq->ecs_client_out.subnet_addr_fam = ecs->subnet_addr_fam; sq->ecs_client_out.subnet_source_mask = ecs->subnet_source_mask; memcpy(&sq->ecs_client_out.subnet_addr, &ecs->subnet_addr, INET6_SIZE); sq->ecs_client_out.subnet_validdata = 1; } if (prefetch && *qstate->env->now >= ((struct reply_info *)node->elem)->prefetch_ttl) { qstate->need_refetch = 1; } return 1; } /** * Test first bits of addresses for equality. Caller is responsible * for making sure that both a and b are at least net/8 octets long. * @param a: first address. * @param a: seconds address. * @param net: Number of bits to test. * @return: 1 if equal, 0 otherwise. */ static int common_prefix(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b, uint8_t net) { size_t n = (size_t)net / 8; return !memcmp(a, b, n) && ((net % 8) == 0 || a[n] == b[n]); } static enum module_ext_state eval_response(struct module_qstate *qstate, int id, struct subnet_qstate *sq) { struct subnet_env *sne = qstate->env->modinfo[id]; struct ecs_data *c_in = &sq->ecs_client_in; /* rcvd from client */ struct ecs_data *c_out = &sq->ecs_client_out;/* will send to client */ struct ecs_data *s_in = &sq->ecs_server_in; /* rcvd from auth */ struct ecs_data *s_out = &sq->ecs_server_out;/* sent to auth */ memset(c_out, 0, sizeof(*c_out)); if (!qstate->return_msg) { /* already an answer and its not a message, but retain * the actual rcode, instead of module_error, so send * module_finished */ return module_finished; } /* We have not asked for subnet data */ if (!sq->subnet_sent && !sq->subnet_sent_no_subnet) { if (s_in->subnet_validdata) verbose(VERB_QUERY, "subnetcache: received spurious data"); if (sq->subnet_downstream) /* Copy back to client */ cp_edns_bad_response(c_out, c_in); return module_finished; } /* subnet sent but nothing came back */ if (!s_in->subnet_validdata && !sq->subnet_sent_no_subnet) { /* The authority indicated no support for edns subnet. As a * consequence the answer ended up in the regular cache. It * is still useful to put it in the edns subnet cache for * when a client explicitly asks for subnet specific answer. */ verbose(VERB_QUERY, "subnetcache: Authority indicates no support"); if(!sq->started_no_cache_store) { lock_rw_wrlock(&sne->biglock); update_cache(qstate, id); lock_rw_unlock(&sne->biglock); } if (sq->subnet_downstream) cp_edns_bad_response(c_out, c_in); return module_finished; } /* Purposefully there was no sent subnet, and there is consequently * no subnet in the answer. If there was, use the subnet in the answer * anyway. But if there is not, treat it as a prefix 0 answer. */ if(sq->subnet_sent_no_subnet && !s_in->subnet_validdata) { /* Fill in scope 0, or ::0/0 scope 0, for caching. */ s_in->subnet_addr_fam = s_out->subnet_addr_fam; s_in->subnet_source_mask = 0; s_in->subnet_scope_mask = 0; memset(s_in->subnet_addr, 0, INET6_SIZE); s_in->subnet_validdata = 1; } /* Being here means we have asked for and got a subnet specific * answer. Also, the answer from the authority is not yet cached * anywhere. */ /* can we accept response? */ if(s_out->subnet_addr_fam != s_in->subnet_addr_fam || s_out->subnet_source_mask != s_in->subnet_source_mask || !common_prefix(s_out->subnet_addr, s_in->subnet_addr, s_out->subnet_source_mask)) { /* we can not accept, restart query without option */ verbose(VERB_QUERY, "subnetcache: forged data"); s_out->subnet_validdata = 0; (void)edns_opt_list_remove(&qstate->edns_opts_back_out, qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode); sq->subnet_sent = 0; sq->subnet_sent_no_subnet = 0; return module_restart_next; } lock_rw_wrlock(&sne->biglock); if(!sq->started_no_cache_store) { update_cache(qstate, id); } sne->num_msg_nocache++; lock_rw_unlock(&sne->biglock); /* If there is an expired answer in the global cache, remove that, * because expired answers would otherwise resurface once the ecs data * expires, giving once in a while global data responses for ecs * domains, with serve expired enabled. */ if(qstate->env->cfg->serve_expired) { msg_cache_remove(qstate->env, qstate->qinfo.qname, qstate->qinfo.qname_len, qstate->qinfo.qtype, qstate->qinfo.qclass, 0); #ifdef USE_CACHEDB if(qstate->env->cachedb_enabled) cachedb_msg_remove(qstate); #endif } if (sq->subnet_downstream) { /* Client wants to see the answer, echo option back * and adjust the scope. */ c_out->subnet_addr_fam = c_in->subnet_addr_fam; c_out->subnet_source_mask = c_in->subnet_source_mask; memcpy(&c_out->subnet_addr, &c_in->subnet_addr, INET6_SIZE); c_out->subnet_scope_mask = sq->max_scope; /* Limit scope returned to client to scope used for caching. */ if(c_out->subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4) { if(c_out->subnet_scope_mask > qstate->env->cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv4) { c_out->subnet_scope_mask = qstate->env->cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv4; } } else if(c_out->subnet_scope_mask > qstate->env->cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv6) { c_out->subnet_scope_mask = qstate->env->cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv6; } c_out->subnet_validdata = 1; } return module_finished; } /** Parse EDNS opt data containing ECS */ static int parse_subnet_option(struct edns_option* ecs_option, struct ecs_data* ecs) { memset(ecs, 0, sizeof(*ecs)); if (ecs_option->opt_len < 4) return 0; ecs->subnet_addr_fam = sldns_read_uint16(ecs_option->opt_data); ecs->subnet_source_mask = ecs_option->opt_data[2]; ecs->subnet_scope_mask = ecs_option->opt_data[3]; /* remaining bytes indicate address */ /* validate input*/ /* option length matches calculated length? */ if (ecs_option->opt_len != (size_t)((ecs->subnet_source_mask+7)/8 + 4)) return 0; if (ecs_option->opt_len - 4 > INET6_SIZE || ecs_option->opt_len == 0) return 0; if (ecs->subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4) { if (ecs->subnet_source_mask > 32 || ecs->subnet_scope_mask > 32) return 0; } else if (ecs->subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP6) { if (ecs->subnet_source_mask > 128 || ecs->subnet_scope_mask > 128) return 0; } else return 0; /* valid ECS data, write to ecs_data */ if (copy_clear(ecs->subnet_addr, INET6_SIZE, ecs_option->opt_data + 4, ecs_option->opt_len - 4, ecs->subnet_source_mask)) return 0; ecs->subnet_validdata = 1; return 1; } void subnet_option_from_ss(struct sockaddr_storage *ss, struct ecs_data* ecs, struct config_file* cfg) { void* sinaddr; /* Construct subnet option from original query */ if(((struct sockaddr_in*)ss)->sin_family == AF_INET) { ecs->subnet_source_mask = cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv4; ecs->subnet_addr_fam = EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4; sinaddr = &((struct sockaddr_in*)ss)->sin_addr; if (!copy_clear( ecs->subnet_addr, INET6_SIZE, (uint8_t *)sinaddr, INET_SIZE, ecs->subnet_source_mask)) { ecs->subnet_validdata = 1; } } #ifdef INET6 else { ecs->subnet_source_mask = cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv6; ecs->subnet_addr_fam = EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP6; sinaddr = &((struct sockaddr_in6*)ss)->sin6_addr; if (!copy_clear( ecs->subnet_addr, INET6_SIZE, (uint8_t *)sinaddr, INET6_SIZE, ecs->subnet_source_mask)) { ecs->subnet_validdata = 1; } } #else /* We don't know how to handle ip6, just pass */ #endif /* INET6 */ } int ecs_query_response(struct module_qstate* qstate, struct dns_msg* response, int id, void* ATTR_UNUSED(cbargs)) { struct subnet_qstate *sq; if(!response || !(sq=(struct subnet_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id])) return 1; if(sq->subnet_sent && FLAGS_GET_RCODE(response->rep->flags) == LDNS_RCODE_REFUSED) { /* REFUSED response to ECS query, remove ECS option. */ edns_opt_list_remove(&qstate->edns_opts_back_out, qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode); sq->subnet_sent = 0; sq->subnet_sent_no_subnet = 0; memset(&sq->ecs_server_out, 0, sizeof(sq->ecs_server_out)); } else if (!sq->track_max_scope && FLAGS_GET_RCODE(response->rep->flags) == LDNS_RCODE_NOERROR && response->rep->an_numrrsets > 0 ) { struct ub_packed_rrset_key* s = response->rep->rrsets[0]; if(ntohs(s->rk.type) == LDNS_RR_TYPE_CNAME && query_dname_compare(qstate->qinfo.qname, s->rk.dname) == 0) { /* CNAME response for QNAME. From now on keep track of * longest received ECS prefix for all queries on this * qstate. */ sq->track_max_scope = 1; } } return 1; } /** verbose print edns subnet option in pretty print */ static void subnet_log_print(const char* s, struct edns_option* ecs_opt) { if(verbosity >= VERB_ALGO) { char buf[256]; char* str = buf; size_t str_len = sizeof(buf); if(!ecs_opt) { verbose(VERB_ALGO, "%s (null)", s); return; } (void)sldns_wire2str_edns_subnet_print(&str, &str_len, ecs_opt->opt_data, ecs_opt->opt_len); verbose(VERB_ALGO, "%s %s", s, buf); } } int ecs_edns_back_parsed(struct module_qstate* qstate, int id, void* ATTR_UNUSED(cbargs)) { struct subnet_qstate *sq; struct edns_option* ecs_opt; if(!(sq=(struct subnet_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id])) return 1; if((ecs_opt = edns_opt_list_find( qstate->edns_opts_back_in, qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode)) && parse_subnet_option(ecs_opt, &sq->ecs_server_in) && sq->subnet_sent && sq->ecs_server_in.subnet_validdata) { subnet_log_print("answer has edns subnet", ecs_opt); /* Only skip global cache store if we sent an ECS option * and received one back. Answers from non-whitelisted * servers will end up in global cache. Answers for * queries with 0 source will not (unless nameserver * does not support ECS). */ qstate->no_cache_store = 1; if(!sq->track_max_scope || (sq->track_max_scope && sq->ecs_server_in.subnet_scope_mask > sq->max_scope)) sq->max_scope = sq->ecs_server_in.subnet_scope_mask; } else if(sq->subnet_sent_no_subnet) { /* The answer can be stored as scope 0, not in global cache. */ qstate->no_cache_store = 1; } return 1; } void subnetmod_operate(struct module_qstate *qstate, enum module_ev event, int id, struct outbound_entry* outbound) { struct subnet_env *sne = qstate->env->modinfo[id]; struct subnet_qstate *sq = (struct subnet_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id]; verbose(VERB_QUERY, "subnetcache[module %d] operate: extstate:%s " "event:%s", id, strextstate(qstate->ext_state[id]), strmodulevent(event)); log_query_info(VERB_QUERY, "subnetcache operate: query", &qstate->qinfo); if((event == module_event_new || event == module_event_pass) && sq == NULL) { struct edns_option* ecs_opt; if(!subnet_new_qstate(qstate, id)) { qstate->return_msg = NULL; qstate->ext_state[id] = module_finished; return; } sq = (struct subnet_qstate*)qstate->minfo[id]; if((ecs_opt = edns_opt_list_find( qstate->edns_opts_front_in, qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_opcode))) { if(!parse_subnet_option(ecs_opt, &sq->ecs_client_in)) { /* Wrongly formatted ECS option. RFC mandates to * return FORMERROR. */ qstate->return_rcode = LDNS_RCODE_FORMERR; qstate->ext_state[id] = module_finished; return; } subnet_log_print("query has edns subnet", ecs_opt); sq->subnet_downstream = 1; } else if(qstate->mesh_info->reply_list) { subnet_option_from_ss( &qstate->mesh_info->reply_list->query_reply.client_addr, &sq->ecs_client_in, qstate->env->cfg); } else if(qstate->client_addr.ss_family != AF_UNSPEC) { subnet_option_from_ss( &qstate->client_addr, &sq->ecs_client_in, qstate->env->cfg); } if(sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_validdata == 0) { /* No clients are interested in result or we could not * parse it, we don't do client subnet */ sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_validdata = 0; verbose(VERB_ALGO, "subnetcache: pass to next module"); qstate->ext_state[id] = module_wait_module; return; } /* Limit to minimum allowed source mask */ if(sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_source_mask != 0 && ( (sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4 && sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_source_mask < qstate->env->cfg->min_client_subnet_ipv4) || (sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP6 && sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_source_mask < qstate->env->cfg->min_client_subnet_ipv6))) { qstate->return_rcode = LDNS_RCODE_REFUSED; qstate->ext_state[id] = module_finished; return; } if(!sq->started_no_cache_lookup && !qstate->blacklist) { lock_rw_wrlock(&sne->biglock); if(qstate->mesh_info->reply_list && lookup_and_reply(qstate, id, sq, qstate->env->cfg->prefetch)) { sne->num_msg_cache++; lock_rw_unlock(&sne->biglock); verbose(VERB_QUERY, "subnetcache: answered from cache"); qstate->ext_state[id] = module_finished; subnet_ecs_opt_list_append(&sq->ecs_client_out, &qstate->edns_opts_front_out, qstate, qstate->region); if(verbosity >= VERB_ALGO) { subnet_log_print("reply has edns subnet", edns_opt_list_find( qstate->edns_opts_front_out, qstate->env->cfg-> client_subnet_opcode)); } return; } lock_rw_unlock(&sne->biglock); } sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_addr_fam = sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_addr_fam; sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_source_mask = sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_source_mask; /* Limit source prefix to configured maximum */ if(sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP4 && sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_source_mask > qstate->env->cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv4) sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_source_mask = qstate->env->cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv4; else if(sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_addr_fam == EDNSSUBNET_ADDRFAM_IP6 && sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_source_mask > qstate->env->cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv6) sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_source_mask = qstate->env->cfg->max_client_subnet_ipv6; /* Safe to copy completely, even if the source is limited by the * configuration. subnet_ecs_opt_list_append() will limit the address. * */ memcpy(&sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_addr, sq->ecs_client_in.subnet_addr, INET6_SIZE); sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_scope_mask = 0; sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_validdata = 1; if(sq->ecs_server_out.subnet_source_mask != 0 && qstate->env->cfg->client_subnet_always_forward && sq->subnet_downstream) /* ECS specific data required, do not look at the global * cache in other modules. */ qstate->no_cache_lookup = 1; /* pass request to next module */ verbose(VERB_ALGO, "subnetcache: not found in cache. pass to next module"); qstate->ext_state[id] = module_wait_module; return; } /* Query handed back by next module, we have a 'final' answer */ if(sq && event == module_event_moddone) { qstate->ext_state[id] = eval_response(qstate, id, sq); if(qstate->ext_state[id] == module_finished && qstate->return_msg) { subnet_ecs_opt_list_append(&sq->ecs_client_out, &qstate->edns_opts_front_out, qstate, qstate->region); if(verbosity >= VERB_ALGO) { subnet_log_print("reply has edns subnet", edns_opt_list_find( qstate->edns_opts_front_out, qstate->env->cfg-> client_subnet_opcode)); } } qstate->no_cache_store = sq->started_no_cache_store; qstate->no_cache_lookup = sq->started_no_cache_lookup; return; } if(sq && outbound) { return; } /* We are being revisited */ if(event == module_event_pass || event == module_event_new) { /* Just pass it on, we already did the work */ verbose(VERB_ALGO, "subnetcache: pass to next module"); qstate->ext_state[id] = module_wait_module; return; } if(!sq && (event == module_event_moddone)) { /* during priming, module done but we never started */ qstate->ext_state[id] = module_finished; return; } log_err("subnetcache: bad event %s", strmodulevent(event)); qstate->ext_state[id] = module_error; return; } void subnetmod_clear(struct module_qstate *ATTR_UNUSED(qstate), int ATTR_UNUSED(id)) { /* qstate has no data outside region */ } void subnetmod_inform_super(struct module_qstate *ATTR_UNUSED(qstate), int ATTR_UNUSED(id), struct module_qstate *ATTR_UNUSED(super)) { /* Not used */ } size_t subnetmod_get_mem(struct module_env *env, int id) { struct subnet_env *sn_env = env->modinfo[id]; if (!sn_env) return 0; return sizeof(*sn_env) + slabhash_get_mem(sn_env->subnet_msg_cache) + ecs_whitelist_get_mem(sn_env->whitelist); } /** * The module function block */ static struct module_func_block subnetmod_block = { "subnetcache", NULL, NULL, &subnetmod_init, &subnetmod_deinit, &subnetmod_operate, &subnetmod_inform_super, &subnetmod_clear, &subnetmod_get_mem }; struct module_func_block* subnetmod_get_funcblock(void) { return &subnetmod_block; } /** Wrappers for static functions to unit test */ size_t unittest_wrapper_subnetmod_sizefunc(void *elemptr) { return sizefunc(elemptr); } #endif /* CLIENT_SUBNET */