/* $Header: /p/tcsh/cvsroot/tcsh/sh.hist.c,v 3.61 2015/06/06 21:19:08 christos Exp $ */ /* * sh.hist.c: Shell history expansions and substitutions */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1980, 1991 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "sh.h" RCSID("$tcsh: sh.hist.c,v 3.61 2015/06/06 21:19:08 christos Exp $") #include <stdio.h> /* for rename(2), grr. */ #include <assert.h> #include "tc.h" #include "dotlock.h" extern int histvalid; extern struct Strbuf histline; Char HistLit = 0; static int heq (const struct wordent *, const struct wordent *); static void hfree (struct Hist *); #define HIST_ONLY 0x01 #define HIST_SAVE 0x02 #define HIST_LOAD 0x04 #define HIST_REV 0x08 #define HIST_CLEAR 0x10 #define HIST_MERGE 0x20 #define HIST_TIME 0x40 /* * C shell */ /* Static functions don't show up in gprof summaries. So eliminate "static" * modifier from some frequently called functions. */ #ifdef PROF #define PG_STATIC #else #define PG_STATIC static #endif /* #define DEBUG_HIST 1 */ static const int fastMergeErase = 1; static unsigned histCount = 0; /* number elements on history list */ static int histlen = 0; static struct Hist *histTail = NULL; /* last element on history list */ static struct Hist *histMerg = NULL; /* last element merged by Htime */ static void insertHistHashTable(struct Hist *, unsigned); /* Insert new element (hp) in history list after specified predecessor (pp). */ static void hinsert(struct Hist *hp, struct Hist *pp) { struct Hist *fp = pp->Hnext; /* following element, if any */ hp->Hnext = fp, hp->Hprev = pp; pp->Hnext = hp; if (fp) fp->Hprev = hp; else histTail = hp; /* meaning hp->Hnext == NULL */ histCount++; } /* Remove the entry from the history list. */ static void hremove(struct Hist *hp) { struct Hist *pp = hp->Hprev; assert(pp); /* elements always have a previous */ pp->Hnext = hp->Hnext; if (hp->Hnext) hp->Hnext->Hprev = pp; else histTail = pp; /* we must have been last */ if (hp == histMerg) /* deleting this hint from list */ histMerg = NULL; assert(histCount > 0); histCount--; } /* Prune length of history list to specified size by history variable. */ PG_STATIC void discardExcess(int hlen) { struct Hist *hp, *np; if (histTail == NULL) { assert(histCount == 0); return; /* no entries on history list */ } /* Prune dummy entries from the front, then old entries from the back. If * the list is still too long scan the whole list as before. But only do a * full scan if the list is more than 6% (1/16th) too long. */ while (histCount > (unsigned)hlen && (np = Histlist.Hnext)) { if (eventno - np->Href >= hlen || hlen == 0) hremove(np), hfree(np); else break; } while (histCount > (unsigned)hlen && (np = histTail) != &Histlist) { if (eventno - np->Href >= hlen || hlen == 0) hremove(np), hfree(np); else break; } if (histCount - (hlen >> 4) <= (unsigned)hlen) return; /* don't bother doing the full scan */ for (hp = &Histlist; histCount > (unsigned)hlen && (np = hp->Hnext) != NULL;) if (eventno - np->Href >= hlen || hlen == 0) hremove(np), hfree(np); else hp = np; } /* Add the command "sp" to the history list. */ void savehist( struct wordent *sp, int mflg) /* true if -m (merge) specified */ { /* throw away null lines */ if (sp && sp->next->word[0] == '\n') return; if (sp) (void) enthist(++eventno, sp, 1, mflg, histlen); discardExcess(histlen); } #define USE_JENKINS_HASH 1 /* #define USE_ONE_AT_A_TIME 1 */ #undef PRIME_LENGTH /* no need for good HTL */ #ifdef USE_JENKINS_HASH #define hashFcnName "lookup3" /* From: lookup3.c, by Bob Jenkins, May 2006, Public Domain. "... You can use this free for any purpose. It's in the public domain. It has no warranty." http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/index.html */ #define rot(x,k) (((x)<<(k)) | ((x)>>(32-(k)))) #define mix(a,b,c) \ { \ a -= c; a ^= rot(c, 4); c += b; \ b -= a; b ^= rot(a, 6); a += c; \ c -= b; c ^= rot(b, 8); b += a; \ a -= c; a ^= rot(c,16); c += b; \ b -= a; b ^= rot(a,19); a += c; \ c -= b; c ^= rot(b, 4); b += a; \ } #define final(a,b,c) \ { \ c ^= b; c -= rot(b,14); \ a ^= c; a -= rot(c,11); \ b ^= a; b -= rot(a,25); \ c ^= b; c -= rot(b,16); \ a ^= c; a -= rot(c, 4); \ b ^= a; b -= rot(a,14); \ c ^= b; c -= rot(b,24); \ } struct hashValue /* State used to hash a wordend word list. */ { uint32_t a, b, c; }; /* Set up the internal state */ static void initializeHash(struct hashValue *h) { h->a = h->b = h->c = 0xdeadbeef; } /* This does a partial hash of the Chars in a single word. For efficiency we * include 3 versions of the code to pack Chars into 32-bit words for the * mixing function. */ static void addWordToHash(struct hashValue *h, const Char *word) { uint32_t a = h->a, b = h->b, c = h->c; #ifdef SHORT_STRINGS #ifdef WIDE_STRINGS assert(sizeof(Char) >= 4); while (1) { unsigned k; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; a += k; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; b += k; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; c += k; mix(a, b, c); } #else assert(sizeof(Char) == 2); while (1) { unsigned k; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; a += k; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; a += k << 16; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; b += k; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; b += k << 16; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; c += k; if ((k = (uChar)*word++) == 0) break; c += k << 16; mix(a, b, c); } #endif #else assert(sizeof(Char) == 1); while (1) { unsigned k; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; a += k; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; a += k << 8; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; a += k << 16; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; a += k << 24; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; b += k; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; b += k << 8; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; b += k << 16; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; b += k << 24; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; c += k; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; c += k << 8; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; c += k << 16; if ((k = *word++) == 0) break; c += k << 24; mix(a, b, c); } #endif h->a = a, h->b = b, h->c = c; } static void addCharToHash(struct hashValue *h, Char ch) { /* The compiler (gcc -O2) seems to do a good job optimizing this without * explicitly extracting into local variables. */ h->a += (uChar)ch; mix(h->a, h->b, h->c); } static uint32_t finalizeHash(struct hashValue *h) { uint32_t a = h->a, b = h->b, c = h->c; final(a, b, c); return c; } #elif USE_ONE_AT_A_TIME #define hashFcnName "one-at-a-time" /* This one is also from Bob Jenkins, but is slower but simpler than lookup3. "... The code given here are all public domain." http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html */ #if 0 ub4 one_at_a_time(char *key, ub4 len) { ub4 hash, i; for (hash=0, i=0; i<len; ++i) { hash += key[i]; hash += (hash << 10); hash ^= (hash >> 6); } hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return (hash & mask); } #endif struct hashValue { uint32_t h; }; static void initializeHash(struct hashValue *h) { h->h = 0; } static void addWordToHash(struct hashValue *h, const Char *word) { unsigned k; uint32_t hash = h->h; while (k = (uChar)*word++) hash += k, hash += hash << 10, hash ^= hash >> 6; h->h = hash; } static void addCharToHash(struct hashValue *h, Char c) { Char b[2] = { c, 0 }; addWordToHash(h, b); } static uint32_t finalizeHash(struct hashValue *h) { unsigned hash = h->h; hash += (hash << 3); hash ^= (hash >> 11); hash += (hash << 15); return hash; } #else #define hashFcnName "add-mul" /* Simple multipy and add hash. */ #define PRIME_LENGTH 1 /* need "good" HTL */ struct hashValue { uint32_t h; }; static void initializeHash(struct hashValue *h) { h->h = 0xe13e2345; } static void addWordToHash(struct hashValue *h, const Char *word) { unsigned k; uint32_t hash = h->h; while (k = (uChar)*word++) hash = hash * 0x9e4167b9 + k; h->h = hash; } static void addCharToHash(struct hashValue *h, Char c) { h->h = h->h * 0x9e4167b9 + (uChar)c; } static uint32_t finalizeHash(struct hashValue *h) { return h->h; } #endif static unsigned hashhist(struct wordent *h0) { struct hashValue s; struct wordent *firstWord = h0->next; struct wordent *h = firstWord; unsigned hash = 0; initializeHash(&s); for (; h != h0; h = h->next) { if (h->word[0] == '\n') break; /* don't hash newline */ if (h != firstWord) addCharToHash(&s, ' '); /* space between words */ addWordToHash(&s, h->word); } hash = finalizeHash(&s); /* Zero means no hash value, so never return zero as a hash value. */ return hash ? hash : 0x7fffffff; /* prime! */ } #if 0 unsigned hashStr(Char *str) { struct hashValue s; initializeHash(&s); addWordToHash(&s, str); return finalizeHash(&s); } #endif #ifdef PRIME_LENGTH /* need good HTL */ #define hash2tableIndex(hash, len) ((hash) % len) #else #define hash2tableIndex(hash, len) ((hash) & (len-1)) #endif /* This code can be enabled to test the above hash functions for speed and * collision avoidance. The testing is enabled by "occasional" calls to * displayHistStats(), see which. */ #ifdef DEBUG_HIST #ifdef BSDTIMES static double doTiming(int start) { static struct timeval beginTime; if (start) { gettimeofday(&beginTime, NULL); return 0.0; } else { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); return (now.tv_sec-beginTime.tv_sec) + (now.tv_usec-beginTime.tv_usec)/1e6; } } #else static double doTiming(int start) { USE(start); return 0.0; } #endif static void generateHashes(int nChars, unsigned nWords, unsigned samples, unsigned *hashes, unsigned length) { if (nChars < 1) return; nWords = (nWords < 1) ? 1 : (nWords > 4) ? 4 : nWords; Char *number = xmalloc((nChars+nWords)*sizeof(Char)); struct wordent word[4]; struct wordent base = { NULL, &word[0], &word[0] }; word[0].word = number, word[0].next = &base, word[0].prev = &base; unsigned w = 0; /* word number */ /* Generate multiple words of length 2, 3, 5, then all the rest. */ unsigned wBoundaries[4] = { 2-1, 2+3-1, 2+3+5-1, 0 }; /* Ensure the last word has at least 4 Chars in it. */ while (nWords >= 2 && nChars < (wBoundaries[nWords-2]+1) + 4) nWords--; wBoundaries[nWords-1] = 0xffffffff; /* don't end word past this point */ unsigned i; for (i = 0; i<nChars; i++) { /* In deference to the gawd awful add-mul hash, we won't use the worse * case here (setting all Chars to 1), but assume mostly (or at least * initially) ASCII data. */ number[i+w] = '!'; /* 0x21 = 33 */ if (i == wBoundaries[w]) { /* end a word here and move to next */ w++; /* next word */ number[i+w] = 0; /* terminate */ word[w].word = &number[i+w+1]; word[w].next = &base, word[w].prev = &word[w-1]; word[w-1].next = &word[w], base.prev = &word[w]; } } /* w is the index of the last word actually created. */ number[nChars + w] = 0; /* terminate last word */ unsigned timeLimit = !samples; if (samples == 0) samples = 1000000000; doTiming(1); double sec; for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) { /* increment 4 digit base 255 number; last characters vary fastest */ unsigned j = nChars-1 + w; while (1) { if (++number[j] != 0) break; /* else reset this digit and proceed to next one */ number[j] = 1; if (&number[j] <= word[w].word) break; /* stop at beginning of last word */ j--; } if (word[w].word[0] == '\n') word[w].word[0]++; /* suppress newline character */ unsigned hash = hashhist(&base); hashes[hash2tableIndex(hash, length)]++; if (timeLimit && (i & 0x3ffff) == 0x3ffff) { sec = doTiming(0); if (sec > 10) break; } } if (i >= samples) sec = doTiming(0); else samples = i; /* number we actually did */ if (sec > 0.01) { xprintf("Hash %d (%d Char %u words) with %s: %d nsec/hash, %d mcps\n", samples, nChars, w+1, hashFcnName, (int)((sec/samples)*1e9), (int)((double)samples*nChars/sec/1e6)); } } #endif /* DEBUG_HIST */ #ifdef DEBUG_HIST static void testHash(void) { static const Char STRtestHashTimings[] = { 't','e','s','t','H','a','s','h','T','i','m','i','n','g','s', 0 }; struct varent *vp = adrof(STRtestHashTimings); if (vp && vp->vec) { unsigned hashes[4]; /* dummy place to put hashes */ Char **vals = vp->vec; while (*vals) { int length = getn(*vals); unsigned words = (length < 5) ? 1 : (length < 25) ? 2 : (length < 75) ? 3 : 4; if (length > 0) generateHashes(length, words, 0, hashes, 4); vals++; } } unsigned length = 1024; #ifdef PRIME_LENGTH /* need good HTL */ length = 1021; #endif unsigned *hashes = xmalloc(length*sizeof(unsigned)); memset(hashes, 0, length*sizeof(unsigned)); /* Compute collision statistics for half full hashes modulo "length". */ generateHashes(4, 1, length/2, hashes, length); /* Evaluate collisions by comparing occupancy rates (mean value 0.5). * One bin for each number of hits. */ unsigned bins[155]; memset(bins, 0, sizeof(bins)); unsigned highest = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i<length; i++) { unsigned hits = hashes[i]; if (hits >= sizeof(bins)/sizeof(bins[0])) /* clip */ hits = highest = sizeof(bins)/sizeof(bins[0]) - 1; if (hits > highest) highest = hits; bins[hits]++; } xprintf("Occupancy of %d buckets by %d hashes %d Chars %d word with %s\n", length, length/2, 4, 1, hashFcnName); for (i = 0; i <= highest; i++) { xprintf(" %d buckets (%d%%) with %d hits\n", bins[i], bins[i]*100/length, i); } /* Count run lengths to evaluate linear rehashing effectiveness. Estimate * a little corrupted by edge effects. */ memset(bins, 0, sizeof(bins)); highest = 0; for (i = 0; hashes[i] == 0; i++); /* find first occupied bucket */ unsigned run = 0; unsigned rehashed = 0; for (; i<length; i++) { unsigned hits = hashes[i]; if (hits == 0 && rehashed > 0) hits = 1 && rehashed--; else if (hits > 1) rehashed += hits-1; if (hits) run++; else { /* a real free slot, count it */ if (run >= sizeof(bins)/sizeof(bins[0])) /* clip */ run = highest = sizeof(bins)/sizeof(bins[0]) - 1; if (run > highest) highest = run; bins[run]++; run = 0; } } /* Ignore the partial run at end as we ignored the beginning. */ double merit = 0.0, entries = 0; for (i = 0; i <= highest; i++) { entries += bins[i]*i; /* total hashed objects */ merit += bins[i]*i*i; } xprintf("Rehash collision figure of merit %u (ideal=100), run lengths:\n", (int)(100.0*merit/entries)); for (i = 0; i <= highest; i++) { if (bins[i] != 0) xprintf(" %d runs of length %d buckets\n", bins[i], i); } xfree(hashes); } #endif /* DEBUG_HIST */ /* Compares two word lists for equality. */ static int heq(const struct wordent *a0, const struct wordent *b0) { const struct wordent *a = a0->next, *b = b0->next; for (;;) { if (Strcmp(a->word, b->word) != 0) return 0; a = a->next; b = b->next; if (a == a0) return (b == b0) ? 1 : 0; if (b == b0) return 0; } } /* Renumber entries following p, which we will be deleting. */ PG_STATIC void renumberHist(struct Hist *p) { int n = p->Href; while ((p = p->Hnext)) p->Href = n--; } /* The hash table is implemented as an array of pointers to Hist entries. Each * entry is located in the table using hash2tableIndex() and checking the * following entries in case of a collision (linear rehash). Free entries in * the table are zero (0, NULL, emptyHTE). Deleted entries that cannot yet be * freed are set to one (deletedHTE). The Hist.Hhash member is non-zero iff * the entry is in the hash table. When the hash table get too full, it is * reallocated to be approximately twice the history length (see * getHashTableSize). */ static struct Hist **histHashTable = NULL; static unsigned histHashTableLength = 0; /* number of Hist pointers in table */ static struct Hist * const emptyHTE = NULL; static struct Hist * const deletedHTE = (struct Hist *)1; static struct { unsigned insertCount; unsigned removeCount; unsigned rehashes; int deleted; } hashStats; #ifdef DEBUG_HIST void checkHistHashTable(int print) { unsigned occupied = 0; unsigned deleted = 0; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i<histHashTableLength; i++) if (histHashTable[i] == emptyHTE) continue; else if (histHashTable[i] == deletedHTE) deleted++; else occupied++; if (print) xprintf(" found len %u occupied %u deleted %u\n", histHashTableLength, occupied, deleted); assert(deleted == hashStats.deleted); } static int doneTest = 0; /* Main entry point for displaying history statistics and hash function * behavior. */ void displayHistStats(const char *reason) { /* Just hash statistics for now. */ xprintf("%s history hash table len %u count %u (deleted %d)\n", reason, histHashTableLength, histCount, hashStats.deleted); xprintf(" inserts %u rehashes %u%% each\n", hashStats.insertCount, (hashStats.insertCount ? 100*hashStats.rehashes/hashStats.insertCount : 0)); xprintf(" removes %u net %u\n", hashStats.removeCount, hashStats.insertCount - hashStats.removeCount); assert(hashStats.insertCount >= hashStats.removeCount); checkHistHashTable(1); memset(&hashStats, 0, sizeof(hashStats)); if (!doneTest) { testHash(); doneTest = 1; } } #else void displayHistStats(const char *reason) { USE(reason); } #endif static void discardHistHashTable(void) { if (histHashTable == NULL) return; displayHistStats("Discarding"); xfree(histHashTable); histHashTable = NULL; } /* Computes a new hash table size, when the current one is too small. */ static unsigned getHashTableSize(int hlen) { unsigned target = hlen * 2; unsigned e = 5; unsigned size; while ((size = 1<<e) < target) e++; #ifdef PRIME_LENGTH /* need good HTL */ /* Not all prime, but most are and none have factors smaller than 11. */ return size+15; #else assert((size & (size-1)) == 0); /* must be a power of two */ return size; #endif } /* Create the hash table or resize, if necessary. */ static void createHistHashTable(int hlen) { if (hlen == 0) { discardHistHashTable(); return; } if (hlen < 0) { if (histlen <= 0) return; /* no need for hash table */ hlen = histlen; } if (histHashTable != NULL) { if (histCount < histHashTableLength * 3 / 4) return; /* good enough for now */ discardHistHashTable(); /* too small */ } histHashTableLength = getHashTableSize( hlen > (int)histCount ? hlen : (int)histCount); histHashTable = xmalloc(histHashTableLength * sizeof(struct Hist *)); memset(histHashTable, 0, histHashTableLength * sizeof(struct Hist *)); assert(histHashTable[0] == emptyHTE); /* Now insert all the entries on the history list into the hash table. */ { struct Hist *hp; for (hp = &Histlist; (hp = hp->Hnext) != NULL;) { unsigned lpHash = hashhist(&hp->Hlex); assert(!hp->Hhash || hp->Hhash == lpHash); hp->Hhash = 0; /* force insert to new hash table */ insertHistHashTable(hp, lpHash); } } } /* Insert np into the hash table. We assume that np is already on the * Histlist. The specified hashval matches the new Hist entry but has not yet * been assigned to Hhash (or the element is already on the hash table). */ static void insertHistHashTable(struct Hist *np, unsigned hashval) { unsigned rehashes = 0; unsigned hi = 0; if (!histHashTable) return; if (np->Hhash != 0) { /* already in hash table */ assert(hashval == np->Hhash); return; } assert(np != deletedHTE); /* Find a free (empty or deleted) slot, using linear rehash. */ assert(histHashTable); for (rehashes = 0; ((hi = hash2tableIndex(hashval + rehashes, histHashTableLength)), histHashTable[hi] != emptyHTE && histHashTable[hi] != deletedHTE); rehashes++) { assert(np != histHashTable[hi]); if (rehashes >= histHashTableLength / 10) { /* Hash table is full, so grow it. We assume the create function * will roughly double the size we give it. Create initializes the * new table with everything on the Histlist, so we are done when * it returns. */ #ifdef DEBUG_HIST xprintf("Growing history hash table from %d ...", histHashTableLength); flush(); #endif discardHistHashTable(); createHistHashTable(histHashTableLength); #ifdef DEBUG_HIST xprintf("to %d.\n", histHashTableLength); #endif return; } } /* Might be sensible to grow hash table if rehashes is "too big" here. */ if (histHashTable[hi] == deletedHTE) hashStats.deleted--; histHashTable[hi] = np; np->Hhash = hashval; hashStats.insertCount++; hashStats.rehashes += rehashes; } /* Remove the 'np' entry from the hash table. */ static void removeHistHashTable(struct Hist *np) { unsigned hi = np->Hhash; if (!histHashTable || !hi) return; /* no hash table or not on it */ /* find desired entry */ while ((hi = hash2tableIndex(hi, histHashTableLength)), histHashTable[hi] != emptyHTE) { if (np == histHashTable[hi]) { unsigned i; unsigned deletes = 0; histHashTable[hi] = deletedHTE; /* dummy, but non-zero entry */ /* now peek ahead to see if the dummies are really necessary. */ i = 1; while (histHashTable[hash2tableIndex(hi+i, histHashTableLength)] == deletedHTE) i++; if (histHashTable[hash2tableIndex(hi+i, histHashTableLength)] == emptyHTE) { /* dummies are no longer necessary placeholders. */ deletes = i; while (i-- > 0) { histHashTable[hash2tableIndex(hi+i, histHashTableLength)] = emptyHTE; } } hashStats.deleted += 1 - deletes; /* delta deleted entries */ hashStats.removeCount++; return; } hi++; /* linear rehash */ } assert(!"Hist entry not found in hash table"); } /* Search the history hash table for a command matching lp, using hashval as * its hash value. */ static struct Hist * findHistHashTable(struct wordent *lp, unsigned hashval) { unsigned deleted = 0; /* number of deleted entries skipped */ unsigned hi = hashval; struct Hist *hp; if (!histHashTable) return NULL; while ((hi = hash2tableIndex(hi, histHashTableLength)), (hp = histHashTable[hi]) != emptyHTE) { if (hp == deletedHTE) deleted++; else if (hp->Hhash == hashval && heq(lp, &(hp->Hlex))) return hp; if (deleted > (histHashTableLength>>4)) { /* lots of deletes, so we need a sparser table. */ discardHistHashTable(); createHistHashTable(histHashTableLength); return findHistHashTable(lp, hashval); } hi++; /* linear rehash */ } return NULL; } /* When merge semantics are in use, find the approximate predecessor for the * new entry, so that the Htime entries are decreasing. Return the entry just * before the first entry with equal times, so the caller can check for * duplicates. When pTime is not NULL, use it as a starting point for search, * otherwise search from beginning (largest time value) of history list. */ PG_STATIC struct Hist * mergeInsertionPoint( struct Hist *np, /* new entry to be inserted */ struct Hist *pTime) /* hint about where to insert */ { struct Hist *pp, *p; if (histTail && histTail->Htime >= np->Htime) pTime = histTail; /* new entry goes at the end */ if (histMerg && histMerg != &Histlist && histMerg != Histlist.Hnext) { /* Check above and below previous insertion point, in case we're adding * sequential times in the middle of the list (e.g. history -M). */ if (histMerg->Htime >= np->Htime) pTime = histMerg; else if (histMerg->Hprev->Htime >= np->Htime) pTime = histMerg->Hprev; } if (pTime) { /* With hint, search up the list until Htime is greater. We skip past * the equal ones, too, so our caller can elide duplicates. */ pp = pTime; while (pp != &Histlist && pp->Htime <= np->Htime) pp = pp->Hprev; } else pp = &Histlist; /* Search down the list while current entry's time is too large. */ while ((p = pp->Hnext) && (p->Htime > np->Htime)) pp = p; /* advance insertion point */ /* Remember recent position as hint for next time */ histMerg = pp; return pp; } /* Bubble Hnum & Href in new entry down to pp through earlier part of list. */ PG_STATIC void bubbleHnumHrefDown(struct Hist *np, struct Hist *pp) { struct Hist *p; for (p = Histlist.Hnext; p != pp->Hnext; p = p->Hnext) { /* swap Hnum & Href values of p and np. */ int n = p->Hnum, r = p->Href; p->Hnum = np->Hnum; p->Href = np->Href; np->Hnum = n; np->Href = r; } } /* Enter new command into the history list according to current settings. */ struct Hist * enthist( int event, /* newly incremented global eventno */ struct wordent *lp, int docopy, int mflg, /* true if merge requested */ int hlen) /* -1 if unknown */ { struct Hist *p = NULL, *pp = &Histlist, *pTime = NULL; struct Hist *np; const Char *dp; unsigned lpHash = 0; /* non-zero if hashing entries */ if ((dp = varval(STRhistdup)) != STRNULL) { if (eq(dp, STRerase)) { /* masaoki@akebono.tky.hp.com (Kobayashi Masaoki) */ createHistHashTable(hlen); lpHash = hashhist(lp); assert(lpHash != 0); p = findHistHashTable(lp, lpHash); if (p) { if (Htime != 0 && p->Htime > Htime) Htime = p->Htime; /* If we are merging, and the old entry is at the place we want * to insert the new entry, then remember the place. */ if (mflg && Htime != 0 && p->Hprev->Htime >= Htime) pTime = p->Hprev; if (!fastMergeErase) renumberHist(p); /* Reset Href of subsequent entries */ hremove(p); hfree(p); p = NULL; /* so new entry is allocated below */ } } else if (eq(dp, STRall)) { createHistHashTable(hlen); lpHash = hashhist(lp); assert(lpHash != 0); p = findHistHashTable(lp, lpHash); if (p) /* p!=NULL, only update this entry's Htime below */ eventno--; /* not adding a new event */ } else if (eq(dp, STRprev)) { if (pp->Hnext && heq(lp, &(pp->Hnext->Hlex))) { p = pp->Hnext; eventno--; } } } np = p ? p : xmalloc(sizeof(*np)); /* Pick up timestamp set by lex() in Htime if reading saved history */ if (Htime != 0) { np->Htime = Htime; Htime = 0; } else (void) time(&(np->Htime)); if (p == np) return np; /* reused existing entry */ /* Initialize the new entry. */ np->Hnum = np->Href = event; if (docopy) { copylex(&np->Hlex, lp); if (histvalid) np->histline = Strsave(histline.s); else np->histline = NULL; } else { np->Hlex.next = lp->next; lp->next->prev = &np->Hlex; np->Hlex.prev = lp->prev; lp->prev->next = &np->Hlex; np->histline = NULL; } np->Hhash = 0; /* The head of history list is the default insertion point. If merging, advance insertion point, in pp, according to Htime. */ /* XXX -- In histdup=all, Htime values can be non-monotonic. */ if (mflg) { /* merge according to np->Htime */ pp = mergeInsertionPoint(np, pTime); for (p = pp->Hnext; p && p->Htime == np->Htime; pp = p, p = p->Hnext) { if (heq(&p->Hlex, &np->Hlex)) { eventno--; /* duplicate, so don't add new event */ hfree(np); return (p); } } /* pp is now the last entry with time >= to np. */ if (!fastMergeErase) { /* renumber at end of loadhist */ /* Before inserting np after pp, bubble its Hnum & Href values down * through the earlier part of list. */ bubbleHnumHrefDown(np, pp); } } else pp = &Histlist; /* insert at beginning of history */ hinsert(np, pp); if (lpHash && hlen != 0) /* erase & all modes use hash table */ insertHistHashTable(np, lpHash); else discardHistHashTable(); return (np); } static void hfree(struct Hist *hp) { assert(hp != histMerg); if (hp->Hhash) removeHistHashTable(hp); freelex(&hp->Hlex); if (hp->histline) xfree(hp->histline); xfree(hp); } PG_STATIC void phist(struct Hist *hp, int hflg) { if (hp->Href < 0) return; if (hflg & HIST_ONLY) { int old_output_raw; /* * Control characters have to be written as is (output_raw). * This way one can preserve special characters (like tab) in * the history file. * From: mveksler@vnet.ibm.com (Veksler Michael) */ old_output_raw = output_raw; output_raw = 1; cleanup_push(&old_output_raw, output_raw_restore); if (hflg & HIST_TIME) /* * Make file entry with history time in format: * "+NNNNNNNNNN" (10 digits, left padded with ascii '0') */ xprintf("#+%010lu\n", (unsigned long)hp->Htime); if (HistLit && hp->histline) xprintf("%S\n", hp->histline); else prlex(&hp->Hlex); cleanup_until(&old_output_raw); } else { Char *cp = str2short("%h\t%T\t%R\n"); Char *p; struct varent *vp = adrof(STRhistory); if (vp && vp->vec != NULL && vp->vec[0] && vp->vec[1]) cp = vp->vec[1]; p = tprintf(FMT_HISTORY, cp, NULL, hp->Htime, hp); cleanup_push(p, xfree); for (cp = p; *cp;) xputwchar(*cp++); cleanup_until(p); } } PG_STATIC void dophist(int n, int hflg) { struct Hist *hp; if (setintr) { int old_pintr_disabled; pintr_push_enable(&old_pintr_disabled); cleanup_until(&old_pintr_disabled); } if ((hflg & HIST_REV) == 0) { /* Since the history list is stored most recent first, non-reversing * print needs to print (backwards) up the list. */ if ((unsigned)n >= histCount) hp = histTail; else { for (hp = Histlist.Hnext; --n > 0 && hp->Hnext != NULL; hp = hp->Hnext) ; } if (hp == NULL) return; /* nothing to print */ for (; hp != &Histlist; hp = hp->Hprev) phist(hp, hflg); } else { for (hp = Histlist.Hnext; n-- > 0 && hp != NULL; hp = hp->Hnext) phist(hp, hflg); } } /*ARGSUSED*/ void dohist(Char **vp, struct command *c) { int n, hflg = 0; USE(c); if (getn(varval(STRhistory)) == 0) return; while (*++vp && **vp == '-') { Char *vp2 = *vp; while (*++vp2) switch (*vp2) { case 'c': hflg |= HIST_CLEAR; break; case 'h': hflg |= HIST_ONLY; break; case 'r': hflg |= HIST_REV; break; case 'S': hflg |= HIST_SAVE; break; case 'L': hflg |= HIST_LOAD; break; case 'M': hflg |= HIST_MERGE; break; case 'T': hflg |= HIST_TIME; break; default: stderror(ERR_HISTUS, "chrSLMT"); break; } } if (hflg & HIST_CLEAR) { struct Hist *np, *hp; for (hp = &Histlist; (np = hp->Hnext) != NULL;) hremove(np), hfree(np); } if (hflg & (HIST_LOAD | HIST_MERGE)) loadhist(*vp, (hflg & HIST_MERGE) ? 1 : 0); else if (hflg & HIST_SAVE) rechist(*vp, 1); else { if (*vp) n = getn(*vp); else { n = getn(varval(STRhistory)); } dophist(n, hflg); } } char * fmthist(int fmt, ptr_t ptr) { struct Hist *hp = ptr; char *buf; switch (fmt) { case 'h': return xasprintf("%6d", hp->Hnum); case 'R': if (HistLit && hp->histline) return xasprintf("%S", hp->histline); else { Char *istr, *ip; char *p; istr = sprlex(&hp->Hlex); buf = xmalloc(Strlen(istr) * MB_LEN_MAX + 1); for (p = buf, ip = istr; *ip != '\0'; ip++) p += one_wctomb(p, *ip); *p = '\0'; xfree(istr); return buf; } default: buf = xmalloc(1); buf[0] = '\0'; return buf; } } static void dotlock_cleanup(void* lockpath) { dot_unlock((char*)lockpath); } /* Save history before exiting the shell. */ void rechist(Char *fname, int ref) { Char *snum, *rs; int fp, ftmp, oldidfds; struct varent *shist; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; struct stat st; static Char *dumphist[] = {STRhistory, STRmhT, 0, 0}; if (fname == NULL && !ref) return; /* * If $savehist is just set, we use the value of $history * else we use the value in $savehist */ if (((snum = varval(STRsavehist)) == STRNULL) && ((snum = varval(STRhistory)) == STRNULL)) snum = STRmaxint; if (fname == NULL) { if ((fname = varval(STRhistfile)) == STRNULL) fname = Strspl(varval(STRhome), &STRtildothist[1]); else fname = Strsave(fname); } else fname = globone(fname, G_ERROR); cleanup_push(fname, xfree); /* * The 'savehist merge' feature is intended for an environment * with numerous shells being in simultaneous use. Imagine * any kind of window system. All these shells 'share' the same * ~/.history file for recording their command line history. * We try to handle the case of multiple shells trying to merge * histories at the same time, by creating semi-unique filenames * and saving the history there first and then trying to rename * them in the proper history file. * * Users that like to nuke their environment require here an atomic * loadhist-creat-dohist(dumphist)-close sequence which is given * by optional lock parameter to savehist. * * jw. */ /* * We need the didfds stuff before loadhist otherwise * exec in a script will fail to print if merge is set. * From: mveksler@iil.intel.com (Veksler Michael) */ oldidfds = didfds; didfds = 0; if ((shist = adrof(STRsavehist)) != NULL && shist->vec != NULL) { size_t i; int merge = 0, lock = 0; for (i = 1; shist->vec[i]; i++) { if (eq(shist->vec[i], STRmerge)) merge++; if (eq(shist->vec[i], STRlock)) lock++; } if (merge) { if (lock) { #ifndef WINNT_NATIVE char *lockpath = strsave(short2str(fname)); cleanup_push(lockpath, xfree); /* Poll in 100 miliseconds interval to obtain the lock. */ if ((dot_lock(lockpath, 100) == 0)) cleanup_push(lockpath, dotlock_cleanup); #endif } loadhist(fname, 1); } } rs = randsuf(); xsnprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%S.%S", fname, rs); xfree(rs); fp = xcreat(path, 0600); if (fp == -1) { didfds = oldidfds; cleanup_until(fname); return; } /* Try to preserve ownership and permissions of the original history file */ #ifndef WINNT_NATIVE if (stat(short2str(fname), &st) != -1) { TCSH_IGNORE(fchown(fp, st.st_uid, st.st_gid)); TCSH_IGNORE(fchmod(fp, st.st_mode)); } #else UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(st); #endif ftmp = SHOUT; SHOUT = fp; dumphist[2] = snum; dohist(dumphist, NULL); xclose(fp); SHOUT = ftmp; didfds = oldidfds; (void)rename(path, short2str(fname)); cleanup_until(fname); } /* This is the entry point for loading history data from a file. */ void loadhist(Char *fname, int mflg) { static Char *loadhist_cmd[] = {STRsource, NULL, NULL, NULL}; loadhist_cmd[1] = mflg ? STRmm : STRmh; if (fname != NULL) loadhist_cmd[2] = fname; else if ((fname = varval(STRhistfile)) != STRNULL) loadhist_cmd[2] = fname; else loadhist_cmd[2] = STRtildothist; dosource(loadhist_cmd, NULL); /* During history merging (enthist sees mflg set), we disable management of * Hnum and Href (because fastMergeErase is true). So now reset all the * values based on the final ordering of the history list. */ if (mflg) { int n = eventno; struct Hist *hp = &Histlist; while ((hp = hp->Hnext)) hp->Hnum = hp->Href = n--; } } void sethistory(int n) { histlen = n; discardExcess(histlen); }