/* * ed.inputl.c: Input line handling. */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1980, 1991 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "sh.h" #include "ed.h" #include "ed.defns.h" /* for the function names */ #include "tw.h" /* for twenex stuff */ #define OKCMD INT_MAX /* ed.inputl -- routines to get a single line from the input. */ extern int MapsAreInited; /* mismatched first character */ static Char mismatch[] = { '\\', '-', '%', '\0' }; /* don't Strchr() for '\0', obey current history character settings */ #define MISMATCH(c) ((c) == '\0' || (c) == HIST || (c) == HISTSUB || \ Strchr(mismatch, (c))) static int Repair (void); static int GetNextCommand (KEYCMD *, Char *); static int SpellLine (int); static int CompleteLine (void); static void RunCommand (Char *); static void doeval1 (Char **); static int rotate = 0; static int Repair(void) { if (NeedsRedraw) { ClearLines(); ClearDisp(); NeedsRedraw = 0; } Refresh(); Argument = 1; DoingArg = 0; curchoice = -1; return (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); } /* CCRETVAL */ int Inputl(void) { CCRETVAL retval; KEYCMD cmdnum = 0; unsigned char tch; /* the place where read() goes */ Char ch; int num; /* how many chars we have read at NL */ int expnum; struct varent *crct = inheredoc ? NULL : adrof(STRcorrect); struct varent *autol = adrof(STRautolist); struct varent *matchbeep = adrof(STRmatchbeep); struct varent *imode = adrof(STRinputmode); Char *SaveChar, *CorrChar; int matchval; /* from tenematch() */ int nr_history_exp; /* number of (attempted) history expansions */ COMMAND fn; int curlen = 0; int newlen; int idx; Char *autoexpand; if (!MapsAreInited) /* double extra just in case */ ed_InitMaps(); ClearDisp(); /* reset the display stuff */ ResetInLine(0); /* reset the input pointers */ if (GettingInput) MacroLvl = -1; /* editor was interrupted during input */ if (imode && imode->vec != NULL) { if (!Strcmp(*(imode->vec), STRinsert)) inputmode = MODE_INSERT; else if (!Strcmp(*(imode->vec), STRoverwrite)) inputmode = MODE_REPLACE; } #if defined(FIONREAD) && !defined(OREO) if (!Tty_raw_mode && MacroLvl < 0) { # ifdef SUNOS4 long chrs = 0; # else /* !SUNOS4 */ /* * *Everyone* else has an int, but SunOS wants long! * This breaks where int != long (alpha) */ int chrs = 0; # endif /* SUNOS4 */ (void) ioctl(SHIN, FIONREAD, (ioctl_t) & chrs); if (chrs == 0) { if (Rawmode() < 0) return 0; } } #endif /* FIONREAD && !OREO */ GettingInput = 1; NeedsRedraw = 0; tellwhat = 0; if (RestoreSaved) { copyn(InputBuf, SavedBuf.s, INBUFSIZE);/*FIXBUF*/ LastChar = InputBuf + LastSaved; Cursor = InputBuf + CursSaved; Hist_num = HistSaved; HistSaved = 0; RestoreSaved = 0; } if (HistSaved) { Hist_num = HistSaved; GetHistLine(); HistSaved = 0; } if (Expand) { (void) e_up_hist(0); Expand = 0; } Refresh(); /* print the prompt */ for (num = OKCMD; num == OKCMD;) { /* while still editing this line */ #ifdef DEBUG_EDIT if (Cursor > LastChar) xprintf("Cursor > LastChar\r\n"); if (Cursor < InputBuf) xprintf("Cursor < InputBuf\r\n"); if (Cursor > InputLim) xprintf("Cursor > InputLim\r\n"); if (LastChar > InputLim) xprintf("LastChar > InputLim\r\n"); if (InputLim != &InputBuf[INBUFSIZE - 2])/*FIXBUF*/ xprintf("InputLim != &InputBuf[INBUFSIZE-2]\r\n"); if ((!DoingArg) && (Argument != 1)) xprintf("(!DoingArg) && (Argument != 1)\r\n"); if (CcKeyMap[0] == 0) xprintf("CcKeyMap[0] == 0 (maybe not inited)\r\n"); #endif /* if EOF or error */ if ((num = GetNextCommand(&cmdnum, &ch)) != OKCMD) { break; } if (cmdnum >= NumFuns) {/* BUG CHECK command */ #ifdef DEBUG_EDIT xprintf(CGETS(6, 1, "ERROR: illegal command from key 0%o\r\n"), ch); #endif continue; /* try again */ } /* now do the real command */ retval = (*CcFuncTbl[cmdnum]) (ch); /* save the last command here */ LastCmd = cmdnum; /* make sure fn is initialized */ fn = (retval == CC_COMPLETE_ALL) ? LIST_ALL : LIST; /* use any return value */ switch (retval) { case CC_REFRESH: Refresh(); /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case CC_NORM: /* normal char */ Argument = 1; DoingArg = 0; /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case CC_ARGHACK: /* Suggested by Rich Salz */ /* <rsalz@pineapple.bbn.com> */ curchoice = -1; curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); break; /* keep going... */ case CC_EOF: /* end of file typed */ curchoice = -1; curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); num = 0; break; case CC_WHICH: /* tell what this command does */ tellwhat = 1; *LastChar++ = '\n'; /* for the benifit of CSH */ num = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); /* number characters read */ break; case CC_NEWLINE: /* normal end of line */ curlen = 0; curchoice = -1; matchval = 1; if (crct && crct->vec != NULL && (!Strcmp(*(crct->vec), STRcmd) || !Strcmp(*(crct->vec), STRall))) { Char *Origin; PastBottom(); Origin = Strsave(InputBuf); cleanup_push(Origin, xfree); SaveChar = LastChar; if (SpellLine(!Strcmp(*(crct->vec), STRcmd)) == 1) { Char *Change; PastBottom(); Change = Strsave(InputBuf); cleanup_push(Change, xfree); *Strchr(Change, '\n') = '\0'; CorrChar = LastChar; /* Save the corrected end */ LastChar = InputBuf; /* Null the current line */ SoundBeep(); printprompt(2, short2str(Change)); cleanup_until(Change); Refresh(); if (xread(SHIN, &tch, 1) < 0) { #ifdef convex /* * need to print error message in case file * is migrated */ if (errno) stderror(ERR_SYSTEM, progname, strerror(errno)); #else cleanup_until(Origin); break; #endif } ch = tch; if (ch == 'y' || ch == ' ') { LastChar = CorrChar; /* Restore the corrected end */ xprintf("%s", CGETS(6, 2, "yes\n")); } else { Strcpy(InputBuf, Origin); LastChar = SaveChar; if (ch == 'e') { xprintf("%s", CGETS(6, 3, "edit\n")); *LastChar-- = '\0'; Cursor = LastChar; printprompt(3, NULL); ClearLines(); ClearDisp(); Refresh(); cleanup_until(Origin); break; } else if (ch == 'a') { xprintf("%s", CGETS(6, 4, "abort\n")); LastChar = InputBuf; /* Null the current line */ Cursor = LastChar; printprompt(0, NULL); Refresh(); cleanup_until(Origin); break; } xprintf("%s", CGETS(6, 5, "no\n")); } flush(); } cleanup_until(Origin); } else if (crct && crct->vec != NULL && !Strcmp(*(crct->vec), STRcomplete)) { if (LastChar > InputBuf && LastChar[-1] == '\n') { LastChar[-1] = '\0'; LastChar--; Cursor = LastChar; } match_unique_match = 1; /* match unique matches */ matchval = CompleteLine(); match_unique_match = 0; curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); if (matchval != 1) { PastBottom(); } if (matchval == 0) { xprintf("%s", CGETS(6, 6, "No matching command\n")); } else if (matchval == 2) { xprintf("%s", CGETS(6, 7, "Ambiguous command\n")); } if (NeedsRedraw) { ClearLines(); ClearDisp(); NeedsRedraw = 0; } Refresh(); Argument = 1; DoingArg = 0; if (matchval == 1) { PastBottom(); *LastChar++ = '\n'; *LastChar = '\0'; } curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); } else PastBottom(); if (matchval == 1) { tellwhat = 0; /* just in case */ Hist_num = 0; /* for the history commands */ /* return the number of chars read */ num = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); /* * For continuation lines, we set the prompt to prompt 2 */ printprompt(1, NULL); } break; case CC_CORRECT: if (tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, SPELL) < 0) SoundBeep(); /* Beep = No match/ambiguous */ curlen = Repair(); break; case CC_CORRECT_L: if (SpellLine(FALSE) < 0) SoundBeep(); /* Beep = No match/ambiguous */ curlen = Repair(); break; case CC_COMPLETE: case CC_COMPLETE_ALL: case CC_COMPLETE_FWD: case CC_COMPLETE_BACK: switch (retval) { case CC_COMPLETE: fn = RECOGNIZE; curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); curchoice = -1; rotate = 0; break; case CC_COMPLETE_ALL: fn = RECOGNIZE_ALL; curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); curchoice = -1; rotate = 0; break; case CC_COMPLETE_FWD: fn = RECOGNIZE_SCROLL; curchoice++; rotate = 1; break; case CC_COMPLETE_BACK: fn = RECOGNIZE_SCROLL; curchoice--; rotate = 1; break; default: abort(); } if (InputBuf[curlen] && rotate) { newlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); for (idx = (int) (Cursor - InputBuf); idx <= newlen; idx++) InputBuf[idx - newlen + curlen] = InputBuf[idx]; LastChar = InputBuf + curlen; Cursor = Cursor - newlen + curlen; } curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); nr_history_exp = 0; autoexpand = varval(STRautoexpand); if (autoexpand != STRNULL) nr_history_exp += ExpandHistory(); /* try normal expansion only if no history references were found */ if (nr_history_exp == 0 || Strcmp(autoexpand, STRonlyhistory) != 0) { /* * Modified by Martin Boyer (gamin@ireq-robot.hydro.qc.ca): * A separate variable now controls beeping after * completion, independently of autolisting. */ expnum = (int) (Cursor - InputBuf); switch (matchval = tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor-InputBuf, fn)){ case 1: if (non_unique_match && matchbeep && matchbeep->vec != NULL && (Strcmp(*(matchbeep->vec), STRnotunique) == 0)) SoundBeep(); break; case 0: if (matchbeep && matchbeep->vec != NULL) { if (Strcmp(*(matchbeep->vec), STRnomatch) == 0 || Strcmp(*(matchbeep->vec), STRambiguous) == 0 || Strcmp(*(matchbeep->vec), STRnotunique) == 0) SoundBeep(); } else SoundBeep(); break; default: if (matchval < 0) { /* Error from tenematch */ curchoice = -1; SoundBeep(); break; } if (matchbeep && matchbeep->vec != NULL) { if ((Strcmp(*(matchbeep->vec), STRambiguous) == 0 || Strcmp(*(matchbeep->vec), STRnotunique) == 0)) SoundBeep(); } else SoundBeep(); /* * Addition by David C Lawrence <tale@pawl.rpi.edu>: If an * attempted completion is ambiguous, list the choices. * (PWP: this is the best feature addition to tcsh I have * seen in many months.) */ if (autol && autol->vec != NULL && (Strcmp(*(autol->vec), STRambiguous) != 0 || expnum == Cursor - InputBuf)) { if (adrof(STRhighlight) && MarkIsSet) { /* clear highlighting before showing completions */ MarkIsSet = 0; ClearLines(); ClearDisp(); Refresh(); MarkIsSet = 1; } PastBottom(); fn = (retval == CC_COMPLETE_ALL) ? LIST_ALL : LIST; (void) tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor-InputBuf, fn); } break; } } if (NeedsRedraw) { PastBottom(); ClearLines(); ClearDisp(); NeedsRedraw = 0; } Refresh(); Argument = 1; DoingArg = 0; break; case CC_LIST_CHOICES: case CC_LIST_ALL: if (InputBuf[curlen] && rotate) { newlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); for (idx = (int) (Cursor - InputBuf); idx <= newlen; idx++) InputBuf[idx - newlen + curlen] = InputBuf[idx]; LastChar = InputBuf + curlen; Cursor = Cursor - newlen + curlen; } curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); if (curchoice >= 0) curchoice--; fn = (retval == CC_LIST_ALL) ? LIST_ALL : LIST; /* should catch ^C here... */ if (tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, fn) < 0) SoundBeep(); Refresh(); Argument = 1; DoingArg = 0; break; case CC_LIST_GLOB: if (tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, GLOB) < 0) SoundBeep(); curlen = Repair(); break; case CC_EXPAND_GLOB: if (tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, GLOB_EXPAND) <= 0) SoundBeep(); /* Beep = No match */ curlen = Repair(); break; case CC_NORMALIZE_PATH: if (tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, PATH_NORMALIZE) <= 0) SoundBeep(); /* Beep = No match */ curlen = Repair(); break; case CC_EXPAND_VARS: if (tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, VARS_EXPAND) <= 0) SoundBeep(); /* Beep = No match */ curlen = Repair(); break; case CC_NORMALIZE_COMMAND: if (tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, COMMAND_NORMALIZE) <= 0) SoundBeep(); /* Beep = No match */ curlen = Repair(); break; case CC_HELPME: xputchar('\n'); /* should catch ^C here... */ (void) tenematch(InputBuf, LastChar - InputBuf, PRINT_HELP); Refresh(); Argument = 1; DoingArg = 0; curchoice = -1; curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); break; case CC_FATAL: /* fatal error, reset to known state */ #ifdef DEBUG_EDIT xprintf(CGETS(7, 8, "*** editor fatal ERROR ***\r\n\n")); #endif /* DEBUG_EDIT */ /* put (real) cursor in a known place */ ClearDisp(); /* reset the display stuff */ ResetInLine(1); /* reset the input pointers */ Refresh(); /* print the prompt again */ Argument = 1; DoingArg = 0; curchoice = -1; curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); break; case CC_ERROR: default: /* functions we don't know about */ if (adrof(STRhighlight)) { ClearLines(); ClearDisp(); Refresh(); } DoingArg = 0; Argument = 1; SoundBeep(); flush(); curchoice = -1; curlen = (int) (LastChar - InputBuf); break; } } (void) Cookedmode(); /* make sure the tty is set up correctly */ GettingInput = 0; flush(); /* flush any buffered output */ return num; } void PushMacro(Char *str) { if (str != NULL && MacroLvl + 1 < MAXMACROLEVELS) { MacroLvl++; KeyMacro[MacroLvl] = str; } else { SoundBeep(); flush(); } } struct eval1_state { Char **evalvec, *evalp; }; static void eval1_cleanup(void *xstate) { struct eval1_state *state; state = xstate; evalvec = state->evalvec; evalp = state->evalp; doneinp = 0; } /* * Like eval, only using the current file descriptors */ static void doeval1(Char **v) { struct eval1_state state; Char **gv; int gflag; gflag = tglob(v); if (gflag) { gv = v = globall(v, gflag); if (v == 0) stderror(ERR_NOMATCH); v = copyblk(v); } else { gv = NULL; v = copyblk(v); trim(v); } if (gv) cleanup_push(gv, blk_cleanup); state.evalvec = evalvec; state.evalp = evalp; evalvec = v; evalp = 0; cleanup_push(&state, eval1_cleanup); process(0); cleanup_until(&state); if (gv) cleanup_until(gv); } static void RunCommand(Char *str) { Char *cmd[2]; xputchar('\n'); /* Start on a clean line */ cmd[0] = str; cmd[1] = NULL; (void) Cookedmode(); GettingInput = 0; doeval1(cmd); (void) Rawmode(); GettingInput = 1; ClearLines(); ClearDisp(); NeedsRedraw = 0; Refresh(); } int GetCmdChar(Char ch) { #ifndef WINNT_NATIVE // We use more than 256 for various extended keys wint_t c = ch & CHAR; #else wint_t c = ch; #endif return c < NT_NUM_KEYS ? CurrentKeyMap[c] : F_INSERT; } static int GetNextCommand(KEYCMD *cmdnum, Char *ch) { KEYCMD cmd = 0; int num; while (cmd == 0 || cmd == F_XKEY) { if ((num = GetNextChar(ch)) != 1) { /* if EOF or error */ return num; } #ifdef KANJI if ( #ifdef DSPMBYTE _enable_mbdisp && #else MB_LEN_MAX == 1 && #endif !adrof(STRnokanji) && (*ch & META)) { MetaNext = 0; cmd = F_INSERT; break; } else #endif /* KANJI */ if (MetaNext) { MetaNext = 0; *ch |= META; } cmd = GetCmdChar(*ch); if (cmd == F_XKEY) { XmapVal val; CStr cstr; cstr.buf = ch; cstr.len = 1; switch (GetXkey(&cstr, &val)) { case XK_CMD: cmd = val.cmd; break; case XK_STR: PushMacro(val.str.buf); break; case XK_EXE: RunCommand(val.str.buf); break; default: abort(); break; } } if (!AltKeyMap) CurrentKeyMap = CcKeyMap; } *cmdnum = cmd; return OKCMD; } static Char ungetchar; static int haveungetchar; void UngetNextChar(Char cp) { ungetchar = cp; haveungetchar = 1; } int GetNextChar(Char *cp) { int num_read; int tried = 0; char cbuf[MB_LEN_MAX]; size_t cbp; if (haveungetchar) { haveungetchar = 0; *cp = ungetchar; return 1; } for (;;) { if (MacroLvl < 0) { if (!Load_input_line()) break; } if (*KeyMacro[MacroLvl] == 0) { MacroLvl--; continue; } *cp = *KeyMacro[MacroLvl]++ & CHAR; if (*KeyMacro[MacroLvl] == 0) { /* Needed for QuoteMode On */ MacroLvl--; } return (1); } if (Rawmode() < 0) /* make sure the tty is set up correctly */ return 0; /* oops: SHIN was closed */ #ifdef WINNT_NATIVE __nt_want_vcode = 1; #endif /* WINNT_NATIVE */ #ifdef SIG_WINDOW if (windowchg) (void) check_window_size(0); /* for window systems */ #endif /* SIG_WINDOW */ cbp = 0; for (;;) { while ((num_read = xread(SHIN, cbuf + cbp, 1)) == -1) { if (!tried && fixio(SHIN, errno) != -1) tried = 1; else { # ifdef convex /* need to print error message in case the file is migrated */ stderror(ERR_SYSTEM, progname, strerror(errno)); # endif /* convex */ # ifdef WINNT_NATIVE __nt_want_vcode = 0; # endif /* WINNT_NATIVE */ *cp = '\0'; /* Loses possible partial character */ return -1; } } if (cbp == 0 /* && *cbuf < NT_NUM_KEYS */ && CurrentKeyMap[(unsigned char)*cbuf] == F_XKEY) { *cp = (unsigned char)*cbuf; } else { cbp++; if (normal_mbtowc(cp, cbuf, cbp) == -1) { reset_mbtowc(); if (cbp < MB_CUR_MAX) continue; /* Maybe a partial character */ /* And drop the following bytes, if any */ *cp = (unsigned char)*cbuf | INVALID_BYTE; } } break; } #ifdef WINNT_NATIVE /* This is the part that doesn't work with WIDE_STRINGS */ if (__nt_want_vcode == 2) *cp = __nt_vcode; __nt_want_vcode = 0; #endif /* WINNT_NATIVE */ return num_read; } /* * SpellLine - do spelling correction on the entire command line * (which may have trailing newline). * If cmdonly is set, only check spelling of command words. * Return value: * -1: Something was incorrectible, and nothing was corrected * 0: Everything was correct * 1: Something was corrected */ static int SpellLine(int cmdonly) { int endflag, matchval; Char *argptr, *OldCursor, *OldLastChar; OldLastChar = LastChar; OldCursor = Cursor; argptr = InputBuf; endflag = 1; matchval = 0; do { while (ismetahash(*argptr) || iscmdmeta(*argptr)) argptr++; for (Cursor = argptr; *Cursor != '\0' && ((Cursor != argptr && Cursor[-1] == '\\') || (!ismetahash(*Cursor) && !iscmdmeta(*Cursor))); Cursor++) continue; if (*Cursor == '\0') { Cursor = LastChar; if (LastChar[-1] == '\n') Cursor--; endflag = 0; } if (!MISMATCH(*argptr) && (!cmdonly || starting_a_command(argptr, InputBuf))) { #ifdef WINNT_NATIVE /* * This hack avoids correcting drive letter changes */ if ((Cursor - InputBuf) != 2 || (char)InputBuf[1] != ':') #endif /* WINNT_NATIVE */ { #ifdef HASH_SPELL_CHECK Char save; size_t len = Cursor - InputBuf; save = InputBuf[len]; InputBuf[len] = '\0'; if (find_cmd(InputBuf, 0) != 0) { InputBuf[len] = save; argptr = Cursor; continue; } InputBuf[len] = save; #endif /* HASH_SPELL_CHECK */ switch (tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, SPELL)) { case 1: /* corrected */ matchval = 1; break; case -1: /* couldn't be corrected */ if (!matchval) matchval = -1; break; default: /* was correct */ break; } } if (LastChar != OldLastChar) { if (argptr < OldCursor) OldCursor += (LastChar - OldLastChar); OldLastChar = LastChar; } } argptr = Cursor; } while (endflag); Cursor = OldCursor; return matchval; } /* * CompleteLine - do command completion on the entire command line * (which may have trailing newline). * Return value: * 0: No command matched or failure * 1: One command matched * 2: Several commands matched */ static int CompleteLine(void) { int endflag, tmatch; Char *argptr, *OldCursor, *OldLastChar; OldLastChar = LastChar; OldCursor = Cursor; argptr = InputBuf; endflag = 1; do { while (ismetahash(*argptr) || iscmdmeta(*argptr)) argptr++; for (Cursor = argptr; *Cursor != '\0' && ((Cursor != argptr && Cursor[-1] == '\\') || (!ismetahash(*Cursor) && !iscmdmeta(*Cursor))); Cursor++) continue; if (*Cursor == '\0') { Cursor = LastChar; if (LastChar[-1] == '\n') Cursor--; endflag = 0; } if (!MISMATCH(*argptr) && starting_a_command(argptr, InputBuf)) { tmatch = tenematch(InputBuf, Cursor - InputBuf, RECOGNIZE); if (tmatch <= 0) { return 0; } else if (tmatch > 1) { return 2; } if (LastChar != OldLastChar) { if (argptr < OldCursor) OldCursor += (LastChar - OldLastChar); OldLastChar = LastChar; } } argptr = Cursor; } while (endflag); Cursor = OldCursor; return 1; }