 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2020-2023 Proofpoint, Inc. and its suppliers.
 *	All rights reserved.
 * By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions set
 * forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level of
 * the sendmail distribution.

#ifndef _TLS_H
# define _TLS_H 1

# include <openssl/ssl.h>
# if !TLS_NO_RSA
#   define RSA_KEYLENGTH	1024
#  else
#   define RSA_KEYLENGTH	512
#  endif
# endif /* !TLS_NO_RSA */

#  define TLS_version_num OpenSSL_version_num
# else
#  define TLS_version_num SSLeay
# endif

#ifndef MTA_HAVE_TLSv1_3
**  HACK: if openssl can disable TLSv1_3 then "assume" it supports all
**   related functions!
# ifdef SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_3
#  define MTA_HAVE_TLSv1_3 1
# endif

#ifdef _DEFINE
# define EXTERN
# define EXTERN extern

#if _FFR_TLS_EC && !defined(TLS_EC)
# define TLS_EC _FFR_TLS_EC

#if DANE

# ifndef HAVE_SSL_CTX_dane_enable
#  if (OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10101000L && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x20000000L) || OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x30000000L
#   define HAVE_SSL_CTX_dane_enable 1
#  endif
# endif

extern int ssl_dane_enable __P((dane_vrfy_ctx_P, SSL *));
# define SM_NOTDONE 1
# define SM_FULL 2

extern int gettlsa __P((char *, char *, STAB **, unsigned long, unsigned int, unsigned int));
# ifndef MAX_TLSA_RR
#  if HAVE_SSL_CTX_dane_enable
#   define MAX_TLSA_RR	64
#  else
#   define MAX_TLSA_RR	16
#  endif
# endif

# define DANE_VRFY_NONE	0	/* no DANE */
/* # define DANE_VRFY_NO	1	* no TLSAs */
# define DANE_VRFY_FAIL	2	/* TLSA check failed */
# define DANE_VRFY_OK	3	/* TLSA check was ok */
# define DANE_VRFY_TEMP	4	/* TLSA check failed temporarily */

/* return values for dane_tlsa_chk() */
# define TLSA_BOGUS	(-10)
# define TLSA_UNSUPP	(-1)
/* note: anything >= 0 is ok and refers to the hash algorithm */
# define TLSA_IS_SUPPORTED(r)	((r) >= 0)
# define TLSA_IS_VALID(r)	((r) >= TLSA_UNSUPP)

struct dane_tlsa_S
	time_t		 dane_tlsa_exp;
	int		 dane_tlsa_n;
	int		 dane_tlsa_dnsrc;
	unsigned long	 dane_tlsa_flags;

	**  Note: all "valid" TLSA RRs are stored,
	**  not just those which are "supported"

	unsigned char	*dane_tlsa_rr[MAX_TLSA_RR];
	int		 dane_tlsa_len[MAX_TLSA_RR];
	char		*dane_tlsa_sni;

# define TLSAFLNONE	0x00000000
/* Dane Mode */
# define TLSAFLALWAYS	0x00000001
# define TLSAFLSECURE	0x00000002
# define DANEMODE(fl)	((fl) & 0x3)
# define TLSAFLNOEXP	0x00000010	/* do not check expiration */

# define TLSAFLNEW	0x00000020
# define TLSAFLADMX	0x00000100
# define TLSAFLADIP	0x00000200	/* changes with each IP lookup! */
# define TLSAFLNOTLS	0x00000400	/* starttls() failed */
/* treat IPv4 and IPv6 the same - the ad flag should be identical */
/* # define TLSAFLADTLSA		* currently unused */

/* NOTE: "flags" >= TLSAFLTEMP are stored, see TLSA_STORE_FL()! */
/* could be used to replace DNSRC */
# define TLSAFLTEMP	0x00001000	/* TLSA RR lookup tempfailed */
# define TLSAFL2MANY	0x00004000	/* too many TLSA RRs */

**  Do not use this record, and do not look up new TLSA RRs because
**  the MX/host lookup was not secure.
**  XXX: host->MX lookup info can NOT be stored in dane_tlsa!
**  XXX: to determine: interaction with DANE=always

/* # define TLSAFLNOADMX	0x00010000 */
/* # define TLSAFLNOADTLSA	0x00020000	* TLSA: no AD - for DANE=always? */

# define TLSAFLTEMPVRFY	0x00008000	/* temporary DANE verification failure */
# define TLSAFLNOVRFY	0x00080000	/* do NOT perform DANE verification */

# define TLSAFLUNS	0x00100000	/* has unsupported TLSA RRs */
# define TLSAFLSUP	0x00200000	/* has supported TLSA RRs */

# define TLSA_SET_FL(dane_tlsa, fl)	(dane_tlsa)->dane_tlsa_flags |= (fl)
# define TLSA_CLR_FL(dane_tlsa, fl)	(dane_tlsa)->dane_tlsa_flags &= ~(fl)
# define TLSA_IS_FL(dane_tlsa, fl)	(((dane_tlsa)->dane_tlsa_flags & (fl)) != 0)

/* any TLSA RRs? */
# define TLSA_HAS_RRs(dane_tlsa)	TLSA_IS_FL(dane_tlsa, TLSAFLUNS|TLSAFLSUP)

# define TLSA_STORE_FL(fl)	((fl) >= TLSAFLTEMP)

/* values for DANE option and dane_vrfy_chk */
# define DANE_NEVER	TLSAFLNONE /* XREF: see sendmail.h: #define Dane */
# define DANE_ALWAYS	TLSAFLALWAYS	/* NOT documented, testing... */
# define CHK_DANE(dane)	(DANEMODE((dane)) != DANE_NEVER)
# define VRFY_DANE(dane_vrfy_chk) (0 == ((dane_vrfy_chk) & TLSAFLNOVRFY))

/* temp fails? others? */
# define TLSA_RR_TEMPFAIL(dane_tlsa) (((dane_tlsa) != NULL) && (dane_tlsa)->dane_tlsa_dnsrc == TRY_AGAIN)

# define ONLYUNSUPTLSARR ", status=all TLSA RRs are unsupported"
#endif /* DANE */

**  TLS

/* what to do in the TLS initialization */
#define TLS_I_NONE	0x00000000	/* no requirements... */
#define TLS_I_CERT_EX	0x00000001	/* cert must exist */
#define TLS_I_CERT_UNR	0x00000002	/* cert must be g/o unreadable */
#define TLS_I_KEY_EX	0x00000004	/* key must exist */
#define TLS_I_KEY_UNR	0x00000008	/* key must be g/o unreadable */
#define TLS_I_CERTP_EX	0x00000010	/* CA cert path must exist */
#define TLS_I_CERTP_UNR	0x00000020	/* CA cert path must be g/o unreadable */
#define TLS_I_CERTF_EX	0x00000040	/* CA cert file must exist */
#define TLS_I_CERTF_UNR	0x00000080	/* CA cert file must be g/o unreadable */
#define TLS_I_RSA_TMP	0x00000100	/* RSA TMP must be generated */
#define TLS_I_USE_KEY	0x00000200	/* private key must usable */
#define TLS_I_USE_CERT	0x00000400	/* certificate must be usable */
not "read" anywhere
#define TLS_I_VRFY_PATH	0x00000800	* load verify path must succeed *
#define TLS_I_VRFY_LOC	0x00001000	/* load verify default must succeed */
#define TLS_I_CACHE	0x00002000	/* require cache */
#define TLS_I_TRY_DH	0x00004000	/* try DH certificate */
#define TLS_I_REQ_DH	0x00008000	/* require DH certificate */
#define TLS_I_DHPAR_EX	0x00010000	/* require DH parameters */
#define TLS_I_DHPAR_UNR	0x00020000	/* DH param. must be g/o unreadable */
#define TLS_I_DH512	0x00040000	/* generate 512bit DH param */
#define TLS_I_DH1024	0x00080000	/* generate 1024bit DH param */
#define TLS_I_DH2048	0x00100000	/* generate 2048bit DH param */
#define TLS_I_NO_VRFY	0x00200000	/* do not require authentication */
#define TLS_I_KEY_OUNR	0x00400000	/* Key must be other unreadable */
#define TLS_I_CRLF_EX	0x00800000	/* CRL file must exist */
#define TLS_I_CRLF_UNR	0x01000000	/* CRL file must be g/o unreadable */
#define TLS_I_DHFIXED	0x02000000	/* use fixed DH param */
#define TLS_I_DHAUTO	0x04000000	/* */

/* require server cert */

/* server requirements */

/* client requirements */

#define TLS_AUTH_OK	0
#define TLS_AUTH_NO	1
#define TLS_AUTH_TEMP	2
#define TLS_AUTH_FAIL	(-1)

#  define TLS_VRFY_PER_CTX 1
# endif

#define SM_SSL_FREE(ssl)			\
	do {					\
		if (ssl != NULL)		\
		{				\
			SSL_free(ssl);		\
			ssl = NULL;		\
		}				\
	} while (0)

/* functions */
extern int	endtls __P((SSL **, const char *));
extern int	get_tls_se_features __P((ENVELOPE *, SSL *, tlsi_ctx_T *, bool));
extern int	init_tls_library __P((bool _fipsmode));
extern bool	inittls __P((SSL_CTX **, unsigned long, unsigned long, bool, char *, char *, char *, char *, char *));
extern bool	initclttls __P((bool));
extern bool	initsrvtls __P((bool));
extern bool	load_certkey __P((SSL *, bool, char *, char *));
/* extern bool	load_crlpath __P((SSL_CTX *, bool , char *)); */
extern void	setclttls __P((bool));
extern int	tls_get_info __P((SSL *, bool, char *, MACROS_T *, bool));
extern void	tlslogerr __P((int, int, const char *));
extern void	tls_set_verify __P((SSL_CTX *, SSL *, bool));
# if DANE
extern int dane_tlsa_chk __P((const unsigned char *, int, const char *, bool));
extern int dane_tlsa_clr __P((dane_tlsa_P));
extern int dane_tlsa_free __P((dane_tlsa_P));
# endif

EXTERN char	*CACertPath;	/* path to CA certificates (dir. with hashes) */
EXTERN char	*CACertFile;	/* file with CA certificate */
EXTERN char	*CltCACertPath;	/* path to CA certificates (dir. with hashes) */
EXTERN char	*CltCACertFile;	/* file with CA certificate */
EXTERN char	*CltCertFile;	/* file with client certificate */
EXTERN char	*CltKeyFile;	/* file with client private key */
EXTERN char	*CipherList;	/* list of ciphers */
#if MTA_HAVE_TLSv1_3
EXTERN char	*CipherSuites;	/* cipher suites */
EXTERN char	*CertFingerprintAlgorithm;	/* name of fingerprint alg */
EXTERN const EVP_MD	*EVP_digest;	/* digest for cert fp */
EXTERN char	*DHParams;	/* file with DH parameters */
EXTERN char	*RandFile;	/* source of random data */
EXTERN char	*SrvCertFile;	/* file with server certificate */
EXTERN char	*SrvKeyFile;	/* file with server private key */
EXTERN char	*CRLFile;	/* file CRLs */
EXTERN char	*CRLPath;	/* path to CRLs (dir. with hashes) */
EXTERN unsigned long	TLS_Srv_Opts;	/* TLS server options */
EXTERN unsigned long	Srv_SSL_Options, Clt_SSL_Options; /* SSL options */
EXTERN bool	TLSFallbacktoClear;

EXTERN char	*SSLEngine;
EXTERN char	*SSLEnginePath;
EXTERN bool	SSLEngineprefork;

#define TLS_set_engine(id, prefork) SSL_set_engine(id)
# else
#  if !defined(OPENSSL_NO_ENGINE)
int TLS_set_engine __P((const char *, bool));
#  else
#define TLS_set_engine(id, prefork)	1
#  endif
# endif

extern int	set_tls_rd_tmo __P((int));
extern int data2hex __P((unsigned char *, int, unsigned char *, int));
# if DANE
extern int pubkey_fp __P((X509 *, const char*, unsigned char **));
extern dane_tlsa_P dane_get_tlsa __P((dane_vrfy_ctx_P));
# endif

#else /* STARTTLS */
# define set_tls_rd_tmo(rd_tmo)	0
#endif /* STARTTLS */
#undef EXTERN
#endif /* ! _TLS_H */