#!/usr/bin/perl -w #- # Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Networks Associates Technology, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2004-2017 Dag-Erling Smørgrav # All rights reserved. # # This software was developed for the FreeBSD Project by ThinkSec AS and # Network Associates Laboratories, the Security Research Division of # Network Associates, Inc. under DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 # ("CBOSS"), as part of the DARPA CHATS research program. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote # products derived from this software without specific prior written # permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS # OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. # use strict; use warnings; use open qw(:utf8); use utf8; use Fcntl; use Getopt::Std; use POSIX qw(strftime); use vars qw(%AUTHORS $TODAY %FUNCTIONS %PAMERR); %AUTHORS = ( THINKSEC => "developed for the .Fx Project by ThinkSec AS and Network Associates Laboratories, the Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc.\\& under DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 .Pq Dq CBOSS , as part of the DARPA CHATS research program. .Pp The OpenPAM library is maintained by .An Dag-Erling Sm\\(/orgrav Aq Mt des\@des.no .", UIO => "developed for the University of Oslo by .An Dag-Erling Sm\\(/orgrav Aq Mt des\@des.no .", DES => "developed by .An Dag-Erling Sm\\(/orgrav Aq Mt des\@des.no .", ); %PAMERR = ( PAM_SUCCESS => "Success", PAM_OPEN_ERR => "Failed to load module", PAM_SYMBOL_ERR => "Invalid symbol", PAM_SERVICE_ERR => "Error in service module", PAM_SYSTEM_ERR => "System error", PAM_BUF_ERR => "Memory buffer error", PAM_CONV_ERR => "Conversation failure", PAM_PERM_DENIED => "Permission denied", PAM_MAXTRIES => "Maximum number of tries exceeded", PAM_AUTH_ERR => "Authentication error", PAM_NEW_AUTHTOK_REQD => "New authentication token required", PAM_CRED_INSUFFICIENT => "Insufficient credentials", PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL => "Authentication information is unavailable", PAM_USER_UNKNOWN => "Unknown user", PAM_CRED_UNAVAIL => "Failed to retrieve user credentials", PAM_CRED_EXPIRED => "User credentials have expired", PAM_CRED_ERR => "Failed to set user credentials", PAM_ACCT_EXPIRED => "User account has expired", PAM_AUTHTOK_EXPIRED => "Password has expired", PAM_SESSION_ERR => "Session failure", PAM_AUTHTOK_ERR => "Authentication token failure", PAM_AUTHTOK_RECOVERY_ERR => "Failed to recover old authentication token", PAM_AUTHTOK_LOCK_BUSY => "Authentication token lock busy", PAM_AUTHTOK_DISABLE_AGING => "Authentication token aging disabled", PAM_NO_MODULE_DATA => "Module data not found", PAM_IGNORE => "Ignore this module", PAM_ABORT => "General failure", PAM_TRY_AGAIN => "Try again", PAM_MODULE_UNKNOWN => "Unknown module type", PAM_DOMAIN_UNKNOWN => "Unknown authentication domain", PAM_BAD_HANDLE => "Invalid PAM handle", PAM_BAD_ITEM => "Unrecognized or restricted item", PAM_BAD_FEATURE => "Unrecognized or restricted feature", PAM_BAD_CONSTANT => "Bad constant", ); sub parse_source($) { my $fn = shift; local *FILE; my $source; my $func; my $descr; my $type; my $args; my $argnames; my $man; my $inlist; my $intaglist; my $inliteral; my $customrv; my $deprecated; my $experimental; my $version; my %xref; my %errors; my $author; if ($fn !~ m,\.c$,) { warn("$fn: not C source, ignoring\n"); return undef; } open(FILE, "<", "$fn") or die("$fn: open(): $!\n"); $source = join('', <FILE>); close(FILE); return undef if ($source =~ m/^ \* NOPARSE\s*$/m); if ($source =~ m/(\$OpenPAM:[^\$]+\$)/) { $version = $1; } $author = 'THINKSEC'; if ($source =~ s/^ \* AUTHOR\s+(\w*)\s*$//m) { $author = $1; } if ($source =~ s/^ \* DEPRECATED\s*(\w*)\s*$//m) { $deprecated = $1 // 0; } if ($source =~ s/^ \* EXPERIMENTAL\s*$//m) { $experimental = 1; } $func = $fn; $func =~ s,^(?:.*/)?([^/]+)\.c$,$1,; if ($source !~ m,\n \* ([\S ]+)\n \*/\n\n([\S ]+)\n$func\((.*?)\)\n\{,s) { warn("$fn: can't find $func\n"); return undef; } ($descr, $type, $args) = ($1, $2, $3); $descr =~ s,^([A-Z][a-z]),lc($1),e; $descr =~ s,[\.\s]*$,,; while ($args =~ s/^((?:[^\(]|\([^\)]*\))*),\s*/$1\" \"/g) { # nothing } $args =~ s/,\s+/, /gs; $args = "\"$args\""; %xref = ( 3 => { 'pam' => 1 }, ); if ($type eq "int") { foreach (split("\n", $source)) { next unless (m/^ \*\t(!?PAM_[A-Z_]+|=[a-z_]+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/); $errors{$1} = $2; } ++$xref{3}->{pam_strerror}; } $argnames = $args; # extract names of regular arguments $argnames =~ s/\"[^\"]+\*?\b(\w+)\"/\"$1\"/g; # extract names of function pointer arguments $argnames =~ s/\"([\w\s\*]+)\(\*?(\w+)\)\([^\)]+\)\"/\"$2\"/g; # escape metacharacters (there shouldn't be any, but...) $argnames =~ s/([\|\[\]\(\)\.\*\+\?])/\\$1/g; # separate argument names with | $argnames =~ s/\" \"/|/g; # and surround with () $argnames =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/; # $argnames is now a regexp that matches argument names $inliteral = $inlist = $intaglist = 0; foreach (split("\n", $source)) { s/\s*$//; if (!defined($man)) { if (m/^\/\*\*$/) { $man = ""; } next; } last if (m/^ \*\/$/); s/^ \* ?//; s/\\(.)/$1/gs; if (m/^$/) { # paragraph separator if ($inlist || $intaglist) { # either a blank line between list items, or a blank # line after the final list item. The latter case # will be handled further down. next; } if ($man =~ m/\n\.Sh [^\n]+\n$/s) { # a blank line after a section header next; } if ($man ne "" && $man !~ m/\.Pp\n$/s) { if ($inliteral) { $man .= "\0\n"; } else { $man .= ".Pp\n"; } } next; } if (m/^>(\w+)(\s+\d)?$/) { # "see also" cross-reference my ($page, $sect) = ($1, $2 ? int($2) : 3); ++$xref{$sect}->{$page}; next; } if (s/^([A-Z][0-9A-Z -]+)$/.Sh $1/) { if ($1 eq "RETURN VALUES") { $customrv = $1; } $man =~ s/\n\.Pp$/\n/s; $man .= "$_\n"; next; } if (s/^\s+-\s+//) { # item in bullet list if ($inliteral) { $man .= ".Ed\n"; $inliteral = 0; } if ($intaglist) { $man .= ".El\n.Pp\n"; $intaglist = 0; } if (!$inlist) { $man =~ s/\.Pp\n$//s; $man .= ".Bl -bullet\n"; $inlist = 1; } $man .= ".It\n"; # fall through } elsif (s/^\s+(\S+):\s*/.It $1/) { # item in tag list if ($inliteral) { $man .= ".Ed\n"; $inliteral = 0; } if ($inlist) { $man .= ".El\n.Pp\n"; $inlist = 0; } if (!$intaglist) { $man =~ s/\.Pp\n$//s; $man .= ".Bl -tag -width 18n\n"; $intaglist = 1; } s/^\.It [=;]([A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z_]+)$/.It Dv $1/gs; $man .= "$_\n"; next; } elsif (($inlist || $intaglist) && m/^\S/) { # regular text after list $man .= ".El\n.Pp\n"; $inlist = $intaglist = 0; } elsif ($inliteral && m/^\S/) { # regular text after literal section $man .= ".Ed\n"; $inliteral = 0; } elsif ($inliteral) { # additional text within literal section $man .= "$_\n"; next; } elsif ($inlist || $intaglist) { # additional text within list s/^\s+//; } elsif (m/^\s+/) { # new literal section $man .= ".Bd -literal\n"; $inliteral = 1; $man .= "$_\n"; next; } s/\s*=($func)\b\s*/\n.Fn $1\n/gs; s/\s*=($argnames)\b\s*/\n.Fa $1\n/gs; s/\s*=((?:enum|struct|union) \w+(?: \*)?)\b\s*/\n.Vt $1\n/gs; s/\s*:([a-z][0-9a-z_]+)\b\s*/\n.Va $1\n/gs; s/\s*;([a-z][0-9a-z_]+)\b\s*/\n.Dv $1\n/gs; s/\s*=!([a-z][0-9a-z_]+)\b\s*/\n.Xr $1 3\n/gs; while (s/\s*=([a-z][0-9a-z_]+)\b\s*/\n.Xr $1 3\n/s) { ++$xref{3}->{$1}; } s/\s*\"(?=\w)/\n.Do\n/gs; s/\"(?!\w)\s*/\n.Dc\n/gs; s/\s*=([A-Z][0-9A-Z_]+)\b\s*(?![\.,:;])/\n.Dv $1\n/gs; s/\s*=([A-Z][0-9A-Z_]+)\b([\.,:;]+)\s*/\n.Dv $1 $2\n/gs; s/\s*{([A-Z][a-z] .*?)}\s*/\n.$1\n/gs; $man .= "$_\n"; } if (defined($man)) { if ($inlist || $intaglist) { $man .= ".El\n"; $inlist = $intaglist = 0; } if ($inliteral) { $man .= ".Ed\n"; $inliteral = 0; } $man =~ s/\%/\\&\%/gs; $man =~ s/(\n\.[A-Z][a-z] [\w ]+)\n([.,:;-])\s+/$1 $2\n/gs; $man =~ s/\s*$/\n/gm; $man =~ s/\n+/\n/gs; $man =~ s/\0//gs; $man =~ s/\n\n\./\n\./gs; chomp($man); } else { $man = "No description available."; } $FUNCTIONS{$func} = { 'source' => $fn, 'version' => $version, 'name' => $func, 'descr' => $descr, 'type' => $type, 'args' => $args, 'man' => $man, 'xref' => \%xref, 'errors' => \%errors, 'author' => $author, 'customrv' => $customrv, 'deprecated' => $deprecated, 'experimental' => $experimental, }; if ($source =~ m/^ \* NODOC\s*$/m) { $FUNCTIONS{$func}->{nodoc} = 1; } if ($source !~ m/^ \* XSSO \d/m) { $FUNCTIONS{$func}->{openpam} = 1; } expand_errors($FUNCTIONS{$func}); return $FUNCTIONS{$func}; } sub expand_errors($); sub expand_errors($) { my $func = shift; # Ref to function hash my %errors; my $ref; my $fn; if (defined($$func{recursed})) { warn("$$func{name}(): loop in error spec\n"); return qw(); } $$func{recursed} = 1; foreach (keys %{$$func{errors}}) { if (m/^(PAM_[A-Z_]+)$/) { if (!defined($PAMERR{$1})) { warn("$$func{name}(): unrecognized error: $1\n"); next; } $errors{$1} = $$func{errors}->{$_}; } elsif (m/^!(PAM_[A-Z_]+)$/) { # treat negations separately } elsif (m/^=([a-z_]+)$/) { $ref = $1; if (!defined($FUNCTIONS{$ref})) { $fn = $$func{source}; $fn =~ s/$$func{name}/$ref/; parse_source($fn); } if (!defined($FUNCTIONS{$ref})) { warn("$$func{name}(): reference to unknown $ref()\n"); next; } foreach (keys %{$FUNCTIONS{$ref}->{errors}}) { $errors{$_} //= $FUNCTIONS{$ref}->{errors}->{$_}; } } else { warn("$$func{name}(): invalid error specification: $_\n"); } } foreach (keys %{$$func{errors}}) { if (m/^!(PAM_[A-Z_]+)$/) { delete($errors{$1}); } } delete($$func{recursed}); $$func{errors} = \%errors; } sub dictionary_order($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; $a =~ s/[^[:alpha:]]//g; $b =~ s/[^[:alpha:]]//g; $a cmp $b; } sub genxref($) { my $xref = shift; # References my $mdoc = ''; my @refs = (); foreach my $sect (sort(keys(%{$xref}))) { foreach my $page (sort(dictionary_order keys(%{$xref->{$sect}}))) { push(@refs, "$page $sect"); } } while ($_ = shift(@refs)) { $mdoc .= ".Xr $_" . (@refs ? " ,\n" : "\n"); } return $mdoc; } sub gendoc($) { my $func = shift; # Ref to function hash local *FILE; my %errors; my $mdoc; my $fn; return if defined($$func{nodoc}); $$func{source} =~ m/([^\/]+)$/; $mdoc = ".\\\" Generated from $1 by gendoc.pl\n"; if ($$func{version}) { $mdoc .= ".\\\" $$func{version}\n"; } $mdoc .= ".Dd $TODAY .Dt " . uc($$func{name}) . " 3 .Os .Sh NAME .Nm $$func{name} .Nd $$func{descr} "; if ($func =~ m/^(?:open)?pam_/) { $mdoc .= ".Sh LIBRARY .Lb libpam "; } $mdoc .= ".Sh SYNOPSIS .In sys/types.h "; if ($$func{args} =~ m/\bFILE \*\b/) { $mdoc .= ".In stdio.h\n"; } if ($$func{name} =~ m/^(?:open)?pam/) { $mdoc .= ".In security/pam_appl.h "; } if ($$func{name} =~ m/_sm_/) { $mdoc .= ".In security/pam_modules.h\n"; } if ($$func{name} =~ m/openpam/) { $mdoc .= ".In security/openpam.h\n"; } $mdoc .= ".Ft \"$$func{type}\" .Fn $$func{name} $$func{args} .Sh DESCRIPTION "; if (defined($$func{deprecated})) { $mdoc .= ".Bf Sy\n" . "This function is deprecated and may be removed " . "in a future release without further warning.\n"; if ($$func{deprecated}) { $mdoc .= "The\n.Fn $$func{deprecated}\nfunction " . "may be used to achieve similar results.\n"; } $mdoc .= ".Ef\n.Pp\n"; } if ($$func{experimental}) { $mdoc .= ".Bf Sy\n" . "This function is experimental and may be modified or removed " . "in a future release without prior warning.\n"; $mdoc .= ".Ef\n.Pp\n"; } $mdoc .= "$$func{man}\n"; %errors = %{$$func{errors}}; if ($$func{customrv}) { # leave it } elsif ($$func{type} eq "int" && %errors) { $mdoc .= ".Sh RETURN VALUES The .Fn $$func{name} function returns one of the following values: .Bl -tag -width 18n "; delete($errors{PAM_SUCCESS}); foreach ('PAM_SUCCESS', sort keys %errors) { $mdoc .= ".It Bq Er $_\n" . ($errors{$_} || $PAMERR{$_}) . ".\n"; } $mdoc .= ".El\n"; } elsif ($$func{type} eq "int") { $mdoc .= ".Sh RETURN VALUES The .Fn $$func{name} function returns 0 on success and -1 on failure. "; } elsif ($$func{type} =~ m/\*$/) { $mdoc .= ".Sh RETURN VALUES The .Fn $$func{name} function returns .Dv NULL on failure. "; } elsif ($$func{type} ne "void") { warn("$$func{name}(): no error specification\n"); } $mdoc .= ".Sh SEE ALSO\n" . genxref($$func{xref}); $mdoc .= ".Sh STANDARDS\n"; if ($$func{openpam}) { $mdoc .= "The .Fn $$func{name} function is an OpenPAM extension. "; } else { $mdoc .= ".Rs .%T \"X/Open Single Sign-On Service (XSSO) - Pluggable Authentication Modules\" .%D \"June 1997\" .Re "; } $mdoc .= ".Sh AUTHORS The .Fn $$func{name} function and this manual page were\n"; $mdoc .= $AUTHORS{$$func{author} // 'THINKSEC_DARPA'} . "\n"; $fn = "$$func{name}.3"; if (open(FILE, ">", $fn)) { print(FILE $mdoc); close(FILE); } else { warn("$fn: open(): $!\n"); } } sub readproto($) { my $fn = shift; # File name local *FILE; my %func; open(FILE, "<", "$fn") or die("$fn: open(): $!\n"); while (<FILE>) { if (m/^\.Nm ((?:(?:open)?pam)_.*?)\s*$/) { $func{Nm} = $func{Nm} || $1; } elsif (m/^\.Ft (\S.*?)\s*$/) { $func{Ft} = $func{Ft} || $1; } elsif (m/^\.Fn (\S.*?)\s*$/) { $func{Fn} = $func{Fn} || $1; } } close(FILE); if ($func{Nm}) { $FUNCTIONS{$func{Nm}} = \%func; } else { warn("No function found\n"); } } sub gensummary($) { my $page = shift; # Which page to produce local *FILE; my $upage; my $func; my %xref; open(FILE, ">", "$page.3") or die("$page.3: $!\n"); $page =~ m/(\w+)$/; $upage = uc($1); print FILE ".\\\" Generated by gendoc.pl .Dd $TODAY .Dt $upage 3 .Os .Sh NAME "; my @funcs = sort(keys(%FUNCTIONS)); while ($func = shift(@funcs)) { print FILE ".Nm $FUNCTIONS{$func}->{Nm}"; print FILE " ," if (@funcs); print FILE "\n"; } print FILE ".Nd Pluggable Authentication Modules Library .Sh LIBRARY .Lb libpam .Sh SYNOPSIS\n"; if ($page eq 'pam') { print FILE ".In security/pam_appl.h\n"; } else { print FILE ".In security/openpam.h\n"; } foreach $func (sort(keys(%FUNCTIONS))) { print FILE ".Ft $FUNCTIONS{$func}->{Ft}\n"; print FILE ".Fn $FUNCTIONS{$func}->{Fn}\n"; } while (<STDIN>) { if (m/^\.Xr (\S+)\s*(\d)\s*$/) { ++$xref{int($2)}->{$1}; } print FILE $_; } if ($page eq 'pam') { print FILE ".Sh RETURN VALUES The following return codes are defined by .In security/pam_constants.h : .Bl -tag -width 18n "; foreach (sort(keys(%PAMERR))) { print FILE ".It Bq Er $_\n$PAMERR{$_}.\n"; } print FILE ".El\n"; } print FILE ".Sh SEE ALSO "; if ($page eq 'pam') { ++$xref{3}->{openpam}; } foreach $func (keys(%FUNCTIONS)) { ++$xref{3}->{$func}; } print FILE genxref(\%xref); print FILE ".Sh STANDARDS .Rs .%T \"X/Open Single Sign-On Service (XSSO) - Pluggable Authentication Modules\" .%D \"June 1997\" .Re "; print FILE ".Sh AUTHORS The OpenPAM library and this manual page were $AUTHORS{THINKSEC} "; close(FILE); } sub usage() { print(STDERR "usage: gendoc [-op] source [...]\n"); exit(1); } MAIN:{ my %opts; usage() unless (@ARGV && getopts("op", \%opts)); $TODAY = strftime("%B %e, %Y", localtime(time())); $TODAY =~ s,\s+, ,g; if ($opts{o} || $opts{p}) { foreach my $fn (@ARGV) { readproto($fn); } gensummary('openpam') if ($opts{o}); gensummary('pam') if ($opts{p}); } else { foreach my $fn (@ARGV) { my $func = parse_source($fn); gendoc($func) if (defined($func)); } } exit(0); }