/*! * \file trc_pkt_decode_base.h * \brief OpenCSD : Trace Packet decoder base class. * * \copyright Copyright (c) 2015, ARM Limited. All Rights Reserved. */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 'AS IS' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef ARM_TRC_PKT_DECODE_BASE_H_INCLUDED #define ARM_TRC_PKT_DECODE_BASE_H_INCLUDED #include "trc_component.h" #include "comp_attach_pt_t.h" #include "interfaces/trc_pkt_in_i.h" #include "interfaces/trc_gen_elem_in_i.h" #include "interfaces/trc_tgt_mem_access_i.h" #include "interfaces/trc_instr_decode_i.h" /** @defgroup ocsd_pkt_decode OpenCSD Library : Packet Decoders. @brief Classes providing Protocol Packet Decoding capability. Packet decoders convert incoming protocol packets from a packet processor, into generic trace elements to be output to an analysis program. Packet decoders can be:- - PE decoders - converting ETM or PTM packets into instruction and data trace elements - SW stimulus decoder - converting STM or ITM packets into software generated trace elements. - Bus decoders - converting HTM packets into bus transaction elements. @{*/ class TrcPktDecodeI : public TraceComponent { public: TrcPktDecodeI(const char *component_name); TrcPktDecodeI(const char *component_name, int instIDNum); virtual ~TrcPktDecodeI() {}; componentAttachPt<ITrcGenElemIn> *getTraceElemOutAttachPt() { return &m_trace_elem_out; }; componentAttachPt<ITargetMemAccess> *getMemoryAccessAttachPt() { return &m_mem_access; }; componentAttachPt<IInstrDecode> *getInstrDecodeAttachPt() { return &m_instr_decode; }; void setUsesMemAccess(bool bUsesMemaccess) { m_uses_memaccess = bUsesMemaccess; }; const bool getUsesMemAccess() const { return m_uses_memaccess; }; void setUsesIDecode(bool bUsesIDecode) { m_uses_idecode = bUsesIDecode; }; const bool getUsesIDecode() const { return m_uses_idecode; }; protected: /* implementation packet decoding interface */ virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t processPacket() = 0; virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t onEOT() = 0; virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t onReset() = 0; virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t onFlush() = 0; virtual ocsd_err_t onProtocolConfig() = 0; virtual const uint8_t getCoreSightTraceID() = 0; /* init handling */ const bool checkInit(); /* Called on first init confirmation */ virtual void onFirstInitOK() {}; /* data output */ ocsd_datapath_resp_t outputTraceElement(const OcsdTraceElement &elem); // use current index ocsd_datapath_resp_t outputTraceElementIdx(ocsd_trc_index_t idx, const OcsdTraceElement &elem); // use supplied index (where decoder caches elements) /* target access */ ocsd_err_t accessMemory(const ocsd_vaddr_t address, const ocsd_mem_space_acc_t mem_space, uint32_t *num_bytes, uint8_t *p_buffer); ocsd_err_t invalidateMemAccCache(); /* instruction decode */ ocsd_err_t instrDecode(ocsd_instr_info *instr_info); componentAttachPt<ITrcGenElemIn> m_trace_elem_out; componentAttachPt<ITargetMemAccess> m_mem_access; componentAttachPt<IInstrDecode> m_instr_decode; ocsd_trc_index_t m_index_curr_pkt; bool m_decode_init_ok; //!< set true if all attachments in place for decode. (remove checks in main throughput paths) bool m_config_init_ok; //!< set true if config set. std::string init_err_msg; //!< error message for init error bool m_uses_memaccess; bool m_uses_idecode; }; inline TrcPktDecodeI::TrcPktDecodeI(const char *component_name) : TraceComponent(component_name), m_index_curr_pkt(0), m_decode_init_ok(false), m_config_init_ok(false), m_uses_memaccess(true), m_uses_idecode(true) { } inline TrcPktDecodeI::TrcPktDecodeI(const char *component_name, int instIDNum) : TraceComponent(component_name, instIDNum), m_index_curr_pkt(0), m_decode_init_ok(false), m_config_init_ok(false), m_uses_memaccess(true), m_uses_idecode(true) { } inline const bool TrcPktDecodeI::checkInit() { if(!m_decode_init_ok) { if(!m_config_init_ok) init_err_msg = "No decoder configuration information"; else if(!m_trace_elem_out.hasAttachedAndEnabled()) init_err_msg = "No element output interface attached and enabled"; else if(m_uses_memaccess && !m_mem_access.hasAttachedAndEnabled()) init_err_msg = "No memory access interface attached and enabled"; else if(m_uses_idecode && !m_instr_decode.hasAttachedAndEnabled()) init_err_msg = "No instruction decoder interface attached and enabled"; else m_decode_init_ok = true; if (m_decode_init_ok) onFirstInitOK(); } return m_decode_init_ok; } inline ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktDecodeI::outputTraceElement(const OcsdTraceElement &elem) { return m_trace_elem_out.first()->TraceElemIn(m_index_curr_pkt,getCoreSightTraceID(), elem); } inline ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktDecodeI::outputTraceElementIdx(ocsd_trc_index_t idx, const OcsdTraceElement &elem) { return m_trace_elem_out.first()->TraceElemIn(idx, getCoreSightTraceID(), elem); } inline ocsd_err_t TrcPktDecodeI::instrDecode(ocsd_instr_info *instr_info) { if(m_uses_idecode) return m_instr_decode.first()->DecodeInstruction(instr_info); return OCSD_ERR_DCD_INTERFACE_UNUSED; } inline ocsd_err_t TrcPktDecodeI::accessMemory(const ocsd_vaddr_t address, const ocsd_mem_space_acc_t mem_space, uint32_t *num_bytes, uint8_t *p_buffer) { if(m_uses_memaccess) return m_mem_access.first()->ReadTargetMemory(address,getCoreSightTraceID(),mem_space, num_bytes,p_buffer); return OCSD_ERR_DCD_INTERFACE_UNUSED; } inline ocsd_err_t TrcPktDecodeI::invalidateMemAccCache() { if (!m_uses_memaccess) return OCSD_ERR_DCD_INTERFACE_UNUSED; m_mem_access.first()->InvalidateMemAccCache(getCoreSightTraceID()); return OCSD_OK; } /**********************************************************************/ template <class P, class Pc> class TrcPktDecodeBase : public TrcPktDecodeI, public IPktDataIn<P> { public: TrcPktDecodeBase(const char *component_name); TrcPktDecodeBase(const char *component_name, int instIDNum); virtual ~TrcPktDecodeBase(); virtual ocsd_datapath_resp_t PacketDataIn( const ocsd_datapath_op_t op, const ocsd_trc_index_t index_sop, const P *p_packet_in); /* protocol configuration */ ocsd_err_t setProtocolConfig(const Pc *config); const Pc * getProtocolConfig() const { return m_config; }; protected: void ClearConfigObj(); /* the protocol configuration */ Pc * m_config; /* the current input packet */ const P * m_curr_packet_in; }; template <class P, class Pc> TrcPktDecodeBase<P, Pc>::TrcPktDecodeBase(const char *component_name) : TrcPktDecodeI(component_name), m_config(0) { } template <class P, class Pc> TrcPktDecodeBase<P, Pc>::TrcPktDecodeBase(const char *component_name, int instIDNum) : TrcPktDecodeI(component_name,instIDNum), m_config(0) { } template <class P, class Pc> TrcPktDecodeBase<P, Pc>::~TrcPktDecodeBase() { ClearConfigObj(); } template <class P, class Pc> ocsd_datapath_resp_t TrcPktDecodeBase<P, Pc>::PacketDataIn( const ocsd_datapath_op_t op, const ocsd_trc_index_t index_sop, const P *p_packet_in) { ocsd_datapath_resp_t resp = OCSD_RESP_CONT; if(!checkInit()) { LogError(ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR,OCSD_ERR_NOT_INIT,init_err_msg)); return OCSD_RESP_FATAL_NOT_INIT; } switch(op) { case OCSD_OP_DATA: if(p_packet_in == 0) { LogError(ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR,OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_VAL)); resp = OCSD_RESP_FATAL_INVALID_PARAM; } else { m_curr_packet_in = p_packet_in; m_index_curr_pkt = index_sop; resp = processPacket(); } break; case OCSD_OP_EOT: resp = onEOT(); break; case OCSD_OP_FLUSH: resp = onFlush(); break; case OCSD_OP_RESET: resp = onReset(); break; default: LogError(ocsdError(OCSD_ERR_SEV_ERROR,OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_VAL)); resp = OCSD_RESP_FATAL_INVALID_OP; break; } return resp; } /* protocol configuration */ template <class P, class Pc> ocsd_err_t TrcPktDecodeBase<P, Pc>::setProtocolConfig(const Pc *config) { ocsd_err_t err = OCSD_ERR_INVALID_PARAM_VAL; if(config != 0) { ClearConfigObj(); // remove any current config m_config = new (std::nothrow) Pc(*config); // make a copy of the config - don't rely on the object passed in being valid outside the context of the call. if(m_config != 0) { err = onProtocolConfig(); if(err == OCSD_OK) m_config_init_ok = true; } else err = OCSD_ERR_MEM; } return err; } template <class P, class Pc> void TrcPktDecodeBase<P, Pc>::ClearConfigObj() { if(m_config) { delete m_config; m_config = 0; } } /** @}*/ #endif // ARM_TRC_PKT_DECODE_BASE_H_INCLUDED /* End of File trc_pkt_decode_base.h */