/* * Copyright (c) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ #include <infiniband/verbs.h> const char *ibv_node_type_str(enum ibv_node_type node_type) { static const char *const node_type_str[] = { [IBV_NODE_CA] = "InfiniBand channel adapter", [IBV_NODE_SWITCH] = "InfiniBand switch", [IBV_NODE_ROUTER] = "InfiniBand router", [IBV_NODE_RNIC] = "iWARP NIC", [IBV_NODE_USNIC] = "usNIC", [IBV_NODE_USNIC_UDP] = "usNIC UDP", }; if (node_type < IBV_NODE_CA || node_type > IBV_NODE_USNIC_UDP) return "unknown"; return node_type_str[node_type]; } const char *ibv_port_state_str(enum ibv_port_state port_state) { static const char *const port_state_str[] = { [IBV_PORT_NOP] = "no state change (NOP)", [IBV_PORT_DOWN] = "down", [IBV_PORT_INIT] = "init", [IBV_PORT_ARMED] = "armed", [IBV_PORT_ACTIVE] = "active", [IBV_PORT_ACTIVE_DEFER] = "active defer" }; if (port_state < IBV_PORT_NOP || port_state > IBV_PORT_ACTIVE_DEFER) return "unknown"; return port_state_str[port_state]; } const char *ibv_event_type_str(enum ibv_event_type event) { static const char *const event_type_str[] = { [IBV_EVENT_CQ_ERR] = "CQ error", [IBV_EVENT_QP_FATAL] = "local work queue catastrophic error", [IBV_EVENT_QP_REQ_ERR] = "invalid request local work queue error", [IBV_EVENT_QP_ACCESS_ERR] = "local access violation work queue error", [IBV_EVENT_COMM_EST] = "communication established", [IBV_EVENT_SQ_DRAINED] = "send queue drained", [IBV_EVENT_PATH_MIG] = "path migrated", [IBV_EVENT_PATH_MIG_ERR] = "path migration request error", [IBV_EVENT_DEVICE_FATAL] = "local catastrophic error", [IBV_EVENT_PORT_ACTIVE] = "port active", [IBV_EVENT_PORT_ERR] = "port error", [IBV_EVENT_LID_CHANGE] = "LID change", [IBV_EVENT_PKEY_CHANGE] = "P_Key change", [IBV_EVENT_SM_CHANGE] = "SM change", [IBV_EVENT_SRQ_ERR] = "SRQ catastrophic error", [IBV_EVENT_SRQ_LIMIT_REACHED] = "SRQ limit reached", [IBV_EVENT_QP_LAST_WQE_REACHED] = "last WQE reached", [IBV_EVENT_CLIENT_REREGISTER] = "client reregistration", [IBV_EVENT_GID_CHANGE] = "GID table change" }; if (event < IBV_EVENT_CQ_ERR || event > IBV_EVENT_GID_CHANGE) return "unknown"; return event_type_str[event]; } const char *ibv_wc_status_str(enum ibv_wc_status status) { static const char *const wc_status_str[] = { [IBV_WC_SUCCESS] = "success", [IBV_WC_LOC_LEN_ERR] = "local length error", [IBV_WC_LOC_QP_OP_ERR] = "local QP operation error", [IBV_WC_LOC_EEC_OP_ERR] = "local EE context operation error", [IBV_WC_LOC_PROT_ERR] = "local protection error", [IBV_WC_WR_FLUSH_ERR] = "Work Request Flushed Error", [IBV_WC_MW_BIND_ERR] = "memory management operation error", [IBV_WC_BAD_RESP_ERR] = "bad response error", [IBV_WC_LOC_ACCESS_ERR] = "local access error", [IBV_WC_REM_INV_REQ_ERR] = "remote invalid request error", [IBV_WC_REM_ACCESS_ERR] = "remote access error", [IBV_WC_REM_OP_ERR] = "remote operation error", [IBV_WC_RETRY_EXC_ERR] = "transport retry counter exceeded", [IBV_WC_RNR_RETRY_EXC_ERR] = "RNR retry counter exceeded", [IBV_WC_LOC_RDD_VIOL_ERR] = "local RDD violation error", [IBV_WC_REM_INV_RD_REQ_ERR] = "remote invalid RD request", [IBV_WC_REM_ABORT_ERR] = "aborted error", [IBV_WC_INV_EECN_ERR] = "invalid EE context number", [IBV_WC_INV_EEC_STATE_ERR] = "invalid EE context state", [IBV_WC_FATAL_ERR] = "fatal error", [IBV_WC_RESP_TIMEOUT_ERR] = "response timeout error", [IBV_WC_GENERAL_ERR] = "general error" }; if (status < IBV_WC_SUCCESS || status > IBV_WC_GENERAL_ERR) return "unknown"; return wc_status_str[status]; }