/* * Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2010 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2013 Lawrence Livermore National Security. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2014 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <infiniband/endian.h> #include <infiniband/umad.h> #include <infiniband/umad_types.h> #include <infiniband/umad_sm.h> #include <infiniband/umad_sa.h> #include <infiniband/umad_cm.h> #include "umad_str.h" const char * umad_class_str(uint8_t mgmt_class) { switch (mgmt_class) { case UMAD_CLASS_SUBN_LID_ROUTED: case UMAD_CLASS_SUBN_DIRECTED_ROUTE: return("Subn"); case UMAD_CLASS_SUBN_ADM: return("SubnAdm"); case UMAD_CLASS_PERF_MGMT: return("Perf"); case UMAD_CLASS_BM: return("BM"); case UMAD_CLASS_DEVICE_MGMT: return("DevMgt"); case UMAD_CLASS_CM: return("ComMgt"); case UMAD_CLASS_SNMP: return("SNMP"); case UMAD_CLASS_DEVICE_ADM: return("DevAdm"); case UMAD_CLASS_BOOT_MGMT: return("BootMgt"); case UMAD_CLASS_BIS: return("BIS"); case UMAD_CLASS_CONG_MGMT: return("CongestionManagment"); default: break; } if ((UMAD_CLASS_VENDOR_RANGE1_START <= mgmt_class && mgmt_class <= UMAD_CLASS_VENDOR_RANGE1_END) || (UMAD_CLASS_VENDOR_RANGE2_START <= mgmt_class && mgmt_class <= UMAD_CLASS_VENDOR_RANGE2_END)) return("Vendor"); if (UMAD_CLASS_APPLICATION_START <= mgmt_class && mgmt_class <= UMAD_CLASS_APPLICATION_END) { return("Application"); } return ("<unknown>"); } static const char * umad_common_method_str(uint8_t method) { switch(method) { case UMAD_METHOD_GET: return ("Get"); case UMAD_METHOD_SET: return ("Set"); case UMAD_METHOD_GET_RESP: return ("GetResp"); case UMAD_METHOD_SEND: return ("Send"); case UMAD_METHOD_TRAP: return ("Trap"); case UMAD_METHOD_REPORT: return ("Report"); case UMAD_METHOD_REPORT_RESP: return ("ReportResp"); case UMAD_METHOD_TRAP_REPRESS: return ("TrapRepress"); default: return ("<unknown"); } } static const char * umad_sa_method_str(uint8_t method) { switch(method) { case UMAD_SA_METHOD_GET_TABLE: return ("GetTable"); case UMAD_SA_METHOD_GET_TABLE_RESP: return ("GetTableResp"); case UMAD_SA_METHOD_DELETE: return ("Delete"); case UMAD_SA_METHOD_DELETE_RESP: return ("DeleteResp"); case UMAD_SA_METHOD_GET_MULTI: return ("GetMulti"); case UMAD_SA_METHOD_GET_MULTI_RESP: return ("GetMultiResp"); case UMAD_SA_METHOD_GET_TRACE_TABLE: return ("GetTraceTable"); default: return (umad_common_method_str(method)); } } const char * umad_method_str(uint8_t mgmt_class, uint8_t method) { if (mgmt_class == UMAD_CLASS_SUBN_ADM) return(umad_sa_method_str(method)); return (umad_common_method_str(method)); } const char * umad_common_mad_status_str(__be16 _status) { uint16_t status = be16toh(_status); if (status & UMAD_STATUS_BUSY) return ("Busy"); if (status & UMAD_STATUS_REDIRECT) return ("Redirection required"); switch(status & UMAD_STATUS_INVALID_FIELD_MASK) { case UMAD_STATUS_BAD_VERSION: return ("Bad Version"); case UMAD_STATUS_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED: return ("Method not supported"); case UMAD_STATUS_ATTR_NOT_SUPPORTED: return ("Method/Attribute combo not supported"); case UMAD_STATUS_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE: return ("Invalid attribute/modifier field"); } return ("Success"); } const char * umad_sa_mad_status_str(__be16 _status) { uint16_t status = be16toh(_status); switch((status & UMAD_STATUS_CLASS_MASK) >> 8) { case UMAD_SA_STATUS_SUCCESS: return ("Success"); case UMAD_SA_STATUS_NO_RESOURCES: return ("No Resources"); case UMAD_SA_STATUS_REQ_INVALID: return ("Request Invalid"); case UMAD_SA_STATUS_NO_RECORDS: return ("No Records"); case UMAD_SA_STATUS_TOO_MANY_RECORDS: return ("Too Many Records"); case UMAD_SA_STATUS_INVALID_GID: return ("Invalid GID"); case UMAD_SA_STATUS_INSUF_COMPS: return ("Insufficient Components"); case UMAD_SA_STATUS_REQ_DENIED: return ("Request Denied"); case UMAD_SA_STATUS_PRI_SUGGESTED: return ("Priority Suggested"); } return ("Undefined Error"); } static const char *umad_common_attr_str(__be16 attr_id) { switch(be16toh(attr_id)) { case UMAD_ATTR_CLASS_PORT_INFO: return "Class Port Info"; case UMAD_ATTR_NOTICE: return "Notice"; case UMAD_ATTR_INFORM_INFO: return "Inform Info"; default: return "<unknown>"; } } static const char * umad_sm_attr_str(__be16 attr_id) { switch(be16toh(attr_id)) { case UMAD_SM_ATTR_NODE_DESC: return ("NodeDescription"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_NODE_INFO: return ("NodeInfo"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_SWITCH_INFO: return ("SwitchInfo"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_GUID_INFO: return ("GUIDInfo"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_PORT_INFO: return ("PortInfo"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_PKEY_TABLE: return ("P_KeyTable"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_SLVL_TABLE: return ("SLtoVLMappingTable"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_VL_ARB_TABLE: return ("VLArbitrationTable"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_LINEAR_FT: return ("LinearForwardingTable"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_RANDOM_FT: return ("RandomForwardingTable"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_MCAST_FT: return ("MulticastForwardingTable"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_SM_INFO: return ("SMInfo"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_VENDOR_DIAG: return ("VendorDiag"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_LED_INFO: return ("LedInfo"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_LINK_SPD_WIDTH_TABLE: return ("LinkSpeedWidthPairsTable"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_VENDOR_MADS_TABLE: return ("VendorSpecificMadsTable"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_HIERARCHY_INFO: return ("HierarchyInfo"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_CABLE_INFO: return ("CableInfo"); case UMAD_SM_ATTR_PORT_INFO_EXT: return ("PortInfoExtended"); default: return (umad_common_attr_str(attr_id)); } } static const char * umad_sa_attr_str(__be16 attr_id) { switch(be16toh(attr_id)) { case UMAD_SA_ATTR_NODE_REC: return ("NodeRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_PORT_INFO_REC: return ("PortInfoRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_SLVL_REC: return ("SLtoVLMappingTableRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_SWITCH_INFO_REC: return ("SwitchInfoRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_LINEAR_FT_REC: return ("LinearForwardingTableRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_RANDOM_FT_REC: return ("RandomForwardingTableRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_MCAST_FT_REC: return ("MulticastForwardingTableRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_SM_INFO_REC: return ("SMInfoRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_INFORM_INFO_REC: return ("InformInfoRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_LINK_REC: return ("LinkRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_GUID_INFO_REC: return ("GuidInfoRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_SERVICE_REC: return ("ServiceRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_PKEY_TABLE_REC: return ("P_KeyTableRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_PATH_REC: return ("PathRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_VL_ARB_REC: return ("VLArbitrationTableRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_MCMEMBER_REC: return ("MCMemberRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_TRACE_REC: return ("TraceRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_MULTI_PATH_REC: return ("MultiPathRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_SERVICE_ASSOC_REC: return ("ServiceAssociationRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_LINK_SPD_WIDTH_TABLE_REC: return ("LinkSpeedWidthPairsTableRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_HIERARCHY_INFO_REC: return ("HierarchyInfoRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_CABLE_INFO_REC: return ("CableInfoRecord"); case UMAD_SA_ATTR_PORT_INFO_EXT_REC: return ("PortInfoExtendedRecord"); default: return (umad_common_attr_str(attr_id)); } } static const char * umad_cm_attr_str(__be16 attr_id) { switch(be16toh(attr_id)) { case UMAD_CM_ATTR_REQ: return "ConnectRequest"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_MRA: return "MsgRcptAck"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_REJ: return "ConnectReject"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_REP: return "ConnectReply"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_RTU: return "ReadyToUse"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_DREQ: return "DisconnectRequest"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_DREP: return "DisconnectReply"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_SIDR_REQ: return "ServiceIDResReq"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_SIDR_REP: return "ServiceIDResReqResp"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_LAP: return "LoadAlternatePath"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_APR: return "AlternatePathResponse"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_SAP: return "SuggestAlternatePath"; case UMAD_CM_ATTR_SPR: return "SuggestPathResponse"; default: return (umad_common_attr_str(attr_id)); } } const char * umad_attribute_str(uint8_t mgmt_class, __be16 attr_id) { switch (mgmt_class) { case UMAD_CLASS_SUBN_LID_ROUTED: case UMAD_CLASS_SUBN_DIRECTED_ROUTE: return(umad_sm_attr_str(attr_id)); case UMAD_CLASS_SUBN_ADM: return(umad_sa_attr_str(attr_id)); case UMAD_CLASS_CM: return(umad_cm_attr_str(attr_id)); } return (umad_common_attr_str(attr_id)); }