/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Voltaire Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2007 Xsigo Systems Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Lab. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 HNR Consulting. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2010,2011 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <errno.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <complib/cl_nodenamemap.h> #include <infiniband/ibnetdisc.h> #include <infiniband/mad.h> #include "ibdiag_common.h" #include "ibdiag_sa.h" struct ibmad_port *ibmad_port; static char *node_name_map_file = NULL; static nn_map_t *node_name_map = NULL; static char *load_cache_file = NULL; static uint16_t lid2sl_table[sizeof(uint8_t) * 1024 * 48] = { 0 }; static int obtain_sl = 1; int data_counters = 0; int data_counters_only = 0; int port_config = 0; uint64_t port_guid = 0; char *port_guid_str = NULL; #define SUP_MAX 64 int sup_total = 0; enum MAD_FIELDS suppressed_fields[SUP_MAX]; char *dr_path = NULL; uint8_t node_type_to_print = 0; unsigned clear_errors = 0, clear_counts = 0, details = 0; #define PRINT_SWITCH 0x1 #define PRINT_CA 0x2 #define PRINT_ROUTER 0x4 #define PRINT_ALL 0xFF /* all nodes default flag */ #define DEFAULT_HALF_WORLD_PR_TIMEOUT (3000) struct { int nodes_checked; int bad_nodes; int ports_checked; int bad_ports; int pma_query_failures; } summary = { 0 }; #define DEF_THRES_FILE IBDIAG_CONFIG_PATH"/error_thresholds" static char *threshold_file = DEF_THRES_FILE; /* define a "packet" with threshold values in it */ uint8_t thresholds[1204] = { 0 }; char * threshold_str = ""; static unsigned valid_gid(ib_gid_t * gid) { ib_gid_t zero_gid; memset(&zero_gid, 0, sizeof zero_gid); return memcmp(&zero_gid, gid, sizeof(*gid)); } static void set_thres(char *name, uint32_t val) { int f; int n; char tmp[256]; for (f = IB_PC_FIRST_F; f <= IB_PC_LAST_F; f++) { if (strcmp(name, mad_field_name(f)) == 0) { mad_encode_field(thresholds, f, &val); snprintf(tmp, 255, "[%s = %u]", name, val); threshold_str = realloc(threshold_str, strlen(threshold_str)+strlen(tmp)+1); if (!threshold_str) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory: " "%s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } n = strlen(threshold_str); strcpy(threshold_str+n, tmp); } } } static void set_thresholds(char *threshold_file) { char buf[1024]; int val = 0; FILE *thresf = fopen(threshold_file, "r"); char *p_prefix, *p_last; char *name; char *val_str; char str[64]; if (!thresf) return; snprintf(str, 63, "Thresholds: "); threshold_str = malloc(strlen(str)+1); if (!threshold_str) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate memory: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } strcpy(threshold_str, str); while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, thresf) != NULL) { p_prefix = strtok_r(buf, "\n", &p_last); if (!p_prefix) continue; /* ignore blank lines */ if (*p_prefix == '#') continue; /* ignore comment lines */ name = strtok_r(p_prefix, "=", &p_last); val_str = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &p_last); val = strtoul(val_str, NULL, 0); set_thres(name, val); } fclose(thresf); } static int exceeds_threshold(int field, unsigned val) { uint32_t thres = 0; mad_decode_field(thresholds, field, &thres); return (val > thres); } static void print_port_config(ibnd_node_t * node, int portnum) { char width[64], speed[64], state[64], physstate[64]; char remote_str[256]; char link_str[256]; char width_msg[256]; char speed_msg[256]; char ext_port_str[256]; int iwidth, ispeed, fdr10, espeed, istate, iphystate, cap_mask; uint8_t *info; ibnd_port_t *port = node->ports[portnum]; if (!port) return; iwidth = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_WIDTH_ACTIVE_F); ispeed = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F); fdr10 = mad_get_field(port->ext_info, 0, IB_MLNX_EXT_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F) & FDR10; if (port->node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) info = (uint8_t *)&port->node->ports[0]->info; else info = (uint8_t *)&port->info; cap_mask = mad_get_field(info, 0, IB_PORT_CAPMASK_F); if (cap_mask & CL_NTOH32(IB_PORT_CAP_HAS_EXT_SPEEDS)) espeed = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_ACTIVE_F); else espeed = 0; istate = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_STATE_F); iphystate = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_PHYS_STATE_F); remote_str[0] = '\0'; link_str[0] = '\0'; width_msg[0] = '\0'; speed_msg[0] = '\0'; /* C14-24.2.1 states that a down port allows for invalid data to be * returned for all PortInfo components except PortState and * PortPhysicalState */ if (istate != IB_LINK_DOWN) { if (!espeed) { if (fdr10) sprintf(speed, "10.0 Gbps (FDR10)"); else mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F, speed, 64, &ispeed); } else mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_ACTIVE_F, speed, 64, &espeed); snprintf(link_str, 256, "(%3s %18s %6s/%8s)", mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_WIDTH_ACTIVE_F, width, 64, &iwidth), speed, mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_STATE_F, state, 64, &istate), mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_PHYS_STATE_F, physstate, 64, &iphystate)); } else { snprintf(link_str, 256, "( %6s/%8s)", mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_STATE_F, state, 64, &istate), mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_PHYS_STATE_F, physstate, 64, &iphystate)); } if (port->remoteport) { char *rem_node_name = NULL; if (port->remoteport->ext_portnum) snprintf(ext_port_str, 256, "%d", port->remoteport->ext_portnum); else ext_port_str[0] = '\0'; get_max_msg(width_msg, speed_msg, 256, port); rem_node_name = remap_node_name(node_name_map, port->remoteport->node->guid, port->remoteport->node-> nodedesc); snprintf(remote_str, 256, "0x%016" PRIx64 " %6d %4d[%2s] \"%s\" (%s %s)\n", port->remoteport->guid, port->remoteport->base_lid ? port->remoteport-> base_lid : port->remoteport->node->smalid, port->remoteport->portnum, ext_port_str, rem_node_name, width_msg, speed_msg); free(rem_node_name); } else snprintf(remote_str, 256, " [ ] \"\" ( )\n"); if (port->ext_portnum) snprintf(ext_port_str, 256, "%d", port->ext_portnum); else ext_port_str[0] = '\0'; if (node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) printf(" Link info: %6d", node->smalid); else printf(" Link info: %6d", port->base_lid); printf("%4d[%2s] ==%s==> %s", port->portnum, ext_port_str, link_str, remote_str); } static int suppress(enum MAD_FIELDS field) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < sup_total; i++) if (field == suppressed_fields[i]) return 1; return 0; } static void report_suppressed(void) { int i = 0; printf("## Suppressed:"); for (i = 0; i < sup_total; i++) printf(" %s", mad_field_name(suppressed_fields[i])); printf("\n"); } static int print_summary(void) { printf("\n## Summary: %d nodes checked, %d bad nodes found\n", summary.nodes_checked, summary.bad_nodes); printf("## %d ports checked, %d ports have errors beyond threshold\n", summary.ports_checked, summary.bad_ports); printf("## %s\n", threshold_str); if (summary.pma_query_failures) printf("## %d PMA query failures\n", summary.pma_query_failures); report_suppressed(); return (summary.bad_ports); } static void insert_lid2sl_table(struct sa_query_result *r) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < r->result_cnt; i++) { ib_path_rec_t *p_pr = (ib_path_rec_t *)sa_get_query_rec(r->p_result_madw, i); lid2sl_table[cl_ntoh16(p_pr->dlid)] = ib_path_rec_sl(p_pr); } } static int path_record_query(ib_gid_t sgid,uint64_t dguid) { ib_path_rec_t pr; ib_net64_t comp_mask = 0; uint8_t reversible = 0; struct sa_handle * h; if (!(h = sa_get_handle())) return -1; ibd_timeout = DEFAULT_HALF_WORLD_PR_TIMEOUT; memset(&pr, 0, sizeof(pr)); CHECK_AND_SET_GID(sgid, pr.sgid, PR, SGID); if(dguid) { mad_encode_field(sgid.raw, IB_GID_GUID_F, &dguid); CHECK_AND_SET_GID(sgid, pr.dgid, PR, DGID); } CHECK_AND_SET_VAL(1, 8, -1, pr.num_path, PR, NUMBPATH);/*to get only one PathRecord for each source and destination pair*/ CHECK_AND_SET_VAL(1, 8, -1, reversible, PR, REVERSIBLE);/*for a reversible path*/ pr.num_path |= reversible << 7; struct sa_query_result result; int ret = sa_query(h, IB_MAD_METHOD_GET_TABLE, (uint16_t)IB_SA_ATTR_PATHRECORD,0,cl_ntoh64(comp_mask),ibd_sakey, &pr, sizeof(pr), &result); if (ret) { sa_free_handle(h); fprintf(stderr, "Query SA failed: %s; sa call path_query failed\n", strerror(ret)); return ret; } if (result.status != IB_SA_MAD_STATUS_SUCCESS) { sa_report_err(result.status); ret = EIO; goto Exit; } insert_lid2sl_table(&result); Exit: sa_free_handle(h); sa_free_result_mad(&result); return ret; } static int query_and_dump(char *buf, size_t size, ib_portid_t * portid, char *node_name, int portnum, const char *attr_name, uint16_t attr_id, int start_field, int end_field) { uint8_t pc[1024]; uint32_t val = 0; int i, n; memset(pc, 0, sizeof(pc)); if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, portnum, ibd_timeout, attr_id, ibmad_port)) { IBWARN("%s query failed on %s, %s port %d", attr_name, node_name, portid2str(portid), portnum); summary.pma_query_failures++; return 0; } for (n = 0, i = start_field; i < end_field; i++) { mad_decode_field(pc, i, (void *)&val); if (val) n += snprintf(buf + n, size - n, " [%s == %u]", mad_field_name(i), val); } return n; } static int print_results(ib_portid_t * portid, char *node_name, ibnd_node_t * node, uint8_t * pc, int portnum, int *header_printed, uint8_t *pce, uint16_t cap_mask) { char buf[1024]; char *str = buf; uint32_t val = 0; int i, n; for (n = 0, i = IB_PC_ERR_SYM_F; i <= IB_PC_VL15_DROPPED_F; i++) { if (suppress(i)) continue; /* this is not a counter, skip it */ if (i == IB_PC_COUNTER_SELECT2_F) continue; mad_decode_field(pc, i, (void *)&val); if (exceeds_threshold(i, val)) { n += snprintf(str + n, 1024 - n, " [%s == %u]", mad_field_name(i), val); /* If there are PortXmitDiscards, get details (if supported) */ if (i == IB_PC_XMT_DISCARDS_F && details) { n += query_and_dump(str + n, sizeof(buf) - n, portid, node_name, portnum, "PortXmitDiscardDetails", IB_GSI_PORT_XMIT_DISCARD_DETAILS, IB_PC_RCV_LOCAL_PHY_ERR_F, IB_PC_RCV_ERR_LAST_F); /* If there are PortRcvErrors, get details (if supported) */ } else if (i == IB_PC_ERR_RCV_F && details) { n += query_and_dump(str + n, sizeof(buf) - n, portid, node_name, portnum, "PortRcvErrorDetails", IB_GSI_PORT_RCV_ERROR_DETAILS, IB_PC_XMT_INACT_DISC_F, IB_PC_XMT_DISC_LAST_F); } } } if (!suppress(IB_PC_XMT_WAIT_F)) { mad_decode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_WAIT_F, (void *)&val); if (exceeds_threshold(IB_PC_XMT_WAIT_F, val)) n += snprintf(str + n, 1024 - n, " [%s == %u]", mad_field_name(IB_PC_XMT_WAIT_F), val); } /* if we found errors. */ if (n != 0) { if (data_counters) { uint8_t *pkt = pc; int start_field = IB_PC_XMT_BYTES_F; int end_field = IB_PC_RCV_PKTS_F; if (pce) { pkt = pce; start_field = IB_PC_EXT_XMT_BYTES_F; if (cap_mask & IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED) end_field = IB_PC_EXT_RCV_MPKTS_F; else end_field = IB_PC_EXT_RCV_PKTS_F; } for (i = start_field; i <= end_field; i++) { uint64_t val64 = 0; float val = 0; char *unit = ""; mad_decode_field(pkt, i, (void *)&val64); if (val64) { int data = 0; if (i == IB_PC_EXT_XMT_BYTES_F || i == IB_PC_EXT_RCV_BYTES_F || i == IB_PC_XMT_BYTES_F || i == IB_PC_RCV_BYTES_F) data = 1; unit = conv_cnt_human_readable(val64, &val, data); n += snprintf(str + n, 1024 - n, " [%s == %" PRIu64 " (%5.3f%s)]", mad_field_name(i), val64, val, unit); } } } if (!*header_printed) { if (node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) printf("Errors for 0x%" PRIx64 " \"%s\"\n", node->ports[0]->guid, node_name); else printf("Errors for \"%s\"\n", node_name); *header_printed = 1; summary.bad_nodes++; } if (portnum == 0xFF) { if (node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) printf(" GUID 0x%" PRIx64 " port ALL:%s\n", node->ports[0]->guid, str); } else { printf(" GUID 0x%" PRIx64 " port %d:%s\n", node->ports[portnum]->guid, portnum, str); if (port_config) print_port_config(node, portnum); summary.bad_ports++; } } return (n); } static int query_cap_mask(ib_portid_t * portid, char *node_name, int portnum, uint16_t * cap_mask) { uint8_t pc[1024] = { 0 }; uint16_t rc_cap_mask; portid->sl = lid2sl_table[portid->lid]; /* PerfMgt ClassPortInfo is a required attribute */ if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, portnum, ibd_timeout, CLASS_PORT_INFO, ibmad_port)) { IBWARN("classportinfo query failed on %s, %s port %d", node_name, portid2str(portid), portnum); summary.pma_query_failures++; return -1; } /* ClassPortInfo should be supported as part of libibmad */ memcpy(&rc_cap_mask, pc + 2, sizeof(rc_cap_mask)); /* CapabilityMask */ *cap_mask = rc_cap_mask; return 0; } static int print_data_cnts(ib_portid_t * portid, uint16_t cap_mask, char *node_name, ibnd_node_t * node, int portnum, int *header_printed) { uint8_t pc[1024]; int i; int start_field = IB_PC_XMT_BYTES_F; int end_field = IB_PC_RCV_PKTS_F; memset(pc, 0, 1024); portid->sl = lid2sl_table[portid->lid]; if (cap_mask & (IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED | IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_NOIETF_SUP)) { if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, portnum, ibd_timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS_EXT, ibmad_port)) { IBWARN("IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS_EXT query failed on %s, %s port %d", node_name, portid2str(portid), portnum); summary.pma_query_failures++; return (1); } start_field = IB_PC_EXT_XMT_BYTES_F; if (cap_mask & IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED) end_field = IB_PC_EXT_RCV_MPKTS_F; else end_field = IB_PC_EXT_RCV_PKTS_F; } else { if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, portnum, ibd_timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS, ibmad_port)) { IBWARN("IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS query failed on %s, %s port %d", node_name, portid2str(portid), portnum); summary.pma_query_failures++; return (1); } start_field = IB_PC_XMT_BYTES_F; end_field = IB_PC_RCV_PKTS_F; } if (!*header_printed) { printf("Data Counters for 0x%" PRIx64 " \"%s\"\n", node->guid, node_name); *header_printed = 1; } if (portnum == 0xFF) printf(" GUID 0x%" PRIx64 " port ALL:", node->guid); else printf(" GUID 0x%" PRIx64 " port %d:", node->guid, portnum); for (i = start_field; i <= end_field; i++) { uint64_t val64 = 0; float val = 0; char *unit = ""; int data = 0; mad_decode_field(pc, i, (void *)&val64); if (i == IB_PC_EXT_XMT_BYTES_F || i == IB_PC_EXT_RCV_BYTES_F || i == IB_PC_XMT_BYTES_F || i == IB_PC_RCV_BYTES_F) data = 1; unit = conv_cnt_human_readable(val64, &val, data); printf(" [%s == %" PRIu64 " (%5.3f%s)]", mad_field_name(i), val64, val, unit); } printf("\n"); if (portnum != 0xFF && port_config) print_port_config(node, portnum); return (0); } static int print_errors(ib_portid_t * portid, uint16_t cap_mask, char *node_name, ibnd_node_t * node, int portnum, int *header_printed) { uint8_t pc[1024]; uint8_t pce[1024]; uint8_t *pc_ext = NULL; memset(pc, 0, 1024); memset(pce, 0, 1024); portid->sl = lid2sl_table[portid->lid]; if (!pma_query_via(pc, portid, portnum, ibd_timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS, ibmad_port)) { IBWARN("IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS query failed on %s, %s port %d", node_name, portid2str(portid), portnum); summary.pma_query_failures++; return (0); } if (cap_mask & (IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED | IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_NOIETF_SUP)) { if (!pma_query_via(pce, portid, portnum, ibd_timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS_EXT, ibmad_port)) { IBWARN("IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS_EXT query failed on %s, %s port %d", node_name, portid2str(portid), portnum); summary.pma_query_failures++; return (0); } pc_ext = pce; } if (!(cap_mask & IB_PM_PC_XMIT_WAIT_SUP)) { /* if PortCounters:PortXmitWait not supported clear this counter */ uint32_t foo = 0; mad_encode_field(pc, IB_PC_XMT_WAIT_F, &foo); } return (print_results(portid, node_name, node, pc, portnum, header_printed, pc_ext, cap_mask)); } uint8_t *reset_pc_ext(void *rcvbuf, ib_portid_t * dest, int port, unsigned mask, unsigned timeout, const struct ibmad_port * srcport) { ib_rpc_t rpc = { 0 }; int lid = dest->lid; DEBUG("lid %u port %d mask 0x%x", lid, port, mask); if (lid == -1) { IBWARN("only lid routed is supported"); return NULL; } if (!mask) mask = ~0; rpc.mgtclass = IB_PERFORMANCE_CLASS; rpc.method = IB_MAD_METHOD_SET; rpc.attr.id = IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS_EXT; memset(rcvbuf, 0, IB_MAD_SIZE); /* Same for attribute IDs */ mad_set_field(rcvbuf, 0, IB_PC_EXT_PORT_SELECT_F, port); mad_set_field(rcvbuf, 0, IB_PC_EXT_COUNTER_SELECT_F, mask); rpc.attr.mod = 0; rpc.timeout = timeout; rpc.datasz = IB_PC_DATA_SZ; rpc.dataoffs = IB_PC_DATA_OFFS; if (!dest->qp) dest->qp = 1; if (!dest->qkey) dest->qkey = IB_DEFAULT_QP1_QKEY; return mad_rpc(srcport, &rpc, dest, rcvbuf, rcvbuf); } static void clear_port(ib_portid_t * portid, uint16_t cap_mask, char *node_name, int port) { uint8_t pc[1024] = { 0 }; /* bits defined in Table 228 PortCounters CounterSelect and * CounterSelect2 */ uint32_t mask = 0; if (clear_errors) { mask |= 0xFFF; if (cap_mask & IB_PM_PC_XMIT_WAIT_SUP) mask |= 0x10000; } if (clear_counts) mask |= 0xF000; if (mask) if (!performance_reset_via(pc, portid, port, mask, ibd_timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_COUNTERS, ibmad_port)) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reset errors %s port %d\n", node_name, port); if (clear_errors && details) { memset(pc, 0, 1024); performance_reset_via(pc, portid, port, 0xf, ibd_timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_XMIT_DISCARD_DETAILS, ibmad_port); memset(pc, 0, 1024); performance_reset_via(pc, portid, port, 0x3f, ibd_timeout, IB_GSI_PORT_RCV_ERROR_DETAILS, ibmad_port); } if (clear_counts && (cap_mask & (IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED | IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_NOIETF_SUP))) { if (cap_mask & IB_PM_EXT_WIDTH_SUPPORTED) mask = 0xFF; else mask = 0x0F; if (!reset_pc_ext(pc, portid, port, mask, ibd_timeout, ibmad_port)) fprintf(stderr, "Failed to reset extended data counters %s, " "%s port %d\n", node_name, portid2str(portid), port); } } void print_node(ibnd_node_t * node, void *user_data) { int header_printed = 0; int p = 0; int startport = 1; int type = 0; int all_port_sup = 0; ib_portid_t portid = { 0 }; uint16_t cap_mask = 0; char *node_name = NULL; switch (node->type) { case IB_NODE_SWITCH: type = PRINT_SWITCH; break; case IB_NODE_CA: type = PRINT_CA; break; case IB_NODE_ROUTER: type = PRINT_ROUTER; break; } if ((type & node_type_to_print) == 0) return; if (node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH && node->smaenhsp0) startport = 0; node_name = remap_node_name(node_name_map, node->guid, node->nodedesc); if (node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) { ib_portid_set(&portid, node->smalid, 0, 0); p = 0; } else { for (p = 1; p <= node->numports; p++) { if (node->ports[p]) { ib_portid_set(&portid, node->ports[p]->base_lid, 0, 0); break; } } } if ((query_cap_mask(&portid, node_name, p, &cap_mask) == 0) && (cap_mask & IB_PM_ALL_PORT_SELECT)) all_port_sup = 1; if (data_counters_only) { for (p = startport; p <= node->numports; p++) { if (node->ports[p]) { if (node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) ib_portid_set(&portid, node->smalid, 0, 0); else ib_portid_set(&portid, node->ports[p]->base_lid, 0, 0); print_data_cnts(&portid, cap_mask, node_name, node, p, &header_printed); summary.ports_checked++; if (!all_port_sup) clear_port(&portid, cap_mask, node_name, p); } } } else { if (all_port_sup) if (!print_errors(&portid, cap_mask, node_name, node, 0xFF, &header_printed)) { summary.ports_checked += node->numports; goto clear; } for (p = startport; p <= node->numports; p++) { if (node->ports[p]) { if (node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) ib_portid_set(&portid, node->smalid, 0, 0); else ib_portid_set(&portid, node->ports[p]->base_lid, 0, 0); print_errors(&portid, cap_mask, node_name, node, p, &header_printed); summary.ports_checked++; if (!all_port_sup) clear_port(&portid, cap_mask, node_name, p); } } } clear: summary.nodes_checked++; if (all_port_sup) clear_port(&portid, cap_mask, node_name, 0xFF); free(node_name); } static void add_suppressed(enum MAD_FIELDS field) { if (sup_total >= SUP_MAX) { IBWARN("Maximum (%d) fields have been suppressed; skipping %s", sup_total, mad_field_name(field)); return; } suppressed_fields[sup_total++] = field; } static void calculate_suppressed_fields(char *str) { enum MAD_FIELDS f; char *val, *lasts = NULL; char *tmp = strdup(str); val = strtok_r(tmp, ",", &lasts); while (val) { for (f = IB_PC_FIRST_F; f <= IB_PC_LAST_F; f++) if (strcmp(val, mad_field_name(f)) == 0) add_suppressed(f); val = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &lasts); } free(tmp); } static int process_opt(void *context, int ch, char *optarg) { struct ibnd_config *cfg = context; switch (ch) { case 's': calculate_suppressed_fields(optarg); break; case 'c': /* Right now this is the only "common" error */ add_suppressed(IB_PC_ERR_SWITCH_REL_F); break; case 1: node_name_map_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 2: data_counters++; break; case 3: node_type_to_print |= PRINT_SWITCH; break; case 4: node_type_to_print |= PRINT_CA; break; case 5: node_type_to_print |= PRINT_ROUTER; break; case 6: details = 1; break; case 7: load_cache_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 8: threshold_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 9: data_counters_only = 1; break; case 10: obtain_sl = 0; break; case 'G': case 'S': port_guid_str = optarg; port_guid = strtoull(optarg, 0, 0); break; case 'D': dr_path = strdup(optarg); break; case 'r': port_config++; break; case 'R': /* nop */ break; case 'k': clear_errors = 1; break; case 'K': clear_counts = 1; break; case 'o': cfg->max_smps = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; default: return -1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ibnd_config config = { 0 }; int resolved = -1; ib_portid_t portid = { 0 }; ib_portid_t self_portid = { 0 }; int rc = 0; ibnd_fabric_t *fabric = NULL; ib_gid_t self_gid; int port = 0; int mgmt_classes[4] = { IB_SMI_CLASS, IB_SMI_DIRECT_CLASS, IB_SA_CLASS, IB_PERFORMANCE_CLASS }; const struct ibdiag_opt opts[] = { {"suppress", 's', 1, "<err1,err2,...>", "suppress errors listed"}, {"suppress-common", 'c', 0, NULL, "suppress some of the common counters"}, {"node-name-map", 1, 1, "<file>", "node name map file"}, {"port-guid", 'G', 1, "<port_guid>", "report the node containing the port specified by <port_guid>"}, {"", 'S', 1, "<port_guid>", "Same as \"-G\" for backward compatibility"}, {"Direct", 'D', 1, "<dr_path>", "report the node containing the port specified by <dr_path>"}, {"skip-sl", 10, 0, NULL,"don't obtain SL to all destinations"}, {"report-port", 'r', 0, NULL, "report port link information"}, {"threshold-file", 8, 1, NULL, "specify an alternate threshold file, default: " DEF_THRES_FILE}, {"GNDN", 'R', 0, NULL, "(This option is obsolete and does nothing)"}, {"data", 2, 0, NULL, "include data counters for ports with errors"}, {"switch", 3, 0, NULL, "print data for switches only"}, {"ca", 4, 0, NULL, "print data for CA's only"}, {"router", 5, 0, NULL, "print data for routers only"}, {"details", 6, 0, NULL, "include transmit discard details"}, {"counters", 9, 0, NULL, "print data counters only"}, {"clear-errors", 'k', 0, NULL, "Clear error counters after read"}, {"clear-counts", 'K', 0, NULL, "Clear data counters after read"}, {"load-cache", 7, 1, "<file>", "filename of ibnetdiscover cache to load"}, {"outstanding_smps", 'o', 1, NULL, "specify the number of outstanding SMP's which should be " "issued during the scan"}, {0} }; char usage_args[] = ""; memset(suppressed_fields, 0, sizeof suppressed_fields); ibdiag_process_opts(argc, argv, &config, "cDGKLnRrSs", opts, process_opt, usage_args, NULL); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (!node_type_to_print) node_type_to_print = PRINT_ALL; ibmad_port = mad_rpc_open_port(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, mgmt_classes, 4); if (!ibmad_port) IBEXIT("Failed to open port; %s:%d\n", ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port); smp_mkey_set(ibmad_port, ibd_mkey); if (ibd_timeout) { mad_rpc_set_timeout(ibmad_port, ibd_timeout); config.timeout_ms = ibd_timeout; } config.flags = ibd_ibnetdisc_flags; config.mkey = ibd_mkey; if (dr_path && load_cache_file) { mad_rpc_close_port(ibmad_port); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot specify cache and direct route path\n"); exit(-1); } if (resolve_self(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &self_portid, &port, &self_gid.raw) < 0) { mad_rpc_close_port(ibmad_port); IBEXIT("can't resolve self port %s", argv[0]); } node_name_map = open_node_name_map(node_name_map_file); /* limit the scan the fabric around the target */ if (dr_path) { if ((resolved = resolve_portid_str(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &portid, dr_path, IB_DEST_DRPATH, NULL, ibmad_port)) < 0) IBWARN("Failed to resolve %s; attempting full scan", dr_path); } else if (port_guid_str) { if ((resolved = resolve_portid_str(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &portid, port_guid_str, IB_DEST_GUID, ibd_sm_id, ibmad_port)) < 0) IBWARN("Failed to resolve %s; attempting full scan", port_guid_str); if(obtain_sl) lid2sl_table[portid.lid] = portid.sl; } mad_rpc_close_port(ibmad_port); if (load_cache_file) { if ((fabric = ibnd_load_fabric(load_cache_file, 0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "loading cached fabric failed\n"); rc = -1; goto close_port; } } else { if (resolved >= 0) { if (!config.max_hops) config.max_hops = 1; if (!(fabric = ibnd_discover_fabric(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &portid, &config))) IBWARN("Single node discover failed;" " attempting full scan"); } if (!fabric && !(fabric = ibnd_discover_fabric(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, NULL, &config))) { fprintf(stderr, "discover failed\n"); rc = -1; goto close_port; } } set_thresholds(threshold_file); /* reopen the global ibmad_port */ ibmad_port = mad_rpc_open_port(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, mgmt_classes, 4); if (!ibmad_port) { ibnd_destroy_fabric(fabric); close_node_name_map(node_name_map); IBEXIT("Failed to reopen port: %s:%d\n", ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port); } smp_mkey_set(ibmad_port, ibd_mkey); if (ibd_timeout) mad_rpc_set_timeout(ibmad_port, ibd_timeout); if (port_guid_str) { ibnd_port_t *port = ibnd_find_port_guid(fabric, port_guid); if (port) print_node(port->node, NULL); else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find node: %s\n", port_guid_str); } else if (dr_path) { ibnd_port_t *port; uint8_t ni[IB_SMP_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 }; if (!smp_query_via(ni, &portid, IB_ATTR_NODE_INFO, 0, ibd_timeout, ibmad_port)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to query local Node Info\n"); goto destroy_fabric; } mad_decode_field(ni, IB_NODE_PORT_GUID_F, &(port_guid)); port = ibnd_find_port_guid(fabric, port_guid); if (port) { if(obtain_sl) if(path_record_query(self_gid,port->guid)) goto destroy_fabric; print_node(port->node, NULL); } else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find node: %s\n", dr_path); } else { if(obtain_sl) if(path_record_query(self_gid,0)) goto destroy_fabric; ibnd_iter_nodes(fabric, print_node, NULL); } rc = print_summary(); if (rc) rc = 1; destroy_fabric: mad_rpc_close_port(ibmad_port); ibnd_destroy_fabric(fabric); close_port: close_node_name_map(node_name_map); exit(rc); }