/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Voltaire Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2007 Xsigo Systems Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Lab. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2010,2011 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <time.h> #include <string.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <errno.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <complib/cl_nodenamemap.h> #include <infiniband/ibnetdisc.h> #include "ibdiag_common.h" #define DIFF_FLAG_PORT_CONNECTION 0x01 #define DIFF_FLAG_PORT_STATE 0x02 #define DIFF_FLAG_LID 0x04 #define DIFF_FLAG_NODE_DESCRIPTION 0x08 #define DIFF_FLAG_DEFAULT (DIFF_FLAG_PORT_CONNECTION | DIFF_FLAG_PORT_STATE) static char *node_name_map_file = NULL; static nn_map_t *node_name_map = NULL; static char *load_cache_file = NULL; static char *diff_cache_file = NULL; static unsigned diffcheck_flags = DIFF_FLAG_DEFAULT; static char *filterdownports_cache_file = NULL; static ibnd_fabric_t *filterdownports_fabric = NULL; static uint64_t guid = 0; static char *guid_str = NULL; static char *dr_path = NULL; static int all = 0; static int down_links_only = 0; static int line_mode = 0; static int add_sw_settings = 0; static int only_flag = 0; static int only_type = 0; int filterdownport_check(ibnd_node_t * node, ibnd_port_t * port) { ibnd_node_t *fsw; ibnd_port_t *fport; int fistate; fsw = ibnd_find_node_guid(filterdownports_fabric, node->guid); if (!fsw) return 0; if (port->portnum > fsw->numports) return 0; fport = fsw->ports[port->portnum]; if (!fport) return 0; fistate = mad_get_field(fport->info, 0, IB_PORT_STATE_F); return (fistate == IB_LINK_DOWN) ? 1 : 0; } void print_port(ibnd_node_t * node, ibnd_port_t * port, char *out_prefix) { char width[64], speed[64], state[64], physstate[64]; char remote_guid_str[256]; char remote_str[256]; char link_str[256]; char width_msg[256]; char speed_msg[256]; char ext_port_str[256]; int iwidth, ispeed, fdr10, espeed, istate, iphystate, cap_mask; int n = 0; uint8_t *info = NULL; if (!port) return; iwidth = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_WIDTH_ACTIVE_F); ispeed = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F); fdr10 = mad_get_field(port->ext_info, 0, IB_MLNX_EXT_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F) & FDR10; if (port->node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) { if (port->node->ports[0]) info = (uint8_t *)&port->node->ports[0]->info; } else info = (uint8_t *)&port->info; if (info) { cap_mask = mad_get_field(info, 0, IB_PORT_CAPMASK_F); if (cap_mask & CL_NTOH32(IB_PORT_CAP_HAS_EXT_SPEEDS)) espeed = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_ACTIVE_F); else espeed = 0; } else { ispeed = 0; iwidth = 0; espeed = 0; } istate = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_STATE_F); iphystate = mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_PHYS_STATE_F); remote_guid_str[0] = '\0'; remote_str[0] = '\0'; link_str[0] = '\0'; width_msg[0] = '\0'; speed_msg[0] = '\0'; if (istate == IB_LINK_DOWN && filterdownports_fabric && filterdownport_check(node, port)) return; /* C14-24.2.1 states that a down port allows for invalid data to be * returned for all PortInfo components except PortState and * PortPhysicalState */ if (istate != IB_LINK_DOWN) { if (!espeed) { if (fdr10) sprintf(speed, "10.0 Gbps (FDR10)"); else mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F, speed, 64, &ispeed); } else mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_ACTIVE_F, speed, 64, &espeed); n = snprintf(link_str, 256, "(%3s %18s %6s/%8s)", mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_WIDTH_ACTIVE_F, width, 64, &iwidth), speed, mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_STATE_F, state, 64, &istate), mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_PHYS_STATE_F, physstate, 64, &iphystate)); } else { n = snprintf(link_str, 256, "( %6s/%8s)", mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_STATE_F, state, 64, &istate), mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_PHYS_STATE_F, physstate, 64, &iphystate)); } /* again default values due to C14-24.2.1 */ if (add_sw_settings && istate != IB_LINK_DOWN) { snprintf(link_str + n, 256 - n, " (HOQ:%d VL_Stall:%d)", mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_HOQ_LIFE_F), mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_VL_STALL_COUNT_F)); } if (port->remoteport) { char *remap = remap_node_name(node_name_map, port->remoteport->node->guid, port->remoteport->node->nodedesc); if (port->remoteport->ext_portnum) snprintf(ext_port_str, 256, "%d", port->remoteport->ext_portnum); else ext_port_str[0] = '\0'; get_max_msg(width_msg, speed_msg, 256, port); if (line_mode) { snprintf(remote_guid_str, 256, "0x%016" PRIx64 " ", port->remoteport->guid); } snprintf(remote_str, 256, "%s%6d %4d[%2s] \"%s\" (%s %s)\n", remote_guid_str, port->remoteport->base_lid ? port->remoteport->base_lid : port->remoteport->node->smalid, port->remoteport->portnum, ext_port_str, remap, width_msg, speed_msg); free(remap); } else { if (istate == IB_LINK_DOWN) snprintf(remote_str, 256, " [ ] \"\" ( )\n"); else snprintf(remote_str, 256, " \"Port not available\"\n"); } if (port->ext_portnum) snprintf(ext_port_str, 256, "%d", port->ext_portnum); else ext_port_str[0] = '\0'; if (line_mode) { char *remap = remap_node_name(node_name_map, node->guid, node->nodedesc); printf("%s0x%016" PRIx64 " \"%30s\" ", out_prefix ? out_prefix : "", port->guid, remap); free(remap); } else printf("%s ", out_prefix ? out_prefix : ""); if (port->node->type != IB_NODE_SWITCH) { if (!line_mode) printf("0x%016" PRIx64 " ", port->guid); printf("%6d %4d[%2s] ==%s==> %s", port->base_lid, port->portnum, ext_port_str, link_str, remote_str); } else printf("%6d %4d[%2s] ==%s==> %s", node->smalid, port->portnum, ext_port_str, link_str, remote_str); } static inline const char *nodetype_str(ibnd_node_t * node) { switch (node->type) { case IB_NODE_SWITCH: return "Switch"; case IB_NODE_CA: return "CA"; case IB_NODE_ROUTER: return "Router"; } return "??"; } void print_node_header(ibnd_node_t *node, int *out_header_flag, char *out_prefix) { uint64_t guid = 0; if ((!out_header_flag || !(*out_header_flag)) && !line_mode) { char *remap = remap_node_name(node_name_map, node->guid, node->nodedesc); if (node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) { if (node->ports[0]) guid = node->ports[0]->guid; else /* if (node->info) */ guid = mad_get_field64(node->info, 0, IB_NODE_PORT_GUID_F); printf("%s%s: 0x%016" PRIx64 " %s:\n", out_prefix ? out_prefix : "", nodetype_str(node), guid, remap); } else printf("%s%s: %s:\n", out_prefix ? out_prefix : "", nodetype_str(node), remap); if (out_header_flag) (*out_header_flag)++; free(remap); } } void print_node(ibnd_node_t * node, void *user_data) { int i = 0; int head_print = 0; char *out_prefix = (char *)user_data; for (i = 1; i <= node->numports; i++) { ibnd_port_t *port = node->ports[i]; if (!port) continue; if (!down_links_only || mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_STATE_F) == IB_LINK_DOWN) { print_node_header(node, &head_print, out_prefix); print_port(node, port, out_prefix); } } } struct iter_diff_data { uint32_t diff_flags; ibnd_fabric_t *fabric1; ibnd_fabric_t *fabric2; char *fabric1_prefix; char *fabric2_prefix; }; void diff_node_ports(ibnd_node_t * fabric1_node, ibnd_node_t * fabric2_node, int *head_print, struct iter_diff_data *data) { int i = 0; for (i = 1; i <= fabric1_node->numports; i++) { ibnd_port_t *fabric1_port, *fabric2_port; int output_diff = 0; fabric1_port = fabric1_node->ports[i]; fabric2_port = fabric2_node->ports[i]; if (!fabric1_port && !fabric2_port) continue; if (data->diff_flags & DIFF_FLAG_PORT_CONNECTION) { if ((fabric1_port && !fabric2_port) || (!fabric1_port && fabric2_port) || (fabric1_port->remoteport && !fabric2_port->remoteport) || (!fabric1_port->remoteport && fabric2_port->remoteport) || (fabric1_port->remoteport && fabric2_port->remoteport && fabric1_port->remoteport->guid != fabric2_port->remoteport->guid)) output_diff++; } /* if either fabric1_port or fabric2_port NULL, should be * handled by port connection diff code */ if (data->diff_flags & DIFF_FLAG_PORT_STATE && fabric1_port && fabric2_port) { int state1, state2; state1 = mad_get_field(fabric1_port->info, 0, IB_PORT_STATE_F); state2 = mad_get_field(fabric2_port->info, 0, IB_PORT_STATE_F); if (state1 != state2) output_diff++; } if (data->diff_flags & DIFF_FLAG_PORT_CONNECTION && data->diff_flags & DIFF_FLAG_LID && fabric1_port && fabric2_port && fabric1_port->remoteport && fabric2_port->remoteport && fabric1_port->remoteport->base_lid != fabric2_port->remoteport->base_lid) output_diff++; if (data->diff_flags & DIFF_FLAG_PORT_CONNECTION && data->diff_flags & DIFF_FLAG_NODE_DESCRIPTION && fabric1_port && fabric2_port && fabric1_port->remoteport && fabric2_port->remoteport && memcmp(fabric1_port->remoteport->node->nodedesc, fabric2_port->remoteport->node->nodedesc, IB_SMP_DATA_SIZE)) output_diff++; if (output_diff && fabric1_port) { print_node_header(fabric1_node, head_print, NULL); print_port(fabric1_node, fabric1_port, data->fabric1_prefix); } if (output_diff && fabric2_port) { print_node_header(fabric2_node, head_print, NULL); print_port(fabric2_node, fabric2_port, data->fabric2_prefix); } } } void diff_node_iter(ibnd_node_t * fabric1_node, void *iter_user_data) { struct iter_diff_data *data = iter_user_data; ibnd_node_t *fabric2_node; int head_print = 0; DEBUG("DEBUG: fabric1_node %p\n", fabric1_node); fabric2_node = ibnd_find_node_guid(data->fabric2, fabric1_node->guid); if (!fabric2_node) print_node(fabric1_node, data->fabric1_prefix); else if (data->diff_flags & (DIFF_FLAG_PORT_CONNECTION | DIFF_FLAG_PORT_STATE | DIFF_FLAG_LID | DIFF_FLAG_NODE_DESCRIPTION)) { if ((fabric1_node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH && data->diff_flags & DIFF_FLAG_LID && fabric1_node->smalid != fabric2_node->smalid) || (data->diff_flags & DIFF_FLAG_NODE_DESCRIPTION && memcmp(fabric1_node->nodedesc, fabric2_node->nodedesc, IB_SMP_DATA_SIZE))) { print_node_header(fabric1_node, NULL, data->fabric1_prefix); print_node_header(fabric2_node, NULL, data->fabric2_prefix); head_print++; } if (fabric1_node->numports != fabric2_node->numports) { print_node_header(fabric1_node, &head_print, NULL); printf("%snumports = %d\n", data->fabric1_prefix, fabric1_node->numports); printf("%snumports = %d\n", data->fabric2_prefix, fabric2_node->numports); return; } diff_node_ports(fabric1_node, fabric2_node, &head_print, data); } } int diff_node(ibnd_node_t * node, ibnd_fabric_t * orig_fabric, ibnd_fabric_t * new_fabric) { struct iter_diff_data iter_diff_data; iter_diff_data.diff_flags = diffcheck_flags; iter_diff_data.fabric1 = orig_fabric; iter_diff_data.fabric2 = new_fabric; iter_diff_data.fabric1_prefix = "< "; iter_diff_data.fabric2_prefix = "> "; if (node) diff_node_iter(node, &iter_diff_data); else { if (only_flag) ibnd_iter_nodes_type(orig_fabric, diff_node_iter, only_type, &iter_diff_data); else ibnd_iter_nodes(orig_fabric, diff_node_iter, &iter_diff_data); } /* Do opposite diff to find existence of node types * in new_fabric but not in orig_fabric. * * In this diff, we don't need to check port connections, * port state, lids, or node descriptions since it has already * been done (i.e. checks are only done when guid exists on both * orig and new). */ iter_diff_data.diff_flags = diffcheck_flags & ~DIFF_FLAG_PORT_CONNECTION; iter_diff_data.diff_flags &= ~DIFF_FLAG_PORT_STATE; iter_diff_data.diff_flags &= ~DIFF_FLAG_LID; iter_diff_data.diff_flags &= ~DIFF_FLAG_NODE_DESCRIPTION; iter_diff_data.fabric1 = new_fabric; iter_diff_data.fabric2 = orig_fabric; iter_diff_data.fabric1_prefix = "> "; iter_diff_data.fabric2_prefix = "< "; if (node) diff_node_iter(node, &iter_diff_data); else { if (only_flag) ibnd_iter_nodes_type(new_fabric, diff_node_iter, only_type, &iter_diff_data); else ibnd_iter_nodes(new_fabric, diff_node_iter, &iter_diff_data); } return 0; } static int process_opt(void *context, int ch, char *optarg) { struct ibnd_config *cfg = context; char *p; switch (ch) { case 1: node_name_map_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 2: load_cache_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 3: diff_cache_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 4: diffcheck_flags = 0; p = strtok(optarg, ","); while (p) { if (!strcasecmp(p, "port")) diffcheck_flags |= DIFF_FLAG_PORT_CONNECTION; else if (!strcasecmp(p, "state")) diffcheck_flags |= DIFF_FLAG_PORT_STATE; else if (!strcasecmp(p, "lid")) diffcheck_flags |= DIFF_FLAG_LID; else if (!strcasecmp(p, "nodedesc")) diffcheck_flags |= DIFF_FLAG_NODE_DESCRIPTION; else { fprintf(stderr, "invalid diff check key: %s\n", p); return -1; } p = strtok(NULL, ","); } break; case 5: filterdownports_cache_file = strdup(optarg); break; case 6: only_flag = 1; only_type = IB_NODE_SWITCH; break; case 7: only_flag = 1; only_type = IB_NODE_CA; break; case 'S': case 'G': guid_str = optarg; guid = (uint64_t) strtoull(guid_str, 0, 0); break; case 'D': dr_path = strdup(optarg); break; case 'a': all = 1; break; case 'n': cfg->max_hops = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'd': down_links_only = 1; break; case 'l': line_mode = 1; break; case 'p': add_sw_settings = 1; break; case 'R': /* nop */ break; case 'o': cfg->max_smps = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; default: return -1; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct ibnd_config config = { 0 }; int rc = 0; int resolved = -1; ibnd_fabric_t *fabric = NULL; ibnd_fabric_t *diff_fabric = NULL; struct ibmad_port *ibmad_port; ib_portid_t port_id = { 0 }; uint8_t ni[IB_SMP_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 }; int mgmt_classes[3] = { IB_SMI_CLASS, IB_SMI_DIRECT_CLASS, IB_SA_CLASS }; const struct ibdiag_opt opts[] = { {"node-name-map", 1, 1, "<file>", "node name map file"}, {"switch", 'S', 1, "<port_guid>", "start partial scan at the port specified by <port_guid> (hex format)"}, {"port-guid", 'G', 1, "<port_guid>", "(same as -S)"}, {"Direct", 'D', 1, "<dr_path>", "start partial scan at the port specified by <dr_path>"}, {"all", 'a', 0, NULL, "print all nodes found in a partial fabric scan"}, {"hops", 'n', 1, "<hops>", "Number of hops to include away from specified node"}, {"down", 'd', 0, NULL, "print only down links"}, {"line", 'l', 0, NULL, "(line mode) print all information for each link on a single line"}, {"additional", 'p', 0, NULL, "print additional port settings (PktLifeTime, HoqLife, VLStallCount)"}, {"load-cache", 2, 1, "<file>", "filename of ibnetdiscover cache to load"}, {"diff", 3, 1, "<file>", "filename of ibnetdiscover cache to diff"}, {"diffcheck", 4, 1, "<key(s)>", "specify checks to execute for --diff"}, {"filterdownports", 5, 1, "<file>", "filename of ibnetdiscover cache to filter downports"}, {"outstanding_smps", 'o', 1, NULL, "specify the number of outstanding SMP's which should be " "issued during the scan"}, {"switches-only", 6, 0, NULL, "Output only switches"}, {"cas-only", 7, 0, NULL, "Output only CAs"}, {0} }; char usage_args[] = ""; ibdiag_process_opts(argc, argv, &config, "aDdGgKLlnpRS", opts, process_opt, usage_args, NULL); argc -= optind; argv += optind; ibmad_port = mad_rpc_open_port(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, mgmt_classes, 3); if (!ibmad_port) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s port %d\n", ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port); exit(1); } smp_mkey_set(ibmad_port, ibd_mkey); if (ibd_timeout) { mad_rpc_set_timeout(ibmad_port, ibd_timeout); config.timeout_ms = ibd_timeout; } config.flags = ibd_ibnetdisc_flags; config.mkey = ibd_mkey; node_name_map = open_node_name_map(node_name_map_file); if (dr_path && load_cache_file) { mad_rpc_close_port(ibmad_port); fprintf(stderr, "Cannot specify cache and direct route path\n"); exit(1); } if (dr_path) { /* only scan part of the fabric */ if ((resolved = resolve_portid_str(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &port_id, dr_path, IB_DEST_DRPATH, NULL, ibmad_port)) < 0) IBWARN("Failed to resolve %s; attempting full scan", dr_path); } else if (guid_str) { if ((resolved = resolve_portid_str(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &port_id, guid_str, IB_DEST_GUID, NULL, ibmad_port)) < 0) IBWARN("Failed to resolve %s; attempting full scan\n", guid_str); } if (!smp_query_via(ni, &port_id, IB_ATTR_NODE_INFO, 0, ibd_timeout, ibmad_port)){ mad_rpc_close_port(ibmad_port); fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get local Node Info\n"); exit(1); } mad_rpc_close_port(ibmad_port); if (diff_cache_file && !(diff_fabric = ibnd_load_fabric(diff_cache_file, 0))) IBEXIT("loading cached fabric for diff failed\n"); if (filterdownports_cache_file && !(filterdownports_fabric = ibnd_load_fabric(filterdownports_cache_file, 0))) IBEXIT("loading cached fabric for filterdownports failed\n"); if (load_cache_file) { if ((fabric = ibnd_load_fabric(load_cache_file, 0)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "loading cached fabric failed\n"); exit(1); } } else { if (resolved >= 0) { if (!config.max_hops) config.max_hops = 1; if (!(fabric = ibnd_discover_fabric(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &port_id, &config))) IBWARN("Partial fabric scan failed;" " attempting full scan\n"); } if (!fabric && !(fabric = ibnd_discover_fabric(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, NULL, &config))) { fprintf(stderr, "discover failed\n"); rc = 1; goto close_port; } } if (!all && guid_str) { ibnd_port_t *p = ibnd_find_port_guid(fabric, guid); if (p && (!only_flag || p->node->type == only_type)) { ibnd_node_t *n = p->node; if (diff_fabric) diff_node(n, diff_fabric, fabric); else print_node(n, NULL); } else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find port: %s\n", guid_str); } else if (!all && dr_path) { ibnd_port_t *p = NULL; mad_decode_field(ni, IB_NODE_PORT_GUID_F, &(guid)); p = ibnd_find_port_guid(fabric, guid); if (p && (!only_flag || p->node->type == only_type)) { ibnd_node_t *n = p->node; if (diff_fabric) diff_node(n, diff_fabric, fabric); else print_node(n, NULL); } else fprintf(stderr, "Failed to find port: %s\n", dr_path); } else { if (diff_fabric) diff_node(NULL, diff_fabric, fabric); else { if (only_flag) ibnd_iter_nodes_type(fabric, print_node, only_type, NULL); else ibnd_iter_nodes(fabric, print_node, NULL); } } ibnd_destroy_fabric(fabric); if (diff_fabric) ibnd_destroy_fabric(diff_fabric); close_port: close_node_name_map(node_name_map); exit(rc); }