/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 The Regents of the University of California. * Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Voltaire, Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2002-2010 Mellanox Technologies LTD. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 1996-2003 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2009 HNR Consulting. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2011 Lawrence Livermore National Security. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * */ /** * Define common functions which can be included in the various C based diags. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <config.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <limits.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <infiniband/umad.h> #include <infiniband/mad.h> #include <ibdiag_common.h> #include <ibdiag_version.h> int ibverbose; enum MAD_DEST ibd_dest_type = IB_DEST_LID; ib_portid_t *ibd_sm_id; static ib_portid_t sm_portid = { 0 }; /* general config options */ #define IBDIAG_CONFIG_GENERAL IBDIAG_CONFIG_PATH"/ibdiag.conf" char *ibd_ca = NULL; int ibd_ca_port = 0; int ibd_timeout = 0; uint32_t ibd_ibnetdisc_flags = IBND_CONFIG_MLX_EPI; uint64_t ibd_mkey; uint64_t ibd_sakey = 0; int show_keys = 0; char *ibd_nd_format = NULL; static const char *prog_name; static const char *prog_args; static const char **prog_examples; static struct option *long_opts = NULL; static const struct ibdiag_opt *opts_map[256]; static const char *get_build_version(void) { return "BUILD VERSION: " IBDIAG_VERSION; } static void pretty_print(int start, int width, const char *str) { int len = width - start; const char *p, *e; while (1) { while (isspace(*str)) str++; p = str; do { e = p + 1; p = strchr(e, ' '); } while (p && p - str < len); if (!p) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", str); break; } if (e - str == 1) e = p; fprintf(stderr, "%.*s\n%*s", (int)(e - str), str, start, ""); str = e; } } static inline int val_str_true(const char *val_str) { return ((strncmp(val_str, "TRUE", strlen("TRUE")) == 0) || (strncmp(val_str, "true", strlen("true")) == 0)); } void read_ibdiag_config(const char *file) { char buf[1024]; char orig_buf[1024]; FILE *config_fd = NULL; char *p_prefix, *p_last; char *name; char *val_str; struct stat statbuf; /* silently ignore missing config file */ if (stat(file, &statbuf)) return; config_fd = fopen(file, "r"); if (!config_fd) return; while (fgets(buf, sizeof buf, config_fd) != NULL) { p_prefix = strtok_r(buf, "\n", &p_last); if (!p_prefix) continue; /* ignore blank lines */ if (*p_prefix == '#') continue; /* ignore comment lines */ strlcpy(orig_buf, buf, sizeof(orig_buf)); name = strtok_r(p_prefix, "=", &p_last); val_str = strtok_r(NULL, "\n", &p_last); if (!name || !val_str) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: malformed line in \"%s\":\n%s\n", prog_name, file, orig_buf); continue; } if (strncmp(name, "CA", strlen("CA")) == 0) { free(ibd_ca); ibd_ca = strdup(val_str); } else if (strncmp(name, "Port", strlen("Port")) == 0) { ibd_ca_port = strtoul(val_str, NULL, 0); } else if (strncmp(name, "timeout", strlen("timeout")) == 0) { ibd_timeout = strtoul(val_str, NULL, 0); } else if (strncmp(name, "MLX_EPI", strlen("MLX_EPI")) == 0) { if (val_str_true(val_str)) { ibd_ibnetdisc_flags |= IBND_CONFIG_MLX_EPI; } else { ibd_ibnetdisc_flags &= ~IBND_CONFIG_MLX_EPI; } } else if (strncmp(name, "m_key", strlen("m_key")) == 0) { ibd_mkey = strtoull(val_str, 0, 0); } else if (strncmp(name, "sa_key", strlen("sa_key")) == 0) { ibd_sakey = strtoull(val_str, 0, 0); } else if (strncmp(name, "nd_format", strlen("nd_format")) == 0) { free(ibd_nd_format); ibd_nd_format = strdup(val_str); } } fclose(config_fd); } void ibdiag_show_usage() { struct option *o = long_opts; int n; fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: %s [options] %s\n\n", prog_name, prog_args ? prog_args : ""); if (long_opts[0].name) fprintf(stderr, "Options:\n"); for (o = long_opts; o->name; o++) { const struct ibdiag_opt *io = opts_map[o->val]; n = fprintf(stderr, " --%s", io->name); if (isprint(io->letter)) n += fprintf(stderr, ", -%c", io->letter); if (io->has_arg) n += fprintf(stderr, " %s", io->arg_tmpl ? io->arg_tmpl : "<val>"); if (io->description && *io->description) { n += fprintf(stderr, "%*s ", 24 - n > 0 ? 24 - n : 0, ""); pretty_print(n, 74, io->description); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } if (prog_examples) { const char **p; fprintf(stderr, "\nExamples:\n"); for (p = prog_examples; *p && **p; p++) fprintf(stderr, " %s %s\n", prog_name, *p); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); exit(2); } static int process_opt(int ch, char *optarg) { char *endp; long val; switch (ch) { case 'z': read_ibdiag_config(optarg); break; case 'h': ibdiag_show_usage(); break; case 'V': fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", prog_name, get_build_version()); exit(0); case 'e': madrpc_show_errors(1); break; case 'v': ibverbose++; break; case 'd': ibdebug++; madrpc_show_errors(1); umad_debug(ibdebug - 1); break; case 'C': ibd_ca = optarg; break; case 'P': ibd_ca_port = strtoul(optarg, 0, 0); if (ibd_ca_port < 0) IBEXIT("cannot resolve CA port %d", ibd_ca_port); break; case 'D': ibd_dest_type = IB_DEST_DRPATH; break; case 'L': ibd_dest_type = IB_DEST_LID; break; case 'G': ibd_dest_type = IB_DEST_GUID; break; case 't': errno = 0; val = strtol(optarg, &endp, 0); if (errno || (endp && *endp != '\0') || val <= 0 || val > INT_MAX) IBEXIT("Invalid timeout \"%s\". Timeout requires a " "positive integer value < %d.", optarg, INT_MAX); else { madrpc_set_timeout((int)val); ibd_timeout = (int)val; } break; case 's': /* srcport is not required when resolving via IB_DEST_LID */ if (resolve_portid_str(ibd_ca, ibd_ca_port, &sm_portid, optarg, IB_DEST_LID, 0, NULL) < 0) IBEXIT("cannot resolve SM destination port %s", optarg); ibd_sm_id = &sm_portid; break; case 'K': show_keys = 1; break; case 'y': errno = 0; ibd_mkey = strtoull(optarg, &endp, 0); if (errno || *endp != '\0') { errno = 0; ibd_mkey = strtoull(getpass("M_Key: "), &endp, 0); if (errno || *endp != '\0') { IBEXIT("Bad M_Key"); } } break; default: return -1; } return 0; } static const struct ibdiag_opt common_opts[] = { {"config", 'z', 1, "<config>", "use config file, default: " IBDIAG_CONFIG_GENERAL}, {"Ca", 'C', 1, "<ca>", "Ca name to use"}, {"Port", 'P', 1, "<port>", "Ca port number to use"}, {"Direct", 'D', 0, NULL, "use Direct address argument"}, {"Lid", 'L', 0, NULL, "use LID address argument"}, {"Guid", 'G', 0, NULL, "use GUID address argument"}, {"timeout", 't', 1, "<ms>", "timeout in ms"}, {"sm_port", 's', 1, "<lid>", "SM port lid"}, {"show_keys", 'K', 0, NULL, "display security keys in output"}, {"m_key", 'y', 1, "<key>", "M_Key to use in request"}, {"errors", 'e', 0, NULL, "show send and receive errors"}, {"verbose", 'v', 0, NULL, "increase verbosity level"}, {"debug", 'd', 0, NULL, "raise debug level"}, {"help", 'h', 0, NULL, "help message"}, {"version", 'V', 0, NULL, "show version"}, {0} }; static void make_opt(struct option *l, const struct ibdiag_opt *o, const struct ibdiag_opt *map[]) { l->name = o->name; l->has_arg = o->has_arg; l->flag = NULL; l->val = o->letter; if (!map[l->val]) map[l->val] = o; } static struct option *make_long_opts(const char *exclude_str, const struct ibdiag_opt *custom_opts, const struct ibdiag_opt *map[]) { struct option *long_opts, *l; const struct ibdiag_opt *o; unsigned n = 0; if (custom_opts) for (o = custom_opts; o->name; o++) n++; long_opts = malloc((sizeof(common_opts) / sizeof(common_opts[0]) + n) * sizeof(*long_opts)); if (!long_opts) return NULL; l = long_opts; if (custom_opts) for (o = custom_opts; o->name; o++) make_opt(l++, o, map); for (o = common_opts; o->name; o++) { if (exclude_str && strchr(exclude_str, o->letter)) continue; make_opt(l++, o, map); } memset(l, 0, sizeof(*l)); return long_opts; } static void make_str_opts(const struct option *o, char *p, unsigned size) { unsigned i, n = 0; for (n = 0; o->name && n + 2 + o->has_arg < size; o++) { p[n++] = (char)o->val; for (i = 0; i < (unsigned)o->has_arg; i++) p[n++] = ':'; } p[n] = '\0'; } int ibdiag_process_opts(int argc, char *const argv[], void *cxt, const char *exclude_common_str, const struct ibdiag_opt custom_opts[], int (*custom_handler) (void *cxt, int val, char *optarg), const char *usage_args, const char *usage_examples[]) { char str_opts[1024]; const struct ibdiag_opt *o; prog_name = argv[0]; prog_args = usage_args; prog_examples = usage_examples; if (long_opts) free(long_opts); long_opts = make_long_opts(exclude_common_str, custom_opts, opts_map); if (!long_opts) return -1; read_ibdiag_config(IBDIAG_CONFIG_GENERAL); make_str_opts(long_opts, str_opts, sizeof(str_opts)); while (1) { int ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, str_opts, long_opts, NULL); if (ch == -1) break; o = opts_map[ch]; if (!o) ibdiag_show_usage(); if (custom_handler) { if (custom_handler(cxt, ch, optarg) && process_opt(ch, optarg)) ibdiag_show_usage(); } else if (process_opt(ch, optarg)) ibdiag_show_usage(); } return 0; } void ibexit(const char *fn, char *msg, ...) { char buf[512]; va_list va; int n; va_start(va, msg); n = vsprintf(buf, msg, va); va_end(va); buf[n] = 0; if (ibdebug) printf("%s: iberror: [pid %d] %s: failed: %s\n", prog_name ? prog_name : "", getpid(), fn, buf); else printf("%s: iberror: failed: %s\n", prog_name ? prog_name : "", buf); exit(-1); } char * conv_cnt_human_readable(uint64_t val64, float *val, int data) { uint64_t tmp = val64; int ui = 0; int div = 1; tmp /= 1024; while (tmp) { ui++; tmp /= 1024; div *= 1024; } *val = (float)(val64); if (data) { *val *= 4; if (*val/div > 1024) { ui++; div *= 1024; } } *val /= div; if (data) { switch (ui) { case 0: return ("B"); case 1: return ("KB"); case 2: return ("MB"); case 3: return ("GB"); case 4: return ("TB"); case 5: return ("PB"); case 6: return ("EB"); default: return (""); } } else { switch (ui) { case 0: return (""); case 1: return ("K"); case 2: return ("M"); case 3: return ("G"); case 4: return ("T"); case 5: return ("P"); case 6: return ("E"); default: return (""); } } return (""); } int is_port_info_extended_supported(ib_portid_t * dest, int port, struct ibmad_port *srcport) { uint8_t data[IB_SMP_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 }; uint32_t cap_mask; uint16_t cap_mask2; if (!smp_query_via(data, dest, IB_ATTR_PORT_INFO, port, 0, srcport)) IBEXIT("port info query failed"); mad_decode_field(data, IB_PORT_CAPMASK_F, &cap_mask); if (cap_mask & CL_NTOH32(IB_PORT_CAP_HAS_CAP_MASK2)) { mad_decode_field(data, IB_PORT_CAPMASK2_F, &cap_mask2); if (!(cap_mask2 & CL_NTOH16(IB_PORT_CAP2_IS_PORT_INFO_EXT_SUPPORTED))) { IBWARN("port info capability mask2 = 0x%x doesn't" " indicate PortInfoExtended support", cap_mask2); return 0; } } else { IBWARN("port info capability mask2 not supported"); return 0; } return 1; } int is_mlnx_ext_port_info_supported(uint32_t vendorid, uint16_t devid) { if (ibd_ibnetdisc_flags & IBND_CONFIG_MLX_EPI) { if ((devid >= 0xc738 && devid <= 0xc73b) || devid == 0xcb20 || devid == 0xcf08 || ((vendorid == 0x119f) && /* Bull SwitchX */ (devid == 0x1b02 || devid == 0x1b50 || /* Bull SwitchIB and SwitchIB2 */ devid == 0x1ba0 || (devid >= 0x1bd0 && devid <= 0x1bd5)))) return 1; if ((devid >= 0x1003 && devid <= 0x1017) || ((vendorid == 0x119f) && /* Bull ConnectX3 */ (devid == 0x1b33 || devid == 0x1b73 || devid == 0x1b40 || devid == 0x1b41 || devid == 0x1b60 || devid == 0x1b61 || /* Bull ConnectIB */ devid == 0x1b83 || devid == 0x1b93 || devid == 0x1b94 || /* Bull ConnectX4 */ devid == 0x1bb4 || devid == 0x1bb5 || devid == 0x1bc4))) return 1; } return 0; } /** ========================================================================= * Resolve the SM portid using the umad layer rather than using * ib_resolve_smlid_via which requires a PortInfo query on the local port. */ int resolve_sm_portid(char *ca_name, uint8_t portnum, ib_portid_t *sm_id) { umad_port_t port; int rc; if (!sm_id) return (-1); if ((rc = umad_get_port(ca_name, portnum, &port)) < 0) return rc; memset(sm_id, 0, sizeof(*sm_id)); sm_id->lid = port.sm_lid; sm_id->sl = port.sm_sl; umad_release_port(&port); return 0; } /** ========================================================================= * Resolve local CA characteristics using the umad layer rather than using * ib_resolve_self_via which requires SMP queries on the local port. */ int resolve_self(char *ca_name, uint8_t ca_port, ib_portid_t *portid, int *portnum, ibmad_gid_t *gid) { umad_port_t port; uint64_t prefix, guid; int rc; if (!(portid || portnum || gid)) return (-1); if ((rc = umad_get_port(ca_name, ca_port, &port)) < 0) return rc; if (portid) { memset(portid, 0, sizeof(*portid)); portid->lid = port.base_lid; portid->sl = port.sm_sl; } if (portnum) *portnum = port.portnum; if (gid) { memset(gid, 0, sizeof(*gid)); prefix = cl_ntoh64(port.gid_prefix); guid = cl_ntoh64(port.port_guid); mad_encode_field(*gid, IB_GID_PREFIX_F, &prefix); mad_encode_field(*gid, IB_GID_GUID_F, &guid); } umad_release_port(&port); return 0; } int resolve_gid(char *ca_name, uint8_t ca_port, ib_portid_t * portid, ibmad_gid_t gid, ib_portid_t * sm_id, const struct ibmad_port *srcport) { ib_portid_t sm_portid; char buf[IB_SA_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 }; if (!sm_id) { sm_id = &sm_portid; if (resolve_sm_portid(ca_name, ca_port, sm_id) < 0) return -1; } if ((portid->lid = ib_path_query_via(srcport, gid, gid, sm_id, buf)) < 0) return -1; return 0; } int resolve_guid(char *ca_name, uint8_t ca_port, ib_portid_t *portid, uint64_t *guid, ib_portid_t *sm_id, const struct ibmad_port *srcport) { ib_portid_t sm_portid; uint8_t buf[IB_SA_DATA_SIZE] = { 0 }; uint64_t prefix; ibmad_gid_t selfgid; if (!sm_id) { sm_id = &sm_portid; if (resolve_sm_portid(ca_name, ca_port, sm_id) < 0) return -1; } if (resolve_self(ca_name, ca_port, NULL, NULL, &selfgid) < 0) return -1; memcpy(&prefix, portid->gid, sizeof(prefix)); if (!prefix) mad_set_field64(portid->gid, 0, IB_GID_PREFIX_F, IB_DEFAULT_SUBN_PREFIX); if (guid) mad_set_field64(portid->gid, 0, IB_GID_GUID_F, *guid); if ((portid->lid = ib_path_query_via(srcport, selfgid, portid->gid, sm_id, buf)) < 0) return -1; mad_decode_field(buf, IB_SA_PR_SL_F, &portid->sl); return 0; } /* * Callers of this function should ensure their ibmad_port has been opened with * IB_SA_CLASS as this function may require the SA to resolve addresses. */ int resolve_portid_str(char *ca_name, uint8_t ca_port, ib_portid_t * portid, char *addr_str, enum MAD_DEST dest_type, ib_portid_t *sm_id, const struct ibmad_port *srcport) { ibmad_gid_t gid; uint64_t guid; int lid; char *routepath; ib_portid_t selfportid = { 0 }; int selfport = 0; memset(portid, 0, sizeof *portid); switch (dest_type) { case IB_DEST_LID: lid = strtol(addr_str, 0, 0); if (!IB_LID_VALID(lid)) return -1; return ib_portid_set(portid, lid, 0, 0); case IB_DEST_DRPATH: if (str2drpath(&portid->drpath, addr_str, 0, 0) < 0) return -1; return 0; case IB_DEST_GUID: if (!(guid = strtoull(addr_str, 0, 0))) return -1; /* keep guid in portid? */ return resolve_guid(ca_name, ca_port, portid, &guid, sm_id, srcport); case IB_DEST_DRSLID: lid = strtol(addr_str, &routepath, 0); routepath++; if (!IB_LID_VALID(lid)) return -1; ib_portid_set(portid, lid, 0, 0); /* handle DR parsing and set DrSLID to local lid */ if (resolve_self(ca_name, ca_port, &selfportid, &selfport, NULL) < 0) return -1; if (str2drpath(&portid->drpath, routepath, selfportid.lid, 0) < 0) return -1; return 0; case IB_DEST_GID: if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr_str, &gid) <= 0) return -1; return resolve_gid(ca_name, ca_port, portid, gid, sm_id, srcport); default: IBWARN("bad dest_type %d", dest_type); } return -1; } static unsigned int get_max_width(unsigned int num) { unsigned r = 0; /* 1x */ if (num & 8) r = 3; /* 12x */ else { if (num & 4) r = 2; /* 8x */ else if (num & 2) r = 1; /* 4x */ else if (num & 0x10) r = 4; /* 2x */ } return (1 << r); } static unsigned int get_max(unsigned int num) { unsigned r = 0; // r will be lg(num) while (num >>= 1) // unroll for more speed... r++; return (1 << r); } void get_max_msg(char *width_msg, char *speed_msg, int msg_size, ibnd_port_t * port) { char buf[64]; uint32_t max_speed = 0; uint32_t cap_mask, rem_cap_mask, fdr10; uint8_t *info = NULL; uint32_t max_width = get_max_width(mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_WIDTH_SUPPORTED_F) & mad_get_field(port->remoteport->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_WIDTH_SUPPORTED_F)); if ((max_width & mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_WIDTH_ACTIVE_F)) == 0) // we are not at the max supported width // print what we could be at. snprintf(width_msg, msg_size, "Could be %s", mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_WIDTH_ACTIVE_F, buf, 64, &max_width)); if (port->node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) { if (port->node->ports[0]) info = (uint8_t *)&port->node->ports[0]->info; } else info = (uint8_t *)&port->info; if (info) cap_mask = mad_get_field(info, 0, IB_PORT_CAPMASK_F); else cap_mask = 0; info = NULL; if (port->remoteport->node->type == IB_NODE_SWITCH) { if (port->remoteport->node->ports[0]) info = (uint8_t *)&port->remoteport->node->ports[0]->info; } else info = (uint8_t *)&port->remoteport->info; if (info) rem_cap_mask = mad_get_field(info, 0, IB_PORT_CAPMASK_F); else rem_cap_mask = 0; if (cap_mask & CL_NTOH32(IB_PORT_CAP_HAS_EXT_SPEEDS) && rem_cap_mask & CL_NTOH32(IB_PORT_CAP_HAS_EXT_SPEEDS)) goto check_ext_speed; check_fdr10_supp: fdr10 = (mad_get_field(port->ext_info, 0, IB_MLNX_EXT_PORT_LINK_SPEED_SUPPORTED_F) & FDR10) && (mad_get_field(port->remoteport->ext_info, 0, IB_MLNX_EXT_PORT_LINK_SPEED_SUPPORTED_F) & FDR10); if (fdr10) goto check_fdr10_active; max_speed = get_max(mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_SUPPORTED_F) & mad_get_field(port->remoteport->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_SUPPORTED_F)); if ((max_speed & mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F)) == 0) // we are not at the max supported speed // print what we could be at. snprintf(speed_msg, msg_size, "Could be %s", mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F, buf, 64, &max_speed)); return; check_ext_speed: if (mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_SUPPORTED_F) == 0 || mad_get_field(port->remoteport->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_SUPPORTED_F) == 0) goto check_fdr10_supp; max_speed = get_max(mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_SUPPORTED_F) & mad_get_field(port->remoteport->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_SUPPORTED_F)); if ((max_speed & mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_ACTIVE_F)) == 0) // we are not at the max supported extended speed // print what we could be at. snprintf(speed_msg, msg_size, "Could be %s", mad_dump_val(IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_ACTIVE_F, buf, 64, &max_speed)); return; check_fdr10_active: if ((mad_get_field(port->ext_info, 0, IB_MLNX_EXT_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F) & FDR10) == 0) { /* Special case QDR to try to avoid confusion with FDR10 */ if (mad_get_field(port->info, 0, IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_ACTIVE_F) == 4) /* QDR (10.0 Gbps) */ snprintf(speed_msg, msg_size, "Could be FDR10 (Found link at QDR but expected speed is FDR10)"); else snprintf(speed_msg, msg_size, "Could be FDR10"); } } int vsnprint_field(char *buf, size_t n, enum MAD_FIELDS f, int spacing, const char *format, va_list va_args) { int len, i, ret; len = strlen(mad_field_name(f)); if (len + 2 > n || spacing + 1 > n) return 0; strncpy(buf, mad_field_name(f), n); buf[len] = ':'; for (i = len+1; i < spacing+1; i++) { buf[i] = '.'; } ret = vsnprintf(&buf[spacing+1], n - spacing, format, va_args); if (ret >= n - spacing) buf[n] = '\0'; return ret + spacing; } int snprint_field(char *buf, size_t n, enum MAD_FIELDS f, int spacing, const char *format, ...) { va_list val; int ret; va_start(val, format); ret = vsnprint_field(buf, n, f, spacing, format, val); va_end(val); return ret; } void dump_portinfo(void *pi, int tabs) { int field, i; char val[64]; char buf[1024]; for (field = IB_PORT_FIRST_F; field < IB_PORT_LAST_F; field++) { for (i=0;i<tabs;i++) printf("\t"); if (field == IB_PORT_MKEY_F && show_keys == 0) { snprint_field(buf, 1024, field, 32, NOT_DISPLAYED_STR); } else { mad_decode_field(pi, field, val); if (!mad_dump_field(field, buf, 1024, val)) return; } printf("%s\n", buf); } for (field = IB_PORT_CAPMASK2_F; field < IB_PORT_LINK_SPEED_EXT_LAST_F; field++) { for (i=0;i<tabs;i++) printf("\t"); mad_decode_field(pi, field, val); if (!mad_dump_field(field, buf, 1024, val)) return; printf("%s\n", buf); } } op_fn_t *match_op(const match_rec_t match_tbl[], char *name) { const match_rec_t *r; for (r = match_tbl; r->name; r++) if (!strcasecmp(r->name, name) || (r->alias && !strcasecmp(r->alias, name))) return r->fn; return NULL; }