#include "config.h" #include "unity.h" #include "ntp_types.h" #include "log.c" void setUp(void); void testChangePrognameInMysyslog(void); void testOpenLogfileTest(void); void testWriteInCustomLogfile(void); void setUp(void) { init_lib(); } //in var/log/syslog (may differ depending on your OS), logged name of the program will be "TEST_PROGNAME". void testChangePrognameInMysyslog(void) { sntp_init_logging("TEST_PROGNAME"); msyslog(LOG_ERR, "TESTING sntp_init_logging()"); return; } //writes log files in your own file instead of syslog! (MAY BE USEFUL TO SUPPRESS ERROR MESSAGES!) void testOpenLogfileTest(void) { sntp_init_logging("TEST_PROGNAME2"); //this name is consistent through the entire program unless changed open_logfile("testLogfile.log"); //open_logfile("/var/log/syslog"); //this gives me "Permission Denied" when i do %m msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Cannot open log file %s","abcXX"); //cleanup_log(); //unnecessary after log.c fix! return; } //multiple cleanup_log() causes segfault. Probably the reason it's static. Opening multiple open_logfile(name) will cause segfault x.x I'm guessing it's not intended to be changed. Cleanup after unity test doesn't fix it, looks like. Calling in tearDown() also causes issues. void testWriteInCustomLogfile(void) { char testString[256] = "12345 ABC"; char testName[256] = "TEST_PROGNAME3"; (void)remove("testLogfile2.log"); sntp_init_logging(testName); open_logfile("testLogfile2.log"); // ./ causing issues //sntp_init_logging(testName); msyslog(LOG_ERR, "%s", testString); FILE * f = fopen("testLogfile2.log","r"); char line[256]; TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( f != NULL); //should be only 1 line while (fgets(line, sizeof(line), f)) { printf("%s", line); } char* x = strstr(line,testName); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( x != NULL); x = strstr(line,testString); TEST_ASSERT_TRUE( x != NULL); //cleanup_log(); fclose(f); //using this will also cause segfault, because at the end, log.c will call (using atexit(func) function) cleanup_log(void)-> fclose(syslog_file); //After the 1st fclose, syslog_file = NULL, and is never reset -> hopefully fixed by editing log.c //TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_STRING(testString,line); //doesn't work, line is dynamic because the process name is random. return; }