/* * cmd_args.c = command-line argument processing */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include "ntpd.h" #include "ntp_stdlib.h" #include "ntp_config.h" #include "ntp_cmdargs.h" #include "ntpd-opts.h" /* * Definitions of things either imported from or exported to outside */ extern char const *progname; #ifdef HAVE_NETINFO extern int check_netinfo; #endif /* * getCmdOpts - apply most command line options * * A few options are examined earlier in ntpd.c ntpdmain() and * ports/winnt/ntpd/ntservice.c main(). */ void getCmdOpts( int argc, char ** argv ) { extern const char *config_file; int errflg; /* * Initialize, initialize */ errflg = 0; if (ipv4_works && ipv6_works) { if (HAVE_OPT( IPV4 )) ipv6_works = 0; else if (HAVE_OPT( IPV6 )) ipv4_works = 0; } else if (!ipv4_works && !ipv6_works) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "Neither IPv4 nor IPv6 networking detected, fatal."); exit(1); } else if (HAVE_OPT( IPV4 ) && !ipv4_works) msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "-4/--ipv4 ignored, IPv4 networking not found."); else if (HAVE_OPT( IPV6 ) && !ipv6_works) msyslog(LOG_WARNING, "-6/--ipv6 ignored, IPv6 networking not found."); if (HAVE_OPT( AUTHREQ )) proto_config(PROTO_AUTHENTICATE, 1, 0., NULL); else if (HAVE_OPT( AUTHNOREQ )) proto_config(PROTO_AUTHENTICATE, 0, 0., NULL); if (HAVE_OPT( BCASTSYNC )) proto_config(PROTO_BROADCLIENT, 1, 0., NULL); if (HAVE_OPT( CONFIGFILE )) { config_file = OPT_ARG( CONFIGFILE ); #ifdef HAVE_NETINFO check_netinfo = 0; #endif } if (HAVE_OPT( DRIFTFILE )) stats_config(STATS_FREQ_FILE, OPT_ARG( DRIFTFILE )); if (HAVE_OPT( PANICGATE )) allow_panic = TRUE; if (HAVE_OPT( FORCE_STEP_ONCE )) force_step_once = TRUE; #ifdef HAVE_DROPROOT if (HAVE_OPT( JAILDIR )) { droproot = 1; chrootdir = OPT_ARG( JAILDIR ); } #endif if (HAVE_OPT( KEYFILE )) getauthkeys(OPT_ARG( KEYFILE )); if (HAVE_OPT( PIDFILE )) stats_config(STATS_PID_FILE, OPT_ARG( PIDFILE )); if (HAVE_OPT( QUIT )) mode_ntpdate = TRUE; if (HAVE_OPT( PROPAGATIONDELAY )) do { double tmp; const char *my_ntp_optarg = OPT_ARG( PROPAGATIONDELAY ); if (sscanf(my_ntp_optarg, "%lf", &tmp) != 1) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "command line broadcast delay value %s undecodable", my_ntp_optarg); } else { proto_config(PROTO_BROADDELAY, 0, tmp, NULL); } } while (0); if (HAVE_OPT( STATSDIR )) stats_config(STATS_STATSDIR, OPT_ARG( STATSDIR )); if (HAVE_OPT( TRUSTEDKEY )) { int ct = STACKCT_OPT( TRUSTEDKEY ); const char** pp = STACKLST_OPT( TRUSTEDKEY ); do { u_long tkey; const char* p = *pp++; tkey = (int)atol(p); if (tkey == 0 || tkey > NTP_MAXKEY) { msyslog(LOG_ERR, "command line trusted key %s is invalid", p); } else { authtrust(tkey, 1); } } while (--ct > 0); } #ifdef HAVE_DROPROOT if (HAVE_OPT( USER )) { droproot = 1; user = estrdup(OPT_ARG( USER )); group = strrchr(user, ':'); if (group != NULL) { size_t len; *group++ = '\0'; /* get rid of the ':' */ len = group - user; group = estrdup(group); user = erealloc(user, len); } } #endif if (HAVE_OPT( VAR )) { int ct; const char ** pp; const char * v_assign; ct = STACKCT_OPT( VAR ); pp = STACKLST_OPT( VAR ); do { v_assign = *pp++; set_sys_var(v_assign, strlen(v_assign) + 1, RW); } while (--ct > 0); } if (HAVE_OPT( DVAR )) { int ct = STACKCT_OPT( DVAR ); const char** pp = STACKLST_OPT( DVAR ); do { const char* my_ntp_optarg = *pp++; set_sys_var(my_ntp_optarg, strlen(my_ntp_optarg)+1, (u_short) (RW | DEF)); } while (--ct > 0); } if (HAVE_OPT( SLEW )) loop_config(LOOP_MAX, 600); if (HAVE_OPT( UPDATEINTERVAL )) { long val = OPT_VALUE_UPDATEINTERVAL; if (val >= 0) interface_interval = val; else { fprintf(stderr, "command line interface update interval %ld must not be negative\n", val); msyslog(LOG_ERR, "command line interface update interval %ld must not be negative", val); errflg++; } } /* save list of servers from cmd line for config_peers() use */ if (argc > 0) { cmdline_server_count = argc; cmdline_servers = argv; } /* display usage & exit with any option processing errors */ if (errflg) optionUsage(&ntpdOptions, 2); /* does not return */ }