/* $NetBSD: t_modautoload.c,v 1.6 2017/01/13 21:30:42 christos Exp $ */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/mount.h> #include <sys/module.h> #include <sys/dirent.h> #include <sys/sysctl.h> #include <atf-c.h> #include <err.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <rump/rump.h> #include <rump/rump_syscalls.h> #include <miscfs/kernfs/kernfs.h> #include "h_macros.h" ATF_TC(modautoload); ATF_TC_HEAD(modautoload, tc) { atf_tc_set_md_var(tc, "descr", "tests that kernel module " "autoload works in rump"); } static void mountkernfs(void) { bool old_autoload, new_autoload; size_t old_len, new_len; int error; if (!rump_nativeabi_p()) atf_tc_skip("host kernel modules not supported"); rump_init(); if (rump_sys_mkdir("/kern", 0777) == -1) atf_tc_fail_errno("mkdir /kern"); new_autoload = true; old_len = sizeof(old_autoload); new_len = sizeof(new_autoload); error = sysctlbyname("kern.module.autoload", &old_autoload, &old_len, &new_autoload, new_len); if (error != 0) atf_tc_fail_errno("could not enable module autoload"); if (rump_sys_mount(MOUNT_KERNFS, "/kern", 0, NULL, 0) == -1) atf_tc_fail_errno("could not mount kernfs"); } /* * Why use kernfs here? It talks to plenty of other parts with the * kernel (e.g. vfs_attach() in modcmd), but is still easy to verify * it's working correctly. */ #define MAGICNUM 1323 ATF_TC_BODY(modautoload, tc) { extern int rumpns_hz; char buf[64]; int fd; mountkernfs(); rumpns_hz = MAGICNUM; if ((fd = rump_sys_open("/kern/hz", O_RDONLY)) == -1) atf_tc_fail_errno("open /kern/hz"); if (rump_sys_read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) <= 0) atf_tc_fail_errno("read"); ATF_REQUIRE(atoi(buf) == MAGICNUM); } ATF_TP_ADD_TCS(tp) { ATF_TP_ADD_TC(tp, modautoload); return atf_no_error(); }