%{ /* $NetBSD: testlang_parse.y,v 1.14 2015/01/04 20:19:46 christos Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright 2009 Brett Lymn <blymn@NetBSD.org> * * All rights reserved. * * This code has been donated to The NetBSD Foundation by the Author. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software withough specific prior written permission * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * */ #include <assert.h> #include <curses.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <err.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <poll.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <time.h> #include <vis.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "returns.h" #define YYDEBUG 1 extern int verbose; extern int cmdpipe[2]; extern int slvpipe[2]; extern int master; extern struct pollfd readfd; extern char *check_path; extern char *cur_file; /* from director.c */ int yylex(void); size_t line; static int input_delay; /* time delay between inputs chars - default to 0.1ms minimum to prevent * problems with input tests */ #define DELAY_MIN 0.1 /* time delay after a function call - allows the slave time to * run the function and output data before we do other actions. * Set this to 50ms. */ #define POST_CALL_DELAY 50 static struct timespec delay_spec = {0, 1000 * DELAY_MIN}; static struct timespec delay_post_call = {0, 1000 * POST_CALL_DELAY}; static char *input_str; /* string to feed in as input */ static bool no_input; /* don't need more input */ #define READ_PIPE 0 #define WRITE_PIPE 1 const char *returns_enum_names[] = { "unused", "numeric", "string", "byte", "ERR", "OK", "NULL", "not NULL", "variable", "reference", "returns count", "slave error" }; typedef enum { arg_static, arg_byte, arg_var, arg_null } args_state_t; static const char *args_enum_names[] = { "static", "byte", "var", "NULL" }; typedef struct { args_state_t arg_type; size_t arg_len; char *arg_string; int var_index; } args_t; typedef struct { char *function; int nrets; /* number of returns */ returns_t *returns; /* array of expected returns */ int nargs; /* number of arguments */ args_t *args; /* arguments for the call */ } cmd_line_t; static cmd_line_t command; typedef struct { char *name; size_t len; returns_enum_t type; void *value; } var_t; static size_t nvars; /* Number of declared variables */ static var_t *vars; /* Variables defined during the test. */ static int check_function_table(char *, const char *[], int); static int find_var_index(const char *); static void assign_arg(args_state_t, void *); static int assign_var(char *); void init_parse_variables(int); static void validate(int, void *); static void validate_return(const char *, const char *, int); static void validate_variable(int, returns_enum_t, const void *, int, int); static void validate_byte(returns_t *, returns_t *, int); static void write_cmd_pipe(char *); static void write_cmd_pipe_args(args_state_t, void *); static void read_cmd_pipe(returns_t *); static void write_func_and_args(void); static void compare_streams(char *, bool); static void do_function_call(size_t); static void save_slave_output(bool); static void validate_type(returns_enum_t, returns_t *, int); static void set_var(returns_enum_t, char *, void *); static void validate_reference(int, void *); static char *numeric_or(char *, char *); static char *get_numeric_var(const char *); static void perform_delay(struct timespec *); static const char *input_functions[] = { "getch", "getnstr", "getstr", "mvgetnstr", "mvgetstr", "mvgetnstr", "mvgetstr", "mvscanw", "mvwscanw", "scanw", "wgetch", "wgetnstr", "wgetstr" }; static const unsigned ninput_functions = sizeof(input_functions) / sizeof(char *); saved_data_t saved_output; %} %union { char *string; returns_t *retval; } %token <string> PATH %token <string> STRING %token <retval> BYTE %token <string> VARNAME %token <string> FILENAME %token <string> VARIABLE %token <string> REFERENCE %token <string> NULL_RET %token <string> NON_NULL %token <string> ERR_RET %token <string> OK_RET %token <string> numeric %token <string> DELAY %token <string> INPUT %token <string> COMPARE %token <string> COMPAREND %token <string> ASSIGN %token EOL CALL CHECK NOINPUT OR LHB RHB %token CALL2 CALL3 CALL4 DRAIN %nonassoc OR %% statement : /* empty */ | assign statement | call statement | call2 statement | call3 statement | call4 statement | check statement | delay statement | input statement | noinput statement | compare statement | comparend statement | eol statement ; assign : ASSIGN VARNAME numeric {set_var(ret_number, $2, $3);} eol | ASSIGN VARNAME LHB expr RHB {set_var(ret_number, $2, $<string>4);} eol | ASSIGN VARNAME STRING {set_var(ret_string, $2, $3);} eol | ASSIGN VARNAME BYTE {set_var(ret_byte, $2, $3);} eol ; call : CALL result fn_name args eol { do_function_call(1); } ; call2 : CALL2 result result fn_name args eol { do_function_call(2); } ; call3 : CALL3 result result result fn_name args eol { do_function_call(3); } ; call4 : CALL4 result result result result fn_name args eol { do_function_call(4); } ; check : CHECK var returns eol { returns_t retvar; var_t *vptr; if (command.returns[0].return_index == -1) err(1, "Undefined variable in check statement, line %zu" " of file %s", line, cur_file); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Checking contents of variable %s for %s\n", vars[command.returns[0].return_index].name, returns_enum_names[command.returns[1].return_type]); } if (((command.returns[1].return_type == ret_byte) && (vars[command.returns[0].return_index].type != ret_byte)) || vars[command.returns[0].return_index].type != ret_string) err(1, "Var type %s (%d) does not match return type %s (%d)", returns_enum_names[ vars[command.returns[0].return_index].type], vars[command.returns[0].return_index].type, returns_enum_names[command.returns[1].return_type], command.returns[1].return_type); switch (command.returns[1].return_type) { case ret_err: validate_variable(0, ret_string, "ERR", command.returns[0].return_index, 0); break; case ret_ok: validate_variable(0, ret_string, "OK", command.returns[0].return_index, 0); break; case ret_null: validate_variable(0, ret_string, "NULL", command.returns[0].return_index, 0); break; case ret_nonnull: validate_variable(0, ret_string, "NULL", command.returns[0].return_index, 1); break; case ret_string: case ret_number: if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, " %s == returned %s\n", (const char *)command.returns[1].return_value, (const char *) vars[command.returns[0].return_index].value); } validate_variable(0, ret_string, command.returns[1].return_value, command.returns[0].return_index, 0); break; case ret_byte: vptr = &vars[command.returns[0].return_index]; retvar.return_len = vptr->len; retvar.return_type = vptr->type; retvar.return_value = vptr->value; validate_byte(&retvar, &command.returns[1], 0); break; default: err(1, "Malformed check statement at line %zu " "of file %s", line, cur_file); break; } init_parse_variables(0); } ; delay : DELAY numeric eol { /* set the inter-character delay */ if (sscanf($2, "%d", &input_delay) == 0) err(1, "delay specification %s could not be converted to " "numeric at line %zu of file %s", $2, line, cur_file); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Set input delay to %d ms\n", input_delay); } if (input_delay < DELAY_MIN) input_delay = DELAY_MIN; /* * Fill in the timespec structure now ready for use later. * The delay is specified in milliseconds so convert to timespec * values */ delay_spec.tv_sec = input_delay / 1000; delay_spec.tv_nsec = (input_delay - 1000 * delay_spec.tv_sec) * 1000; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "set delay to %jd.%jd\n", (intmax_t)delay_spec.tv_sec, (intmax_t)delay_spec.tv_nsec); } init_parse_variables(0); } ; input : INPUT STRING eol { if (input_str != NULL) { warnx("%s, %zu: Discarding unused input string", cur_file, line); free(input_str); } if ((input_str = malloc(strlen($2) + 1)) == NULL) err(2, "Cannot allocate memory for input string"); strlcpy(input_str, $2, strlen($2) + 1); } ; noinput : NOINPUT eol { if (input_str != NULL) { warnx("%s, %zu: Discarding unused input string", cur_file, line); free(input_str); } no_input = true; } compare : COMPARE PATH eol | COMPARE FILENAME eol { compare_streams($2, true); } ; comparend : COMPAREND PATH eol | COMPAREND FILENAME eol { compare_streams($2, false); } ; result : returns | var | reference ; returns : numeric { assign_rets(ret_number, $1); } | LHB expr RHB { assign_rets(ret_number, $<string>2); } | STRING { assign_rets(ret_string, $1); } | BYTE { assign_rets(ret_byte, (void *) $1); } | ERR_RET { assign_rets(ret_err, NULL); } | OK_RET { assign_rets(ret_ok, NULL); } | NULL_RET { assign_rets(ret_null, NULL); } | NON_NULL { assign_rets(ret_nonnull, NULL); } ; var : VARNAME { assign_rets(ret_var, $1); } ; reference : VARIABLE { assign_rets(ret_ref, $1); } fn_name : VARNAME { if (command.function != NULL) free(command.function); command.function = malloc(strlen($1) + 1); if (command.function == NULL) err(1, "Could not allocate memory for function name"); strcpy(command.function, $1); } ; expr : numeric | VARIABLE { $<string>$ = get_numeric_var($1); } | expr OR expr { $<string>$ = numeric_or($<string>1, $<string>3); } ; args : /* empty */ | LHB expr RHB { assign_arg(arg_static, $<string>2); } args | numeric { assign_arg(arg_static, $1); } args | STRING { assign_arg(arg_static, $1); } args | BYTE { assign_arg(arg_byte, $1); } args | PATH { assign_arg(arg_static, $1); } args | FILENAME { assign_arg(arg_static, $1); } args | VARNAME { assign_arg(arg_static, $1); } args | VARIABLE { assign_arg(arg_var, $1); } args | NULL_RET { assign_arg(arg_null, $1); } args ; eol : EOL ; %% static void excess(const char *fname, size_t lineno, const char *func, const char *comment, const void *data, size_t datalen) { size_t dstlen = datalen * 4 + 1; char *dst = malloc(dstlen); if (dst == NULL) err(1, "malloc"); if (strnvisx(dst, dstlen, data, datalen, VIS_WHITE | VIS_OCTAL) == -1) err(1, "strnvisx"); warnx("%s, %zu: [%s] Excess %zu bytes%s [%s]", fname, lineno, func, datalen, comment, dst); free(dst); } /* * Get the value of a variable, error if the variable has not been set or * is not a numeric type. */ static char * get_numeric_var(const char *var) { int i; if ((i = find_var_index(var)) < 0) err(1, "Variable %s is undefined", var); if (vars[i].type != ret_number) err(1, "Variable %s is not a numeric type", var); return vars[i].value; } /* * Perform a bitwise OR on two numbers and return the result. */ static char * numeric_or(char *n1, char *n2) { unsigned long i1, i2, result; char *ret; i1 = strtoul(n1, NULL, 10); i2 = strtoul(n2, NULL, 10); result = i1 | i2; asprintf(&ret, "%lu", result); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "numeric or of 0x%lx (%s) and 0x%lx (%s)" " results in 0x%lx (%s)\n", i1, n1, i2, n2, result, ret); } return ret; } /* * Sleep for the specified time, handle the sleep getting interrupted * by a signal. */ static void perform_delay(struct timespec *ts) { struct timespec delay_copy, delay_remainder; delay_copy = *ts; while (nanosleep(&delay_copy, &delay_remainder) < 0) { if (errno != EINTR) err(2, "nanosleep returned error"); delay_copy = delay_remainder; } } /* * Assign the value given to the named variable. */ static void set_var(returns_enum_t type, char *name, void *value) { int i; char *number; returns_t *ret; i = find_var_index(name); if (i < 0) i = assign_var(name); vars[i].type = type; if ((type == ret_number) || (type == ret_string)) { number = value; vars[i].len = strlen(number) + 1; vars[i].value = malloc(vars[i].len + 1); if (vars[i].value == NULL) err(1, "Could not malloc memory for assign string"); strcpy(vars[i].value, number); } else { /* can only be a byte value */ ret = value; vars[i].len = ret->return_len; vars[i].value = malloc(vars[i].len); if (vars[i].value == NULL) err(1, "Could not malloc memory to assign byte string"); memcpy(vars[i].value, ret->return_value, vars[i].len); } } /* * Add a new variable to the vars array, the value will be assigned later, * when a test function call returns. */ static int assign_var(char *varname) { var_t *temp; char *name; if ((name = malloc(strlen(varname) + 1)) == NULL) err(1, "Alloc of varname failed"); if ((temp = realloc(vars, sizeof(*temp) * (nvars + 1))) == NULL) { free(name); err(1, "Realloc of vars array failed"); } strcpy(name, varname); vars = temp; vars[nvars].name = name; vars[nvars].len = 0; vars[nvars].value = NULL; nvars++; return (nvars - 1); } /* * Allocate and assign a new argument of the given type. */ static void assign_arg(args_state_t arg_type, void *arg) { args_t *temp, cur; char *str = arg; returns_t *ret; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "function is >%s<, adding arg >%s< type %s\n", command.function, str, args_enum_names[arg_type]); } cur.arg_type = arg_type; switch (arg_type) { case arg_var: cur.var_index = find_var_index(arg); if (cur.var_index < 0) err(1, "Invalid variable %s at line %zu of file %s", str, line, cur_file); cur.arg_type = ret_string; break; case arg_byte: ret = arg; cur.arg_len = ret->return_len; cur.arg_string = malloc(cur.arg_len); if (cur.arg_string == NULL) err(1, "Could not malloc memory for arg bytes"); memcpy(cur.arg_string, ret->return_value, cur.arg_len); break; case arg_null: cur.arg_len = 0; cur.arg_string = NULL; break; default: cur.arg_len = strlen(str); cur.arg_string = malloc(cur.arg_len + 1); if (cur.arg_string == NULL) err(1, "Could not malloc memory for arg string"); strcpy(cur.arg_string, arg); } temp = realloc(command.args, sizeof(*temp) * (command.nargs + 1)); if (temp == NULL) err(1, "Failed to reallocate args"); command.args = temp; memcpy(&command.args[command.nargs], &cur, sizeof(args_t)); command.nargs++; } /* * Allocate and assign a new return. */ static void assign_rets(returns_enum_t ret_type, void *ret) { returns_t *temp, cur; char *ret_str; returns_t *ret_ret; cur.return_type = ret_type; if (ret_type != ret_var) { if ((ret_type == ret_number) || (ret_type == ret_string)) { ret_str = ret; cur.return_len = strlen(ret_str) + 1; cur.return_value = malloc(cur.return_len + 1); if (cur.return_value == NULL) err(1, "Could not malloc memory for arg string"); strcpy(cur.return_value, ret_str); } else if (ret_type == ret_byte) { ret_ret = ret; cur.return_len = ret_ret->return_len; cur.return_value = malloc(cur.return_len); if (cur.return_value == NULL) err(1, "Could not malloc memory for byte string"); memcpy(cur.return_value, ret_ret->return_value, cur.return_len); } else if (ret_type == ret_ref) { if ((cur.return_index = find_var_index(ret)) < 0) err(1, "Undefined variable reference"); } } else { cur.return_index = find_var_index(ret); if (cur.return_index < 0) cur.return_index = assign_var(ret); } temp = realloc(command.returns, sizeof(*temp) * (command.nrets + 1)); if (temp == NULL) err(1, "Failed to reallocate returns"); command.returns = temp; memcpy(&command.returns[command.nrets], &cur, sizeof(returns_t)); command.nrets++; } /* * Find the given variable name in the var array and return the i * return -1 if var is not found. */ static int find_var_index(const char *var_name) { int result; size_t i; result = -1; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if (strcmp(var_name, vars[i].name) == 0) { result = i; break; } } return result; } /* * Check the given function name in the given table of names, return 1 if * there is a match. */ static int check_function_table(char *function, const char *table[], int nfunctions) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nfunctions; i++) { if ((strlen(function) == strlen(table[i])) && (strcmp(function, table[i]) == 0)) return 1; } return 0; } /* * Compare the output from the slave against the given file and report * any differences. */ static void compare_streams(char *filename, bool discard) { char check_file[PATH_MAX], drain[100], ref, data; struct pollfd fds[2]; int nfd, check_fd; ssize_t result; size_t offs; /* * Don't prepend check path iff check file has an absolute * path. */ if (filename[0] != '/') { if (strlcpy(check_file, check_path, sizeof(check_file)) >= sizeof(check_file)) err(2, "CHECK_PATH too long"); if (strlcat(check_file, "/", sizeof(check_file)) >= sizeof(check_file)) err(2, "Could not append / to check file path"); } else { check_file[0] = '\0'; } if (strlcat(check_file, filename, sizeof(check_file)) >= sizeof(check_file)) err(2, "Path to check file path overflowed"); if ((check_fd = open(check_file, O_RDONLY, 0)) < 0) err(2, "failed to open file %s line %zu of file %s", check_file, line, cur_file); fds[0].fd = check_fd; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = master; fds[1].events = POLLIN; nfd = 2; /* * if we have saved output then only check for data in the * reference file since the slave data may already be drained. */ if (saved_output.count > 0) nfd = 1; offs = 0; while (poll(fds, nfd, 500) == nfd) { if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { if ((result = read(check_fd, &ref, 1)) < 1) { if (result != 0) { err(2, "Bad read on file %s", check_file); } else { break; } } } if (saved_output.count > 0) { data = saved_output.data[saved_output.readp]; saved_output.count--; saved_output.readp++; /* run out of saved data, switch to file */ if (saved_output.count == 0) nfd = 2; } else { if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { if (read(master, &data, 1) < 1) err(2, "Bad read on slave pty"); } else continue; } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Comparing reference byte 0x%x (%c)" " against slave byte 0x%x (%c)\n", ref, (ref >= ' ') ? ref : '-', data, (data >= ' ' )? data : '-'); } if (ref != data) { errx(2, "%s, %zu: refresh data from slave does " "not match expected from file %s offs %zu " "[reference 0x%x (%c) != slave 0x%x (%c)]", cur_file, line, check_file, offs, ref, (ref >= ' ') ? ref : '-', data, (data >= ' ') ? data : '-'); } offs++; } if (saved_output.count > 0) excess(cur_file, line, __func__, " from slave", &saved_output.data[saved_output.readp], saved_output.count); /* discard any excess saved output if required */ if (discard) { saved_output.count = 0; saved_output.readp = 0; } if ((result = poll(&fds[0], 2, 0)) != 0) { if (result == -1) err(2, "poll of file descriptors failed"); if ((fds[1].revents & POLLIN) == POLLIN) { save_slave_output(true); } else if ((fds[0].revents & POLLIN) == POLLIN) { /* * handle excess in file if it exists. Poll * says there is data until EOF is read. * Check next read is EOF, if it is not then * the file really has more data than the * slave produced so flag this as a warning. */ result = read(check_fd, drain, sizeof(drain)); if (result == -1) err(1, "read of data file failed"); if (result > 0) { excess(check_file, 0, __func__, "", drain, result); } } } close(check_fd); } /* * Pass a function call and arguments to the slave and wait for the * results. The variable nresults determines how many returns we expect * back from the slave. These results will be validated against the * expected returns or assigned to variables. */ static void do_function_call(size_t nresults) { #define MAX_RESULTS 4 char *p; int do_input; size_t i; struct pollfd fds[3]; returns_t response[MAX_RESULTS], returns_count; assert(nresults <= MAX_RESULTS); do_input = check_function_table(command.function, input_functions, ninput_functions); write_func_and_args(); /* * We should get the number of returns back here, grab it before * doing input otherwise it will confuse the input poll */ read_cmd_pipe(&returns_count); if (returns_count.return_type != ret_count) err(2, "expected return type of ret_count but received %s", returns_enum_names[returns_count.return_type]); perform_delay(&delay_post_call); /* let slave catch up */ if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Expect %zu results from slave, slave " "reported %zu\n", nresults, returns_count.return_len); } if ((no_input == false) && (do_input == 1)) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "doing input with inputstr >%s<\n", input_str); } if (input_str == NULL) errx(2, "%s, %zu: Call to input function " "but no input defined", cur_file, line); fds[0].fd = slvpipe[READ_PIPE]; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = master; fds[1].events = POLLOUT; p = input_str; save_slave_output(false); while(*p != '\0') { perform_delay(&delay_spec); if (poll(fds, 2, 0) < 0) err(2, "poll failed"); if (fds[0].revents & POLLIN) { warnx("%s, %zu: Slave function " "returned before end of input string", cur_file, line); break; } if ((fds[1].revents & POLLOUT) == 0) continue; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Writing char >%c< to slave\n", *p); } if (write(master, p, 1) != 1) { warn("%s, %zu: Slave function write error", cur_file, line); break; } p++; } save_slave_output(false); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Input done.\n"); } /* done with the input string, free the resources */ free(input_str); input_str = NULL; } if (verbose) { fds[0].fd = slvpipe[READ_PIPE]; fds[0].events = POLLIN; fds[1].fd = slvpipe[WRITE_PIPE]; fds[1].events = POLLOUT; fds[2].fd = master; fds[2].events = POLLIN | POLLOUT; i = poll(&fds[0], 3, 1000); fprintf(stderr, "Poll returned %zu\n", i); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "revents for fd[%zu] = 0x%x\n", i, fds[i].revents); } } /* drain any trailing output */ save_slave_output(false); for (i = 0; i < returns_count.return_len; i++) { read_cmd_pipe(&response[i]); } /* * Check for a slave error in the first return slot, if the * slave errored then we may not have the number of returns we * expect but in this case we should report the slave error * instead of a return count mismatch. */ if ((returns_count.return_len > 0) && (response[0].return_type == ret_slave_error)) err(2, "Slave returned error: %s", (const char *)response[0].return_value); if (returns_count.return_len != nresults) err(2, "Incorrect number of returns from slave, expected %zu " "but received %zu", nresults, returns_count.return_len); if (verbose) { for (i = 0; i < nresults; i++) { if ((response[i].return_type != ret_byte) && (response[i].return_type != ret_err) && (response[i].return_type != ret_ok)) fprintf(stderr, "received response >%s< " "expected", (const char *)response[i].return_value); else fprintf(stderr, "received"); fprintf(stderr, " return_type %s\n", returns_enum_names[command.returns[i].return_type]); } } for (i = 0; i < nresults; i++) { if (command.returns[i].return_type != ret_var) { validate(i, &response[i]); } else { vars[command.returns[i].return_index].len = response[i].return_len; vars[command.returns[i].return_index].value = response[i].return_value; vars[command.returns[i].return_index].type = response[i].return_type; } } if (verbose && (saved_output.count > 0)) excess(cur_file, line, __func__, " from slave", &saved_output.data[saved_output.readp], saved_output.count); init_parse_variables(0); } /* * Write the function and command arguments to the command pipe. */ static void write_func_and_args(void) { int i; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "calling function >%s<\n", command.function); } write_cmd_pipe(command.function); for (i = 0; i < command.nargs; i++) { if (command.args[i].arg_type == arg_var) write_cmd_pipe_args(command.args[i].arg_type, &vars[command.args[i].var_index]); else write_cmd_pipe_args(command.args[i].arg_type, &command.args[i]); } write_cmd_pipe(NULL); /* signal end of arguments */ } /* * Initialise the command structure - if initial is non-zero then just set * everything to sane values otherwise free any memory that was allocated * when building the structure. */ void init_parse_variables(int initial) { int i, result; struct pollfd slave_pty; if (initial == 0) { free(command.function); for (i = 0; i < command.nrets; i++) { if (command.returns[i].return_type == ret_number) free(command.returns[i].return_value); } free(command.returns); for (i = 0; i < command.nargs; i++) { if (command.args[i].arg_type != arg_var) free(command.args[i].arg_string); } free(command.args); } else { line = 0; input_delay = 0; vars = NULL; nvars = 0; input_str = NULL; saved_output.allocated = 0; saved_output.count = 0; saved_output.readp = 0; saved_output.data = NULL; } no_input = false; command.function = NULL; command.nargs = 0; command.args = NULL; command.nrets = 0; command.returns = NULL; /* * Check the slave pty for stray output from the slave, at this * point we should not see any data as it should have been * consumed by the test functions. If we see data then we have * either a bug or are not handling an output generating function * correctly. */ slave_pty.fd = master; slave_pty.events = POLLIN; result = poll(&slave_pty, 1, 0); if (result < 0) err(2, "Poll of slave pty failed"); else if (result > 0) warnx("%s, %zu: Unexpected data from slave", cur_file, line); } /* * Validate the response against the expected return. The variable * i is the i into the rets array in command. */ static void validate(int i, void *data) { char *response; returns_t *byte_response; byte_response = data; if ((command.returns[i].return_type != ret_byte) && (command.returns[i].return_type != ret_err) && (command.returns[i].return_type != ret_ok)) { if ((byte_response->return_type == ret_byte) || (byte_response->return_type == ret_err) || (byte_response->return_type == ret_ok)) err(1, "%s: expecting type %s, received type %s" " at line %zu of file %s", __func__, returns_enum_names[command.returns[i].return_type], returns_enum_names[byte_response->return_type], line, cur_file); response = byte_response->return_value; } switch (command.returns[i].return_type) { case ret_err: validate_type(ret_err, byte_response, 0); break; case ret_ok: validate_type(ret_ok, byte_response, 0); break; case ret_null: validate_return("NULL", response, 0); break; case ret_nonnull: validate_return("NULL", response, 1); break; case ret_string: case ret_number: validate_return(command.returns[i].return_value, response, 0); break; case ret_ref: validate_reference(i, response); break; case ret_byte: validate_byte(&command.returns[i], byte_response, 0); break; default: err(1, "Malformed statement at line %zu of file %s", line, cur_file); break; } } /* * Validate the return against the contents of a variable. */ static void validate_reference(int i, void *data) { char *response; returns_t *byte_response; var_t *varp; varp = &vars[command.returns[i].return_index]; byte_response = data; if (command.returns[i].return_type != ret_byte) response = data; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: return type of %s, value %s \n", __func__, returns_enum_names[varp->type], (const char *)varp->value); } switch (varp->type) { case ret_string: case ret_number: validate_return(varp->value, response, 0); break; case ret_byte: validate_byte(varp->value, byte_response, 0); break; default: err(1, "Invalid return type for reference at line %zu of file %s", line, cur_file); break; } } /* * Validate the return type against the expected type, throw an error * if they don't match. */ static void validate_type(returns_enum_t expected, returns_t *value, int check) { if (((check == 0) && (expected != value->return_type)) || ((check == 1) && (expected == value->return_type))) err(1, "Validate expected type %s %s %s line %zu of file %s", returns_enum_names[expected], (check == 0)? "matching" : "not matching", returns_enum_names[value->return_type], line, cur_file); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Validate expected type %s %s %s line %zu" " of file %s\n", returns_enum_names[expected], (check == 0)? "matching" : "not matching", returns_enum_names[value->return_type], line, cur_file); } } /* * Validate the return value against the expected value, throw an error * if they don't match. */ static void validate_return(const char *expected, const char *value, int check) { if (((check == 0) && strcmp(expected, value) != 0) || ((check == 1) && strcmp(expected, value) == 0)) errx(1, "Validate expected %s %s %s line %zu of file %s", expected, (check == 0)? "matching" : "not matching", value, line, cur_file); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Validated expected value %s %s %s " "at line %zu of file %s\n", expected, (check == 0)? "matches" : "does not match", value, line, cur_file); } } /* * Validate the return value against the expected value, throw an error * if they don't match expectations. */ static void validate_byte(returns_t *expected, returns_t *value, int check) { char *ch; size_t i; if (verbose) { ch = value->return_value; fprintf(stderr, "checking returned byte stream: "); for (i = 0; i < value->return_len; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%s0x%x", (i != 0)? ", " : "", ch[i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s byte stream: ", (check == 0)? "matches" : "does not match"); ch = (char *) expected->return_value; for (i = 0; i < expected->return_len; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%s0x%x", (i != 0)? ", " : "", ch[i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } /* * No chance of a match if lengths differ... */ if ((check == 0) && (expected->return_len != value->return_len)) errx(1, "Byte validation failed, length mismatch, expected %zu," "received %zu", expected->return_len, value->return_len); /* * If check is 0 then we want to throw an error IFF the byte streams * do not match, if check is 1 then throw an error if the byte * streams match. */ if (((check == 0) && memcmp(expected->return_value, value->return_value, value->return_len) != 0) || ((check == 1) && (expected->return_len == value->return_len) && memcmp(expected->return_value, value->return_value, value->return_len) == 0)) errx(1, "Validate expected %s byte stream at line %zu" "of file %s", (check == 0)? "matching" : "not matching", line, cur_file); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Validated expected %s byte stream " "at line %zu of file %s\n", (check == 0)? "matching" : "not matching", line, cur_file); } } /* * Validate the variable at i against the expected value, throw an * error if they don't match, if check is non-zero then the match is * negated. */ static void validate_variable(int ret, returns_enum_t type, const void *value, int i, int check) { returns_t *retval; var_t *varptr; retval = &command.returns[ret]; varptr = &vars[command.returns[ret].return_index]; if (varptr->value == NULL) err(1, "Variable %s has no value assigned to it", varptr->name); if (varptr->type != type) err(1, "Variable %s is not the expected type", varptr->name); if (type != ret_byte) { if ((((check == 0) && strcmp(value, varptr->value) != 0)) || ((check == 1) && strcmp(value, varptr->value) == 0)) err(1, "Variable %s contains %s instead of %s" " value %s at line %zu of file %s", varptr->name, (const char *)varptr->value, (check == 0)? "expected" : "not matching", (const char *)value, line, cur_file); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Variable %s contains %s value " "%s at line %zu of file %s\n", varptr->name, (check == 0)? "expected" : "not matching", (const char *)varptr->value, line, cur_file); } } else { if ((check == 0) && (retval->return_len != varptr->len)) err(1, "Byte validation failed, length mismatch"); /* * If check is 0 then we want to throw an error IFF * the byte streams do not match, if check is 1 then * throw an error if the byte streams match. */ if (((check == 0) && memcmp(retval->return_value, varptr->value, varptr->len) != 0) || ((check == 1) && (retval->return_len == varptr->len) && memcmp(retval->return_value, varptr->value, varptr->len) == 0)) err(1, "Validate expected %s byte stream at line %zu" " of file %s", (check == 0)? "matching" : "not matching", line, cur_file); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Validated expected %s byte stream " "at line %zu of file %s\n", (check == 0)? "matching" : "not matching", line, cur_file); } } } /* * Write a string to the command pipe - we feed the number of bytes coming * down first to allow storage allocation and then follow up with the data. * If cmd is NULL then feed a -1 down the pipe to say the end of the args. */ static void write_cmd_pipe(char *cmd) { args_t arg; size_t len; if (cmd == NULL) len = 0; else len = strlen(cmd); arg.arg_type = arg_static; arg.arg_len = len; arg.arg_string = cmd; write_cmd_pipe_args(arg.arg_type, &arg); } static void write_cmd_pipe_args(args_state_t type, void *data) { var_t *var_data; args_t *arg_data; int len, send_type; void *cmd; arg_data = data; switch (type) { case arg_var: var_data = data; len = var_data->len; cmd = var_data->value; if (type == arg_byte) send_type = ret_byte; else send_type = ret_string; break; case arg_null: send_type = ret_null; len = 0; break; default: if ((arg_data->arg_len == 0) && (arg_data->arg_string == NULL)) len = -1; else len = arg_data->arg_len; cmd = arg_data->arg_string; if (type == arg_byte) send_type = ret_byte; else send_type = ret_string; } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Writing type %s to command pipe\n", returns_enum_names[send_type]); } if (write(cmdpipe[WRITE_PIPE], &send_type, sizeof(int)) < 0) err(1, "command pipe write for type failed"); if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Writing length %d to command pipe\n", len); } if (write(cmdpipe[WRITE_PIPE], &len, sizeof(int)) < 0) err(1, "command pipe write for length failed"); if (len > 0) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Writing data >%s< to command pipe\n", (const char *)cmd); } if (write(cmdpipe[WRITE_PIPE], cmd, len) < 0) err(1, "command pipe write of data failed"); } } /* * Read a response from the command pipe, first we will receive the * length of the response then the actual data. */ static void read_cmd_pipe(returns_t *response) { int len, type; struct pollfd rfd[2]; char *str; /* * Check if there is data to read - just in case slave has died, we * don't want to block on the read and just hang. We also check * output from the slave because the slave may be blocked waiting * for a flush on its stdout. */ rfd[0].fd = slvpipe[READ_PIPE]; rfd[0].events = POLLIN; rfd[1].fd = master; rfd[1].events = POLLIN; do { if (poll(rfd, 2, 4000) == 0) errx(2, "%s, %zu: Command pipe read timeout", cur_file, line); if ((rfd[1].revents & POLLIN) == POLLIN) { if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "draining output from slave\n"); } save_slave_output(false); } } while((rfd[1].revents & POLLIN) == POLLIN); if (read(slvpipe[READ_PIPE], &type, sizeof(int)) < 0) err(1, "command pipe read for type failed"); response->return_type = type; if ((type != ret_ok) && (type != ret_err) && (type != ret_count)) { if (read(slvpipe[READ_PIPE], &len, sizeof(int)) < 0) err(1, "command pipe read for length failed"); response->return_len = len; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Reading %d bytes from command pipe\n", len); } if ((response->return_value = malloc(len + 1)) == NULL) err(1, "Failed to alloc memory for cmd pipe read"); if (read(slvpipe[READ_PIPE], response->return_value, len) < 0) err(1, "command pipe read of data failed"); if (response->return_type != ret_byte) { str = response->return_value; str[len] = '\0'; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Read data >%s< from pipe\n", (const char *)response->return_value); } } } else { response->return_value = NULL; if (type == ret_count) { if (read(slvpipe[READ_PIPE], &len, sizeof(int)) < 0) err(1, "command pipe read for number of " "returns failed"); response->return_len = len; } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "Read type %s from pipe\n", returns_enum_names[type]); } } } /* * Check for writes from the slave on the pty, save the output into a * buffer for later checking if discard is false. */ #define MAX_DRAIN 256 static void save_slave_output(bool discard) { char *new_data, drain[MAX_DRAIN]; size_t to_allocate; ssize_t result; size_t i; result = 0; for (;;) { if (result == -1) err(2, "poll of slave pty failed"); result = MAX_DRAIN; if ((result = read(master, drain, result)) < 0) { if (errno == EAGAIN) break; else err(2, "draining slave pty failed"); } if (result == 0) abort(); if (!discard) { if ((size_t)result > (saved_output.allocated - saved_output.count)) { to_allocate = 1024 * ((result / 1024) + 1); if ((new_data = realloc(saved_output.data, saved_output.allocated + to_allocate)) == NULL) err(2, "Realloc of saved_output failed"); saved_output.data = new_data; saved_output.allocated += to_allocate; } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "count = %zu, " "allocated = %zu\n", saved_output.count, saved_output.allocated); for (i = 0; i < (size_t)result; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "Saving slave output " "at %zu: 0x%x (%c)\n", saved_output.count + i, drain[i], (drain[i] >= ' ')? drain[i] : '-'); } } memcpy(&saved_output.data[saved_output.count], drain, result); saved_output.count += result; if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "count = %zu, " "allocated = %zu\n", saved_output.count, saved_output.allocated); } } else { if (verbose) { for (i = 0; i < (size_t)result; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "Discarding slave " "output 0x%x (%c)\n", drain[i], (drain[i] >= ' ')? drain[i] : '-'); } } } } } static void yyerror(const char *msg) { warnx("%s in line %zu of file %s", msg, line, cur_file); }