/* $NetBSD: t_union.c,v 1.9 2017/01/13 21:30:40 christos Exp $ */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/mount.h> #include <atf-c.h> #include <err.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <rump/rump.h> #include <rump/rump_syscalls.h> #include <miscfs/union/union.h> #include "h_macros.h" #include "../common/h_fsmacros.h" #define MSTR "magic bus" static void xput_tfile(const char *mp, const char *path) { char pathb[MAXPATHLEN]; int fd; strcpy(pathb, mp); strcat(pathb, "/"); strcat(pathb, path); RL(fd = rump_sys_open(pathb, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0777)); if (rump_sys_write(fd, MSTR, sizeof(MSTR)) != sizeof(MSTR)) atf_tc_fail_errno("write to testfile"); RL(rump_sys_close(fd)); } static int xread_tfile(const char *mp, const char *path) { char pathb[MAXPATHLEN]; char buf[128]; int fd; strcpy(pathb, mp); strcat(pathb, "/"); strcat(pathb, path); fd = rump_sys_open(pathb, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return errno; if (rump_sys_read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) == -1) atf_tc_fail_errno("read tfile"); RL(rump_sys_close(fd)); if (strcmp(buf, MSTR) == 0) return 0; return EPROGMISMATCH; } /* * Mount a unionfs for testing. Before calling, "mp" contains * the upper layer. Lowerpath is constructed so that the directory * contains rumpfs. */ static void mountunion(const char *mp, char *lowerpath) { struct union_args unionargs; sprintf(lowerpath, "/lower"); rump_sys_mkdir(lowerpath, 0777); /* mount the union with our testfs as the upper layer */ memset(&unionargs, 0, sizeof(unionargs)); unionargs.target = lowerpath; unionargs.mntflags = UNMNT_BELOW; if (rump_sys_mount(MOUNT_UNION, mp, 0, &unionargs, sizeof(unionargs)) == -1) { if (errno == EOPNOTSUPP) { atf_tc_skip("fs does not support VOP_WHITEOUT"); } else { atf_tc_fail_errno("union mount"); } } } #if 0 static void toggleroot(void) { static int status; status ^= MNT_RDONLY; printf("0x%x\n", status); RL(rump_sys_mount(MOUNT_RUMPFS, "/", status | MNT_UPDATE, NULL, 0)); } #endif #define TFILE "tensti" #define TDIR "testdir" #define TDFILE TDIR "/indir" static void basic(const atf_tc_t *tc, const char *mp) { char lowerpath[MAXPATHLEN]; char dbuf[8192]; struct stat sb; struct dirent *dp; int error, fd, dsize; mountunion(mp, lowerpath); /* create a file in the lower layer */ xput_tfile(lowerpath, TFILE); /* first, test we can read the old file from the new namespace */ error = xread_tfile(mp, TFILE); if (error != 0) atf_tc_fail("union compare failed: %d (%s)", error, strerror(error)); /* then, test upper layer writes don't affect the lower layer */ xput_tfile(mp, "kiekko"); if ((error = xread_tfile(lowerpath, "kiekko")) != ENOENT) atf_tc_fail("invisibility failed: %d (%s)", error, strerror(error)); /* check that we can whiteout stuff in the upper layer */ FSTEST_ENTER(); RL(rump_sys_unlink(TFILE)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(ENOENT, rump_sys_stat(TFILE, &sb) == -1); FSTEST_EXIT(); /* check that the removed node is not in the directory listing */ RL(fd = rump_sys_open(mp, O_RDONLY)); RL(dsize = rump_sys_getdents(fd, dbuf, sizeof(dbuf))); for (dp = (struct dirent *)dbuf; (char *)dp < dbuf + dsize; dp = _DIRENT_NEXT(dp)) { if (strcmp(dp->d_name, TFILE) == 0 && dp->d_type != DT_WHT) atf_tc_fail("removed file non-white-outed"); } RL(rump_sys_close(fd)); RL(rump_sys_unmount(mp, 0)); } static void whiteout(const atf_tc_t *tc, const char *mp) { char lower[MAXPATHLEN]; struct stat sb; void *fsarg; /* * XXX: use ffs here to make sure any screwups in rumpfs don't * affect the test */ RL(ffs_fstest_newfs(tc, &fsarg, "daimage", 1024*1024*5, NULL)); RL(ffs_fstest_mount(tc, fsarg, "/lower", 0)); /* create a file in the lower layer */ RL(rump_sys_chdir("/lower")); RL(rump_sys_mkdir(TDIR, 0777)); RL(rump_sys_mkdir(TDFILE, 0777)); RL(rump_sys_chdir("/")); RL(ffs_fstest_unmount(tc, "/lower", 0)); RL(ffs_fstest_mount(tc, fsarg, "/lower", MNT_RDONLY)); mountunion(mp, lower); FSTEST_ENTER(); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(ENOTEMPTY, rump_sys_rmdir(TDIR) == -1); RL(rump_sys_rmdir(TDFILE)); RL(rump_sys_rmdir(TDIR)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(ENOENT, rump_sys_stat(TDFILE, &sb) == -1); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(ENOENT, rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb) == -1); RL(rump_sys_mkdir(TDIR, 0777)); RL(rump_sys_stat(TDIR, &sb)); ATF_REQUIRE_ERRNO(ENOENT, rump_sys_stat(TDFILE, &sb) == -1); FSTEST_EXIT(); RL(rump_sys_unmount(mp, 0)); } ATF_TC_FSAPPLY(basic, "check basic union functionality"); ATF_TC_FSAPPLY(whiteout, "create whiteout in upper layer"); ATF_TP_ADD_TCS(tp) { ATF_TP_FSAPPLY(basic); ATF_TP_FSAPPLY(whiteout); return atf_no_error(); }