/* $NetBSD: spec.c,v 1.85 2012/12/20 16:43:16 christos Exp $ */ /*- * Copyright (c) 1989, 1993 * The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /*- * Copyright (c) 2001-2004 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation * by Luke Mewburn of Wasabi Systems. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE NETBSD FOUNDATION, INC. AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED * TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE FOUNDATION OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #if HAVE_NBTOOL_CONFIG_H #include "nbtool_config.h" #endif #include <sys/cdefs.h> #if defined(__RCSID) && !defined(lint) #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)spec.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 4/28/95"; #else __RCSID("$NetBSD: spec.c,v 1.85 2012/12/20 16:43:16 christos Exp $"); #endif #endif /* not lint */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <grp.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <vis.h> #include <util.h> #include "extern.h" #include "pack_dev.h" size_t mtree_lineno; /* Current spec line number */ int mtree_Mflag; /* Merge duplicate entries */ int mtree_Wflag; /* Don't "whack" permissions */ int mtree_Sflag; /* Sort entries */ static dev_t parsedev(char *); static void replacenode(NODE *, NODE *); static void set(char *, NODE *); static void unset(char *, NODE *); static void addchild(NODE *, NODE *); static int nodecmp(const NODE *, const NODE *); static int appendfield(int, const char *, ...) __printflike(2, 3); #define REPLACEPTR(x,v) do { if ((x)) free((x)); (x) = (v); } while (0) NODE * spec(FILE *fp) { NODE *centry, *last, *pathparent, *cur; char *p, *e, *next; NODE ginfo, *root; char *buf, *tname, *ntname; size_t tnamelen, plen; root = NULL; centry = last = NULL; tname = NULL; tnamelen = 0; memset(&ginfo, 0, sizeof(ginfo)); for (mtree_lineno = 0; (buf = fparseln(fp, NULL, &mtree_lineno, NULL, FPARSELN_UNESCCOMM)); free(buf)) { /* Skip leading whitespace. */ for (p = buf; *p && isspace((unsigned char)*p); ++p) continue; /* If nothing but whitespace, continue. */ if (!*p) continue; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "line %lu: {%s}\n", (u_long)mtree_lineno, p); #endif /* Grab file name, "$", "set", or "unset". */ next = buf; while ((p = strsep(&next, " \t")) != NULL && *p == '\0') continue; if (p == NULL) mtree_err("missing field"); if (p[0] == '/') { if (strcmp(p + 1, "set") == 0) set(next, &ginfo); else if (strcmp(p + 1, "unset") == 0) unset(next, &ginfo); else mtree_err("invalid specification `%s'", p); continue; } if (strcmp(p, "..") == 0) { /* Don't go up, if haven't gone down. */ if (root == NULL) goto noparent; if (last->type != F_DIR || last->flags & F_DONE) { if (last == root) goto noparent; last = last->parent; } last->flags |= F_DONE; continue; noparent: mtree_err("no parent node"); } plen = strlen(p) + 1; if (plen > tnamelen) { if ((ntname = realloc(tname, plen)) == NULL) mtree_err("realloc: %s", strerror(errno)); tname = ntname; tnamelen = plen; } if (strunvis(tname, p) == -1) mtree_err("strunvis failed on `%s'", p); p = tname; pathparent = NULL; if (strchr(p, '/') != NULL) { cur = root; for (; (e = strchr(p, '/')) != NULL; p = e+1) { if (p == e) continue; /* handle // */ *e = '\0'; if (strcmp(p, ".") != 0) { while (cur && strcmp(cur->name, p) != 0) { cur = cur->next; } } if (cur == NULL || cur->type != F_DIR) { mtree_err("%s: %s", tname, "missing directory in specification"); } *e = '/'; pathparent = cur; cur = cur->child; } if (*p == '\0') mtree_err("%s: empty leaf element", tname); } if ((centry = calloc(1, sizeof(NODE) + strlen(p))) == NULL) mtree_err("%s", strerror(errno)); *centry = ginfo; centry->lineno = mtree_lineno; strcpy(centry->name, p); #define MAGIC "?*[" if (strpbrk(p, MAGIC)) centry->flags |= F_MAGIC; set(next, centry); if (root == NULL) { /* * empty tree */ if (strcmp(centry->name, ".") != 0 || centry->type != F_DIR) mtree_err( "root node must be the directory `.'"); last = root = centry; root->parent = root; } else if (pathparent != NULL) { /* * full path entry; add or replace */ centry->parent = pathparent; addchild(pathparent, centry); last = centry; } else if (strcmp(centry->name, ".") == 0) { /* * duplicate "." entry; always replace */ replacenode(root, centry); } else if (last->type == F_DIR && !(last->flags & F_DONE)) { /* * new relative child in current dir; * add or replace */ centry->parent = last; addchild(last, centry); last = centry; } else { /* * new relative child in parent dir * (after encountering ".." entry); * add or replace */ centry->parent = last->parent; addchild(last->parent, centry); last = centry; } } return (root); } void free_nodes(NODE *root) { NODE *cur, *next; if (root == NULL) return; next = NULL; for (cur = root; cur != NULL; cur = next) { next = cur->next; free_nodes(cur->child); REPLACEPTR(cur->slink, NULL); REPLACEPTR(cur->md5digest, NULL); REPLACEPTR(cur->rmd160digest, NULL); REPLACEPTR(cur->sha1digest, NULL); REPLACEPTR(cur->sha256digest, NULL); REPLACEPTR(cur->sha384digest, NULL); REPLACEPTR(cur->sha512digest, NULL); REPLACEPTR(cur->tags, NULL); REPLACEPTR(cur, NULL); } } /* * appendfield -- * Like printf(), but output a space either before or after * the regular output, according to the pathlast flag. */ static int appendfield(int pathlast, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list ap; int result; va_start(ap, fmt); if (!pathlast) printf(" "); result = vprintf(fmt, ap); if (pathlast) printf(" "); va_end(ap); return result; } /* * dump_nodes -- * dump the NODEs from `cur', based in the directory `dir'. * if pathlast is none zero, print the path last, otherwise print * it first. */ void dump_nodes(const char *dir, NODE *root, int pathlast) { NODE *cur; char path[MAXPATHLEN]; const char *name; char *str; char *p, *q; for (cur = root; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->type != F_DIR && !matchtags(cur)) continue; if (snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s%s", dir, *dir ? "/" : "", cur->name) >= (int)sizeof(path)) mtree_err("Pathname too long."); if (!pathlast) printf("%s", vispath(path)); #define MATCHFLAG(f) ((keys & (f)) && (cur->flags & (f))) if (MATCHFLAG(F_TYPE)) appendfield(pathlast, "type=%s", nodetype(cur->type)); if (MATCHFLAG(F_UID | F_UNAME)) { if (keys & F_UNAME && (name = user_from_uid(cur->st_uid, 1)) != NULL) appendfield(pathlast, "uname=%s", name); else appendfield(pathlast, "uid=%u", cur->st_uid); } if (MATCHFLAG(F_GID | F_GNAME)) { if (keys & F_GNAME && (name = group_from_gid(cur->st_gid, 1)) != NULL) appendfield(pathlast, "gname=%s", name); else appendfield(pathlast, "gid=%u", cur->st_gid); } if (MATCHFLAG(F_MODE)) appendfield(pathlast, "mode=%#o", cur->st_mode); if (MATCHFLAG(F_DEV) && (cur->type == F_BLOCK || cur->type == F_CHAR)) appendfield(pathlast, "device=%#llx", (long long)cur->st_rdev); if (MATCHFLAG(F_NLINK)) appendfield(pathlast, "nlink=%d", cur->st_nlink); if (MATCHFLAG(F_SLINK)) appendfield(pathlast, "link=%s", vispath(cur->slink)); if (MATCHFLAG(F_SIZE)) appendfield(pathlast, "size=%lld", (long long)cur->st_size); if (MATCHFLAG(F_TIME)) appendfield(pathlast, "time=%lld.%09ld", (long long)cur->st_mtimespec.tv_sec, cur->st_mtimespec.tv_nsec); if (MATCHFLAG(F_CKSUM)) appendfield(pathlast, "cksum=%lu", cur->cksum); if (MATCHFLAG(F_MD5)) appendfield(pathlast, "%s=%s", MD5KEY, cur->md5digest); if (MATCHFLAG(F_RMD160)) appendfield(pathlast, "%s=%s", RMD160KEY, cur->rmd160digest); if (MATCHFLAG(F_SHA1)) appendfield(pathlast, "%s=%s", SHA1KEY, cur->sha1digest); if (MATCHFLAG(F_SHA256)) appendfield(pathlast, "%s=%s", SHA256KEY, cur->sha256digest); if (MATCHFLAG(F_SHA384)) appendfield(pathlast, "%s=%s", SHA384KEY, cur->sha384digest); if (MATCHFLAG(F_SHA512)) appendfield(pathlast, "%s=%s", SHA512KEY, cur->sha512digest); if (MATCHFLAG(F_FLAGS)) { str = flags_to_string(cur->st_flags, "none"); appendfield(pathlast, "flags=%s", str); free(str); } if (MATCHFLAG(F_IGN)) appendfield(pathlast, "ignore"); if (MATCHFLAG(F_OPT)) appendfield(pathlast, "optional"); if (MATCHFLAG(F_TAGS)) { /* don't output leading or trailing commas */ p = cur->tags; while (*p == ',') p++; q = p + strlen(p); while(q > p && q[-1] == ',') q--; appendfield(pathlast, "tags=%.*s", (int)(q - p), p); } puts(pathlast ? vispath(path) : ""); if (cur->child) dump_nodes(path, cur->child, pathlast); } } /* * vispath -- * strsvis(3) encodes path, which must not be longer than MAXPATHLEN * characters long, and returns a pointer to a static buffer containing * the result. */ char * vispath(const char *path) { static const char extra[] = { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\\', '#', '\0' }; static const char extra_glob[] = { ' ', '\t', '\n', '\\', '#', '*', '?', '[', '\0' }; static char pathbuf[4*MAXPATHLEN + 1]; if (flavor == F_NETBSD6) strsvis(pathbuf, path, VIS_CSTYLE, extra); else strsvis(pathbuf, path, VIS_OCTAL, extra_glob); return pathbuf; } static dev_t parsedev(char *arg) { #define MAX_PACK_ARGS 3 u_long numbers[MAX_PACK_ARGS]; char *p, *ep, *dev; int argc; pack_t *pack; dev_t result; const char *error = NULL; if ((dev = strchr(arg, ',')) != NULL) { *dev++='\0'; if ((pack = pack_find(arg)) == NULL) mtree_err("unknown format `%s'", arg); argc = 0; while ((p = strsep(&dev, ",")) != NULL) { if (*p == '\0') mtree_err("missing number"); numbers[argc++] = strtoul(p, &ep, 0); if (*ep != '\0') mtree_err("invalid number `%s'", p); if (argc > MAX_PACK_ARGS) mtree_err("too many arguments"); } if (argc < 2) mtree_err("not enough arguments"); result = (*pack)(argc, numbers, &error); if (error != NULL) mtree_err("%s", error); } else { result = (dev_t)strtoul(arg, &ep, 0); if (*ep != '\0') mtree_err("invalid device `%s'", arg); } return (result); } static void replacenode(NODE *cur, NODE *new) { #define REPLACE(x) cur->x = new->x #define REPLACESTR(x) REPLACEPTR(cur->x,new->x) if (cur->type != new->type) { if (mtree_Mflag) { /* * merge entries with different types; we * don't want children retained in this case. */ REPLACE(type); free_nodes(cur->child); cur->child = NULL; } else { mtree_err( "existing entry for `%s', type `%s'" " does not match type `%s'", cur->name, nodetype(cur->type), nodetype(new->type)); } } REPLACE(st_size); REPLACE(st_mtimespec); REPLACESTR(slink); if (cur->slink != NULL) { if ((cur->slink = strdup(new->slink)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); if (strunvis(cur->slink, new->slink) == -1) mtree_err("strunvis failed on `%s'", new->slink); free(new->slink); } REPLACE(st_uid); REPLACE(st_gid); REPLACE(st_mode); REPLACE(st_rdev); REPLACE(st_flags); REPLACE(st_nlink); REPLACE(cksum); REPLACESTR(md5digest); REPLACESTR(rmd160digest); REPLACESTR(sha1digest); REPLACESTR(sha256digest); REPLACESTR(sha384digest); REPLACESTR(sha512digest); REPLACESTR(tags); REPLACE(lineno); REPLACE(flags); free(new); } static void set(char *t, NODE *ip) { int type, value, len; gid_t gid; uid_t uid; char *kw, *val, *md, *ep; void *m; while ((kw = strsep(&t, "= \t")) != NULL) { if (*kw == '\0') continue; if (strcmp(kw, "all") == 0) mtree_err("invalid keyword `all'"); ip->flags |= type = parsekey(kw, &value); if (!value) /* Just set flag bit (F_IGN and F_OPT) */ continue; while ((val = strsep(&t, " \t")) != NULL && *val == '\0') continue; if (val == NULL) mtree_err("missing value"); switch (type) { case F_CKSUM: ip->cksum = strtoul(val, &ep, 10); if (*ep) mtree_err("invalid checksum `%s'", val); break; case F_DEV: ip->st_rdev = parsedev(val); break; case F_FLAGS: if (strcmp("none", val) == 0) ip->st_flags = 0; else if (string_to_flags(&val, &ip->st_flags, NULL) != 0) mtree_err("invalid flag `%s'", val); break; case F_GID: ip->st_gid = (gid_t)strtoul(val, &ep, 10); if (*ep) mtree_err("invalid gid `%s'", val); break; case F_GNAME: if (mtree_Wflag) /* don't parse if whacking */ break; if (gid_from_group(val, &gid) == -1) mtree_err("unknown group `%s'", val); ip->st_gid = gid; break; case F_MD5: if (val[0]=='0' && val[1]=='x') md=&val[2]; else md=val; if ((ip->md5digest = strdup(md)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); break; case F_MODE: if ((m = setmode(val)) == NULL) mtree_err("cannot set file mode `%s' (%s)", val, strerror(errno)); ip->st_mode = getmode(m, 0); free(m); break; case F_NLINK: ip->st_nlink = (nlink_t)strtoul(val, &ep, 10); if (*ep) mtree_err("invalid link count `%s'", val); break; case F_RMD160: if (val[0]=='0' && val[1]=='x') md=&val[2]; else md=val; if ((ip->rmd160digest = strdup(md)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); break; case F_SHA1: if (val[0]=='0' && val[1]=='x') md=&val[2]; else md=val; if ((ip->sha1digest = strdup(md)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); break; case F_SIZE: ip->st_size = (off_t)strtoll(val, &ep, 10); if (*ep) mtree_err("invalid size `%s'", val); break; case F_SLINK: if ((ip->slink = strdup(val)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); if (strunvis(ip->slink, val) == -1) mtree_err("strunvis failed on `%s'", val); break; case F_TAGS: len = strlen(val) + 3; /* "," + str + ",\0" */ if ((ip->tags = malloc(len)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); snprintf(ip->tags, len, ",%s,", val); break; case F_TIME: ip->st_mtimespec.tv_sec = (time_t)strtoll(val, &ep, 10); if (*ep != '.') mtree_err("invalid time `%s'", val); val = ep + 1; ip->st_mtimespec.tv_nsec = strtol(val, &ep, 10); if (*ep) mtree_err("invalid time `%s'", val); break; case F_TYPE: ip->type = parsetype(val); break; case F_UID: ip->st_uid = (uid_t)strtoul(val, &ep, 10); if (*ep) mtree_err("invalid uid `%s'", val); break; case F_UNAME: if (mtree_Wflag) /* don't parse if whacking */ break; if (uid_from_user(val, &uid) == -1) mtree_err("unknown user `%s'", val); ip->st_uid = uid; break; case F_SHA256: if (val[0]=='0' && val[1]=='x') md=&val[2]; else md=val; if ((ip->sha256digest = strdup(md)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); break; case F_SHA384: if (val[0]=='0' && val[1]=='x') md=&val[2]; else md=val; if ((ip->sha384digest = strdup(md)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); break; case F_SHA512: if (val[0]=='0' && val[1]=='x') md=&val[2]; else md=val; if ((ip->sha512digest = strdup(md)) == NULL) mtree_err("memory allocation error"); break; default: mtree_err( "set(): unsupported key type 0x%x (INTERNAL ERROR)", type); /* NOTREACHED */ } } } static void unset(char *t, NODE *ip) { char *p; while ((p = strsep(&t, " \t")) != NULL) { if (*p == '\0') continue; ip->flags &= ~parsekey(p, NULL); } } /* * addchild -- * Add the centry node as a child of the pathparent node. If * centry is a duplicate, call replacenode(). If centry is not * a duplicate, insert it into the linked list referenced by * pathparent->child. Keep the list sorted if Sflag is set. */ static void addchild(NODE *pathparent, NODE *centry) { NODE *samename; /* node with the same name as centry */ NODE *replacepos; /* if non-NULL, centry should replace this node */ NODE *insertpos; /* if non-NULL, centry should be inserted * after this node */ NODE *cur; /* for stepping through the list */ NODE *last; /* the last node in the list */ int cmp; samename = NULL; replacepos = NULL; insertpos = NULL; last = NULL; cur = pathparent->child; if (cur == NULL) { /* centry is pathparent's first and only child node so far */ pathparent->child = centry; return; } /* * pathparent already has at least one other child, so add the * centry node to the list. * * We first scan through the list looking for an existing node * with the same name (setting samename), and also looking * for the correct position to replace or insert the new node * (setting replacepos and/or insertpos). */ for (; cur != NULL; last = cur, cur = cur->next) { if (strcmp(centry->name, cur->name) == 0) { samename = cur; } if (mtree_Sflag) { cmp = nodecmp(centry, cur); if (cmp == 0) { replacepos = cur; } else if (cmp > 0) { insertpos = cur; } } } if (! mtree_Sflag) { if (samename != NULL) { /* replace node with same name */ replacepos = samename; } else { /* add new node at end of list */ insertpos = last; } } if (samename != NULL) { /* * We found a node with the same name above. Call * replacenode(), which will either exit with an error, * or replace the information in the samename node and * free the information in the centry node. */ replacenode(samename, centry); if (samename == replacepos) { /* The just-replaced node was in the correct position */ return; } if (samename == insertpos || samename->prev == insertpos) { /* * We thought the new node should be just before * or just after the replaced node, but that would * be equivalent to just retaining the replaced node. */ return; } /* * The just-replaced node is in the wrong position in * the list. This can happen if sort order depends on * criteria other than the node name. * * Make centry point to the just-replaced node. Unlink * the just-replaced node from the list, and allow it to * be insterted in the correct position later. */ centry = samename; if (centry->prev) centry->prev->next = centry->next; else { /* centry->next is the new head of the list */ pathparent->child = centry->next; assert(centry->next != NULL); } if (centry->next) centry->next->prev = centry->prev; centry->prev = NULL; centry->next = NULL; } if (insertpos == NULL) { /* insert centry at the beginning of the list */ pathparent->child->prev = centry; centry->next = pathparent->child; centry->prev = NULL; pathparent->child = centry; } else { /* insert centry into the list just after insertpos */ centry->next = insertpos->next; insertpos->next = centry; centry->prev = insertpos; if (centry->next) centry->next->prev = centry; } return; } /* * nodecmp -- * used as a comparison function by addchild() to control the order * in which entries appear within a list of sibling nodes. We make * directories sort after non-directories, but otherwise sort in * strcmp() order. * * Keep this in sync with dcmp() in create.c. */ static int nodecmp(const NODE *a, const NODE *b) { if ((a->type & F_DIR) != 0) { if ((b->type & F_DIR) == 0) return 1; } else if ((b->type & F_DIR) != 0) return -1; return strcmp(a->name, b->name); }