//===--------------------- ResourcePressureView.cpp -------------*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// \file /// /// This file implements methods in the ResourcePressureView interface. /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "Views/ResourcePressureView.h" #include "llvm/Support/FormattedStream.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" namespace llvm { namespace mca { ResourcePressureView::ResourcePressureView(const llvm::MCSubtargetInfo &sti, MCInstPrinter &Printer, ArrayRef<MCInst> S) : InstructionView(sti, Printer, S), LastInstructionIdx(0) { // Populate the map of resource descriptors. unsigned R2VIndex = 0; const MCSchedModel &SM = getSubTargetInfo().getSchedModel(); for (unsigned I = 0, E = SM.getNumProcResourceKinds(); I < E; ++I) { const MCProcResourceDesc &ProcResource = *SM.getProcResource(I); unsigned NumUnits = ProcResource.NumUnits; // Skip groups and invalid resources with zero units. if (ProcResource.SubUnitsIdxBegin || !NumUnits) continue; Resource2VecIndex.insert(std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>(I, R2VIndex)); R2VIndex += ProcResource.NumUnits; } NumResourceUnits = R2VIndex; ResourceUsage.resize(NumResourceUnits * (getSource().size() + 1)); std::fill(ResourceUsage.begin(), ResourceUsage.end(), 0.0); } void ResourcePressureView::onEvent(const HWInstructionEvent &Event) { if (Event.Type == HWInstructionEvent::Dispatched) { LastInstructionIdx = Event.IR.getSourceIndex(); return; } // We're only interested in Issue events. if (Event.Type != HWInstructionEvent::Issued) return; const auto &IssueEvent = static_cast<const HWInstructionIssuedEvent &>(Event); ArrayRef<llvm::MCInst> Source = getSource(); const unsigned SourceIdx = Event.IR.getSourceIndex() % Source.size(); for (const std::pair<ResourceRef, ReleaseAtCycles> &Use : IssueEvent.UsedResources) { const ResourceRef &RR = Use.first; assert(Resource2VecIndex.contains(RR.first)); unsigned R2VIndex = Resource2VecIndex[RR.first]; R2VIndex += llvm::countr_zero(RR.second); ResourceUsage[R2VIndex + NumResourceUnits * SourceIdx] += Use.second; ResourceUsage[R2VIndex + NumResourceUnits * Source.size()] += Use.second; } } static void printColumnNames(formatted_raw_ostream &OS, const MCSchedModel &SM) { unsigned Column = OS.getColumn(); for (unsigned I = 1, ResourceIndex = 0, E = SM.getNumProcResourceKinds(); I < E; ++I) { const MCProcResourceDesc &ProcResource = *SM.getProcResource(I); unsigned NumUnits = ProcResource.NumUnits; // Skip groups and invalid resources with zero units. if (ProcResource.SubUnitsIdxBegin || !NumUnits) continue; for (unsigned J = 0; J < NumUnits; ++J) { Column += 7; OS << "[" << ResourceIndex; if (NumUnits > 1) OS << '.' << J; OS << ']'; OS.PadToColumn(Column); } ResourceIndex++; } } static void printResourcePressure(formatted_raw_ostream &OS, double Pressure, unsigned Col) { if (!Pressure || Pressure < 0.005) { OS << " - "; } else { // Round to the value to the nearest hundredth and then print it. OS << format("%.2f", floor((Pressure * 100) + 0.5) / 100); } OS.PadToColumn(Col); } void ResourcePressureView::printResourcePressurePerIter(raw_ostream &OS) const { std::string Buffer; raw_string_ostream TempStream(Buffer); formatted_raw_ostream FOS(TempStream); FOS << "\n\nResources:\n"; const MCSchedModel &SM = getSubTargetInfo().getSchedModel(); for (unsigned I = 1, ResourceIndex = 0, E = SM.getNumProcResourceKinds(); I < E; ++I) { const MCProcResourceDesc &ProcResource = *SM.getProcResource(I); unsigned NumUnits = ProcResource.NumUnits; // Skip groups and invalid resources with zero units. if (ProcResource.SubUnitsIdxBegin || !NumUnits) continue; for (unsigned J = 0; J < NumUnits; ++J) { FOS << '[' << ResourceIndex; if (NumUnits > 1) FOS << '.' << J; FOS << ']'; FOS.PadToColumn(6); FOS << "- " << ProcResource.Name << '\n'; } ResourceIndex++; } FOS << "\n\nResource pressure per iteration:\n"; FOS.flush(); printColumnNames(FOS, SM); FOS << '\n'; FOS.flush(); ArrayRef<llvm::MCInst> Source = getSource(); const unsigned Executions = LastInstructionIdx / Source.size() + 1; for (unsigned I = 0, E = NumResourceUnits; I < E; ++I) { double Usage = ResourceUsage[I + Source.size() * E]; printResourcePressure(FOS, Usage / Executions, (I + 1) * 7); } FOS.flush(); OS << Buffer; } void ResourcePressureView::printResourcePressurePerInst(raw_ostream &OS) const { std::string Buffer; raw_string_ostream TempStream(Buffer); formatted_raw_ostream FOS(TempStream); FOS << "\n\nResource pressure by instruction:\n"; printColumnNames(FOS, getSubTargetInfo().getSchedModel()); FOS << "Instructions:\n"; unsigned InstrIndex = 0; ArrayRef<llvm::MCInst> Source = getSource(); const unsigned Executions = LastInstructionIdx / Source.size() + 1; for (const MCInst &MCI : Source) { unsigned BaseEltIdx = InstrIndex * NumResourceUnits; for (unsigned J = 0; J < NumResourceUnits; ++J) { double Usage = ResourceUsage[J + BaseEltIdx]; printResourcePressure(FOS, Usage / Executions, (J + 1) * 7); } FOS << printInstructionString(MCI) << '\n'; FOS.flush(); OS << Buffer; Buffer = ""; ++InstrIndex; } } json::Value ResourcePressureView::toJSON() const { // We're dumping the instructions and the ResourceUsage array. json::Array ResourcePressureInfo; // The ResourceUsage matrix is sparse, so we only consider // non-zero values. ArrayRef<llvm::MCInst> Source = getSource(); const unsigned Executions = LastInstructionIdx / Source.size() + 1; for (const auto &R : enumerate(ResourceUsage)) { const ReleaseAtCycles &RU = R.value(); if (RU.getNumerator() == 0) continue; unsigned InstructionIndex = R.index() / NumResourceUnits; unsigned ResourceIndex = R.index() % NumResourceUnits; double Usage = RU / Executions; ResourcePressureInfo.push_back( json::Object({{"InstructionIndex", InstructionIndex}, {"ResourceIndex", ResourceIndex}, {"ResourceUsage", Usage}})); } json::Object JO({{"ResourcePressureInfo", std::move(ResourcePressureInfo)}}); return JO; } } // namespace mca } // namespace llvm