include "llvm/Option/" class F : Flag<["-", "--"], name>, HelpText; class S : Separate<["-", "--"], name>, HelpText; def help : F<"help", "Display this help">; def : F<"h", "Alias for --help">, Alias; def version : F<"version", "Display the version of this program">; def execFileNames : S<"e", "Specify the executable/library files to get the list of *.dwo from.">, MetaVarName<"">; def outputFileName : S<"o", "Specify the output file.">, MetaVarName<"">; def continueOnCuIndexOverflow : Flag<["-", "--"], "continue-on-cu-index-overflow">; def continueOnCuIndexOverflow_EQ : Joined<["-", "--"], "continue-on-cu-index-overflow=">, HelpText<"default = continue, This turns an error when offset \n" "\t\tfor .debug_*.dwo sections overfolws into a warning. = soft-stop, This produces a \n" "\t\ttruncated but valid DWP file, discarding any DWO files that would not fit within \n" "\t\tthe 32 bit/4GB limits of the format.">, Values<"continue,soft-stop">;