//===------- SimpleRemoteEPC.cpp -- Simple remote executor control --------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/SimpleRemoteEPC.h" #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/EPCGenericJITLinkMemoryManager.h" #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/EPCGenericMemoryAccess.h" #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/OrcRTBridge.h" #include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h" #define DEBUG_TYPE "orc" namespace llvm { namespace orc { SimpleRemoteEPC::~SimpleRemoteEPC() { #ifndef NDEBUG std::lock_guard Lock(SimpleRemoteEPCMutex); assert(Disconnected && "Destroyed without disconnection"); #endif // NDEBUG } Expected SimpleRemoteEPC::loadDylib(const char *DylibPath) { return DylibMgr->open(DylibPath, 0); } Expected> SimpleRemoteEPC::lookupSymbols(ArrayRef Request) { std::vector Result; for (auto &Element : Request) { if (auto R = DylibMgr->lookup(Element.Handle, Element.Symbols)) { Result.push_back({}); Result.back().reserve(R->size()); for (auto Addr : *R) Result.back().push_back(Addr.getValue()); } else return R.takeError(); } return std::move(Result); } Expected SimpleRemoteEPC::runAsMain(ExecutorAddr MainFnAddr, ArrayRef Args) { int64_t Result = 0; if (auto Err = callSPSWrapper( RunAsMainAddr, Result, ExecutorAddr(MainFnAddr), Args)) return std::move(Err); return Result; } void SimpleRemoteEPC::callWrapperAsync(ExecutorAddr WrapperFnAddr, IncomingWFRHandler OnComplete, ArrayRef ArgBuffer) { uint64_t SeqNo; { std::lock_guard Lock(SimpleRemoteEPCMutex); SeqNo = getNextSeqNo(); assert(!PendingCallWrapperResults.count(SeqNo) && "SeqNo already in use"); PendingCallWrapperResults[SeqNo] = std::move(OnComplete); } if (auto Err = sendMessage(SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::CallWrapper, SeqNo, WrapperFnAddr, ArgBuffer)) { IncomingWFRHandler H; // We just registered OnComplete, but there may be a race between this // thread returning from sendMessage and handleDisconnect being called from // the transport's listener thread. If handleDisconnect gets there first // then it will have failed 'H' for us. If we get there first (or if // handleDisconnect already ran) then we need to take care of it. { std::lock_guard Lock(SimpleRemoteEPCMutex); auto I = PendingCallWrapperResults.find(SeqNo); if (I != PendingCallWrapperResults.end()) { H = std::move(I->second); PendingCallWrapperResults.erase(I); } } if (H) H(shared::WrapperFunctionResult::createOutOfBandError("disconnecting")); getExecutionSession().reportError(std::move(Err)); } } Error SimpleRemoteEPC::disconnect() { T->disconnect(); D->shutdown(); std::unique_lock Lock(SimpleRemoteEPCMutex); DisconnectCV.wait(Lock, [this] { return Disconnected; }); return std::move(DisconnectErr); } Expected SimpleRemoteEPC::handleMessage(SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode OpC, uint64_t SeqNo, ExecutorAddr TagAddr, SimpleRemoteEPCArgBytesVector ArgBytes) { LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "SimpleRemoteEPC::handleMessage: opc = "; switch (OpC) { case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Setup: dbgs() << "Setup"; assert(SeqNo == 0 && "Non-zero SeqNo for Setup?"); assert(TagAddr.getValue() == 0 && "Non-zero TagAddr for Setup?"); break; case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Hangup: dbgs() << "Hangup"; assert(SeqNo == 0 && "Non-zero SeqNo for Hangup?"); assert(TagAddr.getValue() == 0 && "Non-zero TagAddr for Hangup?"); break; case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Result: dbgs() << "Result"; assert(TagAddr.getValue() == 0 && "Non-zero TagAddr for Result?"); break; case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::CallWrapper: dbgs() << "CallWrapper"; break; } dbgs() << ", seqno = " << SeqNo << ", tag-addr = " << formatv("{0:x}", TagAddr.getValue()) << ", arg-buffer = " << formatv("{0:x}", ArgBytes.size()) << " bytes\n"; }); using UT = std::underlying_type_t; if (static_cast(OpC) > static_cast(SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::LastOpC)) return make_error("Unexpected opcode", inconvertibleErrorCode()); switch (OpC) { case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Setup: if (auto Err = handleSetup(SeqNo, TagAddr, std::move(ArgBytes))) return std::move(Err); break; case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Hangup: T->disconnect(); if (auto Err = handleHangup(std::move(ArgBytes))) return std::move(Err); return EndSession; case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Result: if (auto Err = handleResult(SeqNo, TagAddr, std::move(ArgBytes))) return std::move(Err); break; case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::CallWrapper: handleCallWrapper(SeqNo, TagAddr, std::move(ArgBytes)); break; } return ContinueSession; } void SimpleRemoteEPC::handleDisconnect(Error Err) { LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "SimpleRemoteEPC::handleDisconnect: " << (Err ? "failure" : "success") << "\n"; }); PendingCallWrapperResultsMap TmpPending; { std::lock_guard Lock(SimpleRemoteEPCMutex); std::swap(TmpPending, PendingCallWrapperResults); } for (auto &KV : TmpPending) KV.second( shared::WrapperFunctionResult::createOutOfBandError("disconnecting")); std::lock_guard Lock(SimpleRemoteEPCMutex); DisconnectErr = joinErrors(std::move(DisconnectErr), std::move(Err)); Disconnected = true; DisconnectCV.notify_all(); } Expected> SimpleRemoteEPC::createDefaultMemoryManager(SimpleRemoteEPC &SREPC) { EPCGenericJITLinkMemoryManager::SymbolAddrs SAs; if (auto Err = SREPC.getBootstrapSymbols( {{SAs.Allocator, rt::SimpleExecutorMemoryManagerInstanceName}, {SAs.Reserve, rt::SimpleExecutorMemoryManagerReserveWrapperName}, {SAs.Finalize, rt::SimpleExecutorMemoryManagerFinalizeWrapperName}, {SAs.Deallocate, rt::SimpleExecutorMemoryManagerDeallocateWrapperName}})) return std::move(Err); return std::make_unique(SREPC, SAs); } Expected> SimpleRemoteEPC::createDefaultMemoryAccess(SimpleRemoteEPC &SREPC) { return nullptr; } Error SimpleRemoteEPC::sendMessage(SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode OpC, uint64_t SeqNo, ExecutorAddr TagAddr, ArrayRef ArgBytes) { assert(OpC != SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Setup && "SimpleRemoteEPC sending Setup message? That's the wrong direction."); LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "SimpleRemoteEPC::sendMessage: opc = "; switch (OpC) { case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Hangup: dbgs() << "Hangup"; assert(SeqNo == 0 && "Non-zero SeqNo for Hangup?"); assert(TagAddr.getValue() == 0 && "Non-zero TagAddr for Hangup?"); break; case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Result: dbgs() << "Result"; assert(TagAddr.getValue() == 0 && "Non-zero TagAddr for Result?"); break; case SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::CallWrapper: dbgs() << "CallWrapper"; break; default: llvm_unreachable("Invalid opcode"); } dbgs() << ", seqno = " << SeqNo << ", tag-addr = " << formatv("{0:x}", TagAddr.getValue()) << ", arg-buffer = " << formatv("{0:x}", ArgBytes.size()) << " bytes\n"; }); auto Err = T->sendMessage(OpC, SeqNo, TagAddr, ArgBytes); LLVM_DEBUG({ if (Err) dbgs() << " \\--> SimpleRemoteEPC::sendMessage failed\n"; }); return Err; } Error SimpleRemoteEPC::handleSetup(uint64_t SeqNo, ExecutorAddr TagAddr, SimpleRemoteEPCArgBytesVector ArgBytes) { if (SeqNo != 0) return make_error("Setup packet SeqNo not zero", inconvertibleErrorCode()); if (TagAddr) return make_error("Setup packet TagAddr not zero", inconvertibleErrorCode()); std::lock_guard Lock(SimpleRemoteEPCMutex); auto I = PendingCallWrapperResults.find(0); assert(PendingCallWrapperResults.size() == 1 && I != PendingCallWrapperResults.end() && "Setup message handler not connectly set up"); auto SetupMsgHandler = std::move(I->second); PendingCallWrapperResults.erase(I); auto WFR = shared::WrapperFunctionResult::copyFrom(ArgBytes.data(), ArgBytes.size()); SetupMsgHandler(std::move(WFR)); return Error::success(); } Error SimpleRemoteEPC::setup(Setup S) { using namespace SimpleRemoteEPCDefaultBootstrapSymbolNames; std::promise> EIP; auto EIF = EIP.get_future(); // Prepare a handler for the setup packet. PendingCallWrapperResults[0] = RunInPlace()( [&](shared::WrapperFunctionResult SetupMsgBytes) { if (const char *ErrMsg = SetupMsgBytes.getOutOfBandError()) { EIP.set_value( make_error(ErrMsg, inconvertibleErrorCode())); return; } using SPSSerialize = shared::SPSArgList; shared::SPSInputBuffer IB(SetupMsgBytes.data(), SetupMsgBytes.size()); SimpleRemoteEPCExecutorInfo EI; if (SPSSerialize::deserialize(IB, EI)) EIP.set_value(EI); else EIP.set_value(make_error( "Could not deserialize setup message", inconvertibleErrorCode())); }); // Start the transport. if (auto Err = T->start()) return Err; // Wait for setup packet to arrive. auto EI = EIF.get(); if (!EI) { T->disconnect(); return EI.takeError(); } LLVM_DEBUG({ dbgs() << "SimpleRemoteEPC received setup message:\n" << " Triple: " << EI->TargetTriple << "\n" << " Page size: " << EI->PageSize << "\n" << " Bootstrap symbols:\n"; for (const auto &KV : EI->BootstrapSymbols) dbgs() << " " << KV.first() << ": " << formatv("{0:x16}", KV.second.getValue()) << "\n"; }); TargetTriple = Triple(EI->TargetTriple); PageSize = EI->PageSize; BootstrapSymbols = std::move(EI->BootstrapSymbols); if (auto Err = getBootstrapSymbols( {{JDI.JITDispatchContext, ExecutorSessionObjectName}, {JDI.JITDispatchFunction, DispatchFnName}, {RunAsMainAddr, rt::RunAsMainWrapperName}})) return Err; if (auto DM = EPCGenericDylibManager::CreateWithDefaultBootstrapSymbols(*this)) DylibMgr = std::make_unique(std::move(*DM)); else return DM.takeError(); // Set a default CreateMemoryManager if none is specified. if (!S.CreateMemoryManager) S.CreateMemoryManager = createDefaultMemoryManager; if (auto MemMgr = S.CreateMemoryManager(*this)) { OwnedMemMgr = std::move(*MemMgr); this->MemMgr = OwnedMemMgr.get(); } else return MemMgr.takeError(); // Set a default CreateMemoryAccess if none is specified. if (!S.CreateMemoryAccess) S.CreateMemoryAccess = createDefaultMemoryAccess; if (auto MemAccess = S.CreateMemoryAccess(*this)) { OwnedMemAccess = std::move(*MemAccess); this->MemAccess = OwnedMemAccess.get(); } else return MemAccess.takeError(); return Error::success(); } Error SimpleRemoteEPC::handleResult(uint64_t SeqNo, ExecutorAddr TagAddr, SimpleRemoteEPCArgBytesVector ArgBytes) { IncomingWFRHandler SendResult; if (TagAddr) return make_error("Unexpected TagAddr in result message", inconvertibleErrorCode()); { std::lock_guard Lock(SimpleRemoteEPCMutex); auto I = PendingCallWrapperResults.find(SeqNo); if (I == PendingCallWrapperResults.end()) return make_error("No call for sequence number " + Twine(SeqNo), inconvertibleErrorCode()); SendResult = std::move(I->second); PendingCallWrapperResults.erase(I); releaseSeqNo(SeqNo); } auto WFR = shared::WrapperFunctionResult::copyFrom(ArgBytes.data(), ArgBytes.size()); SendResult(std::move(WFR)); return Error::success(); } void SimpleRemoteEPC::handleCallWrapper( uint64_t RemoteSeqNo, ExecutorAddr TagAddr, SimpleRemoteEPCArgBytesVector ArgBytes) { assert(ES && "No ExecutionSession attached"); D->dispatch(makeGenericNamedTask( [this, RemoteSeqNo, TagAddr, ArgBytes = std::move(ArgBytes)]() { ES->runJITDispatchHandler( [this, RemoteSeqNo](shared::WrapperFunctionResult WFR) { if (auto Err = sendMessage(SimpleRemoteEPCOpcode::Result, RemoteSeqNo, ExecutorAddr(), {WFR.data(), WFR.size()})) getExecutionSession().reportError(std::move(Err)); }, TagAddr.getValue(), ArgBytes); }, "callWrapper task")); } Error SimpleRemoteEPC::handleHangup(SimpleRemoteEPCArgBytesVector ArgBytes) { using namespace llvm::orc::shared; auto WFR = WrapperFunctionResult::copyFrom(ArgBytes.data(), ArgBytes.size()); if (const char *ErrMsg = WFR.getOutOfBandError()) return make_error(ErrMsg, inconvertibleErrorCode()); detail::SPSSerializableError Info; SPSInputBuffer IB(WFR.data(), WFR.size()); if (!SPSArgList::deserialize(IB, Info)) return make_error("Could not deserialize hangup info", inconvertibleErrorCode()); return fromSPSSerializable(std::move(Info)); } } // end namespace orc } // end namespace llvm