//===------- ObjectLinkingLayer.cpp - JITLink backed ORC ObjectLayer ------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/ObjectLinkingLayer.h" #include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h" #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITLink/EHFrameSupport.h" #include <vector> #define DEBUG_TYPE "orc" using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::jitlink; using namespace llvm::orc; namespace llvm { namespace orc { class ObjectLinkingLayerJITLinkContext final : public JITLinkContext { public: ObjectLinkingLayerJITLinkContext( ObjectLinkingLayer &Layer, std::unique_ptr<MaterializationResponsibility> MR, std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> ObjBuffer) : JITLinkContext(&MR->getTargetJITDylib()), Layer(Layer), MR(std::move(MR)), ObjBuffer(std::move(ObjBuffer)) {} ~ObjectLinkingLayerJITLinkContext() { // If there is an object buffer return function then use it to // return ownership of the buffer. if (Layer.ReturnObjectBuffer && ObjBuffer) Layer.ReturnObjectBuffer(std::move(ObjBuffer)); } JITLinkMemoryManager &getMemoryManager() override { return Layer.MemMgr; } void notifyFailed(Error Err) override { for (auto &P : Layer.Plugins) Err = joinErrors(std::move(Err), P->notifyFailed(*MR)); Layer.getExecutionSession().reportError(std::move(Err)); MR->failMaterialization(); } void lookup(const LookupMap &Symbols, std::unique_ptr<JITLinkAsyncLookupContinuation> LC) override { JITDylibSearchOrder LinkOrder; MR->getTargetJITDylib().withLinkOrderDo( [&](const JITDylibSearchOrder &LO) { LinkOrder = LO; }); auto &ES = Layer.getExecutionSession(); SymbolLookupSet LookupSet; for (auto &KV : Symbols) { orc::SymbolLookupFlags LookupFlags; switch (KV.second) { case jitlink::SymbolLookupFlags::RequiredSymbol: LookupFlags = orc::SymbolLookupFlags::RequiredSymbol; break; case jitlink::SymbolLookupFlags::WeaklyReferencedSymbol: LookupFlags = orc::SymbolLookupFlags::WeaklyReferencedSymbol; break; } LookupSet.add(ES.intern(KV.first), LookupFlags); } // OnResolve -- De-intern the symbols and pass the result to the linker. auto OnResolve = [LookupContinuation = std::move(LC)](Expected<SymbolMap> Result) mutable { if (!Result) LookupContinuation->run(Result.takeError()); else { AsyncLookupResult LR; for (auto &KV : *Result) LR[*KV.first] = KV.second; LookupContinuation->run(std::move(LR)); } }; for (auto &KV : InternalNamedSymbolDeps) { SymbolDependenceMap InternalDeps; InternalDeps[&MR->getTargetJITDylib()] = std::move(KV.second); MR->addDependencies(KV.first, InternalDeps); } ES.lookup(LookupKind::Static, LinkOrder, std::move(LookupSet), SymbolState::Resolved, std::move(OnResolve), [this](const SymbolDependenceMap &Deps) { registerDependencies(Deps); }); } Error notifyResolved(LinkGraph &G) override { auto &ES = Layer.getExecutionSession(); SymbolFlagsMap ExtraSymbolsToClaim; bool AutoClaim = Layer.AutoClaimObjectSymbols; SymbolMap InternedResult; for (auto *Sym : G.defined_symbols()) if (Sym->hasName() && Sym->getScope() != Scope::Local) { auto InternedName = ES.intern(Sym->getName()); JITSymbolFlags Flags; if (Sym->isCallable()) Flags |= JITSymbolFlags::Callable; if (Sym->getScope() == Scope::Default) Flags |= JITSymbolFlags::Exported; InternedResult[InternedName] = JITEvaluatedSymbol(Sym->getAddress(), Flags); if (AutoClaim && !MR->getSymbols().count(InternedName)) { assert(!ExtraSymbolsToClaim.count(InternedName) && "Duplicate symbol to claim?"); ExtraSymbolsToClaim[InternedName] = Flags; } } for (auto *Sym : G.absolute_symbols()) if (Sym->hasName()) { auto InternedName = ES.intern(Sym->getName()); JITSymbolFlags Flags; Flags |= JITSymbolFlags::Absolute; if (Sym->isCallable()) Flags |= JITSymbolFlags::Callable; if (Sym->getLinkage() == Linkage::Weak) Flags |= JITSymbolFlags::Weak; InternedResult[InternedName] = JITEvaluatedSymbol(Sym->getAddress(), Flags); if (AutoClaim && !MR->getSymbols().count(InternedName)) { assert(!ExtraSymbolsToClaim.count(InternedName) && "Duplicate symbol to claim?"); ExtraSymbolsToClaim[InternedName] = Flags; } } if (!ExtraSymbolsToClaim.empty()) if (auto Err = MR->defineMaterializing(ExtraSymbolsToClaim)) return Err; { // Check that InternedResult matches up with MR->getSymbols(). // This guards against faulty transformations / compilers / object caches. // First check that there aren't any missing symbols. size_t NumMaterializationSideEffectsOnlySymbols = 0; SymbolNameVector ExtraSymbols; SymbolNameVector MissingSymbols; for (auto &KV : MR->getSymbols()) { // If this is a materialization-side-effects only symbol then bump // the counter and make sure it's *not* defined, otherwise make // sure that it is defined. if (KV.second.hasMaterializationSideEffectsOnly()) { ++NumMaterializationSideEffectsOnlySymbols; if (InternedResult.count(KV.first)) ExtraSymbols.push_back(KV.first); continue; } else if (!InternedResult.count(KV.first)) MissingSymbols.push_back(KV.first); } // If there were missing symbols then report the error. if (!MissingSymbols.empty()) return make_error<MissingSymbolDefinitions>(G.getName(), std::move(MissingSymbols)); // If there are more definitions than expected, add them to the // ExtraSymbols vector. if (InternedResult.size() > MR->getSymbols().size() - NumMaterializationSideEffectsOnlySymbols) { for (auto &KV : InternedResult) if (!MR->getSymbols().count(KV.first)) ExtraSymbols.push_back(KV.first); } // If there were extra definitions then report the error. if (!ExtraSymbols.empty()) return make_error<UnexpectedSymbolDefinitions>(G.getName(), std::move(ExtraSymbols)); } if (auto Err = MR->notifyResolved(InternedResult)) return Err; Layer.notifyLoaded(*MR); return Error::success(); } void notifyFinalized( std::unique_ptr<JITLinkMemoryManager::Allocation> A) override { if (auto Err = Layer.notifyEmitted(*MR, std::move(A))) { Layer.getExecutionSession().reportError(std::move(Err)); MR->failMaterialization(); return; } if (auto Err = MR->notifyEmitted()) { Layer.getExecutionSession().reportError(std::move(Err)); MR->failMaterialization(); } } LinkGraphPassFunction getMarkLivePass(const Triple &TT) const override { return [this](LinkGraph &G) { return markResponsibilitySymbolsLive(G); }; } Error modifyPassConfig(const Triple &TT, PassConfiguration &Config) override { // Add passes to mark duplicate defs as should-discard, and to walk the // link graph to build the symbol dependence graph. Config.PrePrunePasses.push_back([this](LinkGraph &G) { return claimOrExternalizeWeakAndCommonSymbols(G); }); Layer.modifyPassConfig(*MR, TT, Config); Config.PostPrunePasses.push_back( [this](LinkGraph &G) { return computeNamedSymbolDependencies(G); }); return Error::success(); } private: struct LocalSymbolNamedDependencies { SymbolNameSet Internal, External; }; using LocalSymbolNamedDependenciesMap = DenseMap<const Symbol *, LocalSymbolNamedDependencies>; Error claimOrExternalizeWeakAndCommonSymbols(LinkGraph &G) { auto &ES = Layer.getExecutionSession(); SymbolFlagsMap NewSymbolsToClaim; std::vector<std::pair<SymbolStringPtr, Symbol *>> NameToSym; auto ProcessSymbol = [&](Symbol *Sym) { if (Sym->hasName() && Sym->getLinkage() == Linkage::Weak) { auto Name = ES.intern(Sym->getName()); if (!MR->getSymbols().count(ES.intern(Sym->getName()))) { JITSymbolFlags SF = JITSymbolFlags::Weak; if (Sym->getScope() == Scope::Default) SF |= JITSymbolFlags::Exported; NewSymbolsToClaim[Name] = SF; NameToSym.push_back(std::make_pair(std::move(Name), Sym)); } } }; for (auto *Sym : G.defined_symbols()) ProcessSymbol(Sym); for (auto *Sym : G.absolute_symbols()) ProcessSymbol(Sym); // Attempt to claim all weak defs that we're not already responsible for. // This cannot fail -- any clashes will just result in rejection of our // claim, at which point we'll externalize that symbol. cantFail(MR->defineMaterializing(std::move(NewSymbolsToClaim))); for (auto &KV : NameToSym) if (!MR->getSymbols().count(KV.first)) G.makeExternal(*KV.second); return Error::success(); } Error markResponsibilitySymbolsLive(LinkGraph &G) const { auto &ES = Layer.getExecutionSession(); for (auto *Sym : G.defined_symbols()) if (Sym->hasName() && MR->getSymbols().count(ES.intern(Sym->getName()))) Sym->setLive(true); return Error::success(); } Error computeNamedSymbolDependencies(LinkGraph &G) { auto &ES = MR->getTargetJITDylib().getExecutionSession(); auto LocalDeps = computeLocalDeps(G); // Compute dependencies for symbols defined in the JITLink graph. for (auto *Sym : G.defined_symbols()) { // Skip local symbols: we do not track dependencies for these. if (Sym->getScope() == Scope::Local) continue; assert(Sym->hasName() && "Defined non-local jitlink::Symbol should have a name"); SymbolNameSet ExternalSymDeps, InternalSymDeps; // Find internal and external named symbol dependencies. for (auto &E : Sym->getBlock().edges()) { auto &TargetSym = E.getTarget(); if (TargetSym.getScope() != Scope::Local) { if (TargetSym.isExternal()) ExternalSymDeps.insert(ES.intern(TargetSym.getName())); else if (&TargetSym != Sym) InternalSymDeps.insert(ES.intern(TargetSym.getName())); } else { assert(TargetSym.isDefined() && "local symbols must be defined"); auto I = LocalDeps.find(&TargetSym); if (I != LocalDeps.end()) { for (auto &S : I->second.External) ExternalSymDeps.insert(S); for (auto &S : I->second.Internal) InternalSymDeps.insert(S); } } } if (ExternalSymDeps.empty() && InternalSymDeps.empty()) continue; auto SymName = ES.intern(Sym->getName()); if (!ExternalSymDeps.empty()) ExternalNamedSymbolDeps[SymName] = std::move(ExternalSymDeps); if (!InternalSymDeps.empty()) InternalNamedSymbolDeps[SymName] = std::move(InternalSymDeps); } for (auto &P : Layer.Plugins) { auto SyntheticLocalDeps = P->getSyntheticSymbolLocalDependencies(*MR); if (SyntheticLocalDeps.empty()) continue; for (auto &KV : SyntheticLocalDeps) { auto &Name = KV.first; auto &LocalDepsForName = KV.second; for (auto *Local : LocalDepsForName) { assert(Local->getScope() == Scope::Local && "Dependence on non-local symbol"); auto LocalNamedDepsItr = LocalDeps.find(Local); if (LocalNamedDepsItr == LocalDeps.end()) continue; for (auto &S : LocalNamedDepsItr->second.Internal) InternalNamedSymbolDeps[Name].insert(S); for (auto &S : LocalNamedDepsItr->second.External) ExternalNamedSymbolDeps[Name].insert(S); } } } return Error::success(); } LocalSymbolNamedDependenciesMap computeLocalDeps(LinkGraph &G) { DenseMap<jitlink::Symbol *, DenseSet<jitlink::Symbol *>> DepMap; // For all local symbols: // (1) Add their named dependencies. // (2) Add them to the worklist for further iteration if they have any // depend on any other local symbols. struct WorklistEntry { WorklistEntry(Symbol *Sym, DenseSet<Symbol *> LocalDeps) : Sym(Sym), LocalDeps(std::move(LocalDeps)) {} Symbol *Sym = nullptr; DenseSet<Symbol *> LocalDeps; }; std::vector<WorklistEntry> Worklist; for (auto *Sym : G.defined_symbols()) if (Sym->getScope() == Scope::Local) { auto &SymNamedDeps = DepMap[Sym]; DenseSet<Symbol *> LocalDeps; for (auto &E : Sym->getBlock().edges()) { auto &TargetSym = E.getTarget(); if (TargetSym.getScope() != Scope::Local) SymNamedDeps.insert(&TargetSym); else { assert(TargetSym.isDefined() && "local symbols must be defined"); LocalDeps.insert(&TargetSym); } } if (!LocalDeps.empty()) Worklist.push_back(WorklistEntry(Sym, std::move(LocalDeps))); } // Loop over all local symbols with local dependencies, propagating // their respective non-local dependencies. Iterate until we hit a stable // state. bool Changed; do { Changed = false; for (auto &WLEntry : Worklist) { auto *Sym = WLEntry.Sym; auto &NamedDeps = DepMap[Sym]; auto &LocalDeps = WLEntry.LocalDeps; for (auto *TargetSym : LocalDeps) { auto I = DepMap.find(TargetSym); if (I != DepMap.end()) for (const auto &S : I->second) Changed |= NamedDeps.insert(S).second; } } } while (Changed); // Intern the results to produce a mapping of jitlink::Symbol* to internal // and external symbol names. auto &ES = Layer.getExecutionSession(); LocalSymbolNamedDependenciesMap Result; for (auto &KV : DepMap) { auto *Local = KV.first; assert(Local->getScope() == Scope::Local && "DepMap keys should all be local symbols"); auto &LocalNamedDeps = Result[Local]; for (auto *Named : KV.second) { assert(Named->getScope() != Scope::Local && "DepMap values should all be non-local symbol sets"); if (Named->isExternal()) LocalNamedDeps.External.insert(ES.intern(Named->getName())); else LocalNamedDeps.Internal.insert(ES.intern(Named->getName())); } } return Result; } void registerDependencies(const SymbolDependenceMap &QueryDeps) { for (auto &NamedDepsEntry : ExternalNamedSymbolDeps) { auto &Name = NamedDepsEntry.first; auto &NameDeps = NamedDepsEntry.second; SymbolDependenceMap SymbolDeps; for (const auto &QueryDepsEntry : QueryDeps) { JITDylib &SourceJD = *QueryDepsEntry.first; const SymbolNameSet &Symbols = QueryDepsEntry.second; auto &DepsForJD = SymbolDeps[&SourceJD]; for (const auto &S : Symbols) if (NameDeps.count(S)) DepsForJD.insert(S); if (DepsForJD.empty()) SymbolDeps.erase(&SourceJD); } MR->addDependencies(Name, SymbolDeps); } } ObjectLinkingLayer &Layer; std::unique_ptr<MaterializationResponsibility> MR; std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> ObjBuffer; DenseMap<SymbolStringPtr, SymbolNameSet> ExternalNamedSymbolDeps; DenseMap<SymbolStringPtr, SymbolNameSet> InternalNamedSymbolDeps; }; ObjectLinkingLayer::Plugin::~Plugin() {} ObjectLinkingLayer::ObjectLinkingLayer(ExecutionSession &ES, JITLinkMemoryManager &MemMgr) : ObjectLayer(ES), MemMgr(MemMgr) { ES.registerResourceManager(*this); } ObjectLinkingLayer::ObjectLinkingLayer( ExecutionSession &ES, std::unique_ptr<JITLinkMemoryManager> MemMgr) : ObjectLayer(ES), MemMgr(*MemMgr), MemMgrOwnership(std::move(MemMgr)) { ES.registerResourceManager(*this); } ObjectLinkingLayer::~ObjectLinkingLayer() { assert(Allocs.empty() && "Layer destroyed with resources still attached"); getExecutionSession().deregisterResourceManager(*this); } void ObjectLinkingLayer::emit(std::unique_ptr<MaterializationResponsibility> R, std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> O) { assert(O && "Object must not be null"); auto ObjBuffer = O->getMemBufferRef(); auto Ctx = std::make_unique<ObjectLinkingLayerJITLinkContext>( *this, std::move(R), std::move(O)); if (auto G = createLinkGraphFromObject(std::move(ObjBuffer))) link(std::move(*G), std::move(Ctx)); else Ctx->notifyFailed(G.takeError()); } void ObjectLinkingLayer::emit(std::unique_ptr<MaterializationResponsibility> R, std::unique_ptr<LinkGraph> G) { link(std::move(G), std::make_unique<ObjectLinkingLayerJITLinkContext>( *this, std::move(R), nullptr)); } void ObjectLinkingLayer::modifyPassConfig(MaterializationResponsibility &MR, const Triple &TT, PassConfiguration &PassConfig) { for (auto &P : Plugins) P->modifyPassConfig(MR, TT, PassConfig); } void ObjectLinkingLayer::notifyLoaded(MaterializationResponsibility &MR) { for (auto &P : Plugins) P->notifyLoaded(MR); } Error ObjectLinkingLayer::notifyEmitted(MaterializationResponsibility &MR, AllocPtr Alloc) { Error Err = Error::success(); for (auto &P : Plugins) Err = joinErrors(std::move(Err), P->notifyEmitted(MR)); if (Err) return Err; return MR.withResourceKeyDo( [&](ResourceKey K) { Allocs[K].push_back(std::move(Alloc)); }); } Error ObjectLinkingLayer::handleRemoveResources(ResourceKey K) { Error Err = Error::success(); for (auto &P : Plugins) Err = joinErrors(std::move(Err), P->notifyRemovingResources(K)); std::vector<AllocPtr> AllocsToRemove; getExecutionSession().runSessionLocked([&] { auto I = Allocs.find(K); if (I != Allocs.end()) { std::swap(AllocsToRemove, I->second); Allocs.erase(I); } }); while (!AllocsToRemove.empty()) { Err = joinErrors(std::move(Err), AllocsToRemove.back()->deallocate()); AllocsToRemove.pop_back(); } return Err; } void ObjectLinkingLayer::handleTransferResources(ResourceKey DstKey, ResourceKey SrcKey) { auto I = Allocs.find(SrcKey); if (I != Allocs.end()) { auto &SrcAllocs = I->second; auto &DstAllocs = Allocs[DstKey]; DstAllocs.reserve(DstAllocs.size() + SrcAllocs.size()); for (auto &Alloc : SrcAllocs) DstAllocs.push_back(std::move(Alloc)); // Erase SrcKey entry using value rather than iterator I: I may have been // invalidated when we looked up DstKey. Allocs.erase(SrcKey); } for (auto &P : Plugins) P->notifyTransferringResources(DstKey, SrcKey); } EHFrameRegistrationPlugin::EHFrameRegistrationPlugin( ExecutionSession &ES, std::unique_ptr<EHFrameRegistrar> Registrar) : ES(ES), Registrar(std::move(Registrar)) {} void EHFrameRegistrationPlugin::modifyPassConfig( MaterializationResponsibility &MR, const Triple &TT, PassConfiguration &PassConfig) { PassConfig.PostFixupPasses.push_back(createEHFrameRecorderPass( TT, [this, &MR](JITTargetAddress Addr, size_t Size) { if (Addr) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(EHFramePluginMutex); assert(!InProcessLinks.count(&MR) && "Link for MR already being tracked?"); InProcessLinks[&MR] = {Addr, Size}; } })); } Error EHFrameRegistrationPlugin::notifyEmitted( MaterializationResponsibility &MR) { EHFrameRange EmittedRange; { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(EHFramePluginMutex); auto EHFrameRangeItr = InProcessLinks.find(&MR); if (EHFrameRangeItr == InProcessLinks.end()) return Error::success(); EmittedRange = EHFrameRangeItr->second; assert(EmittedRange.Addr && "eh-frame addr to register can not be null"); InProcessLinks.erase(EHFrameRangeItr); } if (auto Err = MR.withResourceKeyDo( [&](ResourceKey K) { EHFrameRanges[K].push_back(EmittedRange); })) return Err; return Registrar->registerEHFrames(EmittedRange.Addr, EmittedRange.Size); } Error EHFrameRegistrationPlugin::notifyFailed( MaterializationResponsibility &MR) { std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(EHFramePluginMutex); InProcessLinks.erase(&MR); return Error::success(); } Error EHFrameRegistrationPlugin::notifyRemovingResources(ResourceKey K) { std::vector<EHFrameRange> RangesToRemove; ES.runSessionLocked([&] { auto I = EHFrameRanges.find(K); if (I != EHFrameRanges.end()) { RangesToRemove = std::move(I->second); EHFrameRanges.erase(I); } }); Error Err = Error::success(); while (!RangesToRemove.empty()) { auto RangeToRemove = RangesToRemove.back(); RangesToRemove.pop_back(); assert(RangeToRemove.Addr && "Untracked eh-frame range must not be null"); Err = joinErrors( std::move(Err), Registrar->deregisterEHFrames(RangeToRemove.Addr, RangeToRemove.Size)); } return Err; } void EHFrameRegistrationPlugin::notifyTransferringResources( ResourceKey DstKey, ResourceKey SrcKey) { auto SI = EHFrameRanges.find(SrcKey); if (SI != EHFrameRanges.end()) { auto &SrcRanges = SI->second; auto &DstRanges = EHFrameRanges[DstKey]; DstRanges.reserve(DstRanges.size() + SrcRanges.size()); for (auto &SrcRange : SrcRanges) DstRanges.push_back(std::move(SrcRange)); EHFrameRanges.erase(SI); } } } // End namespace orc. } // End namespace llvm.