%feature("docstring", "Represents an executable image section. SBSection supports iteration through its subsection, represented as SBSection as well. For example, :: for sec in exe_module: if sec.GetName() == '__TEXT': print sec break print INDENT + 'Number of subsections: %d' % sec.GetNumSubSections() for subsec in sec: print INDENT + repr(subsec) produces: :: [0x0000000100000000-0x0000000100002000) a.out.__TEXT Number of subsections: 6 [0x0000000100001780-0x0000000100001d5c) a.out.__TEXT.__text [0x0000000100001d5c-0x0000000100001da4) a.out.__TEXT.__stubs [0x0000000100001da4-0x0000000100001e2c) a.out.__TEXT.__stub_helper [0x0000000100001e2c-0x0000000100001f10) a.out.__TEXT.__cstring [0x0000000100001f10-0x0000000100001f68) a.out.__TEXT.__unwind_info [0x0000000100001f68-0x0000000100001ff8) a.out.__TEXT.__eh_frame See also :py:class:`SBModule` ." ) lldb::SBSection; %feature("docstring", " Return the size of a target's byte represented by this section in numbers of host bytes. Note that certain architectures have varying minimum addressable unit (i.e. byte) size for their CODE or DATA buses. @return The number of host (8-bit) bytes needed to hold a target byte" ) lldb::SBSection::GetTargetByteSize;