//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include <__assert> #include <__config> #include <errno.h> #include <filesystem> #include <stack> #include <utility> #include "error.h" #include "file_descriptor.h" #if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API) # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN # define NOMINMAX # include <windows.h> #else # include <dirent.h> // for DIR & friends #endif _LIBCPP_BEGIN_NAMESPACE_FILESYSTEM using detail::ErrorHandler; #if defined(_LIBCPP_WIN32API) class __dir_stream { public: __dir_stream() = delete; __dir_stream& operator=(const __dir_stream&) = delete; __dir_stream(__dir_stream&& __ds) noexcept : __stream_(__ds.__stream_), __root_(std::move(__ds.__root_)), __entry_(std::move(__ds.__entry_)) { __ds.__stream_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } __dir_stream(const path& root, directory_options opts, error_code& ec) : __stream_(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), __root_(root) { if (root.native().empty()) { ec = make_error_code(errc::no_such_file_or_directory); return; } __stream_ = ::FindFirstFileW((root / "*").c_str(), &__data_); if (__stream_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ec = detail::make_windows_error(GetLastError()); const bool ignore_permission_denied = bool(opts & directory_options::skip_permission_denied); if (ignore_permission_denied && ec.value() == static_cast<int>(errc::permission_denied)) ec.clear(); return; } if (!assign()) advance(ec); } ~__dir_stream() noexcept { if (__stream_ == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; close(); } bool good() const noexcept { return __stream_ != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } bool advance(error_code& ec) { while (::FindNextFileW(__stream_, &__data_)) { if (assign()) return true; } close(); return false; } bool assign() { if (!wcscmp(__data_.cFileName, L".") || !wcscmp(__data_.cFileName, L"..")) return false; // FIXME: Cache more of this //directory_entry::__cached_data cdata; //cdata.__type_ = get_file_type(__data_); //cdata.__size_ = get_file_size(__data_); //cdata.__write_time_ = get_write_time(__data_); __entry_.__assign_iter_entry( __root_ / __data_.cFileName, directory_entry::__create_iter_result(detail::get_file_type(__data_))); return true; } private: error_code close() noexcept { error_code ec; if (!::FindClose(__stream_)) ec = detail::make_windows_error(GetLastError()); __stream_ = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return ec; } HANDLE __stream_{INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE}; WIN32_FIND_DATAW __data_; public: path __root_; directory_entry __entry_; }; #else class __dir_stream { public: __dir_stream() = delete; __dir_stream& operator=(const __dir_stream&) = delete; __dir_stream(__dir_stream&& other) noexcept : __stream_(other.__stream_), __root_(std::move(other.__root_)), __entry_(std::move(other.__entry_)) { other.__stream_ = nullptr; } __dir_stream(const path& root, directory_options opts, error_code& ec) : __stream_(nullptr), __root_(root) { if ((__stream_ = ::opendir(root.c_str())) == nullptr) { ec = detail::capture_errno(); const bool allow_eacces = bool(opts & directory_options::skip_permission_denied); if (allow_eacces && ec.value() == EACCES) ec.clear(); return; } advance(ec); } ~__dir_stream() noexcept { if (__stream_) close(); } bool good() const noexcept { return __stream_ != nullptr; } bool advance(error_code& ec) { while (true) { auto str_type_pair = detail::posix_readdir(__stream_, ec); auto& str = str_type_pair.first; if (str == "." || str == "..") { continue; } else if (ec || str.empty()) { close(); return false; } else { __entry_.__assign_iter_entry( __root_ / str, directory_entry::__create_iter_result(str_type_pair.second)); return true; } } } private: error_code close() noexcept { error_code m_ec; if (::closedir(__stream_) == -1) m_ec = detail::capture_errno(); __stream_ = nullptr; return m_ec; } DIR* __stream_{nullptr}; public: path __root_; directory_entry __entry_; }; #endif // directory_iterator directory_iterator::directory_iterator(const path& p, error_code* ec, directory_options opts) { ErrorHandler<void> err("directory_iterator::directory_iterator(...)", ec, &p); error_code m_ec; __imp_ = make_shared<__dir_stream>(p, opts, m_ec); if (ec) *ec = m_ec; if (!__imp_->good()) { __imp_.reset(); if (m_ec) err.report(m_ec); } } directory_iterator& directory_iterator::__increment(error_code* ec) { _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__imp_, "Attempting to increment an invalid iterator"); ErrorHandler<void> err("directory_iterator::operator++()", ec); error_code m_ec; if (!__imp_->advance(m_ec)) { path root = std::move(__imp_->__root_); __imp_.reset(); if (m_ec) err.report(m_ec, "at root " PATH_CSTR_FMT, root.c_str()); } return *this; } directory_entry const& directory_iterator::__dereference() const { _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__imp_, "Attempting to dereference an invalid iterator"); return __imp_->__entry_; } // recursive_directory_iterator struct recursive_directory_iterator::__shared_imp { stack<__dir_stream> __stack_; directory_options __options_; }; recursive_directory_iterator::recursive_directory_iterator( const path& p, directory_options opt, error_code* ec) : __imp_(nullptr), __rec_(true) { ErrorHandler<void> err("recursive_directory_iterator", ec, &p); error_code m_ec; __dir_stream new_s(p, opt, m_ec); if (m_ec) err.report(m_ec); if (m_ec || !new_s.good()) return; __imp_ = make_shared<__shared_imp>(); __imp_->__options_ = opt; __imp_->__stack_.push(std::move(new_s)); } void recursive_directory_iterator::__pop(error_code* ec) { _LIBCPP_ASSERT_UNCATEGORIZED(__imp_, "Popping the end iterator"); if (ec) ec->clear(); __imp_->__stack_.pop(); if (__imp_->__stack_.size() == 0) __imp_.reset(); else __advance(ec); } directory_options recursive_directory_iterator::options() const { return __imp_->__options_; } int recursive_directory_iterator::depth() const { return __imp_->__stack_.size() - 1; } const directory_entry& recursive_directory_iterator::__dereference() const { return __imp_->__stack_.top().__entry_; } recursive_directory_iterator& recursive_directory_iterator::__increment(error_code* ec) { if (ec) ec->clear(); if (recursion_pending()) { if (__try_recursion(ec) || (ec && *ec)) return *this; } __rec_ = true; __advance(ec); return *this; } void recursive_directory_iterator::__advance(error_code* ec) { ErrorHandler<void> err("recursive_directory_iterator::operator++()", ec); const directory_iterator end_it; auto& stack = __imp_->__stack_; error_code m_ec; while (stack.size() > 0) { if (stack.top().advance(m_ec)) return; if (m_ec) break; stack.pop(); } if (m_ec) { path root = std::move(stack.top().__root_); __imp_.reset(); err.report(m_ec, "at root " PATH_CSTR_FMT, root.c_str()); } else { __imp_.reset(); } } bool recursive_directory_iterator::__try_recursion(error_code* ec) { ErrorHandler<void> err("recursive_directory_iterator::operator++()", ec); bool rec_sym = bool(options() & directory_options::follow_directory_symlink); auto& curr_it = __imp_->__stack_.top(); bool skip_rec = false; error_code m_ec; if (!rec_sym) { file_status st(curr_it.__entry_.__get_sym_ft(&m_ec)); if (m_ec && status_known(st)) m_ec.clear(); if (m_ec || is_symlink(st) || !is_directory(st)) skip_rec = true; } else { file_status st(curr_it.__entry_.__get_ft(&m_ec)); if (m_ec && status_known(st)) m_ec.clear(); if (m_ec || !is_directory(st)) skip_rec = true; } if (!skip_rec) { __dir_stream new_it(curr_it.__entry_.path(), __imp_->__options_, m_ec); if (new_it.good()) { __imp_->__stack_.push(std::move(new_it)); return true; } } if (m_ec) { const bool allow_eacess = bool(__imp_->__options_ & directory_options::skip_permission_denied); if (m_ec.value() == EACCES && allow_eacess) { if (ec) ec->clear(); } else { path at_ent = std::move(curr_it.__entry_.__p_); __imp_.reset(); err.report(m_ec, "attempting recursion into " PATH_CSTR_FMT, at_ent.c_str()); } } return false; } _LIBCPP_END_NAMESPACE_FILESYSTEM