//===- ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.cpp -------*- C++ -*-===// // // Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// /// /// \file /// This file implements the SymbolGraphSerializer. /// //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h" #include "clang/Basic/Version.h" #include "clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h" #include "llvm/ADT/STLFunctionalExtras.h" #include "llvm/Support/Casting.h" #include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h" #include "llvm/Support/Path.h" #include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h" #include <optional> #include <type_traits> using namespace clang; using namespace clang::extractapi; using namespace llvm; using namespace llvm::json; namespace { /// Helper function to inject a JSON object \p Obj into another object \p Paren /// at position \p Key. void serializeObject(Object &Paren, StringRef Key, std::optional<Object> Obj) { if (Obj) Paren[Key] = std::move(*Obj); } /// Helper function to inject a JSON array \p Array into object \p Paren at /// position \p Key. void serializeArray(Object &Paren, StringRef Key, std::optional<Array> Array) { if (Array) Paren[Key] = std::move(*Array); } /// Serialize a \c VersionTuple \p V with the Symbol Graph semantic version /// format. /// /// A semantic version object contains three numeric fields, representing the /// \c major, \c minor, and \c patch parts of the version tuple. /// For example version tuple 1.0.3 is serialized as: /// \code /// { /// "major" : 1, /// "minor" : 0, /// "patch" : 3 /// } /// \endcode /// /// \returns \c std::nullopt if the version \p V is empty, or an \c Object /// containing the semantic version representation of \p V. std::optional<Object> serializeSemanticVersion(const VersionTuple &V) { if (V.empty()) return std::nullopt; Object Version; Version["major"] = V.getMajor(); Version["minor"] = V.getMinor().value_or(0); Version["patch"] = V.getSubminor().value_or(0); return Version; } /// Serialize the OS information in the Symbol Graph platform property. /// /// The OS information in Symbol Graph contains the \c name of the OS, and an /// optional \c minimumVersion semantic version field. Object serializeOperatingSystem(const Triple &T) { Object OS; OS["name"] = T.getOSTypeName(T.getOS()); serializeObject(OS, "minimumVersion", serializeSemanticVersion(T.getMinimumSupportedOSVersion())); return OS; } /// Serialize the platform information in the Symbol Graph module section. /// /// The platform object describes a target platform triple in corresponding /// three fields: \c architecture, \c vendor, and \c operatingSystem. Object serializePlatform(const Triple &T) { Object Platform; Platform["architecture"] = T.getArchName(); Platform["vendor"] = T.getVendorName(); Platform["operatingSystem"] = serializeOperatingSystem(T); return Platform; } /// Serialize a source position. Object serializeSourcePosition(const PresumedLoc &Loc) { assert(Loc.isValid() && "invalid source position"); Object SourcePosition; SourcePosition["line"] = Loc.getLine(); SourcePosition["character"] = Loc.getColumn(); return SourcePosition; } /// Serialize a source location in file. /// /// \param Loc The presumed location to serialize. /// \param IncludeFileURI If true, include the file path of \p Loc as a URI. /// Defaults to false. Object serializeSourceLocation(const PresumedLoc &Loc, bool IncludeFileURI = false) { Object SourceLocation; serializeObject(SourceLocation, "position", serializeSourcePosition(Loc)); if (IncludeFileURI) { std::string FileURI = "file://"; // Normalize file path to use forward slashes for the URI. FileURI += sys::path::convert_to_slash(Loc.getFilename()); SourceLocation["uri"] = FileURI; } return SourceLocation; } /// Serialize a source range with begin and end locations. Object serializeSourceRange(const PresumedLoc &BeginLoc, const PresumedLoc &EndLoc) { Object SourceRange; serializeObject(SourceRange, "start", serializeSourcePosition(BeginLoc)); serializeObject(SourceRange, "end", serializeSourcePosition(EndLoc)); return SourceRange; } /// Serialize the availability attributes of a symbol. /// /// Availability information contains the introduced, deprecated, and obsoleted /// versions of the symbol for a given domain (roughly corresponds to a /// platform) as semantic versions, if not default. Availability information /// also contains flags to indicate if the symbol is unconditionally unavailable /// or deprecated, i.e. \c __attribute__((unavailable)) and \c /// __attribute__((deprecated)). /// /// \returns \c std::nullopt if the symbol has default availability attributes, /// or an \c Array containing the formatted availability information. std::optional<Array> serializeAvailability(const AvailabilitySet &Availabilities) { if (Availabilities.isDefault()) return std::nullopt; Array AvailabilityArray; if (Availabilities.isUnconditionallyDeprecated()) { Object UnconditionallyDeprecated; UnconditionallyDeprecated["domain"] = "*"; UnconditionallyDeprecated["isUnconditionallyDeprecated"] = true; AvailabilityArray.emplace_back(std::move(UnconditionallyDeprecated)); } // Note unconditionally unavailable records are skipped. for (const auto &AvailInfo : Availabilities) { Object Availability; Availability["domain"] = AvailInfo.Domain; if (AvailInfo.Unavailable) Availability["isUnconditionallyUnavailable"] = true; else { serializeObject(Availability, "introducedVersion", serializeSemanticVersion(AvailInfo.Introduced)); serializeObject(Availability, "deprecatedVersion", serializeSemanticVersion(AvailInfo.Deprecated)); serializeObject(Availability, "obsoletedVersion", serializeSemanticVersion(AvailInfo.Obsoleted)); } AvailabilityArray.emplace_back(std::move(Availability)); } return AvailabilityArray; } /// Get the language name string for interface language references. StringRef getLanguageName(Language Lang) { switch (Lang) { case Language::C: return "c"; case Language::ObjC: return "objective-c"; // Unsupported language currently case Language::CXX: case Language::ObjCXX: case Language::OpenCL: case Language::OpenCLCXX: case Language::CUDA: case Language::RenderScript: case Language::HIP: case Language::HLSL: // Languages that the frontend cannot parse and compile case Language::Unknown: case Language::Asm: case Language::LLVM_IR: llvm_unreachable("Unsupported language kind"); } llvm_unreachable("Unhandled language kind"); } /// Serialize the identifier object as specified by the Symbol Graph format. /// /// The identifier property of a symbol contains the USR for precise and unique /// references, and the interface language name. Object serializeIdentifier(const APIRecord &Record, Language Lang) { Object Identifier; Identifier["precise"] = Record.USR; Identifier["interfaceLanguage"] = getLanguageName(Lang); return Identifier; } /// Serialize the documentation comments attached to a symbol, as specified by /// the Symbol Graph format. /// /// The Symbol Graph \c docComment object contains an array of lines. Each line /// represents one line of striped documentation comment, with source range /// information. /// e.g. /// \code /// /// This is a documentation comment /// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' First line. /// /// with multiple lines. /// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Second line. /// \endcode /// /// \returns \c std::nullopt if \p Comment is empty, or an \c Object containing /// the formatted lines. std::optional<Object> serializeDocComment(const DocComment &Comment) { if (Comment.empty()) return std::nullopt; Object DocComment; Array LinesArray; for (const auto &CommentLine : Comment) { Object Line; Line["text"] = CommentLine.Text; serializeObject(Line, "range", serializeSourceRange(CommentLine.Begin, CommentLine.End)); LinesArray.emplace_back(std::move(Line)); } serializeArray(DocComment, "lines", LinesArray); return DocComment; } /// Serialize the declaration fragments of a symbol. /// /// The Symbol Graph declaration fragments is an array of tagged important /// parts of a symbol's declaration. The fragments sequence can be joined to /// form spans of declaration text, with attached information useful for /// purposes like syntax-highlighting etc. For example: /// \code /// const int pi; -> "declarationFragments" : [ /// { /// "kind" : "keyword", /// "spelling" : "const" /// }, /// { /// "kind" : "text", /// "spelling" : " " /// }, /// { /// "kind" : "typeIdentifier", /// "preciseIdentifier" : "c:I", /// "spelling" : "int" /// }, /// { /// "kind" : "text", /// "spelling" : " " /// }, /// { /// "kind" : "identifier", /// "spelling" : "pi" /// } /// ] /// \endcode /// /// \returns \c std::nullopt if \p DF is empty, or an \c Array containing the /// formatted declaration fragments array. std::optional<Array> serializeDeclarationFragments(const DeclarationFragments &DF) { if (DF.getFragments().empty()) return std::nullopt; Array Fragments; for (const auto &F : DF.getFragments()) { Object Fragment; Fragment["spelling"] = F.Spelling; Fragment["kind"] = DeclarationFragments::getFragmentKindString(F.Kind); if (!F.PreciseIdentifier.empty()) Fragment["preciseIdentifier"] = F.PreciseIdentifier; Fragments.emplace_back(std::move(Fragment)); } return Fragments; } /// Serialize the \c names field of a symbol as specified by the Symbol Graph /// format. /// /// The Symbol Graph names field contains multiple representations of a symbol /// that can be used for different applications: /// - \c title : The simple declared name of the symbol; /// - \c subHeading : An array of declaration fragments that provides tags, /// and potentially more tokens (for example the \c +/- symbol for /// Objective-C methods). Can be used as sub-headings for documentation. Object serializeNames(const APIRecord &Record) { Object Names; Names["title"] = Record.Name; serializeArray(Names, "subHeading", serializeDeclarationFragments(Record.SubHeading)); DeclarationFragments NavigatorFragments; NavigatorFragments.append(Record.Name, DeclarationFragments::FragmentKind::Identifier, /*PreciseIdentifier*/ ""); serializeArray(Names, "navigator", serializeDeclarationFragments(NavigatorFragments)); return Names; } Object serializeSymbolKind(APIRecord::RecordKind RK, Language Lang) { auto AddLangPrefix = [&Lang](StringRef S) -> std::string { return (getLanguageName(Lang) + "." + S).str(); }; Object Kind; switch (RK) { case APIRecord::RK_Unknown: llvm_unreachable("Records should have an explicit kind"); break; case APIRecord::RK_GlobalFunction: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("func"); Kind["displayName"] = "Function"; break; case APIRecord::RK_GlobalVariable: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("var"); Kind["displayName"] = "Global Variable"; break; case APIRecord::RK_EnumConstant: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("enum.case"); Kind["displayName"] = "Enumeration Case"; break; case APIRecord::RK_Enum: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("enum"); Kind["displayName"] = "Enumeration"; break; case APIRecord::RK_StructField: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("property"); Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Property"; break; case APIRecord::RK_Struct: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("struct"); Kind["displayName"] = "Structure"; break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCIvar: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("ivar"); Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Variable"; break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCInstanceMethod: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("method"); Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Method"; break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCClassMethod: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("type.method"); Kind["displayName"] = "Type Method"; break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCInstanceProperty: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("property"); Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Property"; break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCClassProperty: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("type.property"); Kind["displayName"] = "Type Property"; break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCInterface: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("class"); Kind["displayName"] = "Class"; break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCCategory: // We don't serialize out standalone Objective-C category symbols yet. llvm_unreachable("Serializing standalone Objective-C category symbols is " "not supported."); break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCProtocol: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("protocol"); Kind["displayName"] = "Protocol"; break; case APIRecord::RK_MacroDefinition: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("macro"); Kind["displayName"] = "Macro"; break; case APIRecord::RK_Typedef: Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("typealias"); Kind["displayName"] = "Type Alias"; break; } return Kind; } /// Serialize the symbol kind information. /// /// The Symbol Graph symbol kind property contains a shorthand \c identifier /// which is prefixed by the source language name, useful for tooling to parse /// the kind, and a \c displayName for rendering human-readable names. Object serializeSymbolKind(const APIRecord &Record, Language Lang) { return serializeSymbolKind(Record.getKind(), Lang); } template <typename RecordTy> std::optional<Object> serializeFunctionSignatureMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record, std::true_type) { const auto &FS = Record.Signature; if (FS.empty()) return std::nullopt; Object Signature; serializeArray(Signature, "returns", serializeDeclarationFragments(FS.getReturnType())); Array Parameters; for (const auto &P : FS.getParameters()) { Object Parameter; Parameter["name"] = P.Name; serializeArray(Parameter, "declarationFragments", serializeDeclarationFragments(P.Fragments)); Parameters.emplace_back(std::move(Parameter)); } if (!Parameters.empty()) Signature["parameters"] = std::move(Parameters); return Signature; } template <typename RecordTy> std::optional<Object> serializeFunctionSignatureMixinImpl(const RecordTy &Record, std::false_type) { return std::nullopt; } /// Serialize the function signature field, as specified by the /// Symbol Graph format. /// /// The Symbol Graph function signature property contains two arrays. /// - The \c returns array is the declaration fragments of the return type; /// - The \c parameters array contains names and declaration fragments of the /// parameters. /// /// \returns \c std::nullopt if \p FS is empty, or an \c Object containing the /// formatted function signature. template <typename RecordTy> void serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(Object &Paren, const RecordTy &Record) { serializeObject(Paren, "functionSignature", serializeFunctionSignatureMixinImpl( Record, has_function_signature<RecordTy>())); } struct PathComponent { StringRef USR; StringRef Name; APIRecord::RecordKind Kind; PathComponent(StringRef USR, StringRef Name, APIRecord::RecordKind Kind) : USR(USR), Name(Name), Kind(Kind) {} }; template <typename RecordTy> bool generatePathComponents( const RecordTy &Record, const APISet &API, function_ref<void(const PathComponent &)> ComponentTransformer) { SmallVector<PathComponent, 4> ReverseComponenents; ReverseComponenents.emplace_back(Record.USR, Record.Name, Record.getKind()); const auto *CurrentParent = &Record.ParentInformation; bool FailedToFindParent = false; while (CurrentParent && !CurrentParent->empty()) { PathComponent CurrentParentComponent(CurrentParent->ParentUSR, CurrentParent->ParentName, CurrentParent->ParentKind); auto *ParentRecord = CurrentParent->ParentRecord; // Slow path if we don't have a direct reference to the ParentRecord if (!ParentRecord) ParentRecord = API.findRecordForUSR(CurrentParent->ParentUSR); // If the parent is a category then we need to pretend this belongs to the // associated interface. if (auto *CategoryRecord = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCCategoryRecord>(ParentRecord)) { ParentRecord = API.findRecordForUSR(CategoryRecord->Interface.USR); CurrentParentComponent = PathComponent(CategoryRecord->Interface.USR, CategoryRecord->Interface.Name, APIRecord::RK_ObjCInterface); } // The parent record doesn't exist which means the symbol shouldn't be // treated as part of the current product. if (!ParentRecord) { FailedToFindParent = true; break; } ReverseComponenents.push_back(std::move(CurrentParentComponent)); CurrentParent = &ParentRecord->ParentInformation; } for (const auto &PC : reverse(ReverseComponenents)) ComponentTransformer(PC); return FailedToFindParent; } Object serializeParentContext(const PathComponent &PC, Language Lang) { Object ParentContextElem; ParentContextElem["usr"] = PC.USR; ParentContextElem["name"] = PC.Name; ParentContextElem["kind"] = serializeSymbolKind(PC.Kind, Lang)["identifier"]; return ParentContextElem; } template <typename RecordTy> Array generateParentContexts(const RecordTy &Record, const APISet &API, Language Lang) { Array ParentContexts; generatePathComponents( Record, API, [Lang, &ParentContexts](const PathComponent &PC) { ParentContexts.push_back(serializeParentContext(PC, Lang)); }); return ParentContexts; } } // namespace /// Defines the format version emitted by SymbolGraphSerializer. const VersionTuple SymbolGraphSerializer::FormatVersion{0, 5, 3}; Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeMetadata() const { Object Metadata; serializeObject(Metadata, "formatVersion", serializeSemanticVersion(FormatVersion)); Metadata["generator"] = clang::getClangFullVersion(); return Metadata; } Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeModule() const { Object Module; // The user is expected to always pass `--product-name=` on the command line // to populate this field. Module["name"] = API.ProductName; serializeObject(Module, "platform", serializePlatform(API.getTarget())); return Module; } bool SymbolGraphSerializer::shouldSkip(const APIRecord &Record) const { // Skip explicitly ignored symbols. if (IgnoresList.shouldIgnore(Record.Name)) return true; // Skip unconditionally unavailable symbols if (Record.Availabilities.isUnconditionallyUnavailable()) return true; // Filter out symbols prefixed with an underscored as they are understood to // be symbols clients should not use. if (Record.Name.startswith("_")) return true; return false; } template <typename RecordTy> std::optional<Object> SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeAPIRecord(const RecordTy &Record) const { if (shouldSkip(Record)) return std::nullopt; Object Obj; serializeObject(Obj, "identifier", serializeIdentifier(Record, API.getLanguage())); serializeObject(Obj, "kind", serializeSymbolKind(Record, API.getLanguage())); serializeObject(Obj, "names", serializeNames(Record)); serializeObject( Obj, "location", serializeSourceLocation(Record.Location, /*IncludeFileURI=*/true)); serializeArray(Obj, "availability", serializeAvailability(Record.Availabilities)); serializeObject(Obj, "docComment", serializeDocComment(Record.Comment)); serializeArray(Obj, "declarationFragments", serializeDeclarationFragments(Record.Declaration)); // TODO: Once we keep track of symbol access information serialize it // correctly here. Obj["accessLevel"] = "public"; SmallVector<StringRef, 4> PathComponentsNames; // If this returns true it indicates that we couldn't find a symbol in the // hierarchy. if (generatePathComponents(Record, API, [&PathComponentsNames](const PathComponent &PC) { PathComponentsNames.push_back(PC.Name); })) return {}; serializeArray(Obj, "pathComponents", Array(PathComponentsNames)); serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(Obj, Record); return Obj; } template <typename MemberTy> void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeMembers( const APIRecord &Record, const SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<MemberTy>> &Members) { // Members should not be serialized if we aren't recursing. if (!ShouldRecurse) return; for (const auto &Member : Members) { auto MemberRecord = serializeAPIRecord(*Member); if (!MemberRecord) continue; Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*MemberRecord)); serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, *Member, Record); } } StringRef SymbolGraphSerializer::getRelationshipString(RelationshipKind Kind) { switch (Kind) { case RelationshipKind::MemberOf: return "memberOf"; case RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom: return "inheritsFrom"; case RelationshipKind::ConformsTo: return "conformsTo"; } llvm_unreachable("Unhandled relationship kind"); } void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind Kind, SymbolReference Source, SymbolReference Target) { Object Relationship; Relationship["source"] = Source.USR; Relationship["target"] = Target.USR; Relationship["targetFallback"] = Target.Name; Relationship["kind"] = getRelationshipString(Kind); Relationships.emplace_back(std::move(Relationship)); } void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalFunctionRecord( const GlobalFunctionRecord &Record) { auto Obj = serializeAPIRecord(Record); if (!Obj) return; Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Obj)); } void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalVariableRecord( const GlobalVariableRecord &Record) { auto Obj = serializeAPIRecord(Record); if (!Obj) return; Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Obj)); } void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitEnumRecord(const EnumRecord &Record) { auto Enum = serializeAPIRecord(Record); if (!Enum) return; Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Enum)); serializeMembers(Record, Record.Constants); } void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitStructRecord(const StructRecord &Record) { auto Struct = serializeAPIRecord(Record); if (!Struct) return; Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Struct)); serializeMembers(Record, Record.Fields); } void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCContainerRecord( const ObjCContainerRecord &Record) { auto ObjCContainer = serializeAPIRecord(Record); if (!ObjCContainer) return; Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*ObjCContainer)); serializeMembers(Record, Record.Ivars); serializeMembers(Record, Record.Methods); serializeMembers(Record, Record.Properties); for (const auto &Protocol : Record.Protocols) // Record that Record conforms to Protocol. serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::ConformsTo, Record, Protocol); if (auto *ObjCInterface = dyn_cast<ObjCInterfaceRecord>(&Record)) { if (!ObjCInterface->SuperClass.empty()) // If Record is an Objective-C interface record and it has a super class, // record that Record is inherited from SuperClass. serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom, Record, ObjCInterface->SuperClass); // Members of categories extending an interface are serialized as members of // the interface. for (const auto *Category : ObjCInterface->Categories) { serializeMembers(Record, Category->Ivars); serializeMembers(Record, Category->Methods); serializeMembers(Record, Category->Properties); // Surface the protocols of the category to the interface. for (const auto &Protocol : Category->Protocols) serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::ConformsTo, Record, Protocol); } } } void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitMacroDefinitionRecord( const MacroDefinitionRecord &Record) { auto Macro = serializeAPIRecord(Record); if (!Macro) return; Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Macro)); } void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeSingleRecord(const APIRecord *Record) { switch (Record->getKind()) { case APIRecord::RK_Unknown: llvm_unreachable("Records should have a known kind!"); case APIRecord::RK_GlobalFunction: visitGlobalFunctionRecord(*cast<GlobalFunctionRecord>(Record)); break; case APIRecord::RK_GlobalVariable: visitGlobalVariableRecord(*cast<GlobalVariableRecord>(Record)); break; case APIRecord::RK_Enum: visitEnumRecord(*cast<EnumRecord>(Record)); break; case APIRecord::RK_Struct: visitStructRecord(*cast<StructRecord>(Record)); break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCInterface: visitObjCContainerRecord(*cast<ObjCInterfaceRecord>(Record)); break; case APIRecord::RK_ObjCProtocol: visitObjCContainerRecord(*cast<ObjCProtocolRecord>(Record)); break; case APIRecord::RK_MacroDefinition: visitMacroDefinitionRecord(*cast<MacroDefinitionRecord>(Record)); break; case APIRecord::RK_Typedef: visitTypedefRecord(*cast<TypedefRecord>(Record)); break; default: if (auto Obj = serializeAPIRecord(*Record)) { Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Obj)); auto &ParentInformation = Record->ParentInformation; if (!ParentInformation.empty()) serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::MemberOf, *Record, *ParentInformation.ParentRecord); } break; } } void SymbolGraphSerializer::visitTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord &Record) { // Typedefs of anonymous types have their entries unified with the underlying // type. bool ShouldDrop = Record.UnderlyingType.Name.empty(); // enums declared with `NS_OPTION` have a named enum and a named typedef, with // the same name ShouldDrop |= (Record.UnderlyingType.Name == Record.Name); if (ShouldDrop) return; auto Typedef = serializeAPIRecord(Record); if (!Typedef) return; (*Typedef)["type"] = Record.UnderlyingType.USR; Symbols.emplace_back(std::move(*Typedef)); } Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serialize() { traverseAPISet(); return serializeCurrentGraph(); } Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeCurrentGraph() { Object Root; serializeObject(Root, "metadata", serializeMetadata()); serializeObject(Root, "module", serializeModule()); Root["symbols"] = std::move(Symbols); Root["relationships"] = std::move(Relationships); return Root; } void SymbolGraphSerializer::serialize(raw_ostream &os) { Object root = serialize(); if (Options.Compact) os << formatv("{0}", Value(std::move(root))) << "\n"; else os << formatv("{0:2}", Value(std::move(root))) << "\n"; } std::optional<Object> SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeSingleSymbolSGF(StringRef USR, const APISet &API) { APIRecord *Record = API.findRecordForUSR(USR); if (!Record) return {}; if (isa<ObjCCategoryRecord>(Record)) return {}; Object Root; APIIgnoresList EmptyIgnores; SymbolGraphSerializer Serializer(API, EmptyIgnores, /*Options.Compact*/ {true}, /*ShouldRecurse*/ false); Serializer.serializeSingleRecord(Record); serializeObject(Root, "symbolGraph", Serializer.serializeCurrentGraph()); Language Lang = API.getLanguage(); serializeArray(Root, "parentContexts", generateParentContexts(*Record, API, Lang)); Array RelatedSymbols; for (const auto &Fragment : Record->Declaration.getFragments()) { // If we don't have a USR there isn't much we can do. if (Fragment.PreciseIdentifier.empty()) continue; APIRecord *RelatedRecord = API.findRecordForUSR(Fragment.PreciseIdentifier); // If we can't find the record let's skip. if (!RelatedRecord) continue; Object RelatedSymbol; RelatedSymbol["usr"] = RelatedRecord->USR; RelatedSymbol["declarationLanguage"] = getLanguageName(Lang); // TODO: once we record this properly let's serialize it right. RelatedSymbol["accessLevel"] = "public"; RelatedSymbol["filePath"] = RelatedRecord->Location.getFilename(); RelatedSymbol["moduleName"] = API.ProductName; RelatedSymbol["isSystem"] = RelatedRecord->IsFromSystemHeader; serializeArray(RelatedSymbol, "parentContexts", generateParentContexts(*RelatedRecord, API, Lang)); RelatedSymbols.push_back(std::move(RelatedSymbol)); } serializeArray(Root, "relatedSymbols", RelatedSymbols); return Root; }