/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2019, Juniper Networks, Inc. * All rights reserved. * This SOFTWARE is licensed under the LICENSE provided in the * ../Copyright file. By downloading, installing, copying, or otherwise * using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of that * LICENSE. * Phil Shafer, July 2014 */ #include #include #include #include #include "xo.h" int main (int argc, char **argv) { static char base_grocery[] = "GRO"; static char base_hardware[] = "HRD"; struct item { const char *i_title; int i_sold; int i_instock; int i_onorder; const char *i_sku_base; int i_sku_num; }; struct item list[] = { { "gum", 1412, 54, 10, base_grocery, 415 }, { "rope", 85, 4, 2, base_hardware, 212 }, { "ladder", 0, 2, 1, base_hardware, 517 }, { "bolt", 4123, 144, 42, base_hardware, 632 }, { "water", 17, 14, 2, base_grocery, 2331 }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; struct item list2[] = { { "fish", 1321, 45, 1, base_grocery, 533 }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0 } }; struct item *ip; xo_info_t info[] = { { "in-stock", "number", "Number of items in stock" }, { "name", "string", "Name of the item" }, { "on-order", "number", "Number of items on order" }, { "sku", "string", "Stock Keeping Unit" }, { "sold", "number", "Number of items sold" }, { XO_INFO_NULL }, }; argc = xo_parse_args(argc, argv); if (argc < 0) return 1; for (argc = 1; argv[argc]; argc++) { if (strcmp(argv[argc], "xml") == 0) xo_set_style(NULL, XO_STYLE_XML); else if (strcmp(argv[argc], "json") == 0) xo_set_style(NULL, XO_STYLE_JSON); else if (strcmp(argv[argc], "text") == 0) xo_set_style(NULL, XO_STYLE_TEXT); else if (strcmp(argv[argc], "html") == 0) xo_set_style(NULL, XO_STYLE_HTML); else if (strcmp(argv[argc], "pretty") == 0) xo_set_flags(NULL, XOF_PRETTY); else if (strcmp(argv[argc], "xpath") == 0) xo_set_flags(NULL, XOF_XPATH); else if (strcmp(argv[argc], "info") == 0) xo_set_flags(NULL, XOF_INFO); else if (strcmp(argv[argc], "error") == 0) { close(-1); xo_err(1, "error detected"); } } xo_set_info(NULL, info, -1); xo_set_flags(NULL, XOF_KEYS); xo_open_container_h(NULL, "top"); xo_emit("static {:type/ethernet} {:type/bridge} {:type/%4du} {:type/%3d}", 18, 24); xo_emit("anchor {[:/%d}{:address/%p}..{:port/%u}{]:}\n", 18, NULL, 1); xo_emit("anchor {[:18}{:address/%p}..{:port/%u}{]:}\n", NULL, 1); xo_emit("anchor {[:/18}{:address/%p}..{:port/%u}{]:}\n", NULL, 1); xo_emit("df {:used-percent/%5.0f}{U:%%}\n", (double) 12); xo_emit("{e:kve_start/%#jx}", (uintmax_t) 0xdeadbeef); xo_emit("{e:kve_end/%#jx}", (uintmax_t) 0xcabb1e); xo_emit("testing argument modifier {a:}.{a:}...\n", "host", "my-box", "domain", "example.com"); xo_emit("testing argument modifier with encoding to {ea:}.{a:}...\n", "host", "my-box", "domain", "example.com"); xo_emit("{La:} {a:}\n", "Label text", "label", "value"); xo_emit_field("Vt", "max-chaos", NULL, NULL, " very "); xo_emit_field("V", "min-chaos", "%d", NULL, 42); xo_emit_field("V", "some-chaos", "%d\n", "[%d]", 42); xo_emit("Connecting to {:host}.{:domain}...\n", "my-box", "example.com"); xo_attr("test", "value"); xo_open_container("data"); xo_open_list("item"); xo_attr("test2", "value2"); xo_emit("{T:Item/%-10s}{T:Total Sold/%12s}{T:In Stock/%12s}" "{T:On Order/%12s}{T:SKU/%5s}\n"); for (ip = list; ip->i_title; ip++) { xo_open_instance("item"); xo_attr("test3", "value3"); xo_emit("{keq:sku/%s-%u/%s-000-%u}" "{k:name/%-10s/%s}{n:sold/%12u/%u}{:in-stock/%12u/%u}" "{:on-order/%12u/%u}{qkd:sku/%5s-000-%u/%s-000-%u}\n", ip->i_sku_base, ip->i_sku_num, ip->i_title, ip->i_sold, ip->i_instock, ip->i_onorder, ip->i_sku_base, ip->i_sku_num); xo_close_instance("item"); } xo_close_list("item"); xo_close_container("data"); xo_emit("\n\n"); xo_open_container("data2"); xo_open_list("item"); for (ip = list; ip->i_title; ip++) { xo_open_instance("item"); xo_emit("{keq:sku/%s-%u/%s-000-%u}", ip->i_sku_base, ip->i_sku_num); xo_emit("{L:Item} '{k:name/%s}':\n", ip->i_title); xo_emit("{P: }{L:Total sold}: {n:sold/%u%s}\n", ip->i_sold, ip->i_sold ? ".0" : ""); xo_emit("{P: }{Lcw:In stock}{:in-stock/%u}\n", ip->i_instock); xo_emit("{P: }{Lcw:On order}{:on-order/%u}\n", ip->i_onorder); xo_emit("{P: }{L:SKU}: {qkd:sku/%s-000-%u}\n", ip->i_sku_base, ip->i_sku_num); xo_close_instance("item"); } xo_close_list("item"); xo_close_container("data2"); xo_open_container("data3"); xo_open_list("item"); for (ip = list2; ip->i_title; ip++) { xo_open_instance("item"); xo_emit("{keq:sku/%s-%u/%s-000-%u}", ip->i_sku_base, ip->i_sku_num); xo_emit("{L:Item} '{k:name/%s}':\n", ip->i_title); xo_emit("{P: }{L:Total sold}: {n:sold/%u%s}\n", ip->i_sold, ip->i_sold ? ".0" : ""); xo_emit("{P: }{Lcw:In stock}{:in-stock/%u}\n", ip->i_instock); xo_emit("{P: }{Lcw:On order}{:on-order/%u}\n", ip->i_onorder); xo_emit("{P: }{L:SKU}: {qkd:sku/%s-000-%u}\n", ip->i_sku_base, ip->i_sku_num); xo_close_instance("item"); } xo_close_list("item"); xo_close_container("data3"); xo_open_container("data4"); xo_open_list("item"); for (ip = list; ip->i_title; ip++) { xo_attr("test4", "value4"); xo_emit("{Lwc:Item}{l:item}\n", ip->i_title); } xo_close_list("item"); xo_close_container("data4"); xo_emit("X{P:}X", "epic fail"); xo_emit("X{T:}X", "epic fail"); xo_emit("X{N:}X", "epic fail"); xo_emit("X{L:}X\n", "epic fail"); xo_emit("X{P: }X{Lwc:Cost}{:cost/%u}\n", 425); xo_emit("X{P:/%30s}X{Lwc:Cost}{:cost/%u}\n", "", 455); xo_emit("{e:mode/%s}{e:mode_octal/%s} {t:links/%s} " "{t:user/%s} {t:group/%s} \n", "mode", "octal", "links", "user", "group", "extra1", "extra2", "extra3"); xo_emit("{e:pre/%s}{t:links/%-*u}{t:post/%-*s}\n", "that", 8, 3, 8, "this"); xo_emit("{t:mode/%s}{e:mode_octal/%03o} {t:links/%*u} " "{t:user/%-*s} {t:group/%-*s} \n", "/some/file", (int) 0640, 8, 1, 10, "user", 12, "group"); xo_close_container_h(NULL, "top"); xo_finish(); return 0; }